NEWS: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze Features Online Leaderboards, Video Replay

It's on like... never mind.

Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze includes online leaderboards.

The ranking system includes the typical Nintendo rank sorting options. Global Top Rank allows you to to view top records from around the world, while Global Player Rank shows records surrounding your current rank. Friends Top Rank lists the rankings of those on your friend list.

The system allows you to upload a replay video for others to see. You can post one video per level, and you are given the option to update this video only whenever you beat your best time on a level.

The ranking screen shown in the embedded image includes a number of icons. The first is a medal, which is awarded based on your time. The camera icon indicates whether a viewable replay is available. The heart icon is a special designation, showing that the stage was cleared without taking damage.

Finally, the Kong buddy icon tells you which buddy was used in a course, if a buddy other than the default was used in a level. Specific Kong barrels can be bought in Funky's shop, and when activated, will which Kong will show up.

Banana coins can be spent in a capsule machine in Funky's shop. Much like in Super Smash Bros., character models are unlocked in this manner. Like the previous game, Tropical Freeze also includes unlockable music, art, and dioramas. Along with those numerous secrets, Hard Mode makes a return, promising a huge amount of replayability.

Check back later today for exclusive gameplay videos of Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze! Until then, check out the latest batch of screenshots in our gallery.

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NEWS: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze Features Online Leaderboards, Video Replay

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