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Transhumanism News

Tracing the Genetic History of Modern Man
Cavalli-Sforza, L. L., Menozzi, P., & Piazza, A. The History and Geography
of Human Genes (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994)
Reviewed by Edward M. Miller Professor of Economics and Finance University
of New Orleans New Orleans, LA 70148
from Mankind Quarterly, Vol. 35 (Winter 1994) No. 1-2, 71-108. Posted with
permission of Mankind Quarterly, Institute for the Study of Man, 1133 13th
St., N. W., Suite C-2, 20005 (Telephone 202-371-2700).
This massive compilation of genetic data on the populations of the world,
by documenting the genetic similarities and differences, shows that "races"
exist while simultaneously denying the usefulness of the concept. In the
course of doing this the book present much useful information about
similarities and differences in gene frequencies among the populations of the
world. The data is presented in many useful formats including tables, maps,
dendograms (descent trees), and principal component diagrams. The
interpretation generally presumes neutrality for the various genes, and many
interesting conclusions are drawn about the evolutionary history of various
populations around the world.
Table of Contents
The Tables of Genetic Distances 3
Trees of Human Descent 5
The African versus all Other Split is Primary 6
Other Splits in the Tree 9
Other Interesting Findings on the World Wide Gene Distributions 17
Conclusions from Principal Components 17
Race 22
Diseases and Gene Frequencies 24
The Regional Chapters 27
Asia 28
Europe 29
Africa 30
The Americas 34
Conclusions 35
Cavalli-Sforza, Menozzi, & Piazza's (1994) new The History and Geography of
Human Genes is a very impressive compilation of what is known about the
geography and history of human genes. It will be a definitive work of racial
analyses (although the authors would not describe it this way). About half of
the book (the back half) is an atlas showing of the distribution of a large
number of genes for each of the continents, and for the whole world. The
extensive atlas section is probably what makes the book so expensive ($175 as
advertised), and will unfortunately limit its purchase to libraries, and a few
individuals working in the field, who will feel it is an indispensable. It
might have been better if the publishers had brought out two books, one the
atlas, and the other the text. This would have made the text more compact, and
made the book less unwieldy to handle.
There is also an extensive set of tables giving information on allele
frequencies for many genes and populations. This data base is compiled from
examining 2900 articles from 136 journals (although only 777 involved
unduplicated data, listed in the references). It is the mapping and
interpretation of this massive amount of data that makes the book so
impressive and valuable. Unfortunately, the data compilation is already
somewhat obsolete as it only goes to 1986 (p. 25).
The book is organized on a geographical basis, with one introductory
chapter, one chapter on the world wide distribution of genes, and then
separate chapters on Africa, Asia, Europe, 2 (Australia, New Guinea, and the
Pacific Islands), and the Americas. The introductory chapter is a valuable
compilation of material about genes, anthropology, archeology, human
evolution, and the methods of quantitative genetics. The authors recognize
that the book will be used by people who are not experts in all these fields.
The introductory material is useful to those lacking training in one or more
of these fields. However, the specialist will probably learn little from the
sections on his own specialty. A brief section on the "Scientific Failure of
the Concept of Human Races" attempts to divert criticism for even studying the
subject of how gene frequencies differ across the world (although it probably
does reflect the author's true beliefs). Much of the book seems to contradict
the anti-race assertions in this section, but it is an effective argument
against the most naive ideas of race.
The last half of the first chapter contains useful discussions of such
subjects as the problem of identifying populations, and some of the methods
that will be used in the rest of the book. Greater detail, and an effort to
put the methods into simpler language would have been useful for the general
The second chapter summarizes the data on the world wide distribution of
genes. The basic theoretical framework in this book is that gene frequencies
are determined by drift. Offspring randomly inherit genes from their parents.
The child has a 50% chance of inheriting any given gene from each parent. Many
who are not used to thinking in genetic terms think that any trait affected by
the genes must be rigidly inherited from the parents. In actuality, because of
the random inheritance of genes, genetics provides a theory of human
diversity, and helps explain why siblings are usually quite different (Rowe
1994). In small and somewhat isolated populations, such as humans are believed
to have lived in during prehistoric times, gene frequencies change
appreciably, but randomly, from generation to generation. Over many
generations (perhaps 100,000 years) different populations develop different
gene frequencies.
As mentioned, one contribution of the book is the extensive table of gene
frequencies. The world wide section is based on data for 120 alleles from 42
populations, (although data was not available for all alleles for all
populations). A certain amount of averaging of data from different sources was
needed to get the relevant gene frequencies, and the data is often for
national groups in Europe (such as the English or Danes), and groups of tribes
or regions in other parts of the world. Unfortunately, after combining various
populations, there is more data than can be easily comprehended. It is helpful
that the maps at the back of the book permit the Kreader to get a quick
overview of how any allele is distributed.
The Tables of Genetic Distances
A method for simplifying the data is to calculate measures of genetic
distance. One of the interesting features of the book is the numerous genetic
distance matrices it includes, permitting one to see how closely various
populations are related. Before various statistical adjustments, these are the
sum of the squares of the differences in frequencies averaged over the various
genes. Under a random drift model the distance should be roughly proportional
to the time since populations divided, assuming the populations did not differ
in size, and the genes were not subject to appreciable selection. Distances
are usually calculated as Fst distance, although Modified Nei's distances are
given for the worldwide sample of 42 populations. The Fst measure would be 0
if all available gene frequencies were equal, and 1 if they were all
completely different (i.e. if every member of one population always had one
allele, every member of the other population would lack it.)
These measures of genetic distance are of some interest in their own right.
In general one would not expect large differences in frequencies for a
particular gene between two populations, if for most genes there is only a
small difference in frequencies between the two populations. For instance,
anyone arguing that the French and the Germans differed for genetic reasons,
would have to contend with the evidence presented here that these two
populations are genetically very similar.
Use of genetic distance permits summarizing the worldwide data in a single
triangular 42 by 41 matrix. The largest difference in the table appears to be
4573 between the Mbuti Pygmies and the Australians (i.e. the Australian
aborigines). In tables the numbers are multiplied by 10,000 for convenience in
presentation. Thus, the Pygmies appear to have 45.73% of their polymorphic
genes different from the Australians. Thus, it appears that for all pairs of
human populations, the majority of the genes will be in common, even if one
picks genes whose alleles differ among individuals. Of course, there are a
much larger number of genes that appear to have no known variation among
Most of the data is for genes that are either neutral, or close to neutral.
In particular, none of the genes discussed are known to affect such
genetically controlled characteristics as skin color, hair color, eye color,
nose shape, or size. All of these characteristics are known to differ greatly
between populations. Likewise, none of the studied genes are known to directly
affect such socially important traits as intelligence, criminality, etc
(although many such traits are now known to exhibit genetic variability, see
Bouchard, Lykken, McGue, Segal, & Tellegen, 1990; Eaves, Eysenck, & Martin,
1989; Herrnstein & Murray, 1994; Miller, 1994a,b; Rowe 1994; Rushton, 1994).
