This is What 43,000 Galaxies Look Like On a Map [Science]

The image above is the most complete map of our local universe to date. It took more that ten years to create, has 43,000 galaxies and extends out 380 million light years from the earth. The 3D coordinates of each galaxy was recorded so the raw data could potentially be used to build a realistic 3D model of the universe. Throw in some holographic technology and you have something straight from Star Trek. More »

The quantum computer is growing up

A general rule in data processing is that disturbances cause the distortion or deletion of information during data storage or transfer. Methods for conventional computers were developed that automatically identify and correct errors: Data are processed several times and if errors occur, the most likely correct option is chosen. As quantum systems are even more sensitive to environmental disturbances than classical systems, a quantum computer requires a highly efficient algorithm for error correction.

Measuring atomic ‘noise’ in nanoscale devices

At the forefront of nanotechnology, researchers design miniature machines to do big jobs, from treating diseases to harnessing sunlight for energy. But as they push the limits of this technology, devices are becoming so small and sensitive that the behavior of individual atoms starts to get in the way. Now Caltech researchers have, for the first time, measured and characterized these atomic fluctuations - which cause statistical noise - in a nanoscale device.

Bruker Launches Novel D8 QUEST and D8 VENTURE High Performance X-ray Crystallography Systems with Next-Generation Large Area CMOS Detectors

This Memorial Day weekend at the 2011 Annual ACA Meeting, Bruker will launch a new series of high-performance X-ray crystallography systems, including the D8 QUEST and the D8 VENTURE. Both systems incorporate next-generation X-ray source and novel detector technology to deliver unrivalled performance, ease of use, reliability and value.