Homework Help – Britannica Kids

Like other mammals, humans reproduce sexually. A womans body supports a baby as it grows. For these reasons men and women have different reproductive organs.

In men the main reproductive organs are the testes. The two oval-shaped testes sit behind the penis in a pouch called the scrotum. The testes make the male sex cells, called sperm. Sperm are too tiny to see without a microscope. They are shaped like tadpoles with long tails.

The sperm travel through a tube toward the penis. They mix with other fluids to form a liquid called semen. During sexual intercourse a small amount of semen passes through the tip of the penis into the womans body. This semen contains between 200 and 300 million sperm. The sperm then travel toward the womans sex cell, or egg.

In women the main reproductive organs are the ovaries. The two almond-shaped ovaries sit inside the lower belly. When a girl is born her ovaries contain up to 500,000 egg cells. Two tubes, called fallopian tubes, connect the ovaries to the uterus. The uterus is a muscular organ that holds a growing baby.

Beginning when a girl is about 12 years old, one ovary releases an egg once a month. This process is called ovulation. The egg travels from the ovary through the fallopian tube to the uterus. If the egg does not meet a sperm cell on its journey, it dies. The egg and some blood then pass out of the uterus and through the vagina, a muscular tube that leads out of the body.

Sperm enter the womans body through the vagina. The sperm swim up through the uterus and into the fallopian tubes. If an egg is in one of the fallopian tubes, the sperm try to join with it. Only one sperm can enter, or fertilize, the egg. The rest of the sperm die.

Once the egg is fertilized, pregnancy (or gestation) begins. The fertilized egg moves into the uterus. As it travels it starts to divide into many more cells. After about five or six days these cells burrow into the wall of the uterus. There the cells begin to develop into a baby. At first the developing baby is called an embryo. After about eight weeks the baby is called a fetus.

In the uterus the baby grows inside a pouch called the amniotic sac. The amniotic sac is filled with clear liquid. The liquid protects the baby and lets it move around. A bundle of blood vessels, called the umbilical cord, connects the babys belly to the placenta. The placenta is a structure that lines part of the uterus. The placenta brings nourishment from the mothers body to the baby. It also takes away wastes from the baby.

After about nine months of development the baby is ready to leave the womans body. The bottom end of the uterus, called the cervix, expands to create a wide opening into the vagina. The muscles of the uterus contract, or tighten, to push the baby downward. The baby moves slowly through the vagina and out of the mothers body.

When the baby is born the umbilical cord and the placenta also leave the mothers body. The newborn baby is cut free from the cord and the placenta. After several days the stump of the cord dries up and falls off the babys belly. It leaves behind an indentation called a navel, or belly button.

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