The data for the English, as a population many Americans trace their
origins to, can be used to illustrate the nature of the data. In the worldwide
sample of 42 populations, the population closest to the English is the Danish
(21), and the one most distance the Mbuti Pygmies of Zaire (2373). More
important African populations include the Bantu (2288) and the West Africans
(1487). For purposes of comparison, the genetic distances between the English
and the Japanese is 1244, between them and the South Chinese, 1152, and
between them and North American Indians, 947. Estimates of standard errors are
provided by the bootstrap method. These estimates indicate that it is unlikely
that studying additional neutral genes will changes the conclusions that the
English have different gene frequencies than these populations.
The genetic distances between the English and other European populations
are small. The two greatest are 404 for the Lapps, and 340 for the Sardinians,
two populations that contributed few immigrants to the United States. With
major European populations, 22 with the Germans, the distances are 24 with the
French , 51 with the Italians, and on up to 204 with the Greeks. In comparison
with the much larger genetic distances from the Bantu and West Africans, or
the Japanese, South Chinese, or American Indians, the European populations do
indeed seem similar to each other. Unless the genes that affect various types
of behavior have a frequency difference radically different from the studied
genes, genetic differences in behavior between European populations should be
Likewise, the various West African populations are similar to one another.
The average distance between the various West African tribes is 157, and 211
among the Bantu groups (p. 184). A representative Bantu to West African
distance is 188 (p. 175).
Given the large genetic distances between most Europeans, and most
Africans, and the similarities within the populations that American slaves and
immigrants were drawn from, it does seem reasonable to divide most of the
immigrants to America from either Africa or Europe into one of the two
conventional groups: Blacks and Caucasians. It is also logical to believe that
large genetic differences still exist between the two races. Because the two
original grouping differ greatly in skin color, it is to be expected that skin
color will convey information about the probability of carrying certain genes,
even if population differences in frequency are due only to drift (which is
the working assumption for the genes discussed in this book). If the alleles
have been subject to climate related selection, as has been argued to be true
for intelligence and many aspect of behavior (Lynn, 1991; Miller 1991, 1994;
Rushton, 1994), the genetic differences are likely to be larger. Although some
would like to argue that knowledge of race is of no use in estimating the
probability of someone having a particular trait, a rather simple application
of Bayes Theorem shows otherwise . Bayesian statistics show that the posterior
estimate should be a weighted average of the information about a particular
individual, and the mean for the race he is a member of, with the weights
depending on the relative precisions of the information about the individual
and the group (Miller 1994c).
Trees of Human Descent
A matrix of genetic distances contains too much data to be readily
understood. The data is further presented as dendograms, referred to as trees
in the book. Thus, in this section, and in the remainder of the book there is
extensive presentation of trees. The populations that are on the same branches
are more closely related (as shown by the table of genetic distances). Trees
are generally interpreted as having been created by the original human
population having divided and subdivided. A rough calibration is attempted
from the estimated times of the movement of modern humans out of Africa, and
the settlement of Australia and the Americas. The length of the branches
leading are portrayed as the relative time since the populations separated.
This is not always true, as the authors recognize, since gene frequencies are
more affected by drift in small populations, and gene flow between populations
makes them more similar even if they had separated many years ago.
Insert about here Fig. 2.3.2.B from p. 79 of book
The African versus all Other Split is Primary A key presentation of the
authors results (p. 78) shows trees of 42 populations using frequencies for
120 genes, with genetic distances calculated by two different methods. In both
of them, the first split separates African populations from non-African
populations. Experiments with bootstrap methods (sampling with replacement
from the available data pool to discover how sensitive the conclusions are to
changes in the set of genes examined) show that the core African populations
(Bantu's, Nilo-Saharans, West Africans, and Mbuti Pygmy) group together 83 and
84 times out of a hundred, showing minor variation in genes studied is
unlikely to change the conclusions. When the 42 populations were grouped into
nine clusters, Africans versus non-Africans was the first division, and this
was true for 98% of the bootstraps (p. 80).
It may be noted that this represents a change from the first results
published earlier (Edwards & Cavalli-Sforzaa, 1964, discussed by
Cavalli-Sforza et al., 1994, p. 68), which put the first split between a
Caucasoid/Negoird grouging and all others. The gene frequency data available
then showed the Caucasoids to be more like the Negroids than the Mongoloids.
The shift by the Cavalli-Sforza group from grouping the Mongoloids with the
Negroids (which would be consistent with modern humans originating in Asia,
followed by a branch moving westward, and then subdividing into groups that
passed into Africa and into Europe) is explained by the much larger number of
loci that are available now, rather than any major methodological difference.
Incidentally, although Cavalli-Sforza et al. here use the terminology of
Africans, Europeans, and Asians, it is clear from the populations included in
each group that what they really mean is Caucasoids, Negroids, and Mongoloids.
They refer to taking thee populations from each continent (p. 68), but the
tree (p. 68) shows only two populations from the continent of Europe (the
English and the Lapps). The South Turkish were one of the sampled populations,
appearing on the same branch as the English. The South Turkish are actually
located in Asia (i.e. they are Asian), although they are Caucasoids closely
resembling other European populations in gene frequencies. Accuracy and
clarity would be improved if the standard scientific racial terms, Caucasoids,
Negroids, and Mongoloids, were used, instead of appropriating the
well-established terms traditionally applied to those from particular
continents, Europeans, Africans, Asians, and giving these terms new, and
unusual meanings. Incidentally, later the book uses Caucasian (Fig. 4.10.1 on
p. 225) to mean someone from the Caucasus mountains, an accurate usage, but
one that could lead to confusion for an unwary reader who only looked at
single trees.
There seems to be a general agreement emerging that the first split in the
tree of human descent is between Africans and all others. This has been shown
by several different methods. As noted, it is what would be expected if modern
humans originated in Africa, then moved into the Middle East, and only later
divided into other populations.
Nei & Roychoudhury (1993) using 26 populations with the same genes for all
populations and a different methodology (neighbor joining) than the
Cavalli-Sforza group found that the first split was between Africans and
non-Africans, a result that was confirmed in 500 bootstrap replications. The
split is again African versus non-African using the same 26 populations but a
different tree building method (unweighted pair group method with arithmetic
mean). In a test with 15 populations but with more loci (33 loci and 131
alleles), their first split was again between Africans-and non-Africans.
Nei & Livshits (1989) by examining only the three major groups of
sub-Saharan Africans (mainly from Nigeria and Cameroon), Europeans (mainly
Great Britain), and Asians (mainly Japanese) were able to examine 186 loci,
which gave enough data for tests of statistical significance. They found that
the distance from the Africans to the Europeans was statistically
significantly greater than that from the Europeans to the Asians, even though
geography puts Great Britain closer to Nigeria and Cameroon than it is to
Mountain, Lin, Bowcock, & Cavalli-Sforza (1993) show a tree resulting from
using 80 DNA markets on eight populations. The first split is between Africans
and non-Africans. The tree of Zhao and Lee (1989) agrees that the largest
genetic difference is between Africans and all other populations.
A study of a restriction enzyme haplotype close to the b-globin gene showed
"all non-African populations share a limited number of common haplotypes,
whereas Africans have predominantly a different haplotype not found in other
populations. A genetic distance analysis based on these nuclear DNA
polymorphisms indicated a major division of human populations into an African
and an Eurasian group" (Wainscoat, Hill, Thein, Flint, Chapman, Weatherall,
Clegg & Higgs, 1989, p. 34).
