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A Review of "A New Morality from Science: Beyondism"
Richard Lynn,
"Review: A New Morality from Science: Beyondism." by R.B. Cattell. Pergamon
Press, New York, 1972. Pages xvii and 482. Irish Journal of Psychology 2 #3
(Winter 1974).
A new book by Professor Cattell is always an exciting occasion, for his is
certainly one of the most brilliant of contemporary psychologists. Before he
was thirty he had devised the culture-free intelligence test and worked out a
statistical technique for measuring the decline of the British national
intelligence. Later he formulated the double g theory of fluid and
crystallised intelligence and designed the world famous 16PF. And now we have
his latest work: Beyondism.
Beyondism! Whatever is it? It is a new system of ethics designed to bring
about the improvement of the human species. We need a new system of ethics,
Cattell begins by telling us, because the old ethics based on religion is so
clearly breaking down throughout the world. The new ethics of Beyondism is
based not on religion but on science. Its objective is the improvement of the
human beings and society: a better world. The means of brining about this lie
in the application of Darwin's law of evolution.
People who considered the problem of how the world can be improved fall
into one or other of two camps. On the one hand, there are those who believe
it is possible to draw up a blueprint of the ideal society. Everything is to
be planned. This is the vision of socialism. The alternative approach is that
of conservatism. To the conservative, we are not able to tell what an improved
society of the future would be like, any more than our primate ancestors could
imagine human society, or mediaeval man the advances societies of today. In
the fact of our limited powers of foresight and understanding, and the unknown
discoveries which will be made in the fullness of time, the best course is to
let a better society evolve gradually of its own accord.
Of these two approaches, Cattell places himself squarely in the
conservative camp. The problem, posed from the viewpoint of the conservation
tradition, is not to sit down and plan a specification for Utopia, but to set
up the conditions under which further evolutionary progress will occur. For
this we need to go back to Darwin, for he gave us the master theory of the
principles of evolution, applicable not only to the development of different
species in the past but also to the future progress of mankind.
Now evolution takes place where there is a variety of different types who
compete against one another, and in this competition the fittest survive and
the unfit become extinct. This, therefore, should be the first principle in
the design of human society. The requirement of diverse competing types
applies both to societies and to individuals. Among societies the unit should
be the nation and there should be the widest variety of different cultures.
Some will be capitalist, some socialist, and some mixed economies. Some will
be democracies, others oligarchies, and yet other dictatorships. They will
have different religions, or none; and they will have different kinds and
distributions of intelligence and personality qualities. The nations will
compete, and in the competitive struggle the fittest will survive.
If the evolutionary process is to bring its benefits, it has to be allowed
to operate effectively. This means that incompetent societies have to be
allowed to go to the wall. This is something we in advanced societies do not
at present face up to and the reason for this, according to Cattell, is that
we have become too soft-hearted. For instance, the foreign aid which we give
to the under-developed world is a mistake, akin to keeping going incompetent
species like the dinosaurs which are not fit for the competitive struggle for
existence. What is called for here is not genocide, the killing off of the
populations of incompetent cultures. But we do need to think realistically in
terms of "phasing out" of such peoples. If the world is to evolve more better
humans, then obviously someone has to make way for them otherwise we shall all
be overcrowded. After all, ninety-eight per cent of the of the species known
to zoologists are extinct. Evolutionary progress means the extinction of the
less competent. To think otherwise is mere sentimentality.
As a general rule it would be best for national cultures to keep themselves
to themselves and not to admit immigrants. There are several reasons for this.
Isolation would give rise to societies with greater diversity and
individuality, both culturally and genetically. Indeed, it would be desirable
if the human race could evolve several different non-interbreeding species,
since this would increase the options for evolution to work on. Another reason
for discouraging migration is that migrants are often people of low genetic
quality who reduce the efficiency of the population they join.
The first principle for evolutionary progress is therefore competition
between diverse cultures, but we have to think also of the principles
conducive to the efficiency of individual nations especially that of our own
if we wish to be among the survivors.
It is of course necessary to improve the society by better education,
health and so forth. Everyone agrees with that. But it is equally important to
improve the genetic quality of society. Cattell maintains that in order to do
this we need to encourage the intelligent people to have more children and the
unintelligent to have fewer. And here, as in international relationships, the
altruistic impulses have become unhealthily strong in advanced western
societies. For just as in certain people the aggressive impulses, or the
sexual impulses, can get out of hand, the same thing can occur with the
altruistic impulses and has in fact occurred in advanced western societies.
For example, we are too altruistic towards the poor. People are poor largely
because they are incompetent and unintelligent. Such people should not be
encouraged to breed. Conversely, we are too harsh to the rich. Progressive
taxation, for example, is hard to justify. Why should the rich have to
contribute more than anyone else through taxation to the maintenance of state
services, since they do not benefit more from them? Morally, this cannot be
justified. Eugenically, it is equally undesirable. For the rich are rich,
broadly speaking, because they are intelligent and competent and we should
encourage them to have more children. Let them keep their money and they may
be persuaded to do so. We should allow the effects of competition full reign
within societies as well as between societies. For it is through competition
that evolutionary progress will take place.
Tough speaking, you may say. No doubt, but then Cattell is saying that this
is a tough world. It is the law of evolution which is tough, and you cannot
fight against the laws of nature. You have instead to work with them, working
with the grain and not against it. Ignoring the laws of nature brings its own
nemesis. Thus a society which has grown too soft towards its incompetents,
encouraging them to multiply unduly, and places too great handicaps on its
more efficient and enterprising, will itself become an incompetent society and
will in time fall victim to a more vigorous nation. Moral defects within
societies are thereby corrected in the competitive struggle between societies.
The law of evolution cannot be fought or circumvented. We can ignore it, at
our peril, or we can recognize it and work with it. But if all this -- nature
red in tooth and claw -- seems harsh, we have to remember that this is the
mechanism through which evolutionary progress takes place, through which man
himself has evolved from more primitive forms of life, and through which
future progress will occur.
And so for Cattell the basic principles for a scientific ethics are these:
diverse societies and types; competition between societies and between
individuals; survival of the fittest, extinction of the unfit. This is the way
to a better world. How different from most prescriptions for Utopia, with
their socialistic world states in which competition is extinguished and all
men work together in a spirit of co-operation, brotherly love and, no doubt,
boredom. And how different is Raymond Cattell today from the young Raymond
Cattell who in the nineteen thirties, in his Fight for the National
Intelligence, described himself as a Socialist. Over the last forty years
Cattell has evidently travelled (sic!) the long road from radical Socialist to
high Tory. He is not the first to have done so. Those who share this latter
viewpoint will welcome a recruit of such undoubted brilliance as Raymond
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