Health Care : Current Reviews is an Open Access journal that deals with diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease, illness, injury, and other physical and mental impairments in humans. Health Care: Current Reviews focuses on areas such as Health, Environmental Health, Mood disorders, Healthcare Management, Health Outcomes, Travel Medicine, Healthcare Policy, Healthcare Information Technology, Adolescent Health and Medicine, Child Health, Social Health, Travel medicine clinic.
The journal includes a wide range of fields in its discipline to create a platform for the authors to make their contribution towards the journal and the editorial office promises a peer review process for the submitted manuscripts for the quality of publishing. Health Care : Current Reviews is an Open Access journal and aims to publish most complete and reliable source of information on the discoveries and current developments in the mode of original articles, review articles, case reports, short communications, etc. in all areas of the field and making them freely available through online without any restrictions or any other subscriptions to researchers worldwide.
The journal is using Editorial Manager System for quality in review process. Editorial Manager System is an online manuscript submission, review and tracking systems. Review processing is performed by the editorial board members of Health Care : Current Reviews or outside experts; at least two independent reviewers approval followed by editor approval is required for acceptance of any citable manuscript. Authors may submit manuscripts and track their progress through the system, hopefully to publication. Reviewers can download manuscripts and submit their opinions to the editor. Editors can manage the whole submission/review/revise/publish process.
Health Care Management is also known as Health Administration or Health Care Administration. Health Care Management is a profession that includes leadership and management of public health systems. Health care systems management defines the leadership and general management of hospitals and health care systems. There are two types of administrators, generalists and specialists. Generalists are responsible for managing entire facilities. Specialists are responsible for particular department such as finance, accounting, budgeting, and human resources.
Related journals of Health care management.
Family Medicine Journals,Fitness Journal,Health Care journals,Health Education Journal,Womens Health Care Journal,Health Care:Current Reviews, Health Care Management Review, Health Care Management Science, British Journal of Health Care Management, Home Health Care Management and Practice Advances in Health Care Management, Health care management
There are two Domains of Health Services Administration i.e internal Services Administration and external Services Administration. In external Services Administration it covers Community Demographics, Licensure, Accreditation, Regulations, Stakeholder Demands, Competitors, Medicare and Medicaid, Managed care organizations/Insurers. In internal Services Administration it ranges Staffing, Budgeting, Quality services, Patient satisfaction, Physician relations, financial performance, Technology acquisition, New service development.
Related journals of Health administration.
Family Medicine Journals,Fitness Journal,Health Care journalsHealth Education Journal,Womens Health Care Journal,Journal of Health Administration Education - AUPHA Main,Hospital Administration Journals ,Health Administration Journals,Mapping the literature of health care management,The Journal of health administration education Impact ,Journal of Health and Human Services Administration , Journal of health administration education.Care Management Journals - Springer Publishing Company,Health Administration Press Submission Guidelines--Journals.
The Australian Health Ethics Committee is concerned with the ethical suggestions of medical research and practice and of health care in general Ethics are social values, morals, and principles that guide people in behaviours that are good, proper, and decent. Ethical values direct us in our everyday lives as they are ingrained in our society. Healthcare ethics involves making well researched and considerate decisions about medical treatments, while taking into consideration a patient's beliefs and wishes regarding all aspects of their health .The law has a lot to say about personal decision-making. For example, people have the legal right to make their own health care decisions. However, poor health can jeopardize peoples ability to exercise their legal rights.. Health care ethics is a thoughtful exploration of how to act well and make morally good choices, based on beliefs and values about life, health, suffering, and death. Ethical and legal decisions are made daily by healthcare providers in the performance of their regular duties.
Related journals of Ethical issues in Health care.
Family Medicine Journals,Fitness Journal,Health Care journals,Health Education Journal,Womens Health Care Journal,Journal of Medical Ethics - BMJ Journals,Indian Journal of Medical Ethics,Ethics Cases Index - American Medical Association Journal ,Current Issue - Public Health Ethics - Oxford Journals,Ethical issues in scientific publication,Public Health Ethics.
Health communication is the study and practice. It is communicating the promotional health information. Such as Public health ,Health education and between doctor and patient. Because effective health communication must be designer for the audience and the situation, research into health communication pursues to refine communication strategies to inform people about ways to enhance health or to avoid specific health risks. Academically, Health communication faces many challenges that is 1.Literacy-communication gap 2. Mass media. Health statement may variously seek to: advocate a position on a health issue or policy .Increase demand for health services. Goal against misconceptions about health.
Related journals of Health care communications.
Family Medicine Journals,Fitness Journal,Health Care journals,Health Education Journal,Womens Health Care Journal,Journal of Communication in Healthcare,Patient Education and Counseling - Journal,Communication & Medicine - Equinox Publishing,Journal of Visual Communication in Medicine,Health Medical Informatics Journals,Journal Rankings on Communication,A New Dimension of Health Care.
Health economicsis a branch of economics. Health Economics is an useful field of study that allows for the systematic and rigorous examination of the problems handled in promoting health for all Health economists evaluated in different types of cost-effective information: costs, charges and expenditures. The rising costs of health care: Prescription drug spending, overuse and misuse of healthcare, Cost shifting, Personal behaviour, Chronicconditions, Defensive medicine etc.Government-Provided
Related journals of Health care economics.Family Medicine Journals,Fitness Journal,Health Care journals,Health Education Journal,Womens Health Care Journal,Journal of Health Economics - Elsevier,Health Economics Information Resources,Journal of Medical Economics, Informa Healthcare,International Journal of Healthcare Technology ,International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics.
Medicare is a federal tax-subsidy program,that provides health insurance for some forty million persons aged s65. Medicare Part A, which provides hospital and limited nursing homecare. Part B covers physician services.Part C, is called as Medicare-Advantage, allows beneficiaries to join Medicare-managed care plans. These plans are the Part A and Part B revenues. Part D is the new Medicare prescription drug programpassed in 2003 but not totally implemented until 2006.
Related journals of Health Insurances like.
Family Medicine Journals,Fitness Journal,Health Care journals,Health Education Journal,Womens Health Care Journal,International Journal of Health Economics and Management ,Journal of Risk and Insurance,Health Insurance in Indian Context,Consumer Satisfaction with Health Insurance,The South African national health insurance,Community-based health insurance in low-income countries.
Future of healthcare is also know as Health care reform. Health care reform is a general rubric it is used for discussing major health policy. Many peoples are receives health care insurances like either public sector insurance programs or private sector insurance companies Health exchanges first emerged in the private sector in the early 1980s, and they used computer networking to integrate claims management, eligibility verification, and inter-carrier payments. Exchanges is not themselves insurers, so they do not bear risk themselves, but they do determine the insurance organizations that are allowed to participate.
Related journals of Future of health care.
Family Medicine Journals,Fitness Journal,Health Care journals,Health Education Journal,Womens Health Care Journal,The Future of Health Care: Hacking, Hospitals, Technology,Healthcare: The Journal of Delivery Science and Innovation ,
The future of healthcare today - Journal of Interprofessional,Chronic Infectious Disease and the Future of Health Care,The Game-Changing Journal in the Future of Healthcare.
It is a One of the common questions asked now a innovation the story of the blind men touching different sides of an elephant and each describing something dispersed, you will hear a wide variety of responses to this question based on whom you ask. The following way to Answer the common questions of this topic so you can initial innovation in your mind and within our company First, should the effort of innovation. Innovative information technologies,devices,workflow processes, care models or commercial models? Visibly, it can be any or all of the above. In the past, it is just to say the majority of innovation work was in the devices arena since there was a clear economic return to the association if a new device was widely adopted.
Related journals of Health care innovation.
Family Medicine Journals,Fitness Journal,Health Care journals,Health Education Journal,Womens Health Care Journal,Health care innovations : the journal of the American Association of Preferred Provider Organizations,Healthcare: The Journal of Delivery Science and Innovation,Innovation in Health Care Leadership NEJM,The Burgeoning Literature of Health Care Innovation,Innovations in Health Care - - Wall Street Journal.
health care estimated in$3.09 trillion in 2014, and are projected to soar to $3.57 trillion in 2017. The healthcare market in the U.S. in this involved the major groups of hospital care ($959.9 billion), physician and clinical facilities ($618.5 billion), dental services ($122.4 billion) and prescription medicines ($290.7 billion), along with nursing home and home health care ($248.5 billion).
Related journals of Health care market analysis.
Family Medicine Journals,Fitness Journal,Health Care journals,Health Education Journal,Womens Health Care Journal,Home Health Care Services Business Plan Sample - Market,Healthcare Market Research and Consulting from Frost,Health & Medical Insurance in the US Market Research,Healthcare Market Research Reports & Healthcare Industry ,The Changing Future of Consumer Health - Accenture.
Health care spending in the United States. that is characterized as being the utmost costly per compared to all other countries, and notwithstanding this spending, the quality of health care overall is low by some measures. Health sponsoring systems are critical for reaching universal health treatment. According to the WORLD WIDE ORGANIZATION (WHO), whole health care spending in the U.S. was 15.2% of its GDP in 2008,It is the highest in the world. Hospitals costs in health care finance :hospital costs in 2011 were $387.3 billion a 63% increase since 1997 (inflation adjusted). Costs per stay increased 47% since 1997, averaging $10,000 in 2011.
Related journals of Health care finance.
Family Medicine Journals,Fitness Journal,Health Care journals,Health Education Journal,Womens Health Care Journal,International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics,Journal of Health Care Finance,Journal of Health Care Finance,Journal of Health Care Finance - Scimago Journal,Journal of health care finance - ResearchGate,journal of the Healthcare Financial Management Association.
Health care products frequently originate with a technological innovation that goals to address a need current technology in the medical field . To successfully place healthcare products in the market, product growth must advance with market, marketable and regulatory issues in notice.
Related journals of Health care products and market analysis.
Family Medicine Journals,Fitness Journal,Health Care journals,Health Education Journal,Womens Health Care Journal,International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare ,Oral Dental Journals | Peer Reviewed | High Impact Articles,Which factors drive product sales in OTC markets,Health Care Management and the Law,Making health markets work better for poor people: the case,Macmillan Medical Communications - "Who we are" section.
Medical practice management software (PMS) is a group of healthcare software that deals with the day-to-day actions.The medical practice. The software frequently lets users to internment patient demographics, schedule appointments, maintain lists of insurance payers, perform billing tasks, and generate reports. Health care software products are: Insta HMS: Web-based,hospital management system which covers financial, operational and clinical aspects of healthcare providers. Soft Clinic: this Software with all the features of EMR & HMS. GeroPro: this software A complete Healthcare Evidence suite with applications to actualize Financial and Clinical needs of Long-term Care Facilities. Suvarna-HIS: this software system that contains LIS, document management, inventory and nursing management. Diabetes, nephrology modules are available
Related journals of Health care softwares.
Family Medicine Journals,Fitness Journal,Health Care journals,Health Education Journal,Womens Health Care Journal,HealthCast and BMC SoftwareOffer Integrated Identity,Cancer Clinical Trials Journals | Peer Reviewed | High Impact,Using An Evidence-Based Treatment In A Fractured .,Infection control practices and zoonotic disease.
The last several a decades have seen great progress in the medical science research, and technologies That can be used to prevention and fight the disease of child woods this result children is born with medical disorder to survive the condition and live longer heal thier lives. Advantages of heath care: which are helpful in identifying more subtle abnormalities of functions treatment of child wood cancer. Which used computer generated modelling controlling the asthma which used as anti inflammatory and anti leukotriene medications immunotherapy& psycho pharmaceutical treatment Better medicine sallow for shorter hospital stays and greater ability to reintegrate with normal daily activities while still effectively fighting diseae
Related journals of Advances in health care.
Family Medicine Journals,Fitness Journal,Health Care journals,Health Education Journal,Womens Health Care Journal,Journal of Advances in Medical Education and Practice,Journal of Advanced Health Care Technologies ,Journal of Advanced Research in Healthcare and Medical,Journal of Advances in Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences,Advances in Health Care Management : EmeraldInsight,International Journal of Advanced Medical and Health.
Apria Healthcare;offers a wide range of home medical equipment to help improve the quality of our patients lives. Medical & healthcare equipment leasing, has been one of the main areas of business that Oak Leasing has supported for over 22 years. AGS is a specialist in delivering healthcare equipment to hospitals worldwide.We have extensive experience in handling and transporting medical and healthcare equipment, both domestically and overseas, to hospitals, clinics and other medical related locations. Quantum Medical Solutions is a young, dynamic and a fast emerging Biomedical Equipment. Efficient healthcare for Africa. Everyone should have access to affordable and efficient healthcare that ensures medical treatment. Medical Hardware; We are a best surgical and medical equipment provider that provides a combination of durable new and professionally refurbished equipment to medical professionals around the globe.
Related journal of Health care equipment.
Family Medicine Journals,Fitness Journal,Health Care journals,Health Education Journal,Womens Health Care Journal,Magazines,International Journal of Behavioural and Healthcare Research,Solving the Healthcare Equipment Disinfection Challenge ,Medical Equipment Journals - Biomedresearches.
Health insurance is insurance risk of incurring medical expenses between individuals. By estimating the overall risk of health care and health system expenses, among a targeted group, an insurer can develop a routine finance structure, such as a monthly premium or payroll tax, to ensure that money is available to pay for the health care benefits specified in the insurance agreement. The benefit is administered by a central organization such as a government agency, private business, or not-for-profit entity. According to the Health Insurance Association of America, health insurance is defined as "treatment that provides for the payments of benefits as a result of injury. Includes insurance.
Related journals of Health care insurance.
Family Medicine Journals,Fitness Journal,Health Care journals,Health Education Journal,Womens Health Care Journal,Journal of Risk and Insurance,International Journal of Healthcare Policy,International Journal of Healthcare, InsuranceHealth Reform and Changes in Health Insurance Coverage,The South African national health insurance.
Our employees are our greatest investment. And health insurance is a acute factor in retaining and recruiting employees, as well as maintaining productivity and satisfaction.Offering the "right" health insurance plan is one of the most important choices can make as a small business owner keeping employees happy and healthy benefits you in the long run. But making sense of the complex healthcare system has become gradually difficult for employers, especially small businesses. United Healthcare can help Our plans help you save money on health care costs and keep our employees informed, healthy and happy. And healthier employees mean a healthier bottom line. Our plans also are efficient to manage, so you can focus on what you do best running your business.
Related journals of Health care insurance business.
Family Medicine Journals,Fitness Journal,Health Care journals,Health Education Journal,Womens Health Care Journal,Journal of Risk and Insurance,International Journal of Behavioural and Healthcare Research,Senate Journal - Page 96 - Google Books Result,Health care reform essentials - Journal of Accountancy.Individual enrollment tops small-biz health insurance,UnitedHealth leaves America's Health Insurance Plans.
