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Richard Lynn, Kenneth Owen
Vol. 121, Journal of General Psychology, 01-01-1994, pp 27.
RICHARD LYNN is with the Psychology Department of the University of Ulster
at Coltraine.
KENNETH OWEN is with the Human Sciences Research Council, Pretoria, South
ABSTRACT. Numerous studies in the United States have shown that mean test
scores between Blacks and Whites differ by about one standard deviation. It
has further been noted that the magnitudes of these differences vary on
different tests. This variation can be explained by Spearman's hypothesis,
which states that Black-White differences on a set of cognitive tests are
positively associated with the tests' g loadings (the general intellectual
ability). The present study, conducted among Black, Indian, and White
secondary students in South Africa, showed mean Black-White differences of two
standard deviations, indicating that the American results of one standard
deviation are not universally correct. With regard to Spearman's hypothesis,
it was found that, although the mean White-Indian differences were about one
standard deviation, these differences did not support the hypothesis. Results
pertaining to the Black-White differences were ambiguous; the correlation of
.62 (p < .05) between the Black g and the Black-White differences strongly
supported the hypothesis. A nonsignificant correlation of .23 was obtained
between the White g and the Black-White differences. Possible reasons for this
finding are discussed.
IT IS WIDELY ACCEPTED THAT in the United States the average mean scores on
intelligence tests obtained by Blacks are approximately 15 IQ points lower
than those obtained by Whites (Jensen, 1969; Loehlin, Lindzey & Spuhler, 1975;
Osborne & McGurk, 1982). In addition, it has been known for a number of years
that Black-White differences in intelligence in the United States are more
pronounced on tests of some abilities than on others. In particular, the
differences have generally been relatively small on tests of rote learning and
immediate memoryn and greater on tests requiring problem solving and more
complex mental operations (Jensen, 1985). Spearman (1927) first noted this
Black-White difference and suggested that the magnitude of the difference is
positively related to the degree to which tests measure general intellectual
ability (g), that is, the more highly correlated a test is with g, the greater
the Black-White difference. Jensen (1985) designated this proposition
Spearman'shypothesis and assembled 11 studies on which the hypothesis could be
tested. He found that the overall correlation between the tests' g loadings
and the magnitude of the Black-White difference is +0.59, a statistically
highly significant correlation supporting the hypothesis.
All the studies on which Jensen based his analysis were carried out in the
United States; therefore, it has not been demonstrated that Spearman's
hypothesis holds true for other Black-White populations. If not, the
phenomenon is of limited interest and an explanation could be sought in local
conditions in the United States. On the other hand, if the hypothesis holds
elsewhere, the phenomenon becomes one of more universal validity and interest.
Our aim in the present study was threefold. First, we sought to report mean
test score differences for a number of abilities between Black and White South
Africans and to compare these score differences with those found in the United
States. Second, we wanted to ascertain whether Spearman's hypothesis that
Black-White differences are principally differences in g holds true for South
Africa. Third, we wanted to report intelligence test means for Indians in
South Africa, as both a matter of general interest and to examine whether
there are Indian-White differences in Spearman's g.
The sample consisted of adolescents aged 15-16 in South African "standard
7" classes in secondary schools. The mean numbers and ages of the subjects
were as follows: Whites, n = 1,056, mean age 15.0 years (SD = 0.86); Blacks, n
= 1,093, mean age = 16.5 years (SD = 1.67); Indians, n = 1,063, mean age =
15.0 years (SD = 0.99). There were approximately equal numbers of boys and
girls in each group. The White subjects were drawn from 20 schools in the
Pretoria-Witwatersrand-Vereeniging (PWV) area and 10 schools in the Cape
Peninsula. The Indian subjects were drawn from 30 schools selected at random
from the list of high schools in and around Durban. The Black sample came from
three schools in the Pretoria-Witwatersrand-Vereeniging area and from 25
schools selected as representative schools in Black areas in KwaZulu adjacent
to urban centers in Natal. We administered the tests in August and September
1985 in the White and Indian schools, in November 1985 in the three Black
schools in the PWV area, and in June 1986 in the 25 schools in KwaZulu.
