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by Professor Revilo P. Oliver (excerpted from his *'Populism and
Democracy, in the correct, Jeffersonian sense of that word, still exerts a
great influence over the thinking of our contemporaries, although no example
of it in practice can be found in the world today. It is a theory that was
first formulated in the democratic states of ancient Greece and has never been
entirely forgotten since that time. It engendered the Mediaeval aphorism, *vox
populi, vox Dei*, which, so far as I know, was first quoted by Alciun, who
ridicules it; and it reappears in hundreds of modern writers who champion, in
one form or another, the concept of majority rule. Although now reduced to a
mere theory, it still has charms and evokes some odd tendencies in persons who
are intelligent enough to discriminate between democracy and the common
practice of running herds of biped cattle through polling places and counting
their noses.
'Populists' must remember, first of all, that Jeffersonian democracy was
not intended for Timbuktoo, Fiji, or Erewhon. It was designed for the thirteen
colonies that had just won their independence--for a specific people in an
historically unique situation.
Those colonies came close to being a nation in the primary sense of that
word, a *natio*; a large tribe formed of persons related by ancestry and
birth, i.e. a racially homogeneous people. The colonies had been peopled by
Englishmen, Scots (including some from Ireland), Germans, Dutch,
Scandinavians, and Frenchmen. They were all Aryans and most of them were
Nordic. The only racial aliens were the Jews, and at that time there were
comparatively few, their depredations were stealthy and almost unnoticed, and
their contempt for the stupid Aryans was concealed by their barbaric religion
and their habitual whining about "persecution." Among the leaders of the
Revolution, only Franklin seems clearly to have apprehended the menace of the
covertly hostile *enclave*.
To be sure, there were many aborigines on the continent, but they were
relegated to the unsettled territories and formed no part of the American
population. In the colonies, there were numerous Congoids, but they were
domestic livestock, and before 1800 very few Americans regarded the animals as
dangerous. Even later, many of the most determined opponents of slavery
dismissed as emotionally overwrought Jefferson's prescient opposition to
slavery, which he had vehemently incorporated in his draft of the Declaration
of Independence.
Most of the opposition to slavery came from sentimentalists and religious
fanatics, whom Jefferson viewed with scorn. His opposition was on practical
grounds. (7) He recognized the numerous and prolific Congoids as a threat to
the racial integrity of the new nation, and he was aware of the potential
danger of maintaining in our territory such large and increasing numbers of a
biologically inferior and innately savage race. He foresaw that, if
emancipated, they would "stain the blood" of our race by copulation with
degenerate whites and thus produce unnatural hybrids; it followed, therefore,
that "When [a negro] is freed, he is to be removed beyond the reach of
mixture." Jefferson thought it impossible to prevent the eventual emancipation
of the slaves in one way or another. "Nothing is more certainly written in the
book of fate than that these people are to be free; *nor is it less certain
that the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government*." (8)
Disaster could be averted only by exporting the rapidly multiplying
anthropoids to Africa or to some nearer and more convenient place, especially
the island of Hispaniola after it became available. Jefferson drafted several
plans to make that necessary safeguard of American liberty economically
feasible, but the tragic blindness of his contemporaries prevented the
adoption of any of them.
(7. There was a slight humanitarian element in Jefferson's attitude. The
slaves whom the Congoids sold to entrepreneurs (many, but not all, of whom
were Jews) were shipped across the Atlantic packed into slave ships in which
they had to exist for weeks and even months in conditions to which Aryans (or,
at least, Nordics) would not wish to see any mammals subjected. Jefferson had
the strong aversion from gratuitous cruelty to sentient mammals that is
characteristic of our race and conspicuously absent in other races. Jefferson
was also deeply concerned about the moral effects of slavery on many owners.)
(8. The Jefferson Memorial is the most beautiful building in the District
of Corruption. It is an architectural gem and, what is more, appropriate,
since it is what Jefferson himself would have wanted. It is defaced, however,
by the inscription on one of the inner walls of the first part of this
sentence and the omission of the words I have italicized. It thus defames
Jefferson by implication and was, of course, designed to fool visitors who did
not know the complete sentence. There is much to be said for the view that
"Liberal intellectuals" are compulsive liars.)
For Jeffersonian democracy, an independent and racially homogenous
population of Nordics is but the first requisite, for there is great
inequality within our race. It is true that Jefferson put into his Declaration
of Independence a wild rhetorical flourish, as dramatic as a war-cry, claiming
that "all men are created equal." He was not a moron, and cannot have meant
anything so absurd as is sometimes supposed. What he meant was that all
Englishmen should be equal before the law. He was reacting against the class
structure of English society and an aristocracy, of which the greater part had
been created by kings and ennobled parvenus, often for the most discreditable
services, so that socially and morally worthless individuals were given
special privileges because they were descended from men who had, rightly or
wrongly, been elevated to the peerage. Jefferson recognized, of course, the
biologically inequality of all men: "There is a natural aristocracy among men.
The grounds for this are virtu (9) and talents...There is also an artificial
aristocracy, founded on wealth and birth, without either virtue or talents;
for *with* these, it would belong in the first class."
(9. In Jefferson's time "virtue" still retained its proper meaning,
denoting *manly* excellence, including courage and integrity as shown by both
moral and intellectual honesty. It is sad that so useful a word has been
perverted by the gabble of Christian propagandists.)
To ensure the dominance of a natural aristocracy, Jefferson relied on his
project of an educational system that would progressively identify the
superior men by eliminating at each stage after the very first the innately
inferior; a rigorous discrimination would prevent the advancement of men
beyond the status for which they were fitted by nature. So vital to the
survival of the nation did Jefferson consider this system of selection that
he, as in his famous foundation of the University of Virginia, believed a
strictly secular and cultural education, based on the Classics, history, and
science, and excluding all superstitions, should be financed and maintained by
taxation. The English language contains so few words of reprobation and
invective that I cannot imagine what Jefferson would have said, had he
foreseen the moral and mental rot that made possible the capture of the public
schools by the vast gang of swindlers, saboteurs, and dolts that has made of
those schools a terrible machine for inculcating the most bizarre and noxious
superstitions and deforming the minds of children with what amounts to
infantile paralysis of the cerebrum.
I have tried, not to give a synopsis of Jefferson's thought, but only to
show what conditions are prerequisite for the democracy he championed. If we
wish to institute such a true democracy, we shall first have to create the
conditions in which it is possible.
The proponents of democracy will have to begin by deporting, vaporizing, or
otherwise disposing of the swarms of Jews, Congoids, Mongoloids, and mongrels
that now infest our territory and are becoming ever more numerous and
audacious in their unappeasable hatred of us. I cannot suggest offhand a
convenient way of effecting that indispensable *epuration* of the population,
but I am willing to believe that it could still be carried out.
Let us assume that you have reduced the population to Aryans, so that we
once again have racial homogeneity. Forgive me, dear patriot, but I must be so
tactless as to remind you that more, much more, than half of those excellent
Aryans will be persons who are now writing checks whenever Falwell and his
malodorous kind pitch the woo at the glassy-eyed suckers; who happily pay
bureaucrats hired to hector the masochists; who happily send their children
into the degradation and filth of "integrated" schools; who, like born slaves,
cringe before the goons of Infernal Revenue and hope only to be able to chisel
a few bucks here and there without incurring punishment by their owners; who
are now determined never to think about the survival of their voluntarily
debased and defiled race; who are so lost to manhood that they endure the most
abject servitude. These are the newly freed citizens who you expect to govern
themselves by free elections in which a majority will make an intelligent
choice! Are you counting on some miracle of leadership and inspiration that
will make men out of mice? Or, do you intend to disenfranchise, most
undemocratically, the Aryan majority in the hope that they, like men maimed by
accident or war, can transmit to their offspring a genetic heritage free of
their own deformity, so that a future generation of our race will recover the
manhood, the self-respect, the intelligence that their sires of today have so
blatantly lost?
I know that what I have just said will send many well-meaning and
sentimental Americans into a tizzy or a tantrum. I am sorry, but I remind them
that I did not design the universe. I did not create the realities of biology
and history. And a would-be democrat, like an elfin princess who marries a
mortal, must take the bitter with the sweet.
This article originally appeared in Liberty Bell magazine.
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