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Transhumanism News

Is Immigration the Answer to a Labor Shortage?
Joseph L. Daleiden
Executive Director, MCRI
As a nation reaches the peak of a business cycle, labor shortages
inevitably appear and pressure on wage rates increases, especially in the
fastest growing industries. Businessmen frequently seek to increase
immigration to obtain additional labor. Central banks may be inclined to raise
interest rates to curb the possibility of inflation. Both short term fixes
interfere with the natural workings of a market economy and can only create
severe problems in the long term, including slower productivity growth,
greater income inequality, and - ultimately - overpopulation and all of its
related problems.
Key Words: GDP, immigration, labor, overpopulation, inflation
Much of current talk about a labor shortage in the U.S. is reminiscent of
the concern expressed by slaveowners who argued that if the U.S. abolished
slavery there would be no one to pick the cotton. Today we hear that without
more immigrants there will be no one to pick lettuce, cut lawns, work in
restaurants or perform a million and one other low-skilled tasks. In the high
tech industry we hear a variation of the same theme: the software industry
argues that there is a shortage of programmers and information technology
specialists. Some warn that the specter of labor shortages will result in
lower national growth and a decline in real income.
To understand whether there is any truth in the latter argument, we have
to review some basic economic and demographics tenets. Too few commentators
realize that the only way a nation's per capita wealth can increase is through
increased productivity (more output using less input). In the absence of
productivity growth, individuals can only increase their wealth through
reallocation, i.e., the transfer of income from one individual or group to
another individual or group.
A nation's total wealth or annual output (Gross Domestic Product) can also
increase through simple population growth, since there are more hands to
produce things, but total wealth is largely irrelevant as a measure of changes
in human well-being. China's total output (GDP) is 8 times larger than that of
Switzerland, but on a per capita basis the GDP of the Swiss is 20 times that
of the Chinese.
In the normal business cycle, increases in productivity are shared by the
providers of labor and the providers of capital (investors). Their respective
shares are determined by the relative scarcity or abundance of each. During
the 1950s and early '60s, the shortage of labor in the U.S. resulted in U.S.
labor being able to improve its bargaining position and wages rose rapidly.
During the 1970s and 1980s, the labor force swelled due to the baby boom and
the growing labor force participation rates for women. The increased supply of
labor relative to demand weakened the competitive position of labor. The
growth of international markets and, hence, competition from low wage
countries resulted in further downward pressure on wages. The net result was
that inflation adjusted hourly wage rates declined steadily from 1973 until
1993. Productivity grew 1.2% annually over this 20 year period; the total
increase in productivity amounted to 24%. Therefore, if labor had maintained
its bargaining power, real wages might have increased about 24%. Instead,
average weekly earnings dropped by 19%, a net difference of 43%. Some of this
decline was offset by increased benefits, but total compensation adjusted for
inflation remained unchanged over this period.
After the baby boom was absorbed into the labor force, the slowing in the
growth of the labor force would normally have resulted in real wages rising
again, but probably not as much as in the 1950s because the U.S. now faces far
more competition from international markets. Nevertheless, since international
exports account for only about 12% of total U.S. output, wage rates would
still be primarily affected by the supply and demand for labor in the U.S.
Corporations understand that the supply and demand for labor determines
wage rates and that is why they successfully lobbied Congress to increase
immigration in 1990. Unions do not appear to understand the law of supply and
demand, or else care more for attracting additional dues-paying members than
increasing their members' wages. Hence, they did not oppose the increased
immigration; in fact, they supported it.
Of course, given the huge increase in the labor force due to the post-war
baby boom, the increase in immigration will not be sufficient to entirely
offset the decline in the labor force as the post-war baby boomers retire.
However, the shortage is temporary since we will soon have the children of the
baby boomers entering the labor force. Remember, the baby boom lasted from
1945 until 1957. Since many of the baby boomers started family formation much
later than their parents, the bulk of children of the baby boomers range in
age from 10 to 25. Therefore, most have not yet entered the labor force.
Can immigration fill this temporary job market shortfall? Certainly, but
then there will once again be a labor surplus when the bulk of the baby boom
children enter the labor market. Moreover, wage earners will be unable to
increase their share of the productivity pie. A far better solution is to
allow the free market to work. In this case, the labor shortage will result in
increased wage rates making up some of the lost ground since 1973.