Torroni, Semino, Scozzari, Sirugo, Spedini, Abbas, Fellous, & Santachiara
Benerecetti (1990) reported a sharp distinction between Africans and Italians
using markers on the Y chromosome. Hammer (1994) has reported a Y chromosome
marker (which implies inheritance only from males) which had a frequency of
.74 in 611 Africans, but only .07 in 192 Europeans. A tree showed that the
first split was again African versus non-African (although the Egyptians
grouped with the Africans).
Similar conclusions have been reached by other workers using other genetic
markers. Relethford & Harpending (1994) show that a tree constructed using
craniometric variation has the first split between Africans and all-others.
Other Splits in the Tree
While the first split in the tree is clear and appears to be well
established, the second split is a little surprizing. With the preferred set
of distance measurements (Fst), the non-Africans split into Australians, and
all others, and then into Southeast Asians, and the remainder. Only then do
the Caucasoids separate from the Northeast Asians, Arctic Asians, and American
Indians. Using an alternative method for calculating genetic distances, Nei
distances, the non-Africans first split into an Australian, and Southeast
Asian group, and a Caucasoid, other Asians, and American group. Then the
Caucasoids split from the Northeast Asians, Arctic Asians, and Americans.
Combining the 42 populations into nine clusters (which increases the number of
loci that can be used and reduces the importance of random drift), the
non-Africans are then split into a group combining the Australians, Southeast
Asians, and Pacific Islanders and into a group including the Caucasoids,
Northeast Asians, and Americans.
The results here are surprizing since the Northeast Asians (including
Japanese, Koreans, northern Chinese) and American Indians are found to be
relatively close to the geographically distant Caucasoids, rather than to the
Southeast Asians, who are much closer. This is not what many might have
guessed from either the geography or from the similarity of the populations in
appearance. Interestingly, detailed inspection of the trees, and the distance
matrices show that the Southeastern Chinese (i.e. Hong Kong and vicinity)
group with Southeast Asians such as the Filippinos, rather than with the
Northern Chinese.
Such an outcome is not impossible. One could imagine the early Middle
Eastern population giving birth to a group that moved eastward into Southeast
Asia and then on to Australia and New Guinea. Later the Middle Eastern
population might have given birth to groups that became the Caucasoids,
Northeast Asians, and American Indians.
The authors conduct bootstrap experiments (which in essence repeat the
calculations with different sets of genes to see how sensitive the conclusions
are to the particular set of genes for which we have data). The conclusions do
appear to change depending on the set of genes studied, and the authors
suggest that one cannot be confident of the exact order of separation between
the branches leading to the Caucasoids, the Northeast Asians, the Southeast
Asians, and the Australian and New Guinea populations. They attribute much of
the uncertainty to extensive gene flow between Northeast Asia and Southeast
Asia, making it hard to produce a tree that fits the data well.
The chief alternative to the extensive calculations undertaken by the
Cavalli-Sforza group is another set of calculations done by Nei & Roychoudhury
(1993). As already mentioned, these calculations agree that the first split is
African versus non-African. However, they place the second split between the
Caucasoids and the Greater Asians (Australians, Mongoloids, Americans). The
trees they produce correspond very closely to the races as they have been
traditionally understood, with their tree grouping populations into groups
that are easily recognized as Negroids, Caucasoids, Mongoloids, Amerindian,
and Australians. About the only difference from traditional races is that the
branch of the tree that leads to the Mongoloids also includes the Australians
and New Guinea groups. However, these are on a separate branch. Nei &
Roychoudhury discuss why they get a somewhat different tree than
Cavalli-Sforza et al. and conclude it is because they use a different method
for building trees, neighbor joining, while Cavalli-Sforza et al. use an
average linkage method. Nei & Roychoudhury present some cogent reasons for
preferring their methods.
Most of the interpretation of the data by Cavalli-Sforza et al. is one of
genetic drift, (i.e. the random changes in gene frequencies that occur from
one generation to another). The implicit assumption is that population mixing
has played little role. However, they do recognize that the theory that
observed differences in gene frequencies are due to drift is, at least in
principle, testable. For instance, if there is no mixture after separation,
all populations that are descended from the same parent population should have
approximately the same genetic distances from the various populations
descended from another parent population (see table on p. 90). This condition
need not be met where there is appreciable gene flow between populations. In
general we would expect adjacent populations to exchange genes, and to be more
similar than non-adjacent populations.
Certain methods of tree construction produce trees the length of whose
branches from the point of origin indicates how much genetic separation has
occurred since the populations separated. If the populations are evolving at
the same rate, all the branches from a common point should have the same
length. Very often this condition is not met.
Perhaps the most striking exception to the predicted pattern is that the
branch leading to Europeans is often relatively short. One of the most
interesting studies discussed in the book is one that analyzed only a small
number of populations (including Chinese, Europeans, two populations of
African pygmies, and Melanesians), but collected data on a vary large number
of alleles. A tree constructed using this data showed a very short branch
leading to the Europeans (p. 91). Several explanations were considered, but
the most plausible was mixture. Calculations showed that the European gene
frequencies could be explained well by a mixture of the Chinese with a smaller
percentage of the pygmies. Obviously, this is not the actual racial history of
the Europeans (who are both taller and lighter skinned than either group for
instance). The pygmies are fairly close to other Africans in the frequency of
their measured genes (the set of measured genes frequencies appears to include
no genes that affect height) according to the data in this book.
The evidence that Europeans gene frequencies tend to be intermediate
between Africans and Chinese is interesting to those (including the author of
this article) interested in behavioral differences between races. Rushton
(1994) has presented evidence that on a wide range of characteristics,
including intelligence and sexual behavior, the races are ordered Mongoloid,
Caucasoid, Negroid. He interprets this as evidence for his differential K
theory, while the author of this paper interprets this same pattern as
evidence for his paternal investment theory (Miller, 1994a,b). Both have
interpreted the fact that so many characteristics had the same pattern as a
systematic regularity that called for explanation. It was most easily
explained by an evolutionary mechanism, probably taking the form of a common
climate related factor producing differences such that the Africans were at
the tropical end (or the variable and unpredictable end in Rushton's theory)
and Mongoloids at the other end (cold in Miller's account or predictable in
RushtonUs) with Caucasoids in between. Of course, if Caucasoid's gene
frequencies are simply a result of mixtures of two other stocks, the
regularity might be explained in other ways (although of course MillerUs or
Rushton's explanations could still be accurate).
How might European gene frequencies come to be part way between Chinese and
African? Part of the explanation is simply geographical. The Caucasoids are
located in between the territory of the Negroids and the Mongoloids, and
presumably have received genes from both groups. The term Caucasoid is used
instead of merely European because it is the Middle Eastern and Indian
Caucasoids who are best located to exchange genes with both the Negroids and
However, a theory of Ammerman & Cavalli-Sforza (1973), discussed in this
book (p. 108) provides a mechanism for how the Europeans could come to be
intermediate in gene frequencies. They argue on the basis of archeological
evidence and gradients of gene frequencies in Europe that agriculture, after
emerging in the Middle East, spread into Europe by demic diffusion. By demic
diffusion is meant that the early farming populations expanded gradually with
each new generation moving further into Europe, with the average rate being
about one kilometer per year. The alternative to this account is that the
technique of farming diffused without movement of peoples.
