Former Marxist encounter with young Obama: "He was one of us"

John Drew, Ph.D has now revealed his former acquaintance Barack Obama's Marxist background.

Drew being interviewed yesterday on Breitbart TV:

I visted her [ex-girlfriend] at her home in Palo Alto, and young Barack Obama showed up with basically his closest friend Hasan Chaandu. And they both showed up, and ya know, we all went out to dinner, and parties, and smoked cigarettes, and did what young Marxists do. We basically argued politics...

I did not take my status as a Marxist Revolutionary lightly in 1980. For me it was a serious business. It meant to me that I was an enemy of the US Government in a sense. It meant that I was an enemy of the wealthy people who were ruling the country... and it meant that I was willing to take the sacrifices necessary to... be part of a revolutionary movement that overthrew it. So for me, being a Marxist college student wasn't a light-hearted romp n the park... it was a dead serious statement.

When Carolyn told me Barack was coming up for a visit, she basically introduced him as "he's one of us." And what she meant by that was that he was on our team, a blood brother, member of this revolutionary elite that was going to turn around our country when the revolution hit.

When I met him, he wasn't just some sort of idle explorer of intellectual Marxism; he was good. I know this is kind of incendiary, but he was basically a Marxist-Leninist.

He believed that there was a revolutionary class that was going to turn around our whole nation, ya know redistribute wealth, change control over private property. I think in Dreams of My Father he explains that he liked to "hang out" with Marxist professors. But where he's deceiving the public is that he doesn't explain that he's in total, 100% agreement with those Marxist professors.

Earlier in the interview, Drew explains how he tried to get this information out through repeated faxes and emails during the 2008 campaign, but was ignored by major media, including Fox News.
Drew first recounted the story on Anonymous Political Scientist blog on Sunday, Feb. 7. Three days later NewsMax broke it nationally.

According to his Twitter site, he is now booked for numerous national media appearances next week.

Drew is a researcher, grant writer and author who now lives in California. He is no longer a Marxist, and says that his conversion away from Marxism came while researching the affects of welfare programs on society.

See the full interview at

Live Photos and Specifications of the Samsung S8500 Wave Emerge [SamsungWave]

Yesterday we saw the Samsung Wave from afar, today we get our first close look at Samsung's first Bada-powered handset. The Wave is indeed the S8500, the first handset to receive Bluetooth SIG certification for the new Bluetooth 3.0 standard.

Ironically, Bluetooth was left out of the list of leaked specs but we will presume that Bluetooth 2.0 and possibly 3.0 is on board. Besides Bluetooth, the Wave will offer a 3.3 inch AMOLED capacitive touchscreen display, five megapixel camera with autofocus and flash, 720p video, DivX support, 2GB internal memory with microSD expansion, HSDPA connectivity, Wi-Fi, 1 GHz processor, 3.5mm headphone jack, aluminum body, 1500 mAh battery, and the Bada OS with Touchwiz 3.0. The Wave has the typical appearance of a Samsung phone with two flush front buttons, a triangular four way navigational button, triangular camera and flash, and brushed metal accents. Other than the performance of the Bada OS, which will have to wait until the first hands-on video is released, all that is left to find out about this handset is its launch date and geographic availability, a not so trivial fact we hope is announced when Samsung officially unveils this handset next week at MWC. []

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Microsoft’s Project Pink Phones Show Up On FCC [ProjectPink]

With MWC right around the corner, all eyes are on Microsoft for the launch of Windows Phone 7. And though we heard Project Pink was in trouble, this FCC filing suggests the Sharp-made Turtle may still be on its way.

The diagram for the model PB10ZU shows a short, stout device that bears an unmistakable resemblance to the Project Pink Turtle images we saw last Fall. The filing reveals that the PB10ZU packs dual-band CDMA, EVDO, Bluetooth and WiFi connectivity. Sharp being the manufacturer for the Turtle is in line with what we have heard from the beginning and makes sense, as they made the original Sidekick for Danger, who was acquired by Microsoft in 2008.

A second device with the model number PB20ZU is mentioned, though considerably less detail is offered. One could surmise that this might well be the Pure, the second, more traditionally-shaped slider that we saw in our original leak.

As Engadget points out, the FCC filing's details are being withheld until March 29, just after the CTIA conference in Vegas. That conference has been rumored as a potential venue for the debut of the Zune phone. Exactly what place the Turtle will have in the Windows Phone 7 line-up remains unclear, though it has been suggested that it is not the star of the collection but rather an "evolution of the Sidekick."

Presumably some of this will come into focus in the coming days at MWC, but until then you can bet the speculation will be at an all time high. [FCC via Engadget]

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Allowable loss in UPVC pipes

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Passive Venting Gets Aggressive

One UK landmark building achieved an "excellent" NEAT rating by introducing a mixed mode of passive natural ventilation and air conditioning cassettes. Engineers drew cool air into the building via insulated ventilation louvers, while forcing warm air out. AC is used only to maintain correct ventil

Now's the Time to Cut Emissions

A number of major U.S. corporations have concluded that limits on carbon emissions are inevitable, whether they come from Congress or the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), cap-and-trade, or a tax. EPA took the first step on the road to regulation on January 1 when it began developing a registry

Hierarchical Communication

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Say Goodbye to Paper Pages?