Tighter labor markets will also result in increased productivity as
businesses seek to avoid higher labor cost by becoming more efficient or
developing new methods of mechanization. The lemon growers of California are a
good example. From W.W.II until 1964, lemon growers depended upon temporary
workers under the Bracero program. When the Bracero program ended, fear of
increased labor costs caused the growers to invest in mechanization and
higher-producing dwarf trees. But when immigration increased again in the
1970s, the growers stopped innovating and increased their dependence on cheap
Won't higher wages result in inflation? Not if the Central Banks keep
their heads and avoid pumping up the money supply as the Federal Reserve Board
did beginning in 1965. It works like this: the tight labor market results in
increased wages. If wages rise faster than productivity, businesses will seek
to maintain profits by increasing productivity (often by replacing labor with
mechanization) or raising prices. But either reducing employment or increasing
prices will cut aggregate demand for business products. The drop in demand
means that inventories will increase and businesses will reduce production;
this leads to decreased prices or layoffs. Layoffs will result in still less
demand and further downward pressure on prices. Hence, inflation is curbed
without the need for active government intervention.
One of the benefits of a market economy is that, for the most part, it is
self-regulating. In fact, government intervention often does more harm than
good by interfering with the normal adjustment processes. Importing millions
of additional workers is one of those ill-advised interventions.
Initially, a high level of immigration will be viewed as an economic
benefit as it results in increased economic growth. The reason for the higher
growth rates will be in part simply due to the increase in population.
However, as mentioned, only per capita GDP, not total GDP, is a relevant
measure of social welfare. When the National Research Council reported in 1997
that immigration increased U.S. economic output by $1 to $10 billion annually,
they were being disingenuous not to note that adding in the population of
immigrants actually reduced GDP per capita. When the additional cost, (both
capital and maintenance) of the immigrants are included, such as the cost of
constructing and maintaining more schools, highways, power, water and
sanitation systems, police and fire protection, etc., not only is the per
capita cost far greater, but the total economic loss was estimated at $10 to
$14 billion annually.
Nevertheless, it is entirely possible that in the short run increased
immigration will have a net positive per capita benefit. The downward pressure
on wage rates, and the resulting increase in return on investment, will
attract additional capital from abroad. Furthermore, providing investors with
a larger share of total national income will increase the average propensity
to save and invest. As a consequence, productivity and, hence, average per
capita GDP might increase. However, since the providers of capital will not
share this output equally with the providers of labor, it is problematic
whether labor will be better off. The NRC study found that even in the short
term, immigration decreased the per capita income of the poorest 10% of
society by 5% while increasing the income of the rest of society by a mere
In the long run, to be competitive other nations will have to either
increase their productivity or, if they are unable to sufficiently increase
productivity to offset the lower wages of the U.S., they will have to reduce
their wage rates as well. The net result will be increasing worldwide
inequality of income between the providers of capital and providers of labor.
There is yet another problem to be considered: the fate of those
immigrants who fail to compete for jobs in the U.S. During the last great wave
of immigration (1900-1914), 40% of the immigrants went back home when they
couldn't find jobs in the U.S. Now they, or the Americans they displace, will
end up on welfare or struggling to survive on low paying jobs. At a time when
we are also seeking to push millions of welfare recipients into the workforce
will make the problem that much worse.
The post-W.W.II baby boom created temporary problems in the U.S. when the
baby-boomers entered school and the labor force, and will create some problems
at the other end of their lives when they leave the labor force and retire. It
is like the bulge in a python that swallowed a goat. It has to work its way
through the digestive system. In the case of the baby boom, swallowing this
huge increase in the labor force has caused some economic heartburn, but you
don't treat indigestion by eating more food.
Finally, some policy makers have suggested that we increase the supply of
labor to generate additional tax dollars to pay for the benefits of the baby
boomers as they retire. But of course this would require adding still more
immigrants, to cover the benefits of the first wave of immigrants when they
retire. Like any pyramid scheme requiring ever larger numbers, it must
ultimately collapse. The answer to providing increased benefits is to increase
productivity and, hence, per capita wealth. The primary way of increasing
productivity is to increase investment per worker, not to simply increase the
total number of workers.
Joseph Daleiden is an business economist, demographer and author who has
worked in both the private and public sectors. Most recently he served as the
Director of Long Term Planning for Ameritech. His latest book, The American
Dream: Can it Survive the 21st Century? is to be published by Prometheus Books
in February 1999.
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