Questionable safety practices in nanotechnology labs around the world

The discussion about nanotechnology related safety issues so far has focused mainly on three areas - consumers getting exposed to products containing nanomaterials; nanomaterials getting released into the environment and potentially entering the food chain; and industrial workers being exposed to nanomaterials during the production process. There is an increasing number of reports and research papers dealing with these issues. Interestingly, while surveys of nanotechnology safety practices have concentrated on industrial settings, the safety issues of a significant number of people working with nanomaterials have not been addressed in a concerted matter - the researchers at university and private research laboratories who are doing all the early stage research and development. According to a survey conducted by a Spanish research group, it appears that the nanotechnology research community is not exactly at the forefront when it comes to following, not to mention setting, standards for safe practices for handling nanomaterials.

Architekten der Nanowelt

Zum zweiten Mal innerhalb kurzer Zeit kann sich das Physik-Department der Technischen Universitaet Muenchen (TUM) ueber Forschungsgelder der EU in Millionenhoehe freuen: Diesmal erhaelt Professor Johannes Barth im Rahmen eines Advanced-Grants vom European Research Council (ERC) 2,6 Millionen Euro fuer ein Projekt zur Erforschung der grundlegenden Bauprinzipien von Nano-Architekturen auf Traegermaterialien.

New Sample Holders for Phenom

Phenom-World BV announces the launch of a new collection of sample holders and inserts for the Phenom desktop scanning electron microscope (SEM). The new holders increase the range of possible samples while maintaining the Phenom's market-leading time to image. Quick and easy sample loading ensures faster time to data.

Better knowledge of cell structure could aid organ reconstruction, energy harvesting

Cornel Sultan, assistant professor of aerospace and ocean engineering at Virginia Tech, is the latest faculty member at the university to learn he has received a National Science Foundation (NSF) Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) award. In his work he is looking at biological discoveries to develop new controllable structures that, in engineering terms, have 'tensional integrity' or tensegrity.

Knowing Your Nanos

Helsinki Aerosol Consulting was founded recently to provide state-of-the-art services for measuring nanoparticle concentrations, modelling aerosol formation, and developing theoretical solutions to aerosol-related problems.