Testing was conducted by school psychologists from the various groups. Owen
(1989) gives further details of the samples.
We used the South African Junior Aptitude Tests (JAT) (Verwey & Wolmarans,
1983); a multiability test constructed in South Africa and standardized on
White pupils in Standards 5 to 8. The JAT is similar to the American DAT and
consists of 10 tests of primary abilities.
1. Classification: a nonverbal reasoning test based on pictures of objects
with certain characteristics in common
2. Reasoning: a test consisting of verbal and numerical reasoning problems
3. Number: a test containing arithmetic problems of addition, subtraction,
multiplication, division, and percentages
4. Synonyms: a verbal comprehension test
5. Comparisons: a perceptual speed test consisting of matching groups of
letters and numbers with a standard group
6. Spatial 2-D: a two-dimensional spatial-comprehension test involving
combining shapes to form a square
7. Spatial 3-D: a test of three-dimensional spatial ability
8. Memory 1 (Paragraph): a test of memory for meaning that involves reading
paragraphs and later answering questions on the content
9. Memory 2 (Symbols): an associative memory test that requires remembering
arbitrary associations of pairs of words and symbols
10. Mechanical Insight: a mechanical ability test consisting of questions
concerning drawings of mechanical apparatus
Further details regarding the tests' reliability, validity, and so on, are
given in Owen's monograph and the test manual.
It was evident (see Table 1) that considerable test score differences
existed among the three groups (Hotelling's T(sup 2) and post hoc t tests
revealed that all White-Indian and White-Black differences were statistically
significant,p < .0001). The actual size of these differences can be better
appreciated when they are expressed as standardized differences (in terms of
each test's standard deviation for Whites). These standardized differences
also were coffected for attenuation by dividing each difference by the square
root of the particular test's reliability coefficient (KR-20) for Whites.
The mean of the standardized Black-White differences on the 10 tests was
2.1 SD units, whereas the mean of the White-Indian differences was 1.0 SD
unit. The White-Black and White-Indian differences were relatively small for
the associative memory test (Test 9) and number manipulation test (Test 3), as
compared with the other tests, which place more emphasis on problem solving.
It was further evident that the nonverbal reasoning test (Test 1) showed the
biggest Black-White difference of all. This finding stresses the point made by
Irvine (1969) that items with figural content do not necessarily lead to a
reduction in cultural bias. (Whether the difference in the case of the present
study was due to cultural bias or to lack of ability is not easily decided.)
The appreciable differences between Black and White scores on Test 2
(mainly verbal reasoning), Test 4 (Synonyms), and Test 8 (Memory-Paragraph)
can be ascribed to the Black subjects' lack of proficiency in the language of
the test (English and not their mother tongue). Although Black pupils are
taught in English from Standard 3 on, their language skills are not
sufficiently developed by the time they have reached Standard 7 to compete
with those of Whites.
The suitability of the JAT for use as a common test battery for Blacks and
Whites from the point of view of test and item bias is discussed by Owen
(1989) and does not directly concern us here. What is of importance, however,
is whether Black-White-Indian mean test differences are correlated with the
JAT's g loadings. To address this problem, we followed Jensen's (1985, pp.
198-200) formulation of the methodology for testing Spearman's hypothesis. The
correlation matrices for the 10 tests for each group of pupils (Table 2) were
factor analyzed separately by means of the principal-factor method. The first
unrotated principal factor is regarded as Spearman's g. This factor accounted
for 44, 34, and 44 percent of the variance for the White, Black, and Indian
samples, respectively, and the second factor for 14, 12, and 14 percent of the
variance. Only the first two factors had eigenvalues above unity, and
therefore were statistically significant in all three samples. We follow
Jensen in interpreting the first factor as Spearman's g on the grounds that
(a) it explains 34% to 44% of the variance and (b) the test consists of a
varied mix of the major primary abilities (i.e., verbal and nonverbal
reasoning, verbal comprehension, spatial abilities, mechanical ability, and
memory). We believe that in these circumstances, the first factor can
reasonably be interpreted as a measure of Spearman's g.
