Letter to the editor: Instituting Socialism 101 | Winchester Star | winchesterstar.com – The Winchester Star

How do you institute Socialism in a republic that lives and breathes the values of democracy, capitalism, intrapreneurial endeavors and freedom?

First, break the nations financial system. An objective analysis of todays outrageous spending habits by congress without developing an annual budget is a recipe for overspending and national bankruptcy. Yeah, lets pass another $1 trillion green new deal at a time of record inflation, negative GDP, and higher interest rates. The result is to make the people poor by overspending (devaluation of the dollar) over taxation and confiscation (i.e., the new IRS initiative) resulting in financial dependency on the federal government for your quality of life. Federal overspending is the gateway drug to government handouts and the evolution of authoritative regimes.

Second, turn our education system into a propaganda instrument to indoctrinate all children that America is bad versusteaching the virtues that have made our country great, and once upon a time the leader of the free world.

Third, and for the second try, institute a federalized healthcare system that treats everyone the same, but with limited access within a confined and constrained system. No thank you. Why do you think individuals from other countries practicing socialized medicine come to America for treatment?

While some reading this letter may conclude that our politicians do not have a clue how to run our country, I would submit to you, they know, and are doing exactly what they need to do to enrich themselves and remain in power.

David Eddy


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Letter to the editor: Instituting Socialism 101 | Winchester Star | winchesterstar.com - The Winchester Star

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