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Ethnicity and Ideology
Gavan Tredoux, June 1990.
1. Introduction
This is an exploration of ethnicity and its ideological
disfigurement by liberalism; it forms part of a larger study of political
ideologies and their relationship to ethnicity. More ambitiously, this is an
attempt to reconstruct modern political philosophy.
2. Definitions
Certain words are used in special senses in the discussion
that follows. An ethnie is a named human community, with a shared myth of
common ancestry, an imagined history and a distinctive culture.(1) A sense of
solidarity and an attachment to a particular territory often form part of this
complex. Membership of an ethnie is fundamentally ascriptive; that is, ethnic
identity is not a matter of choice, but ascribed by others, within and without
the ethnie - thus ethnicity is best considered as an extension of kinship.
'Nationalism' is an integral part of this - the aspiration of the ethnie to
statehood and political power. These are all complex notions with a wealth of
theory and analysis behind them, which will be taken for granted in what
3. Liberalism & Ethnicity
Modern western society is steeped in liberalism & liberal
political theory: consider the rule of law, the restriction of the state and
its subordination to the citizenry, freedom of expression and the right to
privacy. There is a notion of citizenship at the heart of all this: the
citizens of the liberal society are individuals - the sole moral agents -
whose citizenship is equal in every respect. This 'citizen' is an entity
deliberately abstracted from a particular person; people have a unique
history, personality, heritage; 'citizens' are simply 'citizens'.
Transparently, no liberal order could differentiate between its citizens, not
knowing any of their peculiarities. The state provides nothing more than a
framework for social interaction, and its authority stops at the abstract
'citizen', whose conscience and particular actions are protected by anonymity.
Historically, modern liberalism emerged partly as a critique
of feudalism and the 'old order' in Europe; the core of the liberal programme
was always the abolition of inequality, and not material inequality but
abstract inequality of citizenship, of the social rank enshrined in feudalism
and the old order. Tied to this was the formal vesting of authority in the
'citizens', or 'the people', rather than the state itself, or the church.
Ethnicity, with its ascription of identity, roots the
individual in a special history, a unique heritage; ethnicity is the
antithesis of abstraction. Freedom to choose an identity, or even to have an
identity at all, disappears in a complex of description from within and
ascription from without. The 'individual citizen' is now a concrete person
entwined in a web of identities and relationships - trapped. There is an
inherent potential here for unequal citizenship, for hierarchical ranking of
ethnies; as we have already noted, hierarchies and a scale of social roles are
important facets of feudalism, and liberalism was constructed specifically as
a critique of social hierarchy and ascription of social roles. By its very
nature then, ethnicity is foreign to liberalism, incomprehensible.
Liberal social scientists prove an interesting case study of
this liberal antipathy toward ethnicity. As van den Berghe notes, in the
context of American social science: "The great American liberals ... presented
a monolithic ideological front - a genuine party line on race and
ethnicity."(3) Central to this party line is the claim that all humans are
fundamentally the same in all respects, that ethnocentrism is an irrational
attitude, even socially dysfunctional, and peculiar to 'authoritarian
personality types'. Attached to this is a faith in the assimilation of ethnies
in modern society; a conviction that societies progressively lose ethnic
consciousness as they modernize. Ethnicity is an archaic fetter, on this view,
broken by modernization; an anachronistic residue of traditionalism inevitably
eroded by industrialization, urbanization and modern communications and
transport. This process ought to be encouraged, on the liberal view, as both
inevitable and desirable. Liberal social science, and liberalism in general,
presumes that human behaviour and action is motivated, above all else, by
material self-interest.(4) To act on the basis of material self-interest is to
act, ultimately, as an individual; to attach most importance to material self-
interest is to attach least importance to ethnic identity, if any. Behaviour
motivated by a sense of ethnic identity, a concern for the status of one's
ethnie in the face of ethnic pluralism, is not even other-regarding (as
opposed to self- regarding), it seems to be nothing-regarding; for an ethnie
has no tangible existence in itself, nor can it be reduced to a particular set
of people. To the liberal, this sort of behaviour is fundamentally irrational
and socially dysfunctional, and hence a problem; to the liberal social-
scientist it is not so much a problem but an opportunity, to demonstrate that
what appears to be ethnically-motivated behaviour is really
materially-motivated(5), restoring rationality to human behaviour and
credibility to an ideology which presumes precisely that sort of rationality.