For each group, this factor was corrected for attenuation by dividing the
loadings of the various tests on the factor by the square root of the
reliability coefficient for the test for the group concerned (i.e., White g
was corrected by means of White KR-20s, etc.). Note that the reliability
coefficient was not available for Test 5 (because as a speeded test, the KR-20
is not applicable), therefore, we gave it the mean of reliabilities of the
other 9 tests. From Table 3, it is evident that the three corrected principal
factors (g loadings) are very similar. On the strength of the very high
congruence coefficients (0.99) for the White-Indian and White-Black g loadings
it can be assumed that, to a large extent, the same factor is measured in the
three groups.
To test Spearman's hypothesis, we calculated correlations between the
corrected g loadings (Table 3) and the corrected mean test score differences
(Table 1). The g loadings for the Black sample were correlated with the
Black-White test score differences at r = .624, p < .05, and thus confirmed
Spearman's hypothesis. The g loadings for the White sample were correlated
with the test score differences at r = .235, but this correlation was not
statistically significant. It may seem curious that there should be such a
large difference between the two correlations despite the very high
coefficient of congruence between the g loadings. To examine this discrepancy
further, we calculated Spearman's rank order correlations between the g
loadings (White) and the Black-White test differences (r .20, ns), the g
loadings (Black) and the Black-White test differences (r .64, p < .05), and
the Black g loadings by the White g loadings, r = .72, p .05).
These correlations show that the rank ordering of the g loadings and
White-Black test differences were not the same for the two groups. Bearing in
mind that we used only 10 tests, it stands to reason that one or two aberrant
g loadings and/ or test differences could sway the results in one direction or
another. An inspection of the data in Table 3 revealed that Test 5 had the
lowest g loading of all for the White sample (this was to be expected because
the test primarily requires perceptual speed) but an unexpectedly high g
loading for the Black sample. The mean test score differences between Whites
and Blacks for this test (Table 1), on the other hand, ranked only fifth. If
the rank orders of the two variables (g loadings and White-Black test
differences) had been the same in just two instances, namely, Test 5 and Test
1, the Spearman r for Whites would have been .65 (the same as that for
Blacks), instead of .23. Under these circumstances the Spearman hypothesis
would also have been supported by data for the Whites.
We thought it would also be interesting to examine the Indian-White test
score differences to see whether they were a function of the g loadings. As
with the Black-White comparison, this analysis can be done for the g loadings
for the Indian and for the White samples. For the Indian sample, the
correlation was +.129; for the White sample, it was +.081. Both correlations
were negligible, showing that Indian-White test score differences have no
relation to differences in Spearman's g. Of course, neither Spearman nor
Jensen has suggested that there would be any relationship. What makes this
result interesting is that it shows that population differences in
intelligence are not necessarily primarily differences in Spearman's g, as
Sternberg (1985) suggested, or even statistical artifacts, as argued by
Schonemann (1985). Evidently, it is possible to find population differences of
ISD unit that do not, to any significant extent, consist of differences in
Spearman's g.