A Healthcare Advertising agency is a deal business dedicated to making, design and handling advertising (and sometimes other forms of promotion) for its Pharm clients. The agency is free from the client and provides an outside point of view to the work of selling the clients products the agency can also handle overall marketing and branding strategies and sales promotions for its clients. material to support the educational material, by use of the following: Brand Developmentand ,Strategic Planning, Integrated Campaigns, Direct Marketing, Advertising (Press, TV, Radio) Multimedia Web Media, Sales Promotion Education Material ,Shows and Exhibitions Sales ,Force Support , Meetings Best advertising are Innovation, Impact, Design, Copywriting, Use of the medium, Memorability.
Related journals of A Healthcare Advertising.
Family Medicine Journals,Fitness Journal,Health Care journals,Health Education Journal,Womens Health Care Journal,Advertising in Medical Journals: Should Current Practices,A study of promotional advertisements of drugs in a medical,Journal of Health Economics Elsevier,International Journal for Quality in Health Care - Oxford,Limited use of price and quality advertising among american.
Healthcare legislation: Means There are many ways to abstract health law. The HealthLaw & Justice Program views health law is not only the law of health care delivery and financing but all areas of study that focus on the intersection between law and health. Health law is the federal, state, and local law, rules, and regulations and other jurisprudence between suppliers, payers and vendors to the healthcare industry and its patients; and (2) delivery of healthcare services; all with an stress on operations, guiding and transactional legal issues. Some parts of law it contains:Contract law, Medical malpractice, Medical law, Administrative law, Public health law, basic terms law& legislation: legislation and law used to refer generically to statutes, regulation and other legal instruments that may be the forms of law used in a particular country.
Related journals of Health care legislation.
Family Medicine Journals,Fitness Journal,Health Care journals,Health Education Journal,Womens Health Care Journal,Maryland Law | Journal of Health Care Law and Policy,Health Policy and Reform ,Journal of Health & Life Sciences Law,Medical Law Review: Oxford Journals,Health care reform essentials-Journal of Accountancy,Influencing Health Care in the Legislative Arena.
A database is any collection of data organized for storage, accessibility, and retrieval. There are different types of databases, but the type most commonly used in healthcare is the OLTP (online transaction processing) database. Health care database means: For the most part, healthcaredatabases are used as the foundation or running the many transactional systems flooding the industry. The OLTP database applications: EHRs, lab systems, financial systems, patient satisfaction systems, patient identification, ADT tracking, administration, billing and payment processing,research, HR, and education. Name any application in use at a hospital or in a physicians office, and the chances are good that it runs on an OLTP database
Related journals of Health care databases.
Family Medicine Journals,Fitness Journal,Health Care journals,Health Education Journal,Womens Health Care Journal,Journals and databases,Health Care Journals and Databases,CINAHL Nursing Journal Databases,Athens, Journals and Healthcare Databases,Health Care DatabasesJournal Databases - Healthcare Ethics Resources-John Squire Library,Databases & OA Journals - Public Health Foundation.
Healthcare is one social and Americans facing the problems. The increasing cost of medical care and health insurance is impacting the living of many Americans in one way or another Health Care Statistics in the United States; The United States is the only rich, industrialized nation that not have a worldwide healthcare system.Source: Organization of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences in 2010, the %of Americans without health insurance was 16.3%, or 49.9 million uninsured people. Source: US Census Bureau. Medicare operates with 3% overhead, non-profit insurance 16% overhead, and private (for-profit) insurance 26% overhead. Source: Journal of American Medicine 2007. Since the Childrens Health Insurance Program (CHIP) was created in 1997, the %of children ages 0-17 with health insurance has increased from 86% to 93%. Source: National Center for Health Statistics: December 2011.
Related journals of Health care statistics.
Family Medicine Journals,Fitness Journal,Health Care journals,Health Education Journal,Womens Health Care Journal,Journal of Medical Statistics and Informatics,Health Medical Informatics Journals ,Health Statistics: MedlinePlus,Journal Rankings on Health Policy,Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved,Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved,Health Care Management Scienceincl. option to publish,International Journal of User-Driven Healthcare.
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Health Care : Current Reviews - e-Science Central