Coronal Loops and Plasma Blobs Swirl on the Sun | NASA SDO Solar Space Science – Video

Coronal Loops and Plasma Blobs Swirl on the Sun | NASA SDO Solar Space Science
Visit my website at - this video covers a little over a day of activity (September 18-19, 2013), viewed in extreme ultraviolet ligh...

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Coronal Loops and Plasma Blobs Swirl on the Sun | NASA SDO Solar Space Science - Video

New Imaging Technology Can See Supersonic Shockwaves | NASA Science HD Video – Video

New Imaging Technology Can See Supersonic Shockwaves | NASA Science HD Video
Visit my website at - researchers at NASA #39;s Dryden Flight Research Center have been able to image supersonic shockwaves streaming b...

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New Imaging Technology Can See Supersonic Shockwaves | NASA Science HD Video - Video

NASA’s Grand Asteroid Challenge Scours Maker Faire ’13 For Ideas | Video – Video

NASA #39;s Grand Asteroid Challenge Scours Maker Faire #39;13 For Ideas | Video
NASA #39;s public outreach program is looking for innovative ideas of locating hidden asteroids that lurk around our world. caught up with NASA #39;s Andre...

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NASA's Grand Asteroid Challenge Scours Maker Faire '13 For Ideas | Video - Video

Astronaut Luca Parmitano Talks About Life in Space | NASA Science HD Video – Video

Astronaut Luca Parmitano Talks About Life in Space | NASA Science HD Video
Visit my website at - Expedition 37 Flight Engineer Luca Parmitano of the European Space Agency talks about life aboard the space s...

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Astronaut Luca Parmitano Talks About Life in Space | NASA Science HD Video - Video


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Tantrik Baba Astrologer Dr Rupnathji from Silchar Assam India esa nasa roscosmos isa isro jaxa cnsa - Video

NASA Awards Force Measurement Support Contract

NASA announced the selection of two Newport News, Va., businesses to provide various force measurement and strain gauge instrumentation services at the NASA Langley Research Center in Hampton, Va.

Modern Machine and Tool Co., Inc., was awarded contract line item numbers 0001 and 0003, and Triumph Aerospace Systems was awarded contract line item number 2, of the Force Measurement Support Services contract. These businesses will support NASA programs and projects by providing services to produce, calibrate, repair and utilize instruments in a wide range of environments, from cryogenic to high temperatures, and applications.

The performance period of the two indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity contracts is five years, including options, starting Oct. 1 and ending no later than Sept. 30, 2018.

The contract value for line items 0001 and 0003 is $9.1 million, $600,000 for line item 0002.

Principal work will be performed at the contractor facilities in Hampton.

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NASA Awards Force Measurement Support Contract

Building Gods Documentary – Transhumanism Artificial intelligence and nanotechnology – Video

Building Gods Documentary - Transhumanism Artificial intelligence and nanotechnology
Building Gods Documentary - Transhumanism, Artificial intelligence and nanotechnology This film by Ken Gumbs tackles the issue of pending greater-than-human ...

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Building Gods Documentary - Transhumanism Artificial intelligence and nanotechnology - Video

Institute for Regenerative Medicine to Lead National Effort to Aid Wounded Warriors

Newswise WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. Sept. 27, 2013 The Institute for Regenerative Medicine at Wake Forest University School of Medicine (Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center) has been selected to lead the second phase of the Armed Forces Institute of Regenerative Medicine (AFIRM). The five-year, $75 million federally funded project focuses on applying regenerative medicine to battlefield injuries.

Anthony Atala, M.D., director of the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine, is the lead investigator for AFIRM-II. He will direct a consortium of more than 30 academic institutions and industry partners. Assisting him is co-director Rocky S. Tuan, Ph.D., associate director of the McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh.

The first phase of AFIRM, which began in 2008, resulted in clinical studies of face transplantation, minimally invasive surgery for craniofacial injuries, a lower-dose anti-rejection regimen after kidney transplantation, scar reduction treatments, fat grafting for reconstructive surgery and new treatments for burns. Atala was co-leader of AFIRM-I, which was comprised of two research consortiums.

The AFIRM-I teams were charged with conducting at least one clinical study of a new treatment for wounded warriors, said Atala. Instead, due to their expertise, collaborative spirit and dedication to the mission, there were more than 10 clinical studies of potential new therapies. We are honored to have the opportunity to continue this important work to benefit those who serve our country.

Regenerative medicine is a science that takes advantage of the bodys natural healing powers to restore or replace damaged tissue and organs. Therapies developed by AFIRM can also benefit people in the civilian population. AFIRM is a results-focused program that not only funds scientific research, but requires that discoveries be tested and compared so that the most promising therapies can be brought to clinical trials.

When warriors come back from the battlefield with serious life-changing injuries, it is our job to find new and innovative ways to help them. Ultimately, wed like to create new treatments to repair these severe injuries as if they never happened, said Maj. Gen. Joseph Caravalho Jr., commanding general of the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command and Fort Detrick. The science of regenerative medicine is one of the ways we fulfill our promise to service members who put themselves in harms way, that we will work our hardest and do our very best to take care of them.