TABLE 1. Means, Standard Deviations (SDs), and Test Reliabilities (KR-20)
of the JAT for White, Indian and Black Pupils, Standardized White-Indian and
White-Black Test Differences, and Differences Corrected for Attenuation
Information is presented in the following order: Tests; Maximum score;
White (n = 1,056): Mean; White (n = 1,056): SD[1]; White (n = 1,056): KR-20;
Indian (n = 1,063): Mean; Indian (n = 1,063): SD[2]; Indian (n = 1,063):
KR-20; Black (n = 1,093): Mean; Black (n = 1,093): SD[3]; Black (n = 1,093):
KR-20; Standardized White-Indian differences*; Standardized White-Black
differences**; Corrected White-Indian differences***; Corrected White-Black
JAT1: Classification; 30; 23.1; 3.5; 0.63; 19.1; 4.1; 0.65; 13.4; 4.3;
0.64; 1.14; 2.77; 1.44; 3.51.
JAT2: Reasoning; 30; 18.3; 4.8; 0.79; 13.7; 4.7; 0.78; 6.5; 2.6; 0.33;
0.96; 2.46; 1.08; 2.76.
JAT3: Number Ability; 30; 16.7; 4.9; 0.80; 15.6; 4.8; 0.80; 9.0; 3.6; 0.66;
0.22; 1.57; 0.25; 1.76.
JAT4: Synonyms; 30; 19.9; 4.9; 0.78; 14.5; 5.6; 0.81; 6.1; 2.7; 0.29; 1.10;
2.82; 1.25; 3.20.
JAT5: Comparison: 30; 24.6; 3.9; 0.79[1]; 20.6; 5.7; 0.77[1]; 16.5; 5.5;
0.60[1]; 1.03; 2.08; 1.16; 2.34.
JAT6: 2-D; 40; 27.8; 7.2; 0.87; 17.4; 6.9; 0.87; 13.6; 5.9; 0.83; 1.44;
1.97; 1.55; 2.12.
JAT7: 3-D; 30; 22.0; 5.5; 0.85; 14.5; 6.4; 0.87; 10.3; 4.9; 0.80; 1.36;
2.13; 1.48; 2.32.
JAT8: Memory (Paragraph); 25; 17.4; 1.6; 0.80; 13.6; 4.3; 0.73; 8.2; 3.8;
0.66; 0.83; 2.0; 0.93; 2.25.
JAT9: Memory (Symbols); 30; 22.7; 5.5; 0.87; 19.5; 5.6; 0.84; 16.7; 5.9;
0.84; 0.58; 1.09; 0.62; 1.17.
JAT10: Mechanical Insight; 42; 19.7; 5.5; 0.75; 12.2; 4.0; 0.60; 7.9; 3.0;
0.32; 1.36; 2.15; 1.56; 2.47.
[*] (X(standard mean)1 - X(standard mean)2/S1.
[**] (X(standard mean)1 - X(standard mean)3/S1.
[***] [(X(standard mean)1 - X(standard mean)2/S1]/ (square root of) White
[****] [(X(standard mean)1 - X(standard mean)3)S1]/ (square root of) White
[1] Mean of the other 9 KR-20 values. TABLE 2. Intercorrelations of the 10
Test Scores of the JAT for White, Indian, and Black Pupils
Tests 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
White pupils (n = 1.056)
JAT 1: Classification
JAT 2: Reasoning 0.35
JAT 3: Number ability 0.22 0.63
JAT 4: Synonyms 0.32 0.61 0.42
JAT 5: Comparison 0.13 0.36 0.45 0.27
JAT 6: 2-D 0.39 0.47 0.34 0.34 0.25
JAT 7: 3-D 0.45 0.49 0.32 0.37 0.23 0.71
JAT 8: Memory (paragraph) 0.24 0.50 0.42 0.45 0.38 0.23 0.23
JAT 9: Memory (symbols) 0.19 0.42 0.37 0.34 0.31 0.25 0.27 0.52
JAT 10: Mechanical insight 0.35 0.52 0.35 0.37 0.21 0.53 0.51 0.31 0.22
Indian pupils (n = 1,063)
JAT 1: Classification
JAT 2: Reasoning 0.42
JAT 3: Number ability 0.30 0.64
JAT 4: Synonyms 0.33 0.67 0.51
JAT 5: Comparison 0.20 0.40 0.40 0.41
JAT 6: 2-D 0.49 0.44 0.32 0.27
JAT 7: 3-D 0.51 0.48 0.34 0.31 0.22 0.73
