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Transhumanism News

The Human Situation and its Reparation
by Robert Klark Graham
A great drive toward higher intelligence began when the very early
precursors of man began to walk erect. This freed their grasping forelimbs
from use in locomotion and made them available as hands, as implements of the
mind. Of the mammals only those ancestral to man walked fully erect.
During the next approximately 3 million years the human brain trebled in
size. This was one of the most remarkable developments known and it gradually
brought into the world a new force: the power of high intelligence.
"The human brain is the most complicated mechanism in the universe. Crammed
within its relatively small volume of 1.5 liters are billions of individual
neurons, many of which receive tens of thousands of connections from other
neurons. The neuronal wiring in the brain is genetically determined."
The gains in brain size and intelligence continued within the ancestral
line of hominids throughout almost its entire hunting stage. It culminated in
the tall, powerful, intelligent Cro-Magnons and their cognates, regarded by
anthropologists as the most impressive creatures nature has produced. Cleland
commented, "The Cro-Magon Brain was much larger than the average of today. It
was a superb race both physically and mentally." Kroeber agreed, "The size and
weight of the brain of the early Cro-Magon people was some fifteen percent or
twenty percent greater than that of modern Europeans." Humankind never again
reached such a state of average excellence.
Apparently this peak was reached only by the early Cro-Magons. Later
generations of these same peoples were not quite the equal of their forebears.
Their workmanship was less admirable. This was the first known regression in
the development of our kind. There is reason to conclude that increasing
control of the environment (including fire, shelter and weapons ) weakened the
intensity of natural selection until less endowed individuals could survive in
debasing numbers.
With the ending of the latest Ice Age, about 11,000 years ago, agriculture
became possible. Given the warmer climate and the relative abundance which
food production provided, man redoubled his numbers again and again until he
had cities and then civilizations. Types which never could have survived by
hunting in semi-glacial wilderness now multiplied prodigiously. This great
quantitative gain produced some qualitative loss. Over time the average brain,
once 1500 cc., regressed to less than 1400 cc.
With increased numbers and increased leisure the creative segment of
society began a whole series of dazzling accomplishments. They invented the
wheel, writing , the smelting of metals and more. Although now in the
minority, there are probably more creative individuals in the populous world
today than the Cro-Magnons could have mustered at any one time. Cultural
accomplishments can still accumulate while the innate condition of man
Since the beginning of agriculture there have been twenty-six identified
civilizations. They include the Egyptian, Babylonian, Greek and Roman. Every
one of them broke down or died out expecting so far only the youngest our own.
Why were they not self-sustaining?
A common factor, which appeared in the late stages of many of these failed
civilizations, was the gradual dying our of their abler peoples, the types who
had initiated the civilizations and might have sustained them. They failed to
reproduce sufficiently. Consequently their civilization died out at the top
and their society became unable to cope with problems it once could have
surmounted, including invasions.
The tendency of civilized life to sterilize its ablest citizens...is the
experience of nearly all countries which enjoy even as passable degree of
prosperity...For example, the earlier Roman emperors were continually in
difficulty because of the extinction of the senatorial families, which were
the class whose administrative ability had been so largely responsible for the
creation of the Roman Empire."
Today there is a specific remedy for this chronic affliction of
A normal woman whose childbearing is not restricted will have an average of
15 live children. 1.8 is the present reproduction rate of our more able
citizens (European and American). This is significantly below the 2.1 rate
necessary for them just to maintain their numbers. This failure of the most
able segment is even more serious when we realize that 4.1 is approximately
the reproduction rate of the exploding world population today.
How did this happen? Possibly from observing the behavior of domesticated
animals, someone deduced the caused of pregnancy. Discovery of the cause led
to ways to prevent it. Ever since, the more capable members of society have
been more effective than the average in the prevention of pregnancy. When they
reduced the pregnancies of their own kind below replacement level, they
exerted an especially sinister influence on human quality. No civilization
survived long once this destructive morbidity set in. ("Extinction from
within," Spenger called it.)
Late in the development of our Western civilization we see evidence of
regression for the twenty-seventh time. We live in a nation desperately in
debt. It no longer maintains its borders as it once did. Crime worsens. The
SAT scores have declined. There is evidence that the genetic component of
human intelligence has declined measurably in recent generations. Some
authorities estimate that the decline is not less than one IQ point per
For thousands of years our kind has borne the gradual weakening of natural
selection. We have also endured world wars which killed millions of the best
of young manhood before they could reproduce. It has seen the proletariat kill
millions of its own intelligentsia and bourgeoisie. It sees a nation paying
indigent females to bear millions of largely non-self supporting offspring.
