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by Edward M. Miller Department of Economics and Finance University of New
Orleans New Orleans, La. 70148, USA April 1991 - E-Mail emmef@uno.edu
In Mankind Quarterly, Vol. XXXII, No. 1/2, Fall/Winter 1991, pp. 127-132
Posted with permission of Mankind Quarterly, Institute for the Study of Man,
1133 13th St., N. W., Suite C-2, 20005 (Telephone 202-371-2700).
Lynn is not the first to argue that the benefits of intelligence were
greatest for those populations living in cold climates during the Ice Ages
(for an early exposition see Huntington 1924, Chapter IV1). It is common to
argue that the impetus for the enlargement of the brain size "during the era
of Homo erectus was due to an expansion out of the tropics and into cool
regions where ingenuity and flexibility of behavior were more necessary for
survival" (Campbell 1976, p. 324). More recently, Calvin (1991) has argued
that human intelligence was strongly selected for in cold areas during the Ice
Ages, although without recognizing that this hypothesis had implications for
the geographical distribution of intelligence. If conditions in the colder
regions were such that there was strong selection for intelligence as to lead
to the emergence of a new species (Homo sapiens), it is plausible that this
selection for intelligence would also have led to a cline for intelligence, in
which intelligence increased as one moved towards the frigid regions. 2
Physical anthropologists (Coon 1965, 1982, Krantