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Invisible Men
Review of: Paved With Good Intentions: The Failure of Race Relations in
Contemporary America, by Jared Taylor (Carroll & Graf, 416 pp., $22.95)
By PETER BRIMELOW Mr. Brimelow is a senior editor at Forbes.
from National Review magazine, January, 18 1993
"WAS THE MUGGER black?'' asked my wife sympathetically. As a Canadian
newly arrived in Manhattan, she honestly didn't know that you must never ask.
Her hostess, caught off balance in mid crime story, admitted that he was. Then
she hurriedly covered herself: of course, she said, this meant nothing.
Besides being a Canadian, however, my wife was and still is in some respects
invincibly innocent. And now she was really puzzled. ``But
aren't most muggers in New York black?'' she inquired. Her hostess was
outraged. ``I don't believe that,'' she snapped.
The single greatest strength of Jared Taylor' s Paved with Good Intentions
is its massive and merciless crushing of this type of hysterical denial, which
currently paralyzes all discussion of race relations in America. Considered
entirely by itself, this achievement makes his book the most important to be
published on the subject for many years. In this area, experience shows that
it is not enough to be mugged by reality. Footnotes are apparently necessary
as well. And Taylor provides 1,339 of them, quarried from a remarkably wide
reading of contemporary sources.
Thus it is indeed true that blacks commit most of New York's violent crime.
Even a decade before my wife arrived in Manhattan, by the early 1970s, blacks
already made up over 60 per cent of those arrested for violent crime, but only
20 per cent of the city's population. And more recently, for example, black
men have been
responsible for over 85 per cent of the felonies committed against New York
City cabbies, as many as 17 of whom are murdered each year.
Nationwide, blacks -- although only 12 per cent of the population -- account
for 64 per cent of all violent-crime arrests and 71 per cent of all robbery
But isn't this because the police are racist?
Apparently not. Taylor hunts down and extirpates all such infinitely
regressing excuses, which have for too long substituted for thought in
American political discourse. In this case, for example, he proves via a
closely reasoned
analysis, based on witness reports and arrest patterns for burglaries,
traffic violations, and drunkenness, that policemen of all races are, if
anything, more lenient with criminals of a different race from themselves.
(Which, of
course, is just what you would expect, given current political pressures.)
Nor is the disparity caused by middle-class law enforcers over-concentrating
on street crime. In 1990, blacks were nearly three times as likely as whites
to be arrested for white-collar crimes such as forgery, counterfeiting, and
embezzlement. And, finally and conclusively, blacks themselves are responsible
for 73 per cent of all justified, self-defense killings.
The vast majority of the people they kill are other blacks.
A fascinating Orwellian double-think enabled my wife's hostess to evade this
reality -- although in her conduct she certainly took account of it every day
on Manhattan's streets. But this double-think is no mere harmless
self-delusion. As in 1984, it requires the constant support of an
extraordinary censorship and self-censorship.
Media bias is a subject that easily becomes boring to sophisticates. But the
inversions of truth here documented by Taylor are so extreme as to be
pathological. Thus he is able to show that every one of the recent alleged
white-racist atrocities -- Howard Beach, Bensonhurst, Rodney King -- had
black-on-white analogies that went virtually unreported, although often far
For example, Taylor tracks several years of self-feeding press references to
the heinous scandal of a white Stanford student hanging a caricatured
blackface Beethoven on the door of a black student (who, as it happens, had
insisted Beethoven was black). An entire "campus racism'' industry has been
called into existence on the
strength of such trivia. But who has heard of the four black University of
Arizona football players, three of them on scholarships, whose hobby of
beating up lone campus whites landed them in jail in 1989?
Or for that matter of the Miami-based Yahweh cult, whose leader was
convicted in 1992 for causing his followers to kill numerous "white devils''
-- without benefit of even a fraction of the network prime time devoted to
endless reruns of the (dishonestly edited) King-beating video.
This powerful combination of internal and external compulsion is literally
able to turn black into white. Thus in 1987 Tawana Brawley, the black teenager
who claimed she had been abducted by a white gang, was able, despite the
increasing absurdity of her attorneys' allegations, to focus the attention of
the entire country on the supposedly grave issue of white-on-black rape. But
in fact it was a complete chimera. In 1988, there were fewer than ten cases of
white-on-black rape -- as opposed to 9,405 cases of black-on-white rape.
Taylor reports that black men appear three to four times more likely to commit
rape than whites, and more than sixty times more likely to rape a white than a
white is likely to rape a black.
Taylor' s storm of statistics puts in perspective the view that blacks
themselves are the chief victims of black crime. That claim is almost true. In
America, blacks account for just under half of murder victims. Any decent
person will feel a particular sympathy for respectable black people who are
likely to suffer the effects both of black crime and of white suspicion
prompted by black crime. But their plight is merely one consequence -- though
a harsh one -- of the crisis of black society.
Homicide is now the leading cause of death for black men between 15 and 44;
one in four black men in their twenties is either in jail, on probation, or on
parole. Syphilis is fifty times more prevalent among blacks than among whites;
black children are twice as likely as whites to
die in their first year.
And this black crisis still disproportionately hurts whites. Black criminals
choose white victims in more than half of their violent crime; the average
black criminal seems over 12 times more likely to kill a white than vice
The second major contribution of Taylor' s book is its frontal assault on
the universal assumption that "white racism'' is to blame for everything. In
effect, he proposes a logical-positivist's test: since this racism is (as he
demonstrates) publicly illegal, privately undetectable in opinion polls, and
does not seem materially to affect the economic status of blacks once that
status is adjusted for education and other variables, in what sense
does it exist?
Taylor documents in immense detail that the U.S., far from suppressing its
blacks and poor, in fact subsidizes them, publicly and privately, including
more than $2.5 trillion in federal moneys alone since the 1960s. This,
notoriously, has done little good and much ill. But it is hardly the behavior
of a racist society -- unless liberal politicians, welfare bureaucrats, and
academics have deliberately sought to destroy black society by spreading
dependency and pauperism.
The truth may set us free. But it can also make us sick. Many people will
unquestionably find Taylor' s ruthless exposition of black failure more than
they can stomach. One such is the Institute for Justice's Clint Bolick, who
has written very sensibly about civil rights, but who recently reproached
Taylor in the Wall Street Journal for dismissing "the continuing impact of
racism, which most blacks face every day of their lives.''
Grant that blacks suffer occasional slights, crude name-calling, and some
discrimination. But how damaging are these compared to the self-inflicted
wounds of black America? And what prompts this white behavior? Is endemic
white racism any more reasonable an explanation for the situation than endemic
black criminality and
the defensive nervous hostility it produces among whites?
"Race is the great American dilemma,'' Taylor writes, echoing Gunnar
Myrdal's famous survey, An American Dilemma. Nearly fifty years later,
Myrdal's panacea of integration, equality, and confident social engineering
has been followed by disaster. This news could not be more unwelcome. It is
hardly surprising that both Left and (alleged) Right prefer to cling to the
myth of a culpable -- but therefore at least in theory correctable -- white
racist America.
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