Stacey Nemour: The Tao of Love, Sex and Anti-Aging: Part 9

Many of us tell ourselves that we will allow ourselves to be happy when:

A. I have X amount of dollars in the bank. B. I meet my true love/soulmate or when my partner finally wakes up and loves me the way he/she ought to. C. When I get a better job. D. When I lose weight.

The list can go on and on.

By focusing only on what we feel is lacking or what we need for our future, we put our present lives on hold or cause more delays because we are not connected to the present. The present is the future; as you read this sentence it is already one second later.

This powerful insight came to me during meditation, and it has created a huge shift in my reality. Each moment is an experience of success, so placing ourselves in the intentional knowing and understanding that we are living in the moment of success creates a continual chain of a successful life.

Doing this places us in a vibrational cycle that causes continuous experience to be a constant reflection of a life of perfection. Instead of meditating we can live the perfection by realizing the journey is the moment of perfection.

Nothing needs to happen in order for me to feel successful; I am successful right now. Nothing needs to happen in order for me to feel loved; I am loved right now. Nothing needs to happen in order to feel valid; I am valid right now.

To support a positive shift within and create harmonious relationships in personal and professional affairs:

1. Find the peaceful place inside now by not placing happiness outside yourself, which is reacting to external things. Freedom comes from creating your own reality independent of what others think or are doing.

2. Drop out of all high-drama situations. Just don't participate anymore.

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Stacey Nemour: The Tao of Love, Sex and Anti-Aging: Part 9

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