Little Ferry board approves CVS on Liberty Street

LITTLE FERRY - The Little Ferry Planning/ Zoning Board approved an application for plans to build a CVS on Liberty Street at its reorganization meeting on Jan. 15.


Architect Robert Gehr goes over the layout of the proposed CVS, which was approved by the Planning/Zoning Board at its Jan. 15 hearing.

The applicant, First Hartford Realty Corp/CVS, presented the testimony of its architect and traffic engineer to the board to explain how the building will look when it is situated adjacent to the residential area near Liberty Street and the amount of traffic that is expected to be generated by this development.

Robert Gehr, an architect that has been working on CVS projects for the past 16 years, explained that the two-story building will be made of brick and the windows will have shutters and stucco bands above the windows. The roof will have shingles all the way around similar to what is seen of a residential house to give the building a look designed to fit in with the residential feel of the area.

"This is not their prototype store," said Gehr. "The store that CVS promotes from a marketing standpoint is considerably different. This is more of a unique store in that it has features on it that are more appealing in residential areas. We try to play off of materials that are more commonly seen in the area. It follows more of a colonial style."

The second floor of the building would be used for storage only and would not contain any offices, meeting areas or be accessible to the general public, Gehr explained.

Gary Dean, the traffic engineer, explained that a traffic light would be placed at the intersection of Redneck Avenue and Liberty Street to better manage the traffic on both of those roads and facilitate movement in and out of the CVS.

Dean estimated that the store would generate about 60 vehicles per hour, one car per minute, during the evening peak hours.

The only point of contention with the application was the presence of a driveway at the southern end of the lot that was proposed to have full ingress and egress in all directions, allowing cars to make left turns onto Liberty Street from CVS as well as allowing cars traveling south on Liberty Street to turn left into the CVS at that southern entrance.

See the article here:

Little Ferry board approves CVS on Liberty Street

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