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Ideology and Censorship in Behavior Genetics
by Prof. Glayde Whitney (Past President Behavior Genetics
Association Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida)
Vol. 35, Mankind Quarterly, 06-01-1995, pp 327.
Presented below is the entire text of my presidential address presented to
the Behavior Genetics Association (BGA) on the occasion of its 25th annual
meeting at Richmond, VA on the second of June, 1995. Since the journal
Behavior Genetics is sponsored by the BGA, some explanation is required as to
why this presidential address is not published in the Association's own
The primary topic of the address was ideologically-based dogma and taboo
hampering the pursuit of knowledge in the science of behavior genetics. The
response to the address has been such a parody of political correctness that
it might appear to be an instance of collusion between the perpetrator and the
detractors for the purpose of exposing an absurdity of our times. However
sadly, there is no collusion. Both the author and the detractors appear to be
The address was presented at an evening banquet. The very next morning at
a meeting of the BGA Executive Committee the author was shunned except for a
brief scolding, and was the recipient of demeaning ad hominem asides. The
Executive Committee busied itself with how to distance the BGA from the
offensive talk. The editor of Behavior Genetics refused to publish the paper
(contrary to understood policy) and the Executive Committee voted (with one
abstention - mine) to issue an official statement of denouncement. Then
shortly after the meeting there began a call for the author to resign from the
BGA. As stated in a public mention of the affair (Science, 1995), officers of
the BGA, and a few others, began to post condemnatory "open letters" on the
BGA's electronic bulletin board.
The issuers of these calls for resignation seem to have lost track, in the
finest Lysenkoist tradition, of the many distinctions between scientific
organizations and political/religious organizations. Scientific organizations
are composed of scientists with some common interests, wherein science
consists of alternative hypotheses, the truth value of which is judged by
their congruence with observable data. Typical as a scientific organization,
the BGA bylaws state purposes which include the promotion of scientific study,
assistance in training of research workers, and dissemination of knowledge.
Nowhere in the BGA bylaws is there a creed or a listing of necessary beliefs.
On the other hand, political/religious organizations usually have an
official creed, or party platform, to which members swear fealty. Those
heretics that violate the faith are typically shunned, expelled, or forced to
resign. Science has no heretics, and honest science does not thrive in an
atmosphere of inquisitional control (Whitney, 1995). A century ago Andrew
White (1896/1965) wrote an excellent historical account of the warfare between
science and ideology. Although the battlefields shift, the war continues.
It would be highly misleading to leave the impression that the author is
alone, adrift in a sea of condemnation. On the contrary, private letters of
support and commendation greatly outnumber the public critics. In view of the
attempt. at censorship, I greatly appreciate the editors of The Mankind
Quarterly providing an archival repository for the address:
Twenty-Five Years of Behavior Genetics
Today there are more and better data concerning genetic influences on
behavioral and neuroscience variables than ever before in history. We have
tremendously benefited from the revolution in molecular genetic techniques -
the new genetics. In 25 years behavior genetics has come from being a small
field on the fringe of the social sciences to being recognized as central to
an understanding of the human condition (Wiesel, 1994). Just a few weeks ago
Science noted that the new director of NIMH should be someone who appreciated
the role of genetics in mental health (Marshall, 1995). This is an amazing
shift from 25 years ago when behavioristic environmental determinism still
reigned supreme. We are obviously well into a paradigm shift of major
dimensions, perhaps a true Kuhnian revolution in Science and Society (Barker,
1985; 1992; Kuhn, 1970). In the future it might be referred to as the
Galtonian Revolution, on a par with the Copernican. The shift is but one
illustration of the long-term self-correcting nature of science: Objective
investigation of the real world, conducted with integrity and interpreted
without intentional ideological bias, can eventually lead to real advance.
