New poll Texas race for Governor: Perry up, Medina "declines" after Truther remarks

New Poll from Public Policy Polling (PPP), released last night:

Debra Medina is fading in the Texas Republican race for Governor, and it continues to look like the contest is headed for a runoff where Rick Perry will be a strong favorite over Kay Bailey Hutchison.

Perry leads with 40% to 31% for Hutchison and 20% for Medina. Compared to PPP's look at the race two weeks ago Perry has gained a point, Hutchison has gone up three, and Medina's standing has declined by four.

Fair or not the issue of whether Medina is a 'truther'- someone who thinks the federal government was involved in the 9/11 terrorist attacks- seems to be hurting her. 21% of primary voters think she subscribes to that theory while another 29% are unsure.

The poll shows 9% undecided. Unless Perry wins a 50% majority, he will head to a run-off election six weeks later with Hutchison.

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