Best time to have a baby? It’s winters, say studies – Times of India

Ever wondered why so many babies in the world are born around August and September? A study published in the journal, Human Reproduction has now found out that the chances of ahieving favourable results are higher around the late fall and early winter months.

A survey was conducted on 14,331 parents to observe the reason for the seasonal spike up in birth rates. The study used data from women who had been trying to conceive for no more than six months from the United States, Canada and Denmark.

The participants were tracked on a number of factors (every two months till the time of conception) including details like the frequency of intercourse, menstrual cycles, ovulation, age. Apart from this, other lifestyle factors such as their diet, smoking habits, education and income levels.

When all these factors were taken into consideration, it was observed that there was a stark decline in fecundability around the spring and fall season. Fecundability refers to the probability of a woman conceiving within a particular time period, or a menstrual cycle.

Original post:
Best time to have a baby? It's winters, say studies - Times of India

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