Some of the more fascinating work reported in the book is the explanation
of gene frequency distributions by the hypothesis of demic diffusion of
agriculture. The authors compute first principal components for European gene
frequencies. For those not familiar with statistics, the first principal
component is a single statistic which condenses as much information as
possible about the gene frequencies into a single number. When plotted on a
map the component increases systematically with distance from the Middle East.
This is explained by the gradual advance of a Middle Eastern farming
population into Europe. Its gene frequencies were different form that of the
original TPaleolithic populationU of Europe. When ever two populations are in
contact there is some interbreeding, and genes from the original European
populations gradually diffuse into the advancing farming population. It is a
fascinating hypothesis, and the use of principal components to support it is
ingenious. Many individual genes are distributed as if they had been imported
by a population advancing into Europe from the Middle East, with the wave
gradually becoming more mixed as the intruding population mixes with the
original inhabitants of Europe.
Such an account agrees with what we know about primitive agriculturalists
and foragers. Foraging populations are typically very low density, while
farming can support much higher densities. Furthermore, a shift to agriculture
can plausibly increase the population growth rate, permitting densities to
rise rapidly. One of the limitations on population growth in migratory
foraging societies is the mother's inability to carry more than one baby at a
time. This prevents her from having the next child (or from permitting it to
survive) until the first can walk. Thus, births are spaced about four years
In sedentary farming populations births can be more frequent, permitting
the population to grow, at least when there is adequate fertile land for
expansion. As the population grows, villages every so often become too large
and split, with one group leaving to establish a new village. This new village
would have been frequently located in a new unsettled area.
Settled farming is a way of life that is quite different from foraging, and
one that is in many ways physically harder. Evidence from contemporary
foragers shows that they are reluctant to adopt agriculture, and a settled way
of life as long as foraging provides an adequate income. Foragers and settled
farmers appear to have lived in the vicinity of each other for long periods of
time without the foragers taking up agriculture. It also appears that while
there is some gene flow between such populations, they basically stay
Thus the Cavalli-Sforza et al. account of demic diffusion of agriculture is
plausible. They do illustrative calculations showing that the observed rate of
advance (as measured from archaeological sites) is about what would be
expected from such a demic expansion (p.108).
Besides its intrinsic interest, what is the importance of whether
agriculture in Europe was introduced by demic diffusion or by cultural
diffusion? If it was by actual movement of peoples, the current inhabitants of
Europe are to a large extent Middle Easterners, rather than descendants of the
original Paleolithic inhabitants. Because farming supports a much higher
population density , the impact on gene frequencies would be quite large from
such an invasions of farmers.
As was noted earlier, gene frequency data suggest that European's gene
frequencies appeared to be about what would result from a third African and
two-thirds Asian mix. While this mixture could occur by direct diffusion into
Europe from Africa or Asia (and undoubtedly there were such gene flows), it is
easier to understand if the ancestors of Europeans were originally in the
Middle East, possibly even Israel (where there is evidence of a settled
culture that stored wild grain, which could have easily shifted to cultivating
grains.) Such a population would have been receiving genes from Africa via the
Isthmus of Suez (and possibly across the Red Sea) and from Asia.
The evidence of demic diffusion also casts light on the climate in which
Europeans evolved. It is a commonplace in evolutionary psychology (also called
sociobiology) that the human psychology (and body) was shaped by the extremely
long period in which people were foragers, and that we are probably adopted
for reproductive success in what is often called the environment of
evolutionary adaptation. However, a little thought will show that these
environments varied in different parts of the world and ranged from tropical
to the cold of Ice Age Eurasia.
The author of this article has argued elsewhere (Miller 1994a, b) that in
tropical areas vegetable food was available year around. It has become a
common generalization that in hunter-gather societies most of the calories
come from gathering and that most of the gathering is done by women, and that
the total number of hours expended are low (Lee, 1968). However, examination
of the societies used to establish this generalization shows that they were
typically tropical societies. In such tropical areas, the females can gather
enough food to support themselves and their children. The optimal male
strategy is to devote efforts to mating with as many females as possible, and
preventing other males from mating with the women he is mated to. Provisioning
females and their children is not as strongly selected for (since they will
survive in any case).
In Eurasia, the major problem is surviving through the winter when fruits,
berries, insects, eggs, and hibernating and migratory animals are unavailable.
The common solutions are storage of food (which leads to selection for the
ability to defer gratification and for intelligence, see Miller 1991), and the
hunting of large animals, such as deer. Unfortunately, women are not effective
hunters of large animals (just imagine trying to hunt while carrying a crying
baby). Thus, males become the primary supporters of their families during the
winters. Females are then selected to look for and attract males who will
provision them and their children. Males are selected to form strong pair
bonds and to have the personality traits that lead to provisioning.
The ancestors of the Negroids were tropical Africans, and the ancestors of
the Mongoloids and Caucasoids were from the cold climate regions of Eurasia.
Furthermore, to explain the stronger pair bonds of Mongoloids and other
attributes it is necessary to argue they evolved in colder climates. Their
stockier build and other features are consistent with this.
That Negroids evolved in tropical Africa, and that Caucasoids and
Mongoloids evolved in cold Eurasia is readily accepted. However, some have
found it harder to believe that the environment Caucasoids evolved in was
appreciably warmer than that for the Mongoloids, especially since there has
been extensive publicity given to accounts of Ice Age Europe. It was
definitely very cold. Its inhabitants hunted such animals as reindeer and
wooly mammoths.
The demic diffusion model makes it likely that the ancestors of modern
Europeans were not primarily Ice Age Europeans, but paleolithic Middle
Easterners. The gene frequencies of modern Europeans were shaped not only by
the cold conditions of Ice Age Europe, but primarily by the conditions in a
somewhat warmer Middle East, possibly even in Israel. In turn, the gene
frequencies here were influenced by genes diffusing across the Suez Isthmus
from Africa.
What happened to the original paleolithic inhabitants of Europe? To a large
extent they were absorbed into the populations of the advancing Middle Eastern
farmers. However, the evidence presented in this book suggests that the
existing population that is closest to the original Europeans is the Basques
(p. 276).
If the expansion of Near Eastern farmers affected gene frequencies in
Europe, it might have affected gene frequencies into which this farming could
have spread (pp. 221-222). Since the book was published, Barbujani, Pilastro,
Domenico, & Renfrew (1994) using gene frequency data to argue that not only do
European gene frequencies suggest demic diffusion from the Near East, but
evidence of such demic diffusion can also be found among the areas once
occupied by the speakers of the Altaic languages, and the Asian speakers of
the Indo-european and Elamo-Dravidian languages, although only weak evidence
was found among the speakers of the Afro-Asian languages.
Other Interesting Findings on the World Wide Gene Distributions
After deriving trees of descent, Cavalli-Sforza et al. compare these with
the distribution of language families. They conclude that they are similar.
This is not surprising since both languages and genes are argued to spread by
the repeated splitting of populations, followed by independent evolution of
gene frequencies and languages. Also, people tend not to marry those speaking
different languages, and linguistic differences become barriers to gene flows.
It should be noted that Nei & Roychoudhury (1993), constructing their trees in
a somewhat different manner, found a less close correlation between genetic
groups and languages.
