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Editor's note: gleaned from a Usenet posting compiled by Michael Kagalenko
from a Medline search.
J Child Psychol Psychiatry 36: 409-425 (1995)[95301642]
The impact of child IQ, parent IQ and sibling IQ on child behavioural
deviance scores.
R. Goodman, E. Simonoff & J. Stevenson
Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Institute of Psychiatry,
London, U.K.
In an epidemiological sample of 411 13-year-old twins of normal
intelligence, both parents and teachers reported more behavioural problems
among children with lower IQs. This was not attributable to the effects of
parental IQ or social class and was not entirely mediated by lower scholastic
attainments. Different causal models are discussed: "rater bias" and "IQ is a
consequence" explanations seem less plausible than "IQ is a cause" and "IQ is
a marker" explanations. Higher parental IQ was associated with more emotional
symptoms in the child, both by parental and school report. There was no
evidence that being brighter or less bright than a (twin) sibling influenced
behavioural deviance, casting doubt on the importance of contrast effects.
Behav Genet 25: 25-32 (1995)[95275182]
Multivariate genetic analysis of Wechsler Intelligence Scale for
Children--Revised (WISC-R) factors.
S. D. Casto, J. C. DeFries & D. W. Fulker
Institute for Behavioral Genetics, University of Colorado at Boulder
80309-0447, USA.
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children--Revised (WISC-R) factor scores
(Verbal Comprehension, Perceptual Organization, and Freedom from
Distractibility) were obtained from 574 twin pairs in the Colorado Reading
Project and subjected to multivariate genetic analysis. Variances were
partitioned into components common to the three WISC-R factors and to those
specific to each factor. Substantial commonality, both genetic and
environmental, was found among the three factors. The full model fit the data
well, and estimates of heritability and environmentality indicated that about
half of the phenotypic variance for each factor is due to additive genetic
effects. These results were compared to those obtained in a previous twin
study of the three Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) factors by Tambs
et al. (1986).
Behav Genet 24: 107-118 (1994)[94296350]
DNA markers associated with high versus low IQ: the IQ Quantitative Trait
Loci (QTL) Project.
R. Plomin, G. E. McClearn, D. L. Smith, S. Vignetti, M. J. Chorney, K.
Chorney, C. P. Venditti, S. Kasarda, L. A. Thompson, D. K. Detterman & ...
Center for Developmental and Health Genetics, Pennsylvania State
University, University Park 16802.
General cognitive ability (intelligence, often indexed by IQ scores) is
one of the most highly heritable behavioral dimensions. In an attempt to
identify some of the many genes (quantitative trait loci; QTL) responsible for
the substantial heritability of this quantitative trait, the IQ QTL Project
uses an allelic association strategy. Allelic frequencies are compared for the
high and low extremes of the IQ dimension using DNA markers in or near genes
that are likely to be relevant to neural functioning. Permanent cell lines
have been established for low-IQ (mean IQ = 82; N = 18), middle-IQ (mean IQ =
105; N = 21), and high-IQ (mean IQ = 130; N = 24) groups and for a replication
sample consisting of even more extreme low-IQ (mean IQ = 59; N = 17) and
high-IQ (mean IQ = 142; N = 27) groups. Subjects are Caucasian children tested
from 6 to 12 years of age. This first report of the IQ QTL Project presents
allelic association results for 46 two-allele markers and for 26 comparisons
for 14 multiple-allele markers. Two markers yielded significant (p < .01)
allelic frequency differences between the high- and the low-IQ groups in the
combined sample-a new HLA marker for a gene unique to the human species and a
new brain-expressed triplet repeat marker (CTGB33). The prospects for
harnessing the power of molecular genetic techniques to identify QTL for
quantitative dimensions of human behavior are discussed.
Psychol Rep 71: 811-21 (1992)[93087680]
Contributions to the history of psychology: XC. Evolutionary biology and
heritable traits (with reference to oriental-white-black differences): the
1989 AAAS paper.
J. P. Rushton
Department of Psychology, University of Western Ontario, London, Canada.