JAT 8: Memory (paragraph) 0.16 0.47 0.38 0.49 0.31 0.16 0.18
JAT 9: Memory (symbols) 0.22 0.44 0.40 0.42 0.31 0.27 0.30 0.43
JAT 10: Mechanical insight 0.33 0.42 0.34 0.38 9.23 0.45 0.44 0.25 0.29
Black pupils (n = 1,093) JAT 1: Classification
JAT 2: Reasoning 0.29
JAT 3: Number ability 0.26 0.29
JAT 4: Synonyms 0.23 0.33 0.27
JAT 5: Comparison 0.28 0.27 0.43 0.25
JAT 6: 2-D 0.37 0.28 0.26 0.21 0.30
JAT 7: 3-D 0.38 0.30 0.21 0.18 0.22 0.64
JAT 8: Memory (paragraph) 0.24 0.28 0.24 0.25 0.32 0.18 0.16
JAT 9: Memory (symbols) 0.22 0.21 0.28 0.15 0.28 0.25 0.23 0.35
JAT 10: Mechanical insight 0.26 0.24 0.23 0.22 0.25 0.23 0.21 0.23 0.19
TABLE 3. G Loadings of the JAT (Unrotated First Principal Factor) for
White, Indian, and Black Pupils Corrected for Attentuation
A g loading B Corrected g* C Corrected g** D Corrected g***
White Indian Black
1 .457 0.601 .540 .667 .542 .678
2 .822 0.924 .835 .949 .529 .928 3 .647 0.727 .665 .747 .520 .642 4 .652
0.741 .709 .788 .448 .830 5 .473 0.531 .474 .539 .550 .714 6 .688 0.740 .658
.708 .653 .718 7 .697 0.758 .688 .740 .652 .733 8 .595 0.669 .524 .616 .468
.578 9 .518 0.557 .556 .604 .469 .510 10 .623 0.716 .559 .726 .424 .744
[*] g/(square root of) White KR-20.
[**] g/(square root of) Indian KR-20.
[***] g/(square root of) Black KR-20.
Irvine, S. H. (1969). Figural tests of reasoning in Africa. International
Journal of Psychology, 4, 217-228.
Jensen, A. R. (1969). How much can we boost IQ and scholastic achievement?
Harvard Educational Review, 39, 1-123.
Jensen, A. R. (1985). The nature of the Black-White difference on various
psychometric tests: Spearman's hypothesis. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 8,
Loehlin, J. C., Lindzey, G., & Spuhler, J. N. (1975). Race differences in
intelligence. San Francisco: W H. Freeman.
Osborne, R. T., & McGurk, E C. J. (Eds.). (1982). The testing of Negro
intelligence, Vol. 2 Athens, GA: Foundation for Human Understanding.
Owen, K. (1989). Test and item bias: The suitability of the Junior Aptitude
Tests as a common test battery for White, Indian and Black pupils in Standard
7. Pretoria: Human Sciences Research Council. (ERIC No. TM 013999).
Schonemann, P. H. (1985). On artificial intelligence. Behavioral and Brain
Sciences, 8, 241-242.
Spearman, C. (1927). The abilities of man. New York: Macmillan.
Sternberg, R. J. (1985). The Black-White differences and Spearman's g: Old
wine in new bottles that still doesn't taste good. Behavioral and Brain
Sciences, 8, 244.
Verwey, F. A., & Wolmarans, J. S. (1983). Junior Aptitude Tests. Pretoria:
Human Sciences Research Council.
Received March 1, 1993
Address correspondence to Richard Lynn, Psychology Department, University
of Ulster, Coleraine County Londonderry BT52 ISA, Northern Ireland
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