As has sometimes been the case for these after dinner talks, I want to
take just a few minutes to share with you some personal reminiscences and some
personal views. Twenty-five years ago I got my first full- time faculty
position. This was after student days at Minnesota, a bit of a time-out for
military service, and a post-doctoral stint in Colorado. At Colorado the
Institute for Behavioral Genetics was a wonderful setting. Gerry McClearn and
John DeFries, along with Jim Wilson, were running the place. There were a
bunch of stimulating graduate students around: I recall Tom Klein studying the
taste of mice and Boris Tabakoff messing with alcohol. Doug Wahlsten and I
were side-by-side post-docs, Joe Hegmann had just left and Carol Lynch was
just arriving. Wonderful friends and colleagues, all of them. The best of days
in a stimulating environment.
Well then, I got hired to represent behavior genetics in the neuroscience
program at Florida State University. A good program but vastly different in
orientation. Not a lot of geneticists. I was there only a brief time when one
of the old-timers who ran the place came by for a friendly chat. As polite
southerners do, he began with a lengthy discussion of weather, trees, traffic,
chiggers, and children. And then, finally, by-the-way, he said "Glayde, you
know we hired you because we want genetics in our psychology program, but, as
a Professor at a southern university, we hope you will have the good sense to
keep away from that human business. Because of your location you would have no
credibility, and none of us need the flak"!
Well. That in fact was consistent with my plans, I was busy setting up a
mouse laboratory at the time and sure-enough had enough good sense to do
passably well with mouse research. After all, I've still got the job and I've
been invited here tonight.
To understand my mentor's concern, we need to view it in historical
context. 1970 was an interesting time. Tallahassee, being a state capital with
two state universities, had already had its share of demonstrations, riots,
burning and looting. It was in 1970 that Black Panther supporters got around
to killing jurors and a judge; 1970 that a mathematics building was bombed on
the campus at Wisconsin, also with loss-of-life (Collier & Horowitz, 1995).
It was also in 1970 that our colleague Arthur Jensen was taking a lot of
flak (Pearson, 1991). As everyone in behavior genetics knows, Jensen published
an interesting review paper in 1969 (Jensen, 1969). Interesting but hardly
ground breaking. As a student at Minnesota, I had had the course in
differential psychology. With interesting textbooks (Anastasi, 1958; Jenkins &
Paterson, 1961) and team taught by such professors as Lykken and Meehl. We had
considered fifty years worth of data, and various interpretative theories.
Jensen in 1969 had a few new data, by-and-large consistent with all that had
gone before. No big deal scientifically, at least not to any student of
behavior genetics from Minnesota. But obviously a great big deal in some
Over the intervening twenty-five years it has become obvious that Jensen's
sins were, and continue to be, two-fold. First, he did not stay within the
confines of a reigning dogma, and second, he violated a current taboo.
The dogma of course is that of environmental determinism for all important
human traits. This dogma has relaxed in recent years, at least for individual
differences, and at least within science. But the dogma has not relaxed for
group differences and has not relaxed within politics as differentiated from
science. The attacks on Jensen, and by extension on all human behavior
genetics, are clearly political, ideological, philosophical.
The Marxist-Lysenkoist denial of genetics, the emphasis on environmental
determinism for all things human, is at the root of it (Davis, 1986; Medvedev,
1971; Pearson, 1991; Weiss, 1991). Economic oppression is at the root of all
group differences and don't you dare say anything else. The Marxist invasion
of left-liberal political sentiment has been so extensive that many of us
think that way without realizing it.
It has been suggested that I should talk about "Marxitis" that is, the
Marxist infection of ideas. Many of the scholars that suffer from Marxitis do
not realize that they are infected. The symptoms of this disease include an
intellectual bias, an insistence on environmental determinism as the
acceptable cause of group differences. In severe cases, it includes an
unbending intellectual absolutism akin to medieval scholasticism. It is lethal
to honest science.
A couple of quotes from heretics that have left the movement: "the
utopianism of the Left is a secular religion . . . . However sordid Leftist
practice may be, defending Leftist ideals is, for the true believer tantamount
to defending the ideals of humanity itself. To protect the faith is the
highest calling of the radical creed. The more the evidence weighs against the
belief, the more noble the act of believing becomes" (Collier & Horowitz,
1995, p. 246).
There is a "readiness to reshape reality to make the world correspond to
an idea" (Collier & Horowitz, 1995, P. 37). There is a "Willingness to tinker
with the facts to serve a greater truth" (Collier & Horowitz, 1995, p. 37).
