New attacks suggest that the opposition is preparing plans Illadel Graff Supply – Illadel Graff Supply

Political tensions are mounting in Venezuela, just over a month before the general election. A number of events over the past week have shown that the far-right opposition is planning new destabilizing measures.

MEP Juan Guaid and his party refused to take part in the electoral process and asked for a public consultation on December 12, six days after the election, to question whether Venezuelans would accept Nicols Maduros presidency.

The process is openly supported by the United States in the role of CEO James Story, who also argues that Guaid should mobilize the Venezuelans again.

The Venezuelan constitution has a mechanism for a revocation referendum that can be triggered by the population midway through the presidential term. In 2004 the opposition called a referendum against former President Hugo Chvez and lost. Now Guaid is demanding a lawsuit without legal provisions.

In addition to its lack of legitimacy, it is worth asking why this consultation should be called when Venezuela is in an electoral process. Not only is it supposed to create parallel institutionality, but it is also a letter of confirmation to set an agenda for street mobilization start An agenda that is supposedly popular, but is nothing more than urban terrorism, comments Ernesto Cazal, analyst at the Venezuelan portal Misin Verdad.

Other facts suggest that the Guaidosist sector may be embarking on a new coup path.

Fugue Leopoldo Lpez

On Saturday (24), the founder of the Peoples Party Voluntad Popular and Juan Guaids right-hand man, Leopoldo Lpez, fled Venezuela to Spain. The details of his trip were not disclosed, but the opponent himself says he traveled to the Caribbean island of Aruba, where he took a flight to Madrid.

Lpez had been at the Spanish embassy in Caracas since last year. On April 30, 2019 he escaped house arrest in order to attempt a coup with Guaid. With the failure of Operation Libertad, Lpez fled to the Spanish diplomatic headquarters.

Juan Guaid and Leopoldo Lpez during the attempted military coup on April 30, 2019 / week

The leader of the Voluntad Popular Party was sentenced to 13 years and 9 months in prison for guarimbas violent counteracts of 2014, when 43 people died and about 3,000 were injured.

In Madrid, together with his family and his father, Leopoldo Lpez Gil, MEP of the Peoples Party (PP), he represents a government center for Juan Guaid.

At a press conference he confirmed that he intended to return to the country and that his aim was to hold free, fair and verifiable elections. In addition to international support for the overthrow of the Maduro government.

Since 2016, Lpez and Guaids party has not participated in electoral processes to classify it as fraudulent. In 2020 there was a reform of the National Electoral Council (CNE), which was agreed with the opposing parties. However, Voluntad Popular continues to refuse to apply.

Money embezzlement program

Last Thursday (29) Roland Carreo, the vice presidents director, was arrested after a program of corruption with funds from Citgo Petroleum the headquarters of the Venezuelan state oil company PDVSA in the United States was exposed. According to the Venezuelan prosecutors office, funds for the Simon Bolivar Foundation, which supports health care for Venezuelan children, have been distributed to the four main opposition parties: Voluntad Popular, Accin Democrtica, Primero Justicia and Un Nuevo Tiempo.

As of 2019, Citgo has been led by executives appointed by Guaid as the US failed to recognize the legitimacy of Maduro and his office through the company.

Carreo was arrested with an AM15 rifle, $ 12,000 in cash and documents with secret routes to Colombia. In a recorded statement, the Vice President confirmed that Carlos Vecchio, Guaid-appointed Ambassador to the United States, was the person who approved the financial transactions.

Carreo said his party siphoned $ 34,000 in funds from his party, and he recently turned over $ 6,500 to Leopoldo Lpez. Conversations with Juan Guaid and other opposing political figures were found on his cell phone, which still prove that Carreo wanted to use this stolen money to buy luxury cars and finance a male prostitution ring.

Conversations recorded on Roland Carreos cell phone demonstrate personal use of embezzled money by the Venezuelan company Citgo. / Reproduction

Amuay refinery explosion

The day before Carreo was arrested last Wednesday (28), the Venezuelan authorities condemned the explosion of one of the towers of the Amuay refinery in Falcn state in the north of the country.

According to preliminary investigations, the oil complex one of the largest and most important in Latin America was attacked by a missile that may have been launched from a drone or ship.

One of the towers of the Amuay Refinery under repair was completely destroyed by the explosion. / Reproduction

The Vice President for Economy, Tareck El Aisami, assured that the entire region of the Paraguan peninsula could have been destroyed by the explosion if the affected tower had worked.

In September an American citizen was arrested for illegally entering the country. He was carrying CM4 explosives and confidential information through PDVSA. Matthew John Heat, who works for the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), was accused of planning the explosions in Amuay.

Responsibility to Protect

The recent events in Venezuela can be linked by a common element, namely the promotion of R2P Responsibility to Protect. A mechanism that the United States and its allies have called for at different times in recent history and that uses a context of chaos and destabilization to justify intervention, defends Ernesto Cazal.

During the last General Assembly of the United Nations, the self-proclaimed President Juan Guaid called in a video conference with representatives of some countries to activate the Responsibility to Protect mechanism in Venezuela and stated that the state led by President Nicols Maduro does not offer protection to Venezuelans.

In 2005 the UN member countries took on the obligation R2P Responsibility to Protect with the three pillars: 1) Responsibility of every state for the protection of its population; 2) the responsibility of the international community to help states protect their nation; 3) Responsibility of the international community to protect a population from the actions of a state

Juan Guaid and James Story, responsible for US business with Venezuela / reproduction

The mechanism comes shortly after the NATO troops march into the former Yugoslavia and provides military support for separatists from the province of Kosovo. In March 1999, the cities of Belgrade, Pristina, Novi Sad and Podgorica were bombed on the grounds that the Yugoslav state, led by Slobodan Miloevi, carried out an ethnic massacre by the Socialist Party against services that formed the majority in Kosovo. .

The action was not approved by the United Nations Security Council (UN), which set a precedent for a number of other wars started by Western nations in the years that followed.

The remainder of the military operation caused 1200 deaths from 9,160 tons of bombs, about 45 tons of uranium, with ongoing toxic consequences for the local population.

Leading NATO countries, including the United States, began to use the Responsibility to Protect narrative from this attack.

The Kosovo war, which ended in 2008 with the unilateral declaration of independence as a nation-state, served as an example for other actions.

:: See a timeline of scam attempts in Venezuela ::

Jean Bricmont devoted himself in his book Humanitarian Imperialism to the analysis of the instrumentalization of human rights to promote wars as a solution.

The Venezuelan analyst believes the demand for a public consultation on December 12th could be a new moment of tension. However, he underestimates the ability to convene mass activities and argues that something that happens is funded by the opposition.

This would be a further expression of Guaids political failure, but there could also be a citizens appeal to the population to support the consultation and produce the famous guarimbas there, analyzes Cazal.

Edition: Daniel Lamir

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New attacks suggest that the opposition is preparing plans Illadel Graff Supply - Illadel Graff Supply

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