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Debunking Nuclear Power Myths

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A Pox on Both Their Houses

More than a year after President George W. Bush left office, more Americans continue to blame his administration over any other entity for the nation's economic woes, according to a new poll.

In a New York Times/CBS News survey out Friday, 31 percent of Americans said the Bush administration is at fault for the current state of the economy while only 7 percent pointed their finger at President Obama and his team.

My assessment differs somewhat from this poll's;  I would argue that the following pre-Obama policies played the main role in generating the current mess:

1. The housing policies pursued by HUD, FHA, Fannie, and Freddie.

2. The implicit (almost explicit) guarantees issued by the Fed that it could clean up the housing bubble without much fuss;

3. The growth of expenditure during the Bush administration (Medicare prescription drug coverage, Middle East Wars, pork for everyone).

4. The Wall Street bailouts.

But then I would argue that the following Obama policies have made the recession deeper and longer:

1. Endorsement of the Wall Street bailouts (Obama voted for TARP and appointed a key architect, Tim Geithner, as his Treasury Secretary)

2. The auto bailouts;

3. The fiscal stimulus;

4. Populist ranting at Wall Street over compensation, taxes;

5. Refusal to extend the Bush tax cuts, or repeal the estate tax, or cut taxes rates generally;

6. Pre-occupation with resdistribution over productivity: health care, card check, auction-less cap-and-trade, and continued support for low-income homeownership.

Thus, plenty of blame to go around.

Newt Gingrich and Bob Walker Endorse Obama’s New NASA Plan, Urge Bipartisan Support

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich and former House Science and Technology Committee Chairman Robert S. Walker have published an op-ed stating, “The Obama administration’s budget for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration deserves strong approval from Republicans. The 2011 spending plan for the space agency does what is obvious to anyone who cares about man’s future in space and what presidential commissions have been recommending for nearly a decade.”

Their op-ed in The Washington Times, titled “Obama’s Brave Reboot for NASA,” can be read at

In the op-ed, Gingrich and Walker state, “Bipartisan cooperation has been difficult to achieve in Congress, but here is a chance. By looking forward, NASA has given us a way to move forward. It deserves broad support for daring to challenge the status quo.”

Gingrich, who is on the board of governors of the National Space Society, and Walker, who was chairman of the Commission on the Future of the United States Aerospace Industry, add, “In the same way the railroads opened the American West, commercial access can open vast new opportunities in space.” They state that commercial spaceflight “has the potential of creating thousands of new jobs, largely the kind of high-tech work to which our nation should aspire.”

Bubble interference in Turbidity measurement

I work in the QMI unit of my company and we are facing the problem of erratic readings from an Optek turbidity analyzer (nephelometer) due to bubble interference. The bubbles disperse the light from the light source and increase the turbidity. We have a debubbler installed but it doesn't seem to be

Texas Church fires reminder case of Sarah Palin’s Church in Wasilla still un-resolved

From Eric Dondero:

BATF and local authorities in Texas have just released photos of three "persons of interest" in the string of 11 now fires that have been set to Central and East Texas Christian churches.

From Christian Telegraph:

Two more Baptist churches, less than two miles apart, burned Monday night, making a total of 11 East Texas churches damaged or destroyed by fire since the New Year and seven confirmed as arsons, authorities say...

[Tom] Crowley, based in the ATF's Dallas office, said the latest fires are possibly associated with a string of church blazes set since Jan. 1. There have been seven confirmed arsons -- three in Athens, two in Tyler, one in Lindale, and one in Wills Point. Each of the fires was started from inside the churches... An arsonist's attack on a church in the central Texas city of Temple [Photo - near Austin] is being investigated as well...

The Dallas Morning News reports:

Sketches of three "people of interest" in the string of East Texas church fires were released by federal authorities Friday morning.

Information about the three men, whom officials are hoping the public will help identify, has been developed over the last two weeks, said Tom Crowley, public information officer for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

The pictures show one man with short hair and a flamelike tattoo on his neck, another short-haired man with a cross on his left forearm, and a third man with longer hair.

Meanwhile, another high profile chuch targetted by arsonists immediately after the 2008 presidential election, remains un-resolved, and now largely ignored.

Josh Painter at Texas for Sarah Palin blog reminds us that after one full year, the case of the arson at Sarah Palin's church in Wasilla, still remains outstanding.

Wasilla Bible Church Arson Still A Cold Case

It's been well over a year since the church Sarah Palin and her family attend in Wasilla, Alaska was torched, and not only has the crime not been solved, but investigators appear to have few, if any, good leads. And there's been precious little outrage on the Left over this unpunished hate crime.

Retired journalism professor Susan Eovaldi calls the mainstream media "indifferent" on the story in The Collins Report:

The heinous fire crime at the Christian Bible Church languishes in the cold case file.

Wasilla PD investigator Ruth Josten didn’t return several calls. Last January the Collins Report posted an exclusive interview with WBC elder Tom Ryan that exposed many horrible facts still being ignored. The Report’s editor, a retired NYPD officer determined early on this crime was much more than simple arson, but instead was a six count attempted murder 1, apparently committed by an outside hired assassin.

These facts are still being ignored: 1. wires for phones, fire alarms, and water systems were slashed from INSIDE the building, near the control room 2. fire accelerant was spread across each church exit to prohibit escape of the five women and one teen girl trapped inside.

(Photo h/t Ironic Surrealism blog)

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