To reiterate: ethnicity is foreign and incomprehensible in the liberal scheme,
given liberalism's thoroughgoing individualism, its historical antipathy
toward feudalism, its abstract notion of citizenship, its faith in social
modernization and progress, and its presumption that the fundamental
motivation of human behaviour is material self- interest. This is superbly
illustrated by the Lockean and Rawlsian notions of 'social contract': society
ought to be viewed as nothing more than a collection of freely contracting
individuals, who are morally prior to that society and to each other, each
worthy of equal respect and treatment, by each other and by the political
arrangements of the society contracted into. To the extent that ethnicity is
foreign to liberalism, to the extent that ethnic behaviour is incomprehensible
within the liberal framework, to the extent that liberalism conflicts with the
perception of self, the perception of others, and the perception of oneself by
others; to that extent, liberalism is simply a failure. Ethnicity is an
irreducible social phenomenon in its own right; a wealth of evidence
demonstrates is pervasive influence, throughout history, on human society and
conduct(6); moreover, ethnicity appears to be the single most important basis
of social organization, of far greater durability and universality than social
class. The fundamental motivator of human behaviour is not material
self-interest, but ethnic identity; concern for the status of one's ethnic
group, for the well-being of that ethnie in the most intangible sense of myth
and culture, for the well-being of the members of that ethnie, as members.
This is a statement of fact, and a fact that utterly divorces liberalism from
the object of its discourse; it is as if liberalism has an entirely different
world in mind. The extent to which this undermines liberal credibility will
become clearer later.
Naturally, liberals might claim to have an account of what
ought to be, rather than what is; society might be irreducibly ethnic, but it
shouldn't be. Morally speaking, mankind is one homogeneous whole, and people
ought to act as if it is; that they usually act otherwise is neither here nor
there. Unfortunately, this is a lonely row to hoe; one can easily formulate
moral prescriptions any time of the day or night, but others can just as
easily disregard them. The trick is to get others to agree that the liberal
scheme is in fact theirs, and of course, any liberal theorist worth his salt
knows this.(7) To an extent, liberals have been highly successful at this, at
least in those western societies now known as 'liberal-democracies' - The
United Kingdom, The United States of America, the countries of Western Europe
and the like. However, these are all unusually homogeneous societies; insofar
as they have exhibited ethnic pluralism, this has always posed very difficult
problems for the prevailing liberal ideology - consider the debate surrounding
'affirmative action' in the United States.(8) The key to a proper
understanding of modern liberalism, its success and its failure, lies in its
intimate relationship with ethnic nationalism and ethnic homogeneity; a
relationship that is obscured by its antipathy to ethnicity in general. It is
no accident that liberalism has been most successful in ethnically homogeneous
countries, and least successful in ethnically heterogeneous, plural societies;
it was framed for homogeneous societies. As Michael Waltzer puts it, in an
even broader context: "Most political theorists, from the time of the Greeks
onward, have assumed the national or ethnic homogeneity of the communities
about which they wrote ... . [T]he assumption of a common language, history,
or religion underlay most of what was said about political practices and
institutions."(9) Not only does liberalism presuppose homogeneity, it also
contributes to that homogeneity; liberalism is part of the imagining of a
community. This is an important and often overlooked point, worth exploring in
greater detail.
That rare phenomenon, the modern European nation-state, is a
product of an unprecedented wave of ethnic nationalism that reached its peak
in the late 19th century, ultimately culminating in the doctrine of self
determination. This movement had its immediate roots in the French Revolution
of 1789, but was intimately connected to the more abstract notion of popular
sovereignty; the debt that nationalism owes to liberalism here has often been
noted.(10) Thus Anthony Smith remarks that "In modern European history, there
was a classic link between liberalism and nationalism. Broadly speaking,
liberalism gave birth to modern nationalism ... ."(11)
However, to see liberalism as merely a cause of nationalism,
or a contributing factor, is to miss a crucial point; liberalism is part of
modern nationalism. The notion of citizenship embodied in liberalism, with its
removal of the hierarchy and inequality associated with feudalism and the old
order in Europe, is a crucial ingredient in the formation (or invention) of a
national community, which necessarily transcends social class, status and
region. The liberal citizen becomes part of an imagined community, which
accepts his membership unconditionally; by doing so, the 'community' welds
together a socially and regionally disparate set of people. All 'communities',
to a greater or lesser extent, are inventions(12); this sort of invention is a
cultural phenomenon, and liberalism is best seen as part of this broader
context - the cultural construction of a moral, political, historical and
artistic illusion of community. Of course, this 'citizenship' is bound to a
particular 'community'; in the modern context, citizenship is associated with
a special nation, and removes internal differentiation, within the imagined
community, while at the same time it separates particular nations from others.
In terms of ethnicity, the liberal notion of citizenship is
part of the formation of ethnic (or 'national') unity and homogeneity, which
may or may not involve the assimilation or combination of various ethnies. It
is clear then why appeals to ethnic sentiment within a community are
illegitimate in the liberal scheme; they destroy the illusion of unity that
liberalism helped to invent. This also explains why minorities in liberal
democracies - like the aboriginal inhabitants of the USA, Canada, Australia;
the recent black and Asian immigrants in Britain; and the accultured but
unassimilated black community in the USA - have such an ambiguous position.
American liberalism was always, at the very least implicitly, tied to the
Anglo- Saxon, and later the European, part of society; these are the people
referred to in the Bill of Rights, as originally adopted, and these are the
people the political system was built around. Similarly, the South African
political and legal system was always tied to the European community; the
status of others was, at best, incidental.