Most sinister of all, today it suffers the gradual elimination of the
intelligent by the intelligent themselves- -a direct negation of the natural
selection which once built our brain.
It is not to be expected that we stand unhurt by massive dysgenic
catastrophes such as these. The details are not all known but the evidence is
stark. Where it counts most, man has lost more than 100 cubic centimeters of
brain mass. There are about 600 million fewer brain sells than there used to
be. The brainy creature is squandering his capital. We are still the dominant
creature. We overpopulate the earth. But we are no longer an upwardly evolving
Why must humankind achieve great civilizations repeatedly, only to fall
back into decline more than twenty times? Has man reached a limit? Must he
continue as a physiologically declining organism? The answer depends on the
character of the lives yet to come and over this we have some influence.
The reproductive deficiency prevalent today among the leaders, the savers
and investors, the entrepreneurs, producers and professionals, is not due to
infertility. It is due to suppression of their fertility. If instead, more of
this fertility were released, many of our gravest problems could soon be
ameliorated. Encouraging the procreative impulse where would do the most good
could be decisive.
Man can be improved gradually by increasing the proportion of advantageous
genes in the human gene pool.
The situation is complex but its remedy is straightforward. It is
contingent on many of the healthiest and most intelligent women having more
children by the healthiest and most intelligent men. If this can be
accomplished abundantly, as in former times, it will conserve and multiply our
most valuable genes. It will lead to more good families, to preservation of
our great civilization and even to humanity resuming its evolution into
increasingly competent beings.
One of the ways to accomplish this elemental healing would be for society
to recognize widely that the more intelligent you are the more children you
should have. This simple, basic principle is mankind's opportunity. It could
do for us what natural selection formerly did, without natural selection's
cruelty. Learned in childhood, understood and lived up to, this would put
mankind back on the path of upward evolution.
Specifically, if you are in good health and your intelligence is
substantially above average, you should have at least five children. A family
of five bright children is really one of the greatest blessing a man and woman
can have in their lifetime. When you can give to children the most lasting,
the most persistently satisfying, the most all around useful of natural
endowments- -a really good mind- -give generously. This giving does not
deplete your fund.
We need the finest counsel to bring about wide recognition of this powerful
source of reparation, for the sake of all and especially for the generations
to come.
1. Berrill, Norman J. (1955) MAN'S EMERGING MINd
(1981). Neuroscience Takes the Novel Prize. Volume 246 No. 20 page 3161.
3. Cleland, Herdman F. (1928) OUR PREHISTORIC ANCESTORS, Doubleday, Garden
4. Krober, Alfred L. (1958) ANTHROPOLOGY, Harcourt, New York.
5. Rushton, J.P. (1994) INTELLIGENCE, Volume 19, pages 281-291
6. Gains in the non-hereditary contributions to total cognition, such as
better nutrition and less childhood disease, may more or less compensate for
the losses in inherited intelligence.
7. Toynbee, A.J. (1972) A STUDY OF HISTORY, Oxford Press, page 72.
8. Darwin, Charles G. (1952) THE NEXT MILLION YEARS, Doubleday, Garden
City, page 91.
9. Guttmacher, Alan. Public statement.
10. Vining, D.R., Jr. (1982) On the possibility of the reemergence of a
dysgenic trend with respect to intelligence in American fertility
differentials. Intelligence. 6, 241-264. See also Sir Cyril Burt Intelligence
whole number above the population's average of 4.1 and Fertility (1946)
Published by Hamilton, London, England.
11. Herrnstein, Richard J. and Charles Murry (1994) The Bell Curve. page
364. The Free Press.
12. Rushton, J. Philippe and C. Davison Ankney. BRAIN SIZE AND COGNITIVE
ABILITY. Psychonomic Bulletin Review. 1996, 3 (1), 23
13. Raymond B. Cattell has detailed the ways in which declining
intelligence can undermine a society in his article" Some Changes in Social
Life in a Community with a Falling Intelligence Quotient," pages, 156-176,
contained in R. B. Cattell (editor), Intelligence and National Achievement
(1983), Institute for the Study of Man, Washington, D.C.
14. 5 is smallest whole number above the population's average of 4.1.
The Writer addressing you is ninety-year old Robert Klark Graham, still
driven by a passion for a better world. Graham is co-founder, with Nobelist
Hermann J. Muller, of the ongoing Repository for Germinal Choice ("genius
sperm bank") and developer of the modern hard resin ophthalmic lens, now
replacing fragile glasses worldwide.
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