Conclusions from Principal Components
Another way the massive amount of data in the table of genetic distances
can be condensed is to calculate principal components. In essence, the first
principal component is a number which summarizes as much information about
gene frequencies as possible. After this is done, a second component can be
calculated which summarizes as much as possible of the remaining information
and so on. Principal components do not always exist. If the frequency of one
allele was completely independent of the frequencies of other alleles,
principal components would not exist to be calculated. Principal components
are used in other fields. For instance, in psychology the first principal
component from a battery of tests is traditionally called g (for general
ability), and is usually what the psychometrician means by intelligence.
The first two principal components explained 27% and 16% of the variance
respectively (p. 81). Thus there is a high degree of patterning in the
distribution of gene frequencies. A graphics technique places the populations
on a two dimensional diagram with the first principal component along the
base, and the second on the vertical axis. As the authors note, the African
populations are in the lower right hand quadrant, and all of the Caucasoid
ones are in the upper right hand quadrant. The ones traditionally called
Mongoloids are in the left hand side of the diagram, along with the Australian
and New Guinean ones. It appears that modern gene frequency data when analyzed
with modern sophisticated statistical methods produces something that looks
very much like the traditional concept of races. The chief exception is that
the Australia and New Guinea populations are in the middle of the left hand
side, with populations traditionally considered Mongoloid both above and
below. As in their preferred trees (trees and principal component diagrams are
merely different ways of simplifying and presenting visually the same
information), the Mongoloids seem to fall into a group at the upper left hand
corner (including the Japanese, Koreans, Mongols, Ainu, and American Indian
groups), and then in the lower left hand quadrant another group including
South Chinese, Thai, Indonesians, Malaysians, Filippinos etc.).
As an aside, the reader may note that the second principal component seems
to divide populations somewhat by the climatic area in which they are found
with the Negroids, South Asians, Australians, New Guineans being at the bottom
of the diagram, and the Caucasoids, Northeast Asians, and American Indians
groups being at the top. It is possible that the genes that play a large role
in determining the second component are ones that are subject to natural
selection that is somehow related to climate (possibly through the effects of
tropical diseases).
The reader may notice that certain populations that have contributed
heavily to the populating of America are close together on the chart. In the
upper right hand corner, the Italian, Danish, English, Greeks, (and Iranians)
are very close together. Reference to the chapter on Europe shows that most
other European populations (such as the Germans, French, Dutch) that helped
populate America are very similar to the populations plotted here.
Place Here
Diagram 2.3.5, p82 for book as modified to show where racial groups fit in.
In the lower left hand corner, the Bantu and West African populations come
out to be very similar. The European group and the African group are as almost
as far apart in the second component as it is possible to be. While the
studied gene frequencies do not affect the appearance of individuals, it is
plausible that if they did, the difference between the Europeans and Africans
would be immediately apparent, and that words would emerge to describe them.
Of course, these two population are sharply separated in skin color and other
aspects of appearance (due to other genes), and it is not surprizing to find
that this difference in appearance has been noticed. People of the two
original continents are referred to as white and blacks, Afro-Americans and
Euro-Americans, Caucasians and Negroes etc. The second principal component
does a good job of separating the two groups of peoples.
There are populations that lie between the two above described clusters.
The Berbers are about half way between on the 2nd principal component, and the
San and East Africans much closer to other Africans. It is very plausible that
these groups located in Africa reflect differing degree of Caucasoid admixture
with an African stock. This possibility with regard to the San is discussed in
the African chapter. Since these groups contributed relatively little to the
populating of America, an impression of a sharper distinction among those of
unmixed ancestry than actually exists in the Old World could be created.
One might ask what can principal component maps indicate. The authors argue
that when two populations intermingle, all gene frequencies are shifted
proportionately in the same direction. As an illustration (not discussed in
the book) consider the problem of estimating the percentage of Caucasian
intermixture in the African-American population. Consider one gene. The Duffy
is a good one, and one that has been classically used. This gene is very
frequent in Caucasians but virtually unknown in West African Negroes. The
percentage of this gene in an African-American population could be, and has
been used, to estimate the percentage of Caucasoid intermixture. If a fifth of
the ancestors of the Negroid population were Caucasoids, the frequency of the
Duffy gene would be one fifth as high as in Caucasoids. Thus, from one gene,
admixture could be estimated. More generally when two parent populations are
mixed, the gene frequencies will be w1f1 +(1-w1)f2, where w is the percentage
of the daughter population that the first population contributed, and f1 and
f2 are the respective gene frequencies. Gene frequencies are always being
subjected random changes (drift) and the effects of selection. Thus, one will
get slightly different answers depending on the genes studied. The obvious
solution is to examine many genes and take an average. Once one had the
frequencies of admixture, one could plot them on a map. The first principal
component would give a good depiction of the percentage of the invading
population in the old. This method would work even if one did not know the
populations being mixed. As mentioned, Cavalli-Sforza et al. make good use of
a first principal component map of Europe to argue that the observed pattern
can be explained by varying mixtures of two populations, an original foraging
one, and an expanding Middle Eastern farming one.
Now suppose that one had three populations. One might first compute the
gene frequencies to be expected in each of the populations that were mixtures
of the first two. The differences between the frequency that could be
explained by the mixture of the first two populations, and that observed,
might be attributed to mixture from the third. Since the second principal
component is constructed to only use information not in the first principal
component, its values should indicate the extent of admixture with the third
Cavalli-Sforza et al. claim to have conducted simulations which show that
the effects of expansions of ancient populations will indeed leave evidence on
the principal component maps. Notice that there need be no written evidence of
an expansion of the original population, nor does the name of that population,
or its gene frequencies have to be known.
In several cases the principal component maps consist of roughly concentric
circles, which can be interpreted as indicating mixing with surrounding
populations of an original population that underwent a prehistoric expansion.
In the discussion, they draw attention to some of the patterns and speculate
about what populations might have expanded.
The expansion out of the Middle East with the coming of agriculture is an
example that has been discussed. They interpret a pattern of concentric
circles around the Sea of Japan as possibly indicating an expansion from that
area, possibly of a people similar to that of the prehistoric Jomon culture in
Japan (p. 249). Similar maps for Italy are interpreted as possibly providing
evidence of the diffusion of the genes of the original Etruscans, who may have
come to have a distinctive pattern of gene frequencies through either drift in
a small original population, or by immigration to Italy from another area (p.
The book provides principal component maps for the first few principal
components both on a worldwide basis, and in each separate continental
chapter. Cavalli-Sforza et al. have devised an effective and ingenious
mechanism for combining the data provided by the principal components into
color maps (used earlier in Menozzi, Piazza, & Cavalli-Sforza, 1978). The
human eye can distinguish three primary colors, and by using a separate
primary color for each of the first principal components, a map can be
prepared which shows the first three components, (which appear to explain
about half of the total variance in gene frequencies). The result is some very
interesting color maps. One of these is used for the book's dust jacket .
This may be a good place to comment on the views of the authors on race. In
the first chapter there is a discussion of "The Scientific Failure of the
Concept of Human Races" (p. 19). This opens with the statement that "The
classification into races has proven to be futile exercise for reasons that
were already clear to Darwin." The reference is presumably to Darwin's
knowledge that the races grade into one another, making easy distinctions
The authors make the point that the measured genetic variability within
populations is greater than the variability between populations, which is
correct. However, they fail to point out that none of the traditionally
studied genes are the ones that relate to such variables as skin color, or
nose shape, which are genetic variables that show great variation between
populations. It is very likely that many of the genes affecting these traits
have gone to fixation in many populations (judging from the absence of dark
skin in Swedes, and the absence of non-albino lightly pigmented individuals
among the Liberians). At this point, not knowing just which genes influence
socially significant traits, we do not know exactly how much of the variation
on these traits is between populations, and how much within, although a good
guess is that most of the important variation is within populations.
