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By: Richard Lynn
The genetic decline of the populations of western nations was first
recognised in the 1850s and 1860s by Benedict Morel in France and Francis
Galton in England. Neither seems to have known of the work of the other, but
they arrived independently at the same conclusion that contemporary
populations were undergoing "retrogressive evolution" in respect of health,
intelligence and moral character.
Both Morel and Galton identified the cause of this deterioration as lying
in the relaxation of natural selection. Normally in human and animal
populations, natural selection eliminates the unfit, allowing the more fit to
survive. The survival of the fittest keeps the population genetically sound by
weeding out genetically unfit individuals, rather in the same way as a
gardener keeps a garden in good order by constantly removing the weeds. When
it is working properly, natural selection in human populations has two strings
to its bow. With the first it inflicts high mortality and with the second it
imposes low fertility on those with genetic disorders, poor intelligence and
weak moral character. Morel and Galton perceived that both these strings were
failing in the middle decades of the nineteenth century. It was as if the
gardener had quit and the garden was going to seed.
Up to this time, natural selection had worked well in western nations. The
populations had the high mortality and the differential fertility that are
needed for natural selection to operate. Couples typically had six or seven
children, but among the population as a whole an average of only a little over
two survived to adulthood. High death rates tended to eliminate the unfit, the
unintelligent and those with weak moral character because they were more
vulnerable to death from disease and from their own inability to survive.
Natural selection also operated by the more healthy, the more intelligent and
those with strong moral character having higher fertility. The principal
reason for this was that people with these qualities are more efficient at
earning a living and this meant that they were better fed and more fertile.
Another factor was that there were strong social controls preventing those
lacking these qualities from having children. If they did have children there
was no welfare state to provide for them. They were generally put into
foundling homes, where most of them died. It was a harsh world, but it served
the purpose of keeping the population genetically sound.
It was in the middle decades of the nineteenth century that the force of
natural selection against the unfit began to weaken. It weakened first against
those with poor health largely as a result of improvements in sewage disposal
and the provision of pure drinking water, which reduced deaths among the
unhealthy from infectious diseases.
In the present century natural selection against those with poor health has
been further weakened by medical progress in the treatment of genetic
disorders and diseases. Advances in surgery have enabled those to live who
would formerely have died. The first important advance was made in 1912 with
the development of surgical treatment for pyloric stenosis, a genetic defect
of the narrowing of the stomach which prevents food being ingested. Later in
the century, surgical organ transplants have made it possible to preserve the
lives of those with a variety of genetic defects. In addition, successful
treatments have been found for a large number of genetic disorders such as
hemophilia, diabetes, phenylketonuria, cystic fibrosis and many others. The
development of these treatments has enabled many with these disorders to live
to adulthood and have children, to some of whom they pass their defective
genes. The result of the medical progress is that the prevalence of many of
these disorders is doubling or tripling in every generation.
We are also experiencing genetic deterioration in respect of intelligence.
In previous centuries, when there was high child mortality, the children who
died would have tended to be less intelligent. This was partly because the
unintelligent are not so good at looking after themselves, and even today the
unintelligent have higher mortality from disease and accidents than the
intelligent. Another reason was that the unintelligent children have
unintelligent parents, who are less competent at looking after them. Even
today, in the modern welfare state, infant and child mortality is
substantially higher among children of unintelligent parents than among those
of the more intelligent.
However, the major factor responsible for an increase in the numbers of the
unintelligent has been the development of modern forms of contraception. This
began in the 1870s with the invention and mass marketing of the latex condom
and has been followed by the development of further contraceptives such as the
intro-uterine device and the pill. Once these modern contraceptives became
avilable, it was inevitable that they would be used more efficiently by the
intelligent than by the unintelligent. The result of this has been that the
intelligent began to have fewer children. This trend started in the second
half of the last century and has persisted up to the present day.
We know from twin and adoption studies that intelligence is partly under
genetic control. This means that there are genes for high intelligence and for
low intelligence. Once those with low intelligence started to have more
children, and those children no longer died in significant numbers in
childhood, the genes for low intelligence increased in the population and the
number of genes for high intelligence fell. The result of this has been a
genetic deterioration of intelligence among western populations.
The conclusion reached by Morel and Galton that the intelligence of western
populations is deteriorating was examined by a number of biological and social
scientists early in the twentieth century. Several attempts were made to
determine the extent of this deterioration. This was done by measuring the
intelligence of representative samples of the population at two points in
time. Studies of this kind produced the surprising result that the expected
decline had not taken place. On the contrary, it was found that intelligence
as measured by intelligence tests has actually been increasing in western
populations throughout most of the twentieth century.