The fact that national or ethnic homogeneity is an extremely
rare phenomenon in the modern state system, places liberal theory in grave
danger - one that liberals are increasingly aware of.(13) There are many
dimensions to this, but the case of separatist minorities is particularly
instructive. Many liberal democracies contain minorities who claim a special
status, some even going so far as to demand independence within a separate
state; at the very least, these minorities claim and exercise a special hold
over their members, which flies directly in the face of the liberal idea of
universal citizenship. In the United States, Canada and Australia, aboriginal
inhabitants agitate for the retention and extension of special reserves and
ancestral land for their communities; one facet of this is the exclusion of
other non-aboriginals from these reserves. Liberalism can currently provide no
sensible account of this.
While some liberals are attempting to reconstruct the ideology
to make sense of ethnicity, we can now seen that this would be a difficult
task indeed. An examination of rival ideologies like Marxism comes to much the
same conclusion; from this angle, Marxism and liberalism look like estranged
siblings with the same congenital defect. This calls for nothing less than a
reconstruction of modern political theory, to provide a credible account of
the political and social arrangements of ethnically plural societies.
Something like this has been underway for some time now, through the study of
'consociational democracy' and democratic instability in plural societies, but
the philosophical, moral dimensions of this remain largely unexplored.
1 There is no single word in the English language to describe the notion of
ethnic community, so the French ethnie will be used.
2 The bibliography lists some of the best recent literature cf. van den
Berghe [1981], Horowitz [1985], Connor [1972].
3 Van den Berghe [1981], p.2
4 Rawls [1971], arguably the most influential single piece of liberal
political theory this century, explicitly presumes material self-interest as
the fundamental motivator of human behaviour, even making this a premiss in
his attempt to derive a liberal account of justice.
5 See Horowitz [1985], van den Berghe [1981] and Connor [1972] for analysis
and rebuttal of this type of argument.
6 This is not the place to prove these points; see Horowitz [1985].
7 Rawls [1980, 1985] investigates this idea in detail; the Rawlsian
programme no longer pursues 'moral truth' in any metaphysical sense, it now
searches for a 'practicable' account of liberal justice that could command the
assent, upon sincere self-reflection under fair conditions, of the typical
citizen of a modern western liberal democracy.
8 See Glazer [1975] and Cohen et al [1977] for some contributions to the
debate within American liberalism surrounding affirmative action and 'reverse
9 Waltzer [1981], p.1
10 See Kedourie [1961]; Connor [1973] contains a good discussion of the
role that the French Revolution played in the genesis of modern European
11 Smith [1986b], p.47
12 See Anderson [1983] for a discussion of the cultural dimensions of the
imagining of communities.
13 Kymlicka [1989] and van Dyke [1985] are recent attempts to provide some
kind of account of ethnicity within a liberal framework.
Bibliography Anderson, Benedict 1983 Imagined Communities
Berger, Peter 1970 "On the Obsolescence of the Concept of Honour" in Sandel
Cohen, M. Nagel, T. and Scanlon, T. (eds.) 1977 Equality and Preferential
Connor, Walker 1967 "Self-Determination: the New Phase" World Politics vol
20 1972 "Nation Building or Nation Destroying ?" World Politics vol 24 1973
"The Politics of Ethnonationalism" Journal of International Affairs vol 27, no
1 1978 "A Nation is a Nation ... " Ethnic and Racial Studies vol 1, no 4
1984 The National Question in Marxist-Leninist Thought and Strategy
Dench, Geoff 1986 Minorities in the Open Society
Esman, Milton J. (ed.) 1977 Ethnic Conflict in the Western World
Glazer, Nathan 1975 Affirmative Discrimination
Horowitz, Donald L. 1985 Ethnic Groups in Conflict
Kedourie, E. 1961 Nationalism
Kymlicka, Will 1989 Liberalism, Community, and Culture
Rabushka, Alvin and Shepsle, K. A. 1972 Politics in Plural Societies
Rawls, John 1971 A Theory of Justice
1980 "Kantian Constructivism in Moral Theory" Journal of Philosophy vol 77
1985 "Justice as Fairness: Political not Metaphysical" Philosophy and
Public Affairs vol 14
Sandel, Michael (ed.) 1984 Liberalism and its Critics
Smith, Anthony D. 1986a The Ethnic Origins of Nations
1986b "History and Liberty: Dilemmas of Loyalty in Western Democracies"
Ethnic and Racial Studies vol 9, no 1
Svensonn, F. 1979 "Liberal Democracy and Group Rights" Political Studies
vol 27, no 3
Van den Berghe, Pierre L. 1981 The Ethnic Phenomenon
Van Dyke, Vernon 1985 Human Rights, Ethnicity and Discrimination
Waltzer, Michael 1981 "Pluralism in Perspective" in Waltzer and Kantorowitz
Waltzer, Michael and Kantorowitz, Edward T. 1981 The Politics of Ethnicity
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