The book states that (p. 19) "However, the major stereotypes, all based on
skin color, hair color and form, and facial traits, reflect superficial
differences that are not confirmed by deeper analysis with more reliable
genetic traits. . ." However, the evidence in the rest of the book serves to
disapprove this statement. It has already been pointed out how the trees were
calculated, and that the principal component diagrams classify populations in
such a way that groups corresponding to races can readily be recognized. The
map on the cover makes it easy to recognize the territories of the major
races. Australia is a red, sub-Saharan Africa a yellow-green, northwest Europe
a green, and China, Japan, Korea a purple, and the New World various shades of
purple. Each of the regions corresponds to what are traditionally considered
Of course, the map does show intergradations between the major populations.
The concept of race as a sub-species implies that such gradations will be
found, since if the populations could not interbreed they would be classified
as different species, not merely different races. Other maps in the book
confirm the existence of races. The map of the first principal component in
Africa shows a sharp north to south gradient (p. 191). The contour lines are
closer together in the Sahara. A quick glance shows that Africa can be divided
into a North African area where live peoples traditionally called Caucasoids,
and sub-Saharan Africa where live peoples traditionally called Negroids (the 2
southernmost zones pick up most of sub-Saharan Africa). The map shows a zone
in the Sahara where the gene frequencies are intermediate. While such a zone
probably does exist on the ground, the actual genetic data for it is weak.
Only a few Saharan groups that have been studied (the Tuareg are the most
important). The maps are marked with the data points used. Very frequently the
data points are for the coast of North Africa, and for points south of the
Sahara. In roughly the same way as weather maps are drawn, the computer then
fills in the missing lines with zones of smooth transition.
Another very interesting first principal component map is for Asia (p.
250). For this continent the first principal component explains 35.1% of the
total variance. The lines run very roughly north south with the extreme values
in the Middle East, and in the Far East including Japan, China, and Vietnam. A
line running between Burma and India corresponds closely with the traditional
Mongoloid/Caucasoid division. It bends to include Tibet in the Mongoloid area,
and then proceeds north. As the authors note, the highest values for the
Caucasoid pole are not adjacent to Europe, but in the Arabian Peninsula,
suggesting a possible gene flow out of that area.
In the far north of Eurasia (where the data is scarce), the Mongoloid line
appears to reach almost to the Urals, although there is evidence of
considerable mixing in the grasslands of northern Eurasia as populations have
moved back and fourth. A widely debated question has been the nature of the
Lapps, an Arctic European group speaking a language similar to that spoken in
the Urals. The trees show that the Lapps group with other Europeans. Their
gene frequencies could be approximated by a mixture of 52.5% Caucasians with
the remainder Mongoloid, although another method shows more European mixture
(p. 273). The best guess is that this group migrated into Scandinavia from
nearer the Urals, bringing a Mongoloid pattern of gene frequencies with them,
and then gradually interbred with other Scandinavians, until their gene
frequencies had the general European pattern. The Finns, another group that
speaks a Uralic language are estimated to be 90% European genes with 10%
Uralic, while the Hungarians (also speaking an Uralic language) appear to have
a 10% non-European mixture (p. 273).
There are various other small groups around that are difficult to classify
into the major racial groups. The Ainu, a traditionally hunter-gathering
people of northern Japan, noted for their Caucasoid appearance and hairy
bodies prove to have gene frequencies quite close to that of other Japanese,
and hence should probably be placed within the Mongoloid major grouping.
Diseases and Gene Frequencies
The worldwide discussion finishes with a section that goes gene by gene,
with commentary on the distributions. The details will be mainly of value to
those interested in a particular gene. This may be a good point to discuss
whether the genes studied are truly as neutral of the theory underlying the
book assumes.
The measured distances between populations may be reduced if the genes in
question have been subjected to frequency dependent selection. Frequency
dependent selection occurs when the less common gene has an advantage. A very
important example of frequency dependent selection occurs with parasites and
infectious diseases. The body's defenses again foreign organisms depend on
identifying them as foreign, which is done by the nature of the proteins on
the surface of cells. Genetically, this is controlled by the human leukocyte
antigen system, or HLA system. There are several loci, two of which, the A and
B are very well studied in different populations. Each of these loci have
numerous alleles. The frequency of each loci is treated as a different "gene"
in this book. Thus a large part of the data base deals with these loci. "The
most important system of markers in our collection, HLA, is represented by 12
alleles and 17 B alleles." (p. 130) While the population genetics of the HLA
system are not very well understood, there is probably a degree of stablizing
selection. Otherwise, the observed variability would not have survived
(Takahata, 1993). Parasites and disease organisms evolve to have proteins that
mimic those in the body. The immune system of an individual who has HLA genes
that are relatively rare will find it easier to recognize foreign organisms.
If any one HLA allele becomes relatively common, the diseases that attack the
carriers of that allele become more common (Jones, 1992, Table on p. 287). The
death rate among carriers of that allele increases, reducing the frequency of
the allele. Other alleles have an advantage because their body can better
recognize the most common pathogens. This mechanism is believed to be what has
encouraged the high degree of genetic diversity that characterizes the HLA
system. Many alleles are found in both humans, and in species as different as
the mouse. (For a readable introduction to the role of parasites in evolution
see Ridley, 1994. For a more technical discussion of the human HLA system see
Klein, 1990).
There is a brief discussion of known associations with disease, but it is
very likely that there are other associations that are not known, including
some with diseases which were once important but which are no longer
Another very important gene system is the ABO which is vital in typing
blood for transfusions. Because of the need for blood typing, it is very well
studied, and available for virtually all populations. Certain blood types are
known to be more vulnerable to certain diseases, probably because the body can
more readily recognize certain invading organisms. For instance O individuals
seem relatively resistant to syphilis (p. 126). This may explain why virtually
all American Indians (except for Eskimos and some northern Amerind groups) are
type O, since syphilis is believed to have been introduced into the Old World
by Columbus. Individuals with type A are more vulnerable to smallpox.
Tuberculosis (pulmonary) is believed to be more virulent in A individuals than
in O or B. Malaria shows a preference for A individuals. Thus, it appears that
balancing selection may exist for the ABO blood group.
The frequencies of other genes are believed to be affected by diseases. The
Duffy O alle (very high frequency in Africans) confers resistance to a
particular malarial parasite, Plasmodium vivax. A number of the G6PD variants
produce resistance to malaria. The immunoglobin genes GM and KM, which produce
antibodies and play an important role in defense against pathogens, could very
well be subject to stabilizing selection. The secretory system FUT2(SE) which
brings into "secretions substance responsible for A, B, and the related H
substances that are normally found on the red cells of individuals and define
their ABO status" (p. 133) is known to affect vulnerability to ulcers, with
secretors less vulnerable.