And so it has obviously been with many of the critics of behavior genetics.
Over the last twenty-five years, as the scientific data accumulate, as the
paradigm shifts, the stridency of the critics intensifies. Driven by ideology
and not constrained by the truth, when all else fails they engage in
misrepresentation and character assassination. They accuse their targets of
committing the very propagandistic excesses that they themselves are doing
(Avery, et. el., 1994; Beardsley, 1995; Brimelow, 1994; Gould, 1994; Kamin,
1995; Lane, 1994; Miller, 1994; Murray, 1994; Weyher, Lynn, Pearson, & Vining,
Some one among them coined the term "Jensenism". Near as I can tell
"Jensenism" consists of scientific integrity, outstanding technical
competence, and objective honesty.
Well, Jensen's first sin was to venture outside the Left-Liberal Marxist
dogma of environmental determinism. His second sin was even less forgivable,
he violated a Taboo: He mentioned race outside the environmental envelope. The
Behavior Genetics Association has been in existence for 25 years. The end of
the Second World War was 50 years ago. Peter Brimelow (1995) has suggested
that since the second world war we have been suffering what he calls "Adolf
Hitler's posthumous revenge on America" (Brimelow, 1995, p. 1). The posthumous
revenge is that the intellectual elite of the western world, both political
and scientific, emerged from the war "passionately concerned to cleanse itself
from all taints of racism or xenophobia" (Brimelow, 1995, p. xv). The aversion
to racism has gone so far that the scientific concept of race itself is
frequently attacked. The results are often ludicrous. For example, on three
adjacent pages of a recent issue of Science we are led to believe that races
do not exist, but that it is important to assess the genetic diversity of
remaining native populations, and a black scientist at a black university
should be funded to investigate the black genome as a route to appropriate
treatment of diseases of blacks! (Kahn, 1994). The many and important
distinctions between objective investigation of group characteristics, and
prejudicial pejorative values are lost in a political atmosphere where
objective reality is sacrificed to political creed.
Brimelow suggests that the term "racist" is now so debased that its new
definition is "anyone who is winning an argument with a liberal" . (Brimelow,
1995 p. 10, italics in original). He suggests that we feel uneasy because we
have been trained - like Pavlov's dog - to recoil from any explicit discussion
of race.
Let's test Brimelow's theory of emotional conditioning with just a couple
of illustrations of data. Here and now is the setting for our experimental
test. Here we are scientists, sophisticated with regard to behavior genetics.
We tell our students that we are the scientists concerned with the causes of
individual and group differences (Fuller & Thompson, 1978; Rowe, 1994). Any
time you observe a phenotypic difference between definable groups, it is a
reasonable scientific hypothesis that the difference might be caused by
environmental difference between the groups, or the difference might be caused
by genetic differences between the groups, or by some combination of genetic
and environmental differences. Elementary.
Now to look at the data relating to the Brimelow test, we include five
The first figure has data from a UN demographic yearbook (United Nations,
1994). The variable here is murder rate per 100,000 of population, for a few
countries. This is a typical representative figure: Among so-called advanced
nations, or industrialized nations, the United States suffers a high murder
rate. The environmental determinists have many theories, some complex and all
critical to aspects of American society. Often we are asked, for instance,
"why are Scandinavians in the U.S. so much more murderous than are
Scandinavians in Scandinavia?" The answer is that they are not. The premise of
the question is false.
The second figure has the same "industrialized" European, largely
Caucasian, countries along with an estimate of the murder rate among whites in
the U.S. Surely nothing to be proud of, the murder rate among whites is pretty
consistent across countries, the rate among U.S. Caucasians is identical to
England, and somewhat lower than the two Scandinavian countries. The United
States is of coursea multicultural, racially diverse country. This same point
has been made previously, with data from different sources (Taylor, 1994).
The third figure has the murder rate for the United States across 22
years, by race. Obviously quite consistent, approximately a 9-fold difference
averaged across years (Uniform Crime Reporting Program, 1988).
