Evolution and Bible cannot mix

By Babu G. Ranganathan

Christian leaders across denominations have compromised with Darwinian evolutionary theory, which has caused havoc of faith for millions. Many Christian leaders argue that God used evolution to create all life. This position is neither biblical nor scientific and opens the door for utter ridicule and disrespect. If Darwinian macro-evolutionary theory is true then any belief in God is nothing more than blind faith because God is not necessary for the process.

The Bible teaches that God began with a perfect creation where there was no suffering and death. There was death of plant life but not life possessing "soul" (i.e. animals and humans). There was even perfect peace and harmony between animals. There were no meat-eating animals in the beginning (Genesis 1:30). Animal and human death did not occur until after man sinned. There was no struggle and survival-of-the-fittest among animals or man in the beginning. Man and all creation, which was placed under man, fell to imperfection, struggle, suffering, and death because of the sin of Adam and Eve, mankind's first parents. All this is opposite to what Darwinian macro-evolutionary theory teaches. Unlike the Bible, the theory of evolution teaches the world was never perfect and the animal kingdom always existed with struggle and suffering and death (extinction). Scripture teaches these conditions came into being after the fall of man - not before!

You cannot mix Darwinian macro-evolution and the Bible. To say God used evolution to create man is in direct contradiction to the doctrine of the Fall of Man because the process of evolution involves struggle, pain, suffering, and death. God did not begin with these or with half-evolved fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals, etc. God created a perfect world with complete, fully-functioning, and fully-formed species from the very beginning (i.e. complete fish, complete amphibians, complete reptiles, complete birds, complete mammals, etc.). How could a partially-evolved species survive anyway? It would be unfit for survival. Survival-of-the-fittest wouldn't allow for partially-evolved species with partially-evolved tissues, organs, and biological functions and structures to survive!

More and more evolutionary scientists are abandoning the theory of gradual macro-evolution and are adopting a new theory, "Punctuated Equilibrium" which teaches that life forms changed suddenly, not gradually, by chance from one kind to another as a result of massive random genetic mutations caused by massive random radiation from the environment.

The reason for this big change among evolutionists is because they realize that species cannot survive in a partially evolved state with incomplete traits, tissues, organs, and body functions. A reptile with scales in the process of turning to feathers would not have the function of either trait.

The problem with punctuated equilibria, however, is that it is contrary to what we know about the nature of mutations and radiation. Punctuated equilibrium is nothing more than blind faith.

In Genesis 1, God says 10 different times that all living things must reproduce after their own "kind," not into other kinds! A dog must reproduce a dog. Different varieties of dogs are possible genetically, but they will all still be dogs and not something else.

God placed within the "kinds" the genetic ability for variation and change to adapt to changing environments, but this is not the same as evolution from one kind into another kind as Darwinian macro-evolutionary theory teaches.

All the biological similarities between species are because of a common Designer (God) Who designed similar functions for similar purposes in all the various forms of life, not because of a common ancestry as evolutionists teach.

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Evolution and Bible cannot mix

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