As the brief discussion above shows, many of the widely studied genetic
systems that are the subject of this book appear likely to be subject to
stabilizing selection (the frequency dependent selection referred to above),
such that rare alleles have a reproductive advantage. This would tend to
reduce genetic differences between the world's peoples. The effect is probably
not enough to make the assumption of neutrality, which underlies much of this
book's theory, inapplicable. However, the reader should keep in mind that some
gene systems may be subject to stabilizing selection, and others to disruptive
selection, and some perhaps to both. A system can be subject to both if allele
frequencies tend to a particular equilibrium value under certain conditions,
but this equilibrium frequency depends on location. Climatic or cultural
differences could make the equilibrium gene frequencies depend on location.
Important examples are for malaria where in malarial areas there is a high
equilibrium frequency for alleles giving resistance to malaria, and a zero
equilibrium frequency in malarial regions . A useful discussion of the
distribution of the genes believed to protect against malaria is provided (p.
146-149), although these genes are not used in calculating genetic distances,
since their genes reflect selection more than drift.
Incidentally, awareness that many of the easily studied genes appear
subject to stabilizing selection is important in evaluating a commonly made
argument. It is frequently asserted that only 6.3% of the genetic variation is
between races, with the rest being between populations (8.3%) or between
individuals within populations 85.4% (Lewontin, 1972). While it is probably
true that most of the genetic variability is between individuals, the popular
statements do misrepresent the scientific research. A correct statement might
be 6.3% of the measurable gene frequencies variation is between races.
LewontinTs work (cited on p. 19) dealt with the genes that could be measured
at the time he wrote (many fewer than can now be measured). None of these
genes affected skin color, nose shape, body build, size, etc. to mention
characteristics that differ between races. We can be fairly sure that the
genes that were studied (or could be studied given the knowledge then
available) were not a random sample of all genes. It appears they
overemphasized the genes that were relevant to the bodyUs defenses against
disease, and which were subject to stabilizing selection. If this is so, the
importance of racial differences is understated.
The Regional Chapters
The remainder of the book is organized in the same way as the Worldwide
chapter, except that each chapter focuses on a continental area, and more
populations are discussed within each chapter than the few from each continent
that were included in the study of 42 populations. Each chapter starts off
with a good review of the prehistory of the region, and a history of
population movements up to 1500 AD. These are useful to non-specialists, but
probably contain little that is not known to the regional specialists.
A distance matrix is then calculated for the selected populations, and used
to produce a tree showing the estimated lines of descent. This is then
discussed, with emphasis on various interesting issues, such as the origin of
particular populations. Principal components are then calculated and
discussed. Individual genes are then discussed.
For the chapters on Asia and on Europe, there is a third level. Asia is
discussed region by region, (Arctic, Northeast Asia, Southeast Asia, the
Indian subcontinent, Central Asia, and West Asia). In Europe, selected regions
are given a similar detailed treatment (Italy, France, the Iberian Peninsula,
Sardinia), with maps of principal components being presented.
The major surprize to this reader was in the Asian chapter. There is a
tendency to think of the third of the human race that is Han Chinese as a
homogeneous population. The analysis shows large differences between North
China and South China. In a tree with 39 Asian populations (p. 225), the first
split puts South Chinese with other Southeast Asian populations, such as the
Philippine, Malaysian, Thai, and Indonesian, with the Thai and Viet Muong
being the closest. In contrast North China groups with Korea, Japan, and
Tibet, as might be expected. However, this group is actually shown as being
closer to such groups as the Turkish, Lebanese, and Iranians, traditionally
considered as Caucasoid.
A possible explanation is that agriculture emerged twice in China, once in
north China for millet, and once in south China for rice, and that these
populations then expanded, freezing their gene frequencies. The dividing line
is placed between the Yangtse and the Yellow River. Supporting evidence is
provided by an analysis of a stratified sample of about 540,000 Chinese
surnames from the 1982 Census, which shows a pattern which is argued to be
roughly similar to the three Neolithic Cultural areas.
The importance of this finding of a relatively large difference between the
North and South Chinese is that much research is done on American or Canadian
born Chinese (Vernon, 1982), which are predominantly of South Chinese descent,
coming from Hong Kong, Canton, or their vicinity. It may be risky to
generalize from this to the whole of Han China.
For those interested in behavior and economic development, the resemblance
between South Chinese and the Filipinos, Malays, etc. presents a problem. The
South Chinese generally do well on intelligence and academic tests whether
tested in the US or in Hong Kong, often better than Caucasoids. Filipinos
generally don't do as well. Within Malaysia, the Chinese test much better than
the Malays. Within Southeast Asia, the overseas Chinese generally do much
better economically than the Malays (Sowell 1994). Thus, it is surprizing to
see the small genetic differences between the South Chinese and adjacent
Someone interested in the genetic relationships of various populations will
find much of interest in the various chapters on the Continents.
For instance, in inspecting the tree for Europe (p. 268), the Lapps will be
found to be the population that is furthest separated from other populations.
Next come the Sardinians, which are sufficiently different from other
Europeans that their inclusion in the principal components analysis would have
required that they be given a component to themselves (p. 291). Their unique
gene mix is attributed primely to genetic drift in a small population. The
Basques are found to be another distinct group, who are argued to be a remnant
of the original Europeans. Iceland is found to be quite distinct from the rest
of Europe, which is attributed to genetic drift in a small population. None of
these small populations made major contributions to the peopling of America.
A very large cluster puts such Central European peoples as the English,
German, Swedish, Italian, Polish, and Russians together (p. 268).
Interestingly, the Irish and Scottish are just outside this cluster, even
though many think of them as very similar to the English, perhaps because they
have been politically united with them. Even though there are historic
rivalries between such peoples as the French and the Germans, or the Russians
and Poles, the data here shows that any genetic differences are too small to
account for much of the differences in national character that some observers
claim to see. Needless to say, the similarity in gene frequency among these
groups of peoples, which include among themselves such major Europe races, the
Nordic, the Alpine, the Mediterranean, and Slavs is strong evidence against
any claim for the genetic superiority of the Nordics, or of the Germans, such
as the Nazi's reportedly claimed. It is very unlikely that the behaviorally
relevant genes could differ much in frequency given the small differences in
frequency for the measurable genes. The similarity in gene frequency has been
brought about either by these populations being recently derived from a common
population or populations (probably a Neolithic farming group spreading from
the Middle East followed by later immigrants from the steppes of Asia), or by
a high level of intermixture among these various populations. Either of these
possibilities would be inconsistent with large differences in the frequency of
socially important genes, although it does not make such differences
completely impossible.
A somewhat similar situation is found for Africa. Anthropologists
traditionally spend much time on small populations that are interesting, but
which account for relatively few people. Thus, the African chapter has
sections on the Pygmies, the Khoisan, and the peoples of Ethiopia and the
Sahara. However, the bulk of the population of sub-Saharan Africa is composed
of either Bantu speakers, or West Africans. The populations within both of
these large groups are found to differ little genetically from each other. In
the case of the Bantu speakers this is believed to be because they spread from
a much smaller population originating from near Cameroon. The linguistic,
archaeological, and historical evidence for this movement is expounded on. The
historical evidence is mainly relevant to South Africa where history shows
that the Bantu moved into the area, displacing the Khoisans at about the same
time as the Europeans came in. Similarity in languages and archaeological
evidence traces the earlier stages of the movement. The genetic similarities
between different groups is consistent with the hypothesized movements, and
suggests that there were two streams, one moving south first, and the other
east into East Africa, and then South (p. 183-185). Because of this relatively
recent Bantu expansion, the various Bantu populations do not differ much from
each other genetically.
