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Unwanted Births and Dysgenic Reproduction in The United States
by Marian Van Court
Originally published in The Eugenics Bulletin, Spring 1983
Most people are surprised to discover the prevalence of unwanted births in
this country and the extent to which they are inversely related to
intelligence and educational level. Approximately one-fifth of the births
between 1960-1965 in a U.S. sample were said by the parents to have resulted
from unplanned, unwanted pregnancies; two-fifths of the remainder were also
accidental, but claimed to have been intended for some future time (Bumpass
and Westoff, 1970). These figures tend to underestimate the total percentage
of unwanted births because there is "considerable rationalization" in parents'
reporting, and because illegitimate births are not counted.
In this same study, the incidence of unwanted births was negatively related
to both educational level and income. The proportion was twice as high among
wives with less than a high school education compared to that of wives with at
least some college (26% vs. 13%). The proportion was twice as high for
families with incomes under $3000 than for families with incomes over $10,000.
For every category of education and income, the percentage was higher for
blacks than for whites. For blacks as a whole, more than one-third of the
births to married couples were unwanted (Bumpass and Westoff, 1970).
During the 1970's, there was a dramatic increase in usage of the most
effective birth control methods-"the pill'', the IUD and sterilization
(Westoff & Ryder, 1977). In 1976, unwanted marital fertility had declined to
12% (USDHEW, 1980). But the rate of illegitimate births (most of which could
be presumed to be unwanted) had more than tripled since the early '60's. By
1979, 9% of white births and 49% of black and "other" births were
out-ofwedlock (Bureau of the Census, 1979). Significant differences by
education and income remained. Part of the problem is that those of low
educational level are less likely to use contraception. Yet even among a
sample of women using the same highly-effective methods, those with lower IQs
were found to have much higher failure rates. Percentages having unwanted
births during a three-year interval were 3%, 8% and 11% for high, medium and
low IQ women, respectively. For those not using one of these methods, the
percentages were 15%, 23 and 31% (Udry, 1978). After an unwanted pregnancy has
occurred, higher IQ couples are more likely to obtain abortions (Cohen, 1978).
Unmarried teenage girls who become pregnant are more likely to carry and
deliver a baby than to have an abortion if they are doing poorly in school
(Olson, 1980). Thus each factor--from initially employing some form of
contraception, to successful implementation of the method, to termination of
an accidental pregnancy when it occurs--involves selection against
A pathbreaking study by Vining (1982) has reported a negative correlation
between fertility and intelligence for a large, representative sample in the
U.S. aged 24-35 as of the late 1970's. My own research (Van Court, manuscript
in preparation) has replicated Vining's results on a broader age range.
Unwanted births undoubtedly make a contribution to this dysgenic trend,
although no study (to my knowledge) has yet precisely quantified their impact.
Fertility studies usually include information about socio-economic status
and educational level, which can be used as proxies for IQ, but are not ideal
measures. As mentioned above, there are problems with reluctance of parents to
admit to contraceptive failures, which introduce unreliability into
calculations of unwanted births. Perhaps the main impediment has been the
environmentalist milieu of the past several decades which has relegated vital
research questions such as these to a not-entirely-benign neglect.
Despite the unfortunate lack of exact figures on the effect of unwanted
births on the dysgenic trend in the U.S., inferences can be drawn from various
data which indicate the impact is substantial. Several studies which reported
the usual negative correlation between number of children and educational
level and income found zero correlation, or even a tiny positive correlation,
when only planned families were analyzed (Kiser and Whelpton, 1953; Freedman
and Slesinger, 1961).
As an aside, it should be mentioned that while a great deal of attention
has been paid to "excess fertility'' and its implications for the problem of
overpopulation, very little attention has been paid to the opposite problem of
"deficit fertility". It was first analyzed by Weller and Chi (1973), and again
on a larger sample by Weller (1974), who found that 18% of American women said
they desire more children than they expect to have. Highly educated women were
more likely to fall into the "deficit fertility" category. The reasons for
this definitely warrant closer examination. Weller also found the usual
negative relationship between the wives education and unwanted births.
