A libertarian’s guide to climate change hype

By Anthony J. Sadar | JANUARY 18, 2014 AT 2:25 PM

Libertarian conservative James Delingpole's latest light-hearted compendium on a serious topic, The Little Green Book of Eco-Fascism: The Left's Plan to Frighten Your Kids, Drive Up Energy Costs, and Hike Your Taxes!, is presented in a concise encyclopedic style with entries from A to Z.

Delingpole, of the Daily Telegraph, The Spectator and other publications, covers the gamut of subjects related to climate change hype. His humorous handy-dandy tome will have a climate change "denier smiling, but will take an ardent environmentalist who also happens to be an extreme masochist to heights of ecstasy never dreamt possible.

Particularly cogent is his definition of "weather." The difference between "weather" and "climate" is really very simple, he explains. "If it's cold when the greenies say it should be warming, it's weather. If, on the other hand, it's doing anything that bears any correlation with their computer models' predictions of environmental doom, then it definitely counts as climate."

Snippets from some of my other favorite topics include:

Blogosphere: Not since Gutenberg invented the printing press, perhaps, has the cause of openness and liberty made so spectacular a leap as it has as a result of the Internet.

Ecology: Ecology, you could argue, has replaced Christianity as the Wests dominant religious philosophy. And the related offering:

Faith: Modern environmentalism is only comprehensible in terms of faith. It is a form of antinomianism, that is, it depends for existence on a series of accepted truths which brook no argument and are entirely immune to logic or rational criticism.

Lifestyle, Too Selfish to Change Your: "Charge routinely leveled by greenies at all those reactionary conservatives who: insist on taking showers more than once a fortnight."

Scientists: After giving some much-needed perspective on scientists, Delingpole tackles "science," observing that political activists discovered that science could be used "as a handy excuse to advance their agenda under the guise of studied objectivity. 'Hey, it's not because we're a bunch of crypto-Marxist control freaks that we're demanding higher taxes, more regulation, and the replacement of Western industrial civilization with a Soviet-style global command economy run by leftist technocrats. It's because the science tells us that that's what we need to do'."

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A libertarian's guide to climate change hype

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