Flat Spiral Spring energy

I am wondering whether a simple 5 watt electrical load can keep operating for say just 1 hour with simple flat spiral spring energy? Assuming 70 % efficiency ,the joules of energy to be stored is 5 x 3.6 / 0.7= 25.71 kilo joules. I looked at a few web sites on spring design and arrived at some very

DC Drives

Dear Sir,
One of our client using the Dc drives for their applications. In that plant we comissioned our compressor 22Kw. For our compressor we have the Controller which have the Digital O/p , relay O/p, Analog I/p (electronic Circuit PLC) to control the Star Delta circuit & other purpose



pl give me details on manufacturing process of lithium battery and also the pollution norms in countries like USA UK this is principally for solar and also automobile application


"I wasn’t born here at JSC, but I got here as soon as I could"

reader note: "An unbadged man said to me as I left my JSC building last Friday, "Is this a place of business or a campus? I mean, is this 'where it all happens'?" I was going to challenge him but he explained he was a bus driver from that bus over there that had brought in some people. I said, just, Yes Sir! and went on home. (It was a tough week.)

In this day and age, should I have pointed over his shoulder and said... That flag up there on that roof flies every day there are Americans on orbit. It has been there continuously, longer than I've been working here. If you go through those doors across the parking lot and turn left and could get past the locked doors and guards, you would be in Mission Control. THE Mission Control Houston. You could pick up a mic and talk to the astronauts and cosmonauts working in space right now. If you turn right instead, you'd find a building full of mission operations people who a week ago had no question that their contributions were valued by the country.

Today, I don't know how that question would be answered in that building. I'm angry the question has even come up. I wasn't born here at JSC, but I got here as soon as I could. I just don't know whether here is supposed to be 'where it all happens' anymore."

Cooling Tower Needed

I am looking for a cooling tower or centrally airconditioning plant for a 7 storied building of approx 30000 sqft area can I know the companies doing this type of Job the construction is to commence in March so I can do other provisions of ducting etc for each floor

Island Movie: Couples Retreat

couples_retreatI am often amazed at how frequently private islands or private island resorts are the setting for m0vies. Islands provide the perfect backdrop for adventure, romance and horror.  The other night I decided to rent Couple’s Retreat after noticing it’s idyllic Bora Bora setting in the previews. The movie stars Vince Vaughn and involves four couples venturing to Tahiti for a little R&R and reluctantly, couples therapy. Unfortunately, the scenery was the best part of the movie, which otherwise was a bit of a stinker.



Ski jump distance enhancement

I saw a video of guys jumping off cliffs in suits that had web like material between their arms and their sides. At about 200 miles an hour, they 'flew' very well. I wonder if Olympic ski jumpers could modify their suits to catch air in a similar manner, and extend their distance. Would it be ei


Appreciate any advise...I would like to start a factory manufacturing LEDs...process flow, equipment needed to automate the process, etc...any comments will be a great help!

Cross-Cultural E. coli Aesthetics | The Loom

A couple foreign editions of Microcosm have arrived. They got me thinking about book design across the globe. The Chinese edition takes my world-within-a-microbe metaphor to cosmic extremes.

Chinese Microcosm cover

All of my Japanese editions have covers that are both cute and relevant. Their edition of Microcosm is no exception. Who thought E. coli could have the delicacy of a crane?

The Front:

Microcosm japanese front cover

And one more for the back:

Microcosm japanese back cover

New Nanofiber Tech Could Make Your Clothes Positively Electrifying [Nanotech]

Forget grades of wool—the clothing of the future's going to be measured in millivolts. Researchers at UC-Berkeley have created electricity-generating nanofibers that could someday be woven into your clothing.

The fibers are about 100 times thinner than a human hair, but can generate electrical outputs of up to 30 millivolts. Even better, their piezoelectric properties allow them to mechanical stress and twisting into electricity:

Although they are still working out the exact calculations, the researchers noted that more vigorous movements, such as the kind one would create while dancing the electric boogaloo, should theoretically generate more power. "And because the nanofibers are so small, we could weave them right into clothes with no perceptible change in comfort for the user," said Lin, who is also co-director of the Berkeley Sensor and Actuator Center at UC Berkeley.

This isn't the first exploration into wearable nanogenerators, but it's the only attempt so far at using an organic material, in this case polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF). It's a cheaper, more flexible solution that has a better shot at being productized. If it is, you'd conceivably be able to power your gadgets from your t-shirt. Wait... does that mean the Feel Bright Light Visor wasn't such a bad idea after all? [UC Berkeley]

Precursors to a Paradigm Shift

Gingrich & Walker: Obama's brave reboot for NASA, Washington Times

"Despite the shrieks you might have heard from a few special interests, the Obama administration's budget for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration deserves strong approval from Republicans. The 2011 spending plan for the space agency does what is obvious to anyone who cares about man's future in space and what presidential commissions have been recommending for nearly a decade."

The Case Against Private Space, oped by Taylor Dinnerman, Wall Street Journal

"The private sector simply is not up for the job. For one, NASA will have to establish a system to certify commercial orbital vehicles as safe for human transport, and with government bureaucracy, that will take years. Never mind the challenges of obtaining insurance. Entrepreneurial companies have consistently overpromised and under-delivered. Over the past 30 years, over a dozen start-ups have tried to break into the launch business. The only one to make the transition into a respectably sized space company is Orbital Sciences of Dulles, Va. Building vehicles capable of going into orbit is not for the fainthearted or the undercapitalized."

Keith's note: When chronic Obama critics Newt Gingrich and Bob Walker make a point of saying that there is value in President Obama's space plan, I sit up and take notice. Then again, these are both interesting guys who often think outside the box, so this is not all that surprising. I continue to be fascinated by how this new policy has parsed the space community with equal numbers of liberals, conservatives, Republicans, Democrats, politicians, and business representatives on either side of the argument.

On the other hand I am startled at how so many self-described experts in space commerce such as Taylor Dinnerman (whose supposed website SpaceEquity.com is now used for credit repair links) have such a woefully thin level of confidence in the ability of the private sector to innovate and succeed. I guess he missed these Falcon 9 launch preparation pictures the SpaceX posted yesterday. Certainly looks "respectable" to me.

I guess this is a classic case of "where you stand depends on where you sit". I think it also shows that faith (or lack thereof) in the private sector is not the exclusive property of any one party or faction. Fascinating. I sense precursors to a paradigm shift in the making.

Newt Gingrich and Bob Walker Endorse Obama's New NASA Plan, Urge Bipartisan Support, Commercial Spaceflight Federation

"In the op-ed, Gingrich and Walker state, "Bipartisan cooperation has been difficult to achieve in Congress, but here is a chance. By looking forward, NASA has given us a way to move forward. It deserves broad support for daring to challenge the status quo."