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The Limited Plasticity of Human Intelligence
by Arthur R. Jensen
As societies become increasingly technological, the demand for superior
intelligence begins to exceed the supply, and the demand for sheer physical
labor begins to decline Increased leisure, early retirement, and a lengthened
life-span all raise the premium on intelligence for the social and moral
well-being of society. With the eradication of malnutrition and infectious
childhood diseases, and as universal public education and the amenities of our
technological civilization become more widespread, the improvement of human
intelligence, if it is to come about at all, will depend increasingly upon
eugenic means. We are now gradually emerging from a period of over-optimism
regarding the supposed plasticity of intelligence, and the hope of appreciably
raising the IQ of those with below-average intelligence through strictly
psychological and educational methods. This hope is probably as old as
humanity itself. Widespread faith in its practical implementation originated
in the 1920's with the radical behaviorism espoused by John B. Watson.
Watson's behavioristic conception of intelligence has pervaded psychology even
to this day, although it has lost favor among the new generation of
researchers in experimental cognitive psychology and psychometrics.
In the behavioristic view, intelligence became equated with learning. Man's
"original nature", psychologically, consisted only of an undifferentiated,
general capability for learning. All that developed throughout the course of
evolution was an ever-increasing plasticity of the brain for being shaped by
the physical and cultural environment. Human mental capabilities were viewed
as wholly a product of learning. The wide range of individual differences
(except those resulting from some form of brain damage) was attributed to
differences in opportunities for learning, or to differences in the content of
learning. It was believed that these differences became socially salient
merely due to the fact that some forms of knowledge and skills are more highly
valued than others in a particular society.
Accordingly, what Western industrial societies recognize as "intelligence"
and measure by means of standard IQ tests was viewed only as a specialized
collection of particular bits of acquired knowledge and skills which happen to
be valued within a specific cultural context. Given the view of intelligence
as essentially a product of learning, it was reasonable to expect that
intelligence itself could be taught much the same way one teaches reading or
arithmetic. It led to the optimistic expectation that the intelligence of
children in the bottom half of the IQ distribution could be dramatically
raised by providing them with early learning opportunities like those enjoyed
by children in the top half of the distribution. The well-established
correlation between children's IQs and their parents' socioeconomic status
(SES) was accorded an erroneous causal significance: Low SES children were
believed to have lower IQ's and to achieve less well in school because they
lacked the cultural advantages and learning opportunities enjoyed by children
from higher SES backgrounds.
Over the past three decades, hundreds of experiments, many carried out on a
massive scale, have sought to prove that intelligence can be substantially
raised. In a few studies, subjects were given intensive training over a period
of several years. No other field of psychological or educational research has
commanded such vast funds nor marshalled such concerted efforts on such a
grand scale. The truly remarkable finding is not the few points gain in IQ or
scholastic achievement occasionally reported, but the fact that gains are so
seldom found, and, when they are found, that they are so very small. The
theoretical implication of this finding is that the behaviorist view of
intelligence as synonymous with learning (or the products of learning) is
seriously in error. Predictions based on this view have repeatedly failed to
materialize under the prescribed conditions.
When gains in test performance have occurred as a result of educational
treatments, they have displayed one or more of the following characteristics:
(1) they have been small, rarely more than five or ten IQ points; (2) they
have been of short duration, fading out within a year or so after the training
has been completed; (3) they have been restricted to tasks or tests which
closely resemble the actual training procedures themselves, and have failed to
generalize to a broader range of mental tests.
Although I have scoured the research literature, I have yet to find a bona
fide empirical demonstration that any psychological or educational techniques
have succeeded in significantly raising children intelligence. Scores on one
particular test or another, or achievement in particular scholastic subjects,
may have been raised, usually only temporarily. But these gains are not
reflected across a wide variety of tests or school subjects, as would be the
case if it were g itself (the general intelligence factor) that had been
improved. This conclusion is reinforced by evidence reported in a recent book
which summarizes much of the best research and thinking in this field
(Detterman and Sternberg, 1982).
The limited plasticity of intelligence can be more easily understood in
terms of the newly ascending view of intelligence as comprising a small number
of elementary information-processing capabilities which are closely dependent
upon properties of the central nervous system. Learning itself is only one of
many manifestations of these elemental processes involving stimulus encoding,
discrimination, comparison, short-term memory capacity, speed of transfer of
information from short- and long-term memory, and the like. The fact that
ordinary IQ tests measure something more fundamental than acquired knowledge
is demonstrated by the correlation of IQ with performance on laboratory tacks,
such as reaction time, which have have virtually no intellectual content
whatsoever, but which directly measure elemental information-processing
capacities (Jensen, 1980, 1982a, 1982b). That these information-processing
capabilities are closely linked to brain functions is shown by correlation of
both IQ and reaction time measures with brain-wave measurements (termed
average evoked potentials) (Hendrickson and Hendrickson, 1980; Jensen,
Schafer, and Crinella, 1981).
It is now generally accepted that individual differences in IQ and
information-processing capacity are strongly influences by hereditary factors,
with genetic variance constituting about 70% of the total population variance
in IQ (Jensen, 1981). There is also evidence that the genes for superior
intelligence tend to be dominant, which is what would be theoretically
expected if intelligence is a fitness character in the Darwinian sense, and if
it had been subject to natural selection through the course of human evolution
(Jensen, 1983).
The genetic and evolutionary view of human intelligence affords a possible
explanation for its quite limited plasticity. If intelligence has evolved as
an instrumentality for the survival of Homo Sapiens, it could well be that its
biological basis has a built-in stabilizing mechanism, such an that of a
gyroscope. Some degree of homeostatic autonomy in the ontogeny of mental
ability would safeguard the individual's capacity for coping with the
exigencies of survival. Mental development then would not be wholly at the
mercy of often-erratic environmental happenstance. A too-plastic malleability
would give the organism little protection against the vagaries of its
environment. Hence, there may have evolved homeostatic processes to buffer the
semi-autonomous ontogeny of human intelligence, protecting it from being
pushed too far in one direction or the other, either by adventitiously harmful
or by intentionally benevolent environmental forces.
Arthur R. Jensen is Professor of Educational Psychology at the University
of California, Berkeley, California 94720. Reprints of any of his articles
listed below may be obtained from Dr. Jensen.
Detterman, D.K., and Sternberg, R.J. (Eds.) 1982, How and How Much Can
Intelligence be Increased? Norwood, NJ: ABLEX Publishing Corporation
Hendrickson, D.A. and Hendrickson, A.E. 1980, The biological basis of
individual differences in intelligence, Personality and Individual
Differences, 1: 3-33
Jensen, Arthur R. 1980, Chronometric analysis of intelligence, Journal of
Social and Biological Structures, 3: 103-122
Jensen, Arthur R. 1981, Straight Talk About Mental Tests, New York: The
Free Press
Jensen, Arthur R. 1982a, The chronometry of intelligence, in R.J. Sternberg
(Ed.) Advances in the Psychology of Human Intelligence (vol. 1) Hillsdale, NJ:
Jensen, Arthur R. 1982b Reaction time and psychometric A, in Hans J.
Eysenck (Ed., A Model for Intelligence New York: Springer-Verlag
Jensen, Arthur R 1983, The effects of inbreeding on mental ability factors,
Personality and Individual Differences, 4: 71-87
Jensen, A.R., Schafer, E.W. and Crinella, F.M. 1981, Reaction time, evoked
brain potentials, and psychometric in the severely retarded, Intelligence, 5:
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