The AFIRM-II team will focus on developing clinical therapies over the next five years focusing on: Restoring function to severely traumatized limbs Reconstruction for facial and skull injuries through tissue regeneration Skin regeneration for burn injuries New treatments to prevent rejection of composite transplants such as face and hands Reconstruction of the genital and urinary organs and lower abdomen including the bladder, anal sphincter and external genitalia

Members of the AFIRM-II team, known as the Warrior Restoration Consortium, are Brigham and Women's Hospital, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland Clinic, Georgia Institute of Technology, Jewish Hospital, Johns Hopkins University, Livionex Inc., Massachusetts General Hospital, Mayo Clinic, New York University School of Medicine, Northwestern University, Oregon Health & Science University, Radboud University Medical Center, Research Foundation of SUNY, Rice University, Stanford University School of Medicine, Rutgers -The State University of New Jersey, Southwest Research Institute, Stratatech Corporation, The Ohio State University College of Medicine, Tufts University, University of California, Los Angeles, University of Cincinnati, University of Connecticut, University of Florida, University of Louisville School of Medicine, University of Maryland School of Medicine, University of Michigan, University of Pittsburgh, UW Medicine, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Wake Forest University School of Medicine (Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center).

The academic-industry team will work with health professionals at the U.S. Army Institute of Surgical Research and Walter Reed National Military Medical Center to develop new treatments for wounded soldiers. Government sponsors of AFIRM are the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command, the Office of Naval Research, the Air Force Medical Service, the Office of Research and Development - Department of Veterans Affairs, the National Institutes of Health, and the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs.

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Institute for Regenerative Medicine to Lead National Effort to Aid Wounded Warriors

Combining Chinese and Western medicine could lead to new cancer treatments

Public release date: 27-Sep-2013 [ | E-mail | Share ]

Contact: Chris Jones 029-208-74731 Cardiff University

Combining traditional forms of Chinese and Western medicine could offer new hope for developing new treatments for liver, lung, colorectal cancers and osteosarcoma of the bones.

Experts from Cardiff University's School of Medicine have joined forces with Peking University in China to test the health benefits of a traditional Chinese medicine.

The team also set-out to examine how by combining it with more traditional methods like Chemotherapy could improve patient outcomes and potentially lead to the development of new cancer treatments and therapies.

"Traditional Chinese medicine where compounds are extracted from natural products or herbs has been practised for centuries in China, Korea, Japan and other countries in Asia," according to Professor Wen Jiang from Cardiff University's School of Medicine, who is the director of the Cardiff University-Peking University Joint Cancer Institute at Cardiff and led the research as part of a collaboration between Cardiff University and Peking University.

"Although a few successes, most of the traditional remedies are short of scientific explanation which has inevitably led to scepticism especially amongst traditionalists in the West.

"As a result, we set out to test the success of a Chinese medicine and then consider how combining it alongside traditional methods like Chemotherapy could result in positive outcome for patients," he adds.

Yangzheng Xiaoji is a traditional Chinese formula consisting of 14 herbs. The formula has been shown to be beneficial to cancer patients however, until now how it works has remained unknown.

Since 2012 the Team have investigated how the formula works, discovering that it works by blocking a pathway which stops the spread of cancer cells in the body.

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Combining Chinese and Western medicine could lead to new cancer treatments

Steve Jobs Left a Legacy on Personalized Medicine

A type of DNA test the Apple CEO hoped might save his life is becoming widely available.

Final slide: In 2011, Steve Jobs spent $100,000 to discover the genetic basis of the cancer that killed him.

If you need proof of how information technology is influencing biotech, take a look at Foundation Medicine, the Boston-area diagnostics company that went public on Wednesday.

Its stock price quickly doubled after the IPO. And one reason is surely its links to stratospheric tech names from the West Coast. The company is backed by both Google and Bill Gates, and the core idea behind its technology was once tried out on Apple founder Steve Jobs.

Foundation sells a $5,800 test that looks in detail at the DNA of a person with cancer. The concept is that a comprehensive catalogue of genetic mutations in a persons tumor will show exactly whats driving the cancer and help doctors choose what drug will work best (see Foundation Medicine: Personalizing Cancer Drugs.)

It turns out that Jobs was one of the first peopleand certainly the best-knownto try this kind of all-in genetic strategy to beat cancer. As recounted in Walter Isaacsons biography of the Apple CEO, Jobs spent $100,000 to learn the DNA sequence of his genome and that of the tumors killing him. Jobs was jumping between treatments and hoped DNA would provide clues about where to turn next.

One of Jobss doctors I spoke to indicated that in the end DNA did not prove key to steering his treatment. But Jobs believed that medicine was taking strides. He famously said, Im either going to be one of the first to be able to outrun a cancer like this, or Im going to be one of the last to die from it.

According to Isaacson, some of the DNA analysis was done by the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, and his book tells how researchers travelled to California to brief Jobs five months before his death in 2011. While Broad wasnt able to confirm its role to me (events around Jobss illness are still closely guarded), by the time Jobs died four of the institutes top scientists were already deeply involved in setting up Foundation Medicine, which is based on their work studying cancer mutations.

The companys test, called FoundationOne, essentially offers the public the same type of DNA screening information that Jobs was among the first to get. Its a test that sequences 236 genes involved in cancer, detailing the dangerous mutations that are causing them to grow.

Google and Gates are two of the largest investors in Foundation Medicinethey own 9 percent and 4 percent of the company, respectively. One motive for their investment, I think, is that DNA is a profoundly digital molecule. And now that its become very cheap to decode, genetic data is piling up by the terabyte. Tech executives understand that and can see how to make a business out of it.

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