There is not as yet any agreed explanation for this increase. Some believe
that there has only been an improvement of test taking skills. Others maintain
that the increase is genuine and has been brought about by improvements in
nutrition, education or various kinds of cognitive stimulation from TV, books
and the like. Whatever the explanation, it seems that the deterioration of the
genetic quality of western populations in respect of intelligence has been
compensated for several decades by environmental improvements. This
compensation cannot be expected to continue indefinitely. At some point, the
impact of the environmental improvements will peter out and intelligence will
begin to decline. The best available estimate of the rate of this decline is
that it will be about one IQ point per generation.
The third respect in which modern populations are deteriorating is moral
character. This broad trait comprises self discipline, the motivation to work
for long term goals, law abidingness and a sense of civic responsibility. It
is conspicuously lacking in criminals and in the underclass with its
sociopathic value system. Moral character has a genetic basis. This has been
established by twin studies, which have shown that identical twins separated
shortly after birth and reared in different families are quite similar in
respect of their moral character, showing that a genetic determination is
involved. In addition, it has been found that adopted children resemble their
biological parents more closely than their adoptive parents, showing that
moral character is transmitted genetically from parents to children.
From the last decades of the nineteenth century those with weak moral
character have had more children than those in whom moral character is strong.
There are various ways in which this has been shown. For instance, male
criminals have about 70 per cent more children than the law abiding
population, while among females in the United States in the first half of the
1990s high school dropouts had an average of 2.6 children as compared with
only 1.8 for American women as a whole.
The principal explanation for the high fertility of those with weak moral
character is the same as the reason for the high fertility of the
unintelligent, namely their inefficient use of contraception. Once modern
methods of contraception became available, it was inevitable that they would
be used more effectively by those with strong moral character because they are
more conscientious and responsible, just as it was inevitable that
contraception would be used more effectively by the intelligent because they
are more efficient. Thus, the development of modern contraception produced the
inevitability of genetic deterioration in respect of both intelligence and
moral character.
Because weak moral character is transmitted through families, the high
fertility of those with weak moral character should have led to an increase in
their numbers in the population. This has certainly occurred. One expression
of this is the increase in crime which has taken place in the last half cetury
throughout the economically developed world. Another is the increase of the
underclass which, defined as able bodied long term unemployed men has
approximately doubled in the United States from the early 1960s up to the
present. Similar rises have taken place in Eurpoe. Yet another is the increase
of single mothers living on welfare, up in the United States from 2.5 per cent
of all the female population in 1960 to 10 per cent in 1990. All these rises
are due partly to an increase in the numbers of those with a gentically based
impoverished moral character, although this is not to say that other factors,
such as the increasingly generous welfare support, have not also played a
part. The genetic deterioration of western nations poses serious problems. The
increase in the numbers of those whith genetic disorders who can be
successfully treated raises the cost of medical provision. The decline of
intelligence will produce a deterioration in the quality of our civilisation.
Intelligence is a major determinant of the effectiveness with which jobs are
performed. As intelligence declines there will be fewer people with high IQs
to maintain standards in the arts and sciences, the professions and business,
and fewer with good average IQs to carry out routine skilled jobs such as
those of the plumber and the electrician. At the same time, there will be
increasing numbers of those whose intelligence is too low for useful
No less serious is the problem of deteriorating moral character. It will
bring about an increasingly immoral society. Crime will continue to grow.
Standards of honesty and integrity in national life will decline. The smooth
functioning of the economy and of social relationships depends on trust and
will be impaired as the moral foundations of public and private relationships
are eroded. All this was foreseen by Francis Galton, who wrote in 1869 in his
HEREDITARY GENIUS that in a mature civilization, like our own, "there is a
steady check upon the fertility of the abler classes; the improvident and
unambitious are those who chiefly keep up the breed. So the race gradually
deteriorates, becoming in each successive generation less fit for a high
civilization". In the first half of the twentieth century Galton's view was
endorsed by a large number of biological and social scientists. As recently as
the 1960s the problem was restated by William Shockley, the Nobel prizewinner
in physics. Shockley coined the word DYSGENICS for this retrogressive
evolution and urged that it need wider recognition and discussion of how it
could be overcome. But Shockley's warnings went unheeded and in the last
quarter century understanding of the problem has been lost. It is time to
revive public recognition of this serious threat to the future of our
Richard Lynn was professor of psychology at the University of Ulster from
1972 to 1995. This article is based on his book DYSGENICS, published by
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