Genetic distance estimates calculated from DNA sequencing indicate that in
years since emergence from the ancestral hominid line, Mongoloids = 41,000,
Caucasoids = 110,000, and Negroids = 200,000. Data also show that this
succession is matched by numerous other differences such that Mongoloids >
Caucasoids > Negroids in brain size and intelligence (cranial capacity = 1448,
1408, 1334 cm3; brain weight = 1351, 1336, 1286 gm.; millions of excess
neurons = 8900, 8650, 8550; IQ = 107, 100, 85); maturational delay (age to
walk alone, age of first intercourse, age of death); sexual restraint
(ovulation rate, intercourse frequencies, sexually transmitted diseases
including AIDS); quiescent temperament (aggressiveness, anxiety, sociability);
and social organization (law abidingness, marital stability, mental health).
This pattern is ordered by a theory of r/K reproductive strategies in which
Mongoloids are posited to be more K-selected than Caucasoids and especially
more than Negroids. (K-selected reproductive strategies emphasize parental
care and are to be contrasted with r-selected strategies which emphasize
fecundity, the bioenergetic trade-off between which is postulated to underlie
cross-species differences in brain size, speed of maturation, reproductive
effort, and longevity.) It is suggested that this pattern came about because
the ice ages exerted greater selection pressures on the later emerging
populations to produce larger brains, longer lives, and more K-like behavior.
One theoretical possibility is that evolution is progressive and that some
populations are more "advanced" than others. Predictions are made concerning
economic projections and the spread of AIDS.
Behav Genet 21: 351-67 (1991)[92061889]
The genetic correlation between intelligence and speed of information
L. A. Baker, P. A. Vernon & H. Z. Ho
Department of Psychology, University of Southern California, Los Angeles
This study examined the contributions of genetic and environmental factors
to the observed correlation between intelligence test scores and speed of
information processing, based on data for same-sex adult twin pairs (age,
15-57). Verbal and performance IQ scores from the Multidimensional Abilities
Battery, as well as 11 reaction-time measures derived from a battery of
information-processing tasks, were available for 50 monozygotic and 32
dizygotic pairs of twins. Multivariate biometrical analyses were used to
estimate genetic and environmental parameters underlying observed variances
and covariances among intelligence test scores and a general speed of
information-processing factor (based on a linear composite of the 11
reaction-time scores). A common-factor model with loadings on general speed of
processing, verbal IQ, and performance IQ fit the data well. The common factor
was influenced primarily by additive genetic effects, such that the observed
relationships among the speed and IQ measures are mediated entirely by
hereditary factors. There was additional specific genetic variance for Verbal
IQ and specific shared-twin environmental variance for Performance IQ.
However, twin similarity for general speed of processing was explained
entirely by genetic factors related to intelligence. The results emphasize the
importance of common, heritable, biological mechanisms underlying the speed-IQ
Nature 309: 620-2 (1984)[84219770]
Heredity and familial environment in intelligence and educational level--a
sibling study.
T. W. Teasdale & D. R. Owen
Although it is well established that family members resemble each other in
intelligence , the extent to which this results from either shared genes or a
shared environment remains controversial, perhaps especially since the
relevant evidence presented by Burt has been shown probably to have been
fabricated. The influence of heredity and familial environment may be
distinguished by studying adoptees. Here we present correlations in
intelligence and educational level between genetically related pairs of adult
adoptees who have been reared separately, and, conversely, between genetically
unrelated pairs of adult adoptees who have been reared together. We are
unaware of any previous study of adults which has reported on both of these
types of relationship. The results for intelligence conform closely to what
would be predicted by a simple polygenic model of genetic transmission whereas
those for educational attainment imply both genetic and familial environmental
Child Dev 54: 268-75 (1983)[83260799]
The Texas Adoption Project: adopted children and their intellectual
resemblance to biological and adoptive parents.
J. M. Horn
Intelligence test scores were obtained from parents and children in 300
adoptive families and compared with similar measures available for the
biological mothers of the same adopted children. Results supported the
hypothesis that genetic variability is an important influence in the
development of individual differences for intelligence. The most salient
finding was that adopted children resemble their biological mothers more than
they resemble the adoptive parents who reared them from birth. A small subset
of the oldest adopted children did not resemble their biological mothers. The
suggestion that the influence of genes declines with age is treated with
caution since other adoption studies report a trend in the opposite direction.
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