Fear Factory Returns With Mystery Singer – LA Weekly

Fear Factory returns with mystery singer: Guitarist Dino Cazares is the sole remaining member of the classic Fear Factory, but still, its great to have them back. Hes been keeping the identity of the new singer close to his chest, and as far as were aware the guy isnt a name theyre going in fresh. Should be fun. Lions at the Gate, Infinite Sleep, Against the Grave, Plagues Ov Khaos, Sleeping Faceless, and Slanderus also perform.

We spoke to Cazares in the summer of 2021, just as the band was releasing the Aggression Continuumalbum featuring the vocals of former singer Burton C. Bell.

Theres a big organization lets call it Skynet that is capturing humans and extracting their memories and their mind, their consciousness, and basically uploading them into an automaton so it can think its human, Cazares said. So its a relationship between humans and AI. This AI thinks its human but its not. Through the whole process of Fear Factory, its always been a relationship between man and machine. In this one, theyre not getting along at all. Theres a war between them going back and forth.

People ask me if I thought about replacing Burts vocals and the answer is yes. But the record company wanted Burts vocals to remain on the record, and I was a little hesitant at first. This is a unique situation. But at the same time, maybe his vocals should stay there because this is his last album and people should hear it. I agreed with the record company, so we kept his vocals intact and worked around them. It worked out great in the end.

Fear Factory returns with mystery singer: The event takes place at 5:30 p.m. on Friday, May 5 at the Whisky A Go Go.


Fear Factory Returns With Mystery Singer - LA Weekly

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