Like it or not, it is a reasonable scientific hypothesis that some,
perhaps much, of the race difference in murder rate is caused by genetic
differences in contributory variables such as low intelligence, lack of
empathy, aggressive acting out, and impulsive lack of foresight.
The United Nations has a lot of indexes; another one is the HDI (that is,
Human Development Index). The HDI is meant to index a bunch of desirable
characteristics (such as longevity, knowledge, real income, etc.). Overall,
the U.S. ranks fifth among the nations in the HDI. To get fifth on the
international list, you combine U.S. whites, who rank first, with US blacks
who rank 31st, a level similar to some other black countries (Eisenberg,
1995), and this after more than a generation of racially preferential social
policies. If you equate for IQ, U.S. blacks are actually doing at least as
well as U.S. whites (Herrnstein & Murray, 1994).
Back to murder rates. Environmental determinists seem generally befuddled
by murder, and most of their social policy suggestions, when implemented, seem
to make matters worse rather than better. Of course environments do matter,
and environmentalistically based policies do have an impact. In 1994, the
murder rate in New Orleans, LA, reached 86.5, while in Richmond, VA, the
murder rate was 77.9, for second-worst large city in the United States
(Perlstein, 1995). Obviously, the environmental determinists are not benign;
they do not occupy a moral high ground; their policy recommendations do have
We can do a pretty good job of predicting differential murder rates,
simply by considering racial composition of the population. For example, in
the fourth figure we have aggregate data across the 50 states of the United
States. The simple correlation between murder rate and percent of the
population that is black, is r= +0.77. For Figures 4 and 5, the homicide data
are from the U.S. Department of Justice (1981), while the population
percentages are from the 1980 census (Race, 1981). I know of no environmental
variable that accounts for more of the variation. Rather than the 50 states,
we can look at all of the 170 cities in the United States that had a 1980
population of at least 100,000. With 170 data points, it would make a messy
scatter- plot; the overall correlation between murder rate and percent of the
population which is black is r=+0.69 (Kleck & Patterson, 1993; Kleck, 1995).
Simply for illustrative purposes, the fifth figure is the rate-by- state
as in figure 4, but with the values for Washington, DC included. As you can
see, the very high murder rate for Washington, DC is simply what one would
predict, given knowledge of its population composition.
We could go on-and-on, there are books-full of variables (Baker, 1981;
Rushton, 1995). But this is enough to conclude the Brimelow Test.
Do you have an emotional reaction? I know I do: Uncomfortable to even
consider; Anxious; Repulsed; Upsetting. I conclude that I have been quite
thoroughly conditioned. The Taboo against considering race runs deep. But some
of our social problems continue to get worse.
I would like to conclude on an uplifting and happy note. But what to say?
Perhaps the optimistic prediction that over the next 25 years, as we get
further into the second century of the Darwinian revolution, we in behavior
genetics will do for group differences what we already have accomplished with
individual differences.
I wish to thank Richard Hagan for thoughtful comments on an earlier draft,
Sharon Wittig for assistance in preparation, and Paul M. Hammersten for
valuable assistance with references.
GRAPH: Figure 1. Murder rates per 100,000 of population for a few
"industrialized" countries. Data are from the United Nations Demographic
Yearbook, forty-fourth issue.
GRAPH: Figure 2. Murder rates per 100,000 of population for a sample of
countries. The estimate of U.S. white rate is the average over 22 years from
the U.S. Uniform Crime Reporting Program (1988). The values for other
countries are from the U.N. Demographic Yearbook, forty-fourth issue.
GRAPH: Figure 3. Murder rates per 100,000 of population for the United
States, by race, for the 22 years of 1965 to 1986. Data are from the U.S.
Department of Justice, Uniform Crime Reporting Program.
GRAPH: Figure 4. Homicide rate per 100,000 of population, plotted against
percent of the population that is black, for the 50 states of the United
States. The homicide data are from the U.S. Department of Justice (1981),
while the population percentages are from the 1980 census. The correlation is
GRAPH: Figure 5. Homicide rate per 100,000 of population, plotted against
percent of the population that is black, for the 50 states of the United
States, as in Figure 4, with the addition of data for Washington, D.C. in
upper right of the figure.
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