Abortion in Utah Legal but Availability Limited, Especially in Southern Utah – Dixie Press Online

Dixie Press Online
Abortion in Utah Legal but Availability Limited, Especially in Southern Utah
Dixie Press Online
“Previous law did protect freedom of conscience, allowing an individual physician to object to performing elective abortion,” Vaughn said. “It did not afford that freedom to medical facilities. The new law does. It also clarifies what would constitute ...

Freedom House Concerned by Detention of Yulia Tymoshenko

Yesterday's detention of former Ukrainian prime minister and leader of the oppositionist Fatherland party, Yulia Tymoshenko, confirms Freedom House's concerns regarding increased selective prosecution of political opponents in Ukraine, highlighted in its recent report, 'Sounding the Alarm: Protecting Democracy in Ukraine.'

Freedom House Condemns Death Sentences in Bahrain

Freedom House condemns the death sentences of two Bahraini citizens upheld by a special appeals court on Sunday, and calls upon authorities to take measures to ensure the rights of citizens to due process and to end its efforts to persecute those who have demonstrated for political reform.

Two Big Strikes for GOP frontrunners on libertarian issues

Pawlenty No on Pot

From Eric Dondero:

New info emerging on Tim Pawlenty's recent visit to the Cato Institute. Dave Weigel at Slate reports on the Q&A after his speech:

Unfortunately, the wearer of Vikings colors worked for the Marijuana Policy Project, who asked Pawlenty how he could be taken seriously on health care since he had opposed "my group" on medical pot.

"What was it?" asked Pawlenty? "Marijuana? Yeah. Well... I stood with law enforcement issue on this issue... we just have a respectful difference on this issue."

Pawlenty vetoed a medical marijuana bill in his last year in office.

Sigh... Romney backs Ethanol subsidies in Iowa

This one is not going to win over libertarians and other free marketeers for sure. Romney's already on thin ice with this wing of the GOP.

The Hill reports "Romney backs Ethanol subsidies":

Asked about his position on federal ethanol subsidies following a talk at the Greater Des Moines Partnership's Presidential Forum Speaker Series, Romney said that ethanol is an important part of the nation's energy supply.

“I support the subsidy of ethanol,” said Romney, according to ABC News. “I believe it’s an important part of our energy solution in this country

Ironically, just last week, Pawlenty scored some points with libertarians by coming out for the repeal of subsidies on an Iowa campaign swing.

WI Republicans getting serious about Education cut-backs

From Eric Dondero:

Libertarians, particularly Libertarian Party members have been skeptical of GOP promises of cutting spending. But at least in Wisconsin, Republicans are sticking to their guns.

From Forbes "Walker's school cuts"":

Republican lawmakers on Friday largely supported Gov. Scott Walker's proposed cuts to public education...

schools still would have to shoulder a roughly $800 million cut in aid and reduce the total amount they get from aid and local property taxes by 5.5 percent.

Government-run schools advocates shot back:

advocates charge that Walker and Republicans are attempting to privatize education through the deep budget cuts...

"This is a day that the state Legislature walks away from its commitment to public education," said Sen. Bob Jauch, D-Poplar.

Walker also proposed a 30% cut in taxpayer subsidies to technical colleges.

Rubio getting hit for opposition to Illegal Immigration

He's a "Benedict Arnold" to his Race

From Eric Dondero:

Florida Senator Marco Rubio (a longtime favorite of this website), recently reiterrated his position against illegal immigration, and blanket amnesty on spanish radio. For that he has received vitriolic condemnation from leftist Hispanic leaders.

From Politico:

"To be against comprehensive immigration reform and a path to citizenship and against the DREAM Act defines you in the Latino immigrant community as a hard-liner and an enemy of the community,” said Frank Sharry, founder and executive director of America’s Voice, a pro-immigration advocacy group.

"There’s a Benedict Arnold feeling,” said Jorge Mursuli, a Cuban immigrant and executive director of Miami-based Democracia, a Hispanic civic engagement group.

Critics also charged that Rubio was putting ambition over his allegiances to his race. Rubio is often mentioned as a possible VP candidate for the GOP in 2012.

