Integrative Oncology: Using Evidence-Informed Medicine to Improve Patient Outcomes and Quality of Life – Cancer Therapy Advisor

Canceris among the leading causes of death worldwide. New cancer cases per year mayrise to 23.6 million by 2030.1 Yet, The American Institute forCancer Research (AICR) estimates that at least half of cancer cases in the UScould be prevented by lifestyle changes.2

According to the results of a survey that waspublished in JNCI Monographs, integrative oncology can be defined as a patient-centered,evidence-informed field of cancer care that utilizes mind and body practices,natural products, and/or lifestyle modifications from different traditionsalongside conventional cancer treatments,including chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, and immunotherapy. 3

Thenomenclature could be problematic, as the term integrative is often confusedwith alternative or complementary, despite the fact that these terms are notinterchangeable. Alternative practices not derived from Western medicine are modalitiesused in lieu of any conventionaltreatments. Complementary medicine is the use of supportive practicesas interventional add-ons to conventional treatment. Integrative care, on theother hand a whole-systems approach judiciously and strategically mergesmainstream and complementary interventions.

Approximately30% to 50% of cancer patients use complementary and integrative medicine, in largepart to mitigate symptoms and enhancequality of life.3 Although the use of alternative medicine alone, inplace of conventional treatment, has been shown to shorten survival and theaddition of medicine considered complementary to conventional therapy doesnot appear to influence mortality rate compared with conventional treatmentalone patient-reported measures may tell researchers about quality of lifeand more holistic aspects of care.

Expertsadvise patients exercise caution when considering the use of antioxidant andother dietary supplements prior to or during chemotherapy, as some of these productscause drug-drug interactions and have the potential to negatively affectsurvival or increase the risk of recurrence.4

Thatsaid, interventions such as acupuncture, massage, meditation, yoga, tai chi, orqi gong, for example, are procedures that could increase patient quality oflife and improve physical, psychological, and spiritual well-being. In turn,these improvements have the potential to positively influence clinical outcomes.

Original post:
Integrative Oncology: Using Evidence-Informed Medicine to Improve Patient Outcomes and Quality of Life - Cancer Therapy Advisor

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