In West Africa, the various population differ from each other a little
more, but still resemble each other. The authors hypothesize that this
similarity may be caused by an expansion out of a single population that first
adopted agriculture. An alternative explanation provides for three such
original populations, with only the easternmost (the Bantu speakers) being in
a position to expand into southern Africa (p. 185). In any case, the Bantu and
the West Africans groups do not differ much genetically.
It was pointed out earlier that the major European populations do not
differ much from each other either. Most of the United States is composed of
descendants of either the major European populations, or the descendants of
slaves from either West Africa or Bantu territory. The two groups are quite
distinct in gene frequencies and appearance. On the world principal component
diagrams, they are at opposite poles for the second principal component (p.
82). Thus, it is not surprising that in America the difference between
descendants of Africans and Europeans has been noticed, and led to people
being classified into two races, which have been documented to differ in many
traits besides appearance (Herrnstein & Murray, 1994; Miller, 1994a,b,c;
Rushton, 1994)
As the book shows, there are numerous populations that are intermediate to
these populations in gene frequencies, such as North Africans, East Africans,
Nilo-Saharan Ethiopians, inhabitants of the Sahara, and North Africans. There
are other groups that have a somewhat different pattern of gene frequencies
(Pygmies, Khoisans, Sardinians, Icelanders), but none of these groups
contributed much to the United States populations. It can be argued that there
are clines in the Old World, with gene frequencies changing gradually from
North to South (although relatively rapidly across the Sahara). This doesnUt
alter the fact that the vast majority of the ancestors of the (non-Mongoloid)
United States population can be classified as either Negroid (Bantu or West
African), or Caucasoid (European). Of course, subsequent mixing has occurred,
and there are many Americans whose ancestry is now mixed.
Outside of the major populations of Africa there are several minor
populations that are of interest. The book is filled with fascinating findings
about these populations. The Tuareg, who have always been a very mobile people
(p. 173) extend over an area stretching from the northern boundary of the dry
Sahara (Algeria and Libya) into the Sahel ( p. 171). The authors (p. 173) show
that that is a surprizing degree of genetic similarity between the Tuareg and
the Beja (whose genetic distance from the Tuareg is only 135), a people in the
Eastern Sahara whose territory adjoins the Red Sea.
Since every reviewer must find at least one error, it might be noted that
the location of the Beja is different on the map on p. 170 than on the one on
p. 171 (which is probably the correct one).
The genetic similarity is surprizing given a relatively large geographic
distance. They hypothesize a common origin, perhaps 5000 years ago. This is a
long time, but the minimum east-west migration across the Sahara required for
the groups to have a common origin is much greater than the width of the
Sahara. A few such migrations over tens of thousands of years could greatly
reduce or eliminate any genetic differences between North Africa and
sub-Saharan Africa. Yet, as the authors document very well, the genetic
difference between the Caucasoid inhabitants of North Africa and the Negroid
inhabitants directly south in West Africa is quite large (not to mention the
obvious differences in skin color and other aspects of appearance). This makes
it very likely that the current North African populations did not evolve in
place, since if they had they would not be as different from other Africans as
they are.
Thus, the large genetic differences north and south of the Sahara present a
problem that is not easily solved merely by noting that there is a low
density, dry area in between, since large population movements (carrying with
them genes) have apparently occurred.
I have developed a theory (Miller, 1994d) that the large genetic difference
between the Eurasian populations and the African ones that Cavalli-Sforza et
al. document so well is partially due to an early modern movement out of
Africa into Eurasia followed by the movement of the Neandertals into the
Middle East. This divided the modern population into two segments. Later, a
branch, or branches of the European Caucasoid population moved into north
There is one large area of Africa whose racial affinity has been unclear.
This is Ethiopia and adjacent areas. The people tend to have somewhat
Caucasoid facial features but dark skins. The gene frequency data suggests
that the Amhara (The dominant Ethiopian group) have gene frequencies could be
achieved by a mixture of 57% Nilotic African genes with 43% of genes from
North Africans (p. 174). Other European populations are similar.Thus, if one
must classify these people into one major race, they should be called Negroid.
The recorded history of the region and its location makes it very likely that
there was an actual admixture of Caucasoid and Negroid peoples here.
Another group that has been the subject of much discussion is the Khoisanid
peoples (including the Hottentots, San, !Kung). The San (Bushmen) in southern
Africa are a group that physically looks quite different from other Negroids.
Baker (1974), and Coon (1965) among others, have argued they are as different
from Negroids as Caucasoids are, and should be treated as a separate race from
other Negroids. The genetic data reported here shows them to differ more from
other sub-Saharan Africans than any of the sub-Saharan groups differ from each
other (p. 175).
Interestingly, the San are closer to Near Eastern populations than the
adjacent Bantu populations. Their gene frequencies are consistent with their
being 56% Near Eastern, with the remainder African. Given that the territory
they currently occupy is distant from Caucasoid territory, this is puzzling.
However, a possible theory supported by historic remains and linguistic
traces, is that they were once were in East Africa, possibly as far north as
Egypt. Some mixing with Caucasoids could have occurred then.
The Ethiopian populations, which appear to be a similar Caucasoid, Negroid
mix show a considerable genetic distance from the San, suggesting if both are
a result of mixture, the mixtures occurred at different times.
An alternative hypothesis, that is supported by mitchorondrial DNA evidence
and the San's distinctive morphology, is that they are a relict population of
an early race of humans whose territory once covered much of Africa, and are
the ancestors of all humans (p. 176). It is interesting to see how modern
genetic data supports the earlier idea of Coon that these were a relict of the
original populations from which other groups split (1963, 1965). Here the
resemblance with the Near Eastern populations is explained by these
populations having been derived from the San.
Unfortunately, there is little gene frequency data for Madagascar, and this
island is frequently left off of the maps due to lack of information.
Madagascar is potentially very interesting because the language of the
Malagasy is similar to languages from south-central Borneo. It is generally
believed that Madagascar was settled from there by people of Austronesian
origin, rather than from nearby Africa (p. 168), whose inhabitants had
apparently not yet developed suitable boats.
The Americas
"The genetic evidence for the Americas fully confirm the three waves of
migration suggested by dental and linguistic evidence: Amerinds, Na-Dene, and
Eskimo" (p. 349). Of course, much interesting detail is supplied. For
instance, the high degree of genetic diversity among South American tribes is
attributed to drift in numerous small populations.
Australia, New Guinea, and the Pacific Islands are discussed in the final
chapter. The genetic evidence is not particularly definitive for Australia and
New Guinea.
The book closes with a call for further research, and for collecting data
on various small populations of the world before they disappear. Such an
effort is underway as part of the Human Genome project.
For the student of race this book makes several points. One is that there
is considerable genetic variability between populations. Human populations
differ in much more than skin color. This makes it more plausible that they
differ in socially and economically important ways including intelligence,
personality, disease resistance, sexual behavior etc.
While one can argue about the placement of various small groups, there do
appear to be three major groups that include very large number of people, and
whose gene frequencies differ. These are the traditional three groups of
Negroids, Caucasoids, and Mongoloids. American Indians and Australians
constitute other large groupings with distinctive gene frequencies.
Overall, this is a very valuable book that should be in every university
library, although its high cost will keep it out of most private libraries.
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