More confirmation "Arab Spring" bringing more repression for Gays in Muslim world


Dan Littauer, editor of Gay Middle East out of London, from CNN, May 27, "Will gays be 'sacrificial lambs' in Arab Spring?":

"Many gay activists are very scared that the reality of their oppression could get worse.

For example, in Egypt and Tunisia there was a lot of hope initially that there would be a more tolerant civil society. Now it seems that the impetus for change will be hijacked by conservative (sic) forces who will make the situation worse for gay people and other minorities."


From Fox News, May 21 "Gays in Egypt, Tunisia worry about post-revolt era":

Throughout the Arab world, however, homosexual conduct remains taboo — it is punishable by floggings, long prison terms and in some cases execution...

"Our struggle goes on — it gets more and more difficult," Tunisian gays-rights and HIV-AIDS activist Hassen Hanini wrote to The Associated Press in an email. "The Tunisian gay community is still seeking its place in society in this new political environment..."

Hanini says... gay-rights activists... now worry that political developments may work against them.

"Tunisian gays, who are finding it increasingly difficult to be accepted... the Islamist parties who are trying to play the role of judge right now, and who view homosexuality and the gay community as a product of the former regime," he said. "They call it 'rot' that must be cleaned away."

From the Editor - Apologies to any reader offended by the photo. But sometimes it's necessary to show the true grotesque reality of Islamism.

Major Free Speech Victory in Michigan

Christians can pass out pamplets on public sidewalk at Muslim Fest

From Eric Dondero:

Background from LR article June 2009 "Dearborn bans Christian group from passing out literature at Arab Festival"":

On Thursday, a federal judge ruled that the group Arabic Christian Perspective can be prohibited from passing out literature on public sidewalks at an upcomming ethnic festival.

From the Detroit News:

A federal judge sided with the city of Dearborn on Thursday in a dispute with a Christian group over the distribution of religious literature during an upcoming Arab festival.

U.S. District Judge Nancy Edmunds denied a motion from the California-based ministry, Arabic Christian Perspective, for a temporary restraining order that would have prohibited the city from restricting the group from handing out literature, according to a release from the group's attorneys.

Now this from the Detroit News "Court throws out Dearborn leaflet ban, May 27, City violated man's free-speech rights at festival, ruling says":

A federal appeals court Thursday invalidated a leafleting ban in Dearborn, ruling the city violated a man's free-speech rights when he was blocked from trying to convert Muslims to Christianity.

The 2-1 decision by the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals sends the case back to federal court in Detroit, where the city and Police Chief Ronald Haddad could be held liable for damages.

George Saieg, a Christian Arab-American from California, sued Dearborn for being prevented in 2009 from handing out literature at the annual Arab International Festival on Warren Avenue. The festival will be held again June 17-19.

Photo credit - The Blog Prof

Giuliani surprises, on top again

Palin in 3rd with 13%

According to Reuters a new CNN poll has Rudy Giuliani ahead of the Republican pack, just "edging out" Romney 16% to 15%.

Rudy Giuliani came out on top of a new survey of the 2012 Republican presidential primary field, even though the former New York Mayor has not so far jumped into the race.

Also polling high were former Alaska governor Sarah Palin with 13 percent, Texas Congressman Ron Paul, with 12 percent, and pizza magnate Herman Cain at 10 percent. Palin also is not a declared candidate for 2012 so far.

All other announced and potential candidates scored less than 10 percent support in a poll of 473 likely Republican voters conducted May 24-26.

"fiscal conservative/tough on crime"


Giuliani projects himself as a tough-on-crime fiscal conservative, and is remembered as the "mayor of 9/11" for his response to the September 11, 2001, attacks on New York city

Unemployed Worker in NC complains she can’t find a Job: GOP legislator unexpectedly calls her bluff


From Eric Dondero:

North Carolina Republican State Rep. Stephen LaRoque had a "testy" email exchange with a constituent. Kathryn Treadway of Goldsboro lost her health industry job last year. She's been looking for work ever since. She's been recieving generous unemployment compensation. (Her salary was $22 an hour.)

The GOP-controlled Legislature recently reached an impasse with Democrat Gov. Bev Purdue over jobs legislation. This led to the halting of Treadway, and other North Carolinian's extended hand-outs.

