Development and preliminary validation of the fertility status awareness tool: FertiSTAT


The aim of our research was to create a fertility status awareness tool (FertiSTAT) that would enable women to gain personalized guidance about reducing risks to their fertility and seeking timely fertility medical advice based on their own lifestyle and reproductive profile.


Independent risk factors associated with female fertility impairment were identified. Associations between risk indicator and fertility status were examined in 1073 women who completed the Fertility Risk Factors Survey (FRFS) online or in pregnancy termination, antenatal or infertility clinics in the UK, consisting of the FertiSTAT indicators; 49.58% (n = 532) were currently pregnant (78.82% ≥12 weeks pregnant) and 15.66% (n = 168) were currently infertile (trying to conceive >12 or 6 months if >34 years of age).


Twenty-two risk factors were identified from the literature review and expert Delphi consultation. Prevalence of risk factors in the validation sample was similar to general population. Most risks were independently associated with fertility status in logistic regressions and in the expected direction. Discriminant analysis demonstrated that the set of FertiSTAT indicators could correctly classify whether women were currently pregnant or infertile [2(19) = 204.209, P < 0.001] with a correct classification rate for the overall sample of 85.8% (326/380), 91.0% (n = 243/267) for the currently pregnant and 73.5% (n = 83/113) for the currently infertile.


The main result was the generation of a self-administered, multifactorial tool that can enable women to get personalized fertility guidance. This research and the FertiSTAT provide foundational work for public health campaigns to increase awareness about fertility health.

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