Zinc supplementation: A potential adjunct therapy for COVID-19, but the trick lies with the dosage – TheHealthSite

The second wave of COVID-19 infections has shaken India. This wave is even more contagious and fatal than the first. Between April 25 and May 2, India reported 29.44 lacs cases, which is the highest number of cases reported by any country in any 7 days period since the beginning of the pandemic. The excess burden on healthcare system is also being reflected in the alarming growth rate of deaths in the period. Shortage of vaccines, beds, ventilators, oxygen and medicines makes this situation even worse. In the current situation, Zinc emerges as an important element of choice for the management of COVID-19 symptoms along with anti-infective and other antiparasitic drug. Even in the present scenario, governments of Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Maharashtra, and Assam have already included zinc along with other nutraceuticals, anti-infectives, corticosteroids & antiparasitic, etc drugs in their protocol for the management of COVID-19. Also Read - 2 New Drugs That Promise To Fight COVID-19 And Also Prevent Infection Developed By Oz Scientists

There are several studies that support the effectiveness of zinc 50 mg daily in cases of SARs-CoV2 or coronavirus. According to a research paper published by Advances in Integrative MedicineJournal, zinc might potentially reduce the risk, duration and severity of SARS-CoV-2 infections, particularly for populations at risk of zinc deficiency including people with chronic disease co-morbidities and older adults. Studies have shown that zinc supplementation help in the following ways Also Read - People With Mild Covid-19 Develop Antibodies That May Last A Lifetime

Zinc has recently generated a lot of excitement as one of the promising candidates to reduce the severity of COVID19 infection. Several published observations are the reasons why there is a global enthusiasm that zinc therapy could be a possible therapeutic option. However, the biggest challenge in realizing the therapeutic value of zinc is lack of understanding of optimal dosage of zinc supplementation. Also Read - Recognising These Two Signs Can Cut The Risk Of Death Due To Covid-19

According to another research published in Clinical Immunology Journal, consumption of up to 50mg Zinc per day may provide a protective role against the Covid-19, likely by improving the hosts resistance against viral infections. Zinc deficiency has been associated with an increased susceptibility to infectious diseases, including viral infections.Studies have shown that the zinc status of an individual is a critical factor that can influence immunity against viral infections.

The right amount of zinc, that is, 50 mg, which of course is available in only few brands that can be counted on fingertips, would not only allow zinc to achieve its therapeutic potential against COVID-19 but also could circumvent the confounding multiple responses and efficacies associated with insufficient dosage intake of zinc, offered by majority of the conventional brands available in the market. This can also be used as a prophylactic in a lower dose of 20 mg. It improves systemic zinc levels but higher dosage is always beneficial in acute infections.

In India currently, few brands are available with 50 mg dose strength, such as Zincolife, Aarzin etc. 50mg zinc with its unbeaten role as an adjunct therapy for Covid-19 and advantages such as lack of toxicity, low cost and ease of availability could be rapidly implemented clinically.

In nut-shell, to guard people at masses and to protect those who came in close contact with Covid-19 patients as well as in the treatment of asymptomatic and mild Covid patients ZINC but at the right dose plays pivotal role in alleviating the symptoms.

(This article is authored by Dr. Scott Read, Senior Lecturer, School of Medicine at Western Sydney University, Australia)

Note: Views expressed are the authors own and we have not independently verified the contents as to its accuracy.

Published : May 20, 2021 2:39 pm | Updated:May 21, 2021 7:27 am

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Zinc supplementation: A potential adjunct therapy for COVID-19, but the trick lies with the dosage - TheHealthSite

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