Treadway told LaRoque she's been looking all over for work, putting in applications, but nothing has popped up. LaRoque shot back that he had a whole lot of yard work that needed to be done, and he'd hire her for $8 an hour starting immediately.

To her credit, Treadway took him up on the offer, showing up with a shovel and hoe the next day promptly at 9:00 am in front of his house. But things didn't go quite as planned.

From InfiniStreams.com:

“It was just too much. I’m not used to doing manual labor, and the crap he wanted me to do was something two men would do,” she said after leaving. “I'm used to making $22 an hour. I’m not gonna sit there for $8 and hour and come home having a stroke.”

LaRoque was stunned and displeased with her quitting the job after only one hour. Still, he was polite. Continuing:

“I was having her doing some bending over. She said it was bothering her back,” LaRoque said. “She stayed for about an hour and left. … I gave her eight dollars and thanked her.”

The Representative still needs yard work done, and is looking for someone who is willing to take the job. He's encouraging anyone in the local area who actually does want to work to contact him at his legislative office website.

Note - Goldsboro is located in east-central NC.

Congratulations fellow Libertarians: You didn’t know? We now completely control the Republican Party

"Libertarian desciples of Ayn Rand" have hijacked the GOP

The New York Post opened a Forum, "Why the GOP lost in Western NY"" May 27. The first uptop response:

The upset victory of Democrat Kathy Hochul may be a harbinger of what is to come in 2012 ("A Portentous Election," Editorial, May 26).

Americans are beginning to realize that the GOP has been hijacked by religious zealots and the libertarian disciples of Ayn Rand.

The GOP's reactionary agenda on social issues and its open hostility to public education, Medicare and Social Security, coupled with its obsession with tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations, will most likely ensure its demise in next year's elections.

Americans want government to be reformed, not dismantled.

D. Middlebrooks, Brooklyn

Editor's comment - Since we now completely control things is it now time to abolish the Libertarian Party?

Local NY official stumbles onto the Truth of Smoking Bans

It is indeed Nanny-ism

On the newly-enacted total Smoking Ban at public parks in Bay Terrace, New York.

Bay Terrace City Enforcement official Phil Konigsberg from YourNabe.com:

“Some say this is an extension of the nanny state,” he said. “The definition of a nanny is a person who looks after children. This law is about protecting children and the most vulnerable among us.”

Note - Bay Terrace is located on Long Island at the northeastern tip of Queens.

New fee on your Hotel Bill next time you visit NYC?

Democrats solution to Strauss-Khan? An Anti-Rape Tax

From Eric Dondero:

We reported here at LR last week, that Democrat Assmb. Rory Lancman from Brooklyn (photo below) introduced the "Strauss-Kahn Chamber Maid Protection Act""; a bill to require that New York hotels install a (red?) Panic Button in all rooms to help ensure mostly female cleaning ladies will not be molested.

Now the Hotel & Lodging Association has chimed in. From Joseph McInerney, Assoc. CEO:

“an overreach and overreaction. When you look at the number of people who stay in hotels every night and the number of people working in rooms, these incidents are really few and far between... it’s a step too far to require hotels to spend money on incidents that don’t happen that often.”

The Washington Times editorializes - "Strauss-Kahn prompts panic" - against such legislation as ""ridiculous," and raises a scary, but knowing New York, possible result of such legislation:

It’s one thing if hotels elect to provide staff with devices or training to promote safety, as many do. If the government begins to mandate it, however, don’t be surprised when anti-rape fees pop up on New York hotel bills.

Editor's comment - And we'll all be able to thank the idiot IMF Chief from France.

Todd and Sarah to join Rolling Thunder Veterans

From Josh Painter:

Todd and Sarah may ride with the Rolling Thunder vets.

Blue Star parents Todd and Sarah Palin may be riding with tens of thousands of Rolling Thunder veterans Sunday.

From WaPo:

The former Alaska governor, who is the subject of a lot of overheated speculation about whether she will run for president in 2012, has accepted an invitation to participate in the annual Rolling Thunder memorial ride this Sunday, an official says.

“As far as I know, she is trying to rent a motorcycle, so she can ride with her husband,” said Nancy Regg, a spokeswoman for Rolling Thunder.

Gregg says the tentative plan is for Palin to join up with the ride at the Pentagon at 7 a.m. The ride kicks off at noon, and hundreds of bikers will snake through D.C. to the event’s main stage, which will be between the Reflecting Pool and the Korean War Veterans Memorial on the Mall. The program is scheduled to kick off at 1 p.m.

UPDATE! She's Confirmed!

From ABC News:

For the riders of Rolling Thunder, the news that Sarah Palin will participate in their national rally on Sunday came as a surprise. A welcome surprise

I certainly welcome any positive publicity surrounding our cause, anything to bring attention to POWs and MIAs,” said Jeffrey Stewart, who leads a Rolling Thunder chapter in New Hampshire.

I’d love to see [President] Obama walk out and say, ‘Thank you,’” he said. “I’d love to see [Vice President Joe] Biden come out and say, ‘Thank you.’ Anyone who wants to be president, I'd love for them to come and acknowledge us.”

Photo credit - JanetCharletonsHollywood.com

Veena Malik recovers from Car Crash

Worldwide Libertarian Hero is back after attack

From Eric Dondero:

"Vivacious" Bollywood Actress Veena Malik is recovering from a car crash last week. The outspoken critic of Islam won worldwide praise two months ago for her dressing down of a Muslim cleric on India-wide TV. Her car was rammed she alleges, by revenge-seeking Muslims, on the highway to Lahore.

Now this latest report from the International Herald-Tribune:

Veena Malik, whose car was hit by a speeding vehicle en route from Islamabad to Lahore on May 16, has recovered from her injuries and is set to make an appearance on television in the next couple of days.

Malik, who has been discharged from the hospital and is living in her Lahore residence these days, told The Express Tribune: “I have a slight pain in my arm, but I have recovered now although doctors have advised rest. I will make my appearance through television in the next few days”.

See video at LR, March 20 "Pakistani Actress slams Muslim cleric on India TV"

Non-English speaking non-Citizen Somalis voting in US Elections

From Eric Dondero:

Kris Kobach is the newly-elected libertarian Republican Secretary of State in Kansas.

Columnist DeRoy Murdock wrote in 2010 before the election:

I have known Kris Kobach since I was a Georgetown University junior. Kobach was then and remains a terribly bright, engaging, and personable patriot... Conservatives and libertarians should cross their fingers for Kobach.

Yesterday he had an editorial in the Wall Street Journal, "The Case for Voter ID - You can't cash a check, board a plane, or even buy full-strength Sudafed over the counter without ID. Why should voting be different." Kobach in his research found one particularly egregious case from Missouri:

Voter fraud is a well-documented reality in American elections. To offer a few examples, a 2010 state representative race in Kansas City, Mo. was stolen when one candidate, J.J. Rizzo, allegedly received more than 50 votes illegally cast by citizens of Somalia. The Somalis, who didn't speak English, were coached to vote for Mr. Rizzo by an interpreter at the polling place. The margin of victory? One vote.

Kobach also reported that in his home State of Kansas, "221 incidents of voter fraud were reported between 1997 and 2010 [including] absentee-ballot fraud, impersonation of another voter, and a host of other violations.

Finally, an alarming note:

My office already has found 67 aliens illegally registered to vote in Kansas...

Editor's comment - If it's this bad in a conservative Mid-Western State like Kansas, just imagine how bad it is in well-known voter fraud states like Illinois, Maryland, New Jersey, Ohio, California and Washington State. Photo credit - BlogsPitch.com

Ballot Initiatitive next step for Voter I.D. in Minnesota after Dem Gov. Veto

From Eric Dondero:

Republicans have majorities in both the Minnesota House and Senate. A bill to require photo i.d. voting passed through both chambers easily. According to SurveyUSA 76% of Minnesotans support voter i.d. Yet Democrat Governor Mark Dayton just vetoed the bill.

From KSAX.com:

The bill would have required Minnesotans to show a photo ID in order to cast a vote.

The governor also cited $23 million in costs that would have been incurred by local election officials. Despite the governor's veto, it's likely that photo ID's will be required eventually. Republicans who control the House and Senate say they'll pass a bill that would put the issue on the 2012 ballot.

Dayton himself won election by a razor thin margin of 1%. Many Minnesota Republicans suspected fraud, and illegal voters in urban centers such as Minneapolis and St. Paul involved in his election.