Prevention of unwanted births could well be considered a worthwhile
humanitarian goal in itself, aside from its important eugenic consequences. A
great deal of individual human misery could be alleviated for parents and for
children if only planned births occurred. Unwanted children are reported to be
more often subjected to neglect and physical abuse, and to suffer more
frequently from emotional problems (Lebensohn, 1973). Prevention of unwanted
births would yield collective economic benefits as well--the number one cause
of dependence upon Aid to Families With Dependent Children (AFDC, the largest
category of welfare) is accidental, unwanted births (Bogue, 1975; "Unplanned
Pregnancy...", 1981). For many people, a major reluctance to confronting the
crucial question of the current direction of human evolution stems from an
uncomfortable suspicion that it might well be unfavorable, and from the allied
conviction that if indeed the evidence proves we are deteriorating
genetically, no morally and socially acceptable solutions exist. An almost
primitive fatalism and superstition underly the assumption that as a society
we are utterly powerless to alter our course, however disastrous a legacy we
may be leaving future generations through our negligence, and the irrational
fear that if we dare attempt to guide it (or even if we think about it too
much!) we run a grave risk of being suddenly forced against our wills through
some mysterious, outrageously implausible yet inexorable sequence of events
culminating in genocide and World War III. I am pleased to report that this
need not be the case!
The fact that some substantial portion of current dysgenic reproduction is
attributable to unwanted births points squarely to a set of remedies which
would be acceptable to most people, both morally and socially: 1. greater
efforts in the area of sex education for adolescents, 2. increased
availability of permanent birth control methods for couples who have achieved
their desired family size, and 3. most important, more equal access to
abortion as a safety net when other methods fail. "More equal access"
necessarily means liberalization of abortion laws and government support for
those who want abortions but can't afford to pay for them. It seems most
improbable that the vociferous "Pro-Life" faction will ever succeed in totally
banning all abortions against the desires of the majority of Americans.
Therefore, abortions must be equally obtained by all segments of society
unless they are to act as a selective agent. At present, abortions are more
readily obtained by those with money, education, intelligence and initiative.
Thus the effect is to decrease our genetic potential for these and associated
positive traits. Ideally abortions would act automatically as a selective
agent in a eugenic rather than a dysgenic way. Since women of low IQ fail more
often with birth control and thus have more unwanted pregnancies, if all women
with unwanted pregnancies had abortions, this would neutralize the dysgenic
effect of birth control failure. Few political conservatives (or liberals, for
that matter) are actively searching for more government programs on which to
spend taxpayers' dollars. But the alternative in this case--even viewed solely
from a short-term standpoint--is even worse. It is obviously far more
expensive for a woman on welfare to deliver a baby than to have an abortion,
not to mention the costs of supporting the child for 18 years.
In Japan, where eugenic considerations are written into law, abortions are
easily obtained and are very inexpensive (Muramatsu, 1967). As a consequence,
obtaining one does not present an insurmountable obstacle to the
unintelligent, the uneducated, the extremely passive or the indigent. If this
became the situation in the United States, if the slogan "Every child a
planned child" became a reality, it could go a long way towards eliminating
the unhealthy negative relationship between intelligence and fertility which
now exists.
Bogue, D.J., 1975, Longterm solution to AFDC problem- prevention of
unwanted pregnancy, Social Science Review 49(4): 539-552
Bumpass, L.L. and Charles Westoff, 1970, The perfect contraceptive
population, Science 169(3951): 1177-1182
Bureau of the Census, 1979, Statistical Abstracts of the U.S., p. 61-66
Cohen, Joel, 1971, Legal abortions, socioeconomic status and measured
intelligence in the United States, Social Biology 18(1) : 55-63
Freedman, R. and D. Slesinger, 1961, Fertility differentials for indiginous
non-farm population of the U.S., Population Studies 15(1): 161-173
Kiser, Clyde V. and P.K. Whelpton, 1953, Resume'of the Indianapolis study
of social and psychological factors affecting fertility, Population Studies
15: 95-110
Muramatsu, Minoru (ed.), 1967, Japan's Experience in Family Planning--Past
and Present, Family Federation of Japan, Tokyo, Japan
Olson, Lucy, 1980, Social and psychological correlates of pregnancy
resolution among adolescent women: a review, American Journal of
Orthopsychiatry 50(3): 432-445
USDHEW, Jan.1980, Wanted and unwanted births reported by mothers 15-44
years of age: united States, 1976, Advancedata no 56, 2-10
Udry, J.Richard, 1978, Differential fertility by intelligence: the role of
birth planning, Social Biology 25: 10-14
Unplanned pregnancy in main cause of welfare reliance survey finds, 1981,
Family Planning Perspectives l](4):189
Vining, Daniel R., 1982, On the possibility of the reemergence of a
dysgenic trend with respect to intelligence in American fertility
differentials, Intelligence 6: 241-264
Weller, Robert H. and P.S.K. Chi, 1973, Excess and deficit fertility,
International Review of Modern Sociology 3: 49-64
Weller, Robert H., 1974, Excess and deficit fertility in the United States,
Social Biology 21 (l): 77-87
Westoff. Charles and Norman B. Ryder, 1977, The Contraceptive Revolution,
Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J.
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