Nanotechnology being used to hydrate professional and amateur athletes – WKRN News 2

(DOUG JESSOPS UTAH SUCCESS STORIES ABC4 NEWS SALT LAKE CITY, UT) Everyone from professional athletes to weekend warriors are looking for a competitive edge. How do you push yourself to peak performance? It takes a lot of practiceand a lot of sweat. A Utah based company has gotten big hydrating the athletic community by going smallnano small.

Adam Legas is no stranger to high level athletics. He had a world record in the decathlon at the age of 12 and was featured in Sports Illustrated. His father was a track coach at BYU. Two of his sons have been college football quarterbacks.

We met at a basketball practice facility and told me the backstory of his passion for combining technology and performance. A number of years ago he went to a conference and met with a group that was using something called nanotechnology to help increase crop yields in agriculture.

What is nanotechnology? In December 1959, Richard Feynman, a well-known American physicist, said in his speech during the meeting of the American Physical Society, What would happen if we could arrange the atoms one by one the way we want them?

An article in ISAAA.ORG put it this way; Nanotechnology refers to controlling, building, and restructuring materials and devices on the scale of atoms and molecules. A nanometer (nm) is one-billionth of a meter. To get the sense of the nano scales, the width of the human hair is 80,000 nm and the smallest things visible with the naked human eye are 10,000 nm across. At nano scales, the basic rules of chemistry and physics are not applicable.One example of this technology is the carbon nanotube discovered in 1991, which is only a few nanometers in diameter but can conduct electricity better than copper; 100 times stronger than steel but only one sixth of its weight. Source:

Leges has taken that passion for performance as the founder and CEO of Nanohydr8, a sports performance drink. He told me; We take electrolytes, vitamins, minerals, amino acids. that the body needs to perform its best and we make them thousands of times smaller, so they absorb instantly and completely in every cell of the body. and makes you perform the best you possibly can.

Why is absorption important? Leges says that their nanotechnology works rapidly to hydrate the body. There is no digestion necessary. It passes directly through the cell membrane. One trip through the blood stream, which is about forty-five seconds, and youve pretty much got the entire body saturated with electrolytes.

Legass company caught the attention of Coach Dave Houle, the winningest coach in American history. Houle said, He did this research, right away I jumped in and said okay I need to know about this for my athletes. Its like a car. You have to put gas in. you gotta put oil in. If you dont it will eventually break down. So will your body if you dont hydrate, you dont eat properly and dont sleep.

Coach Houle is obviously a fan of the product. He exclaimed; Its the very best sports supplement that you can take every age group. Doesnt matter how old you are. It will help your body hydrate.

While Nanohydr8 bills itself as a sports performance shot for professional and amateur athletes, Legas says his product is for anyone that needs to hydrate. To have total cellular absorption of electrolytes makes every cell connect more effectively. So your thoughts, every muscle contraction, everything in your body works more effectively based on how well your body has absorbed electrolytes.

Nanohydr8 is available nationwide online at and in Utah grocery stores including Maceys, Harmons, Fresh Market, Dans and Lins as well as at Holiday Oil gas stations.

With another Utah Success Story, and Nanohydr8, Im Doug Jessop, ABC4 News

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Nanotechnology being used to hydrate professional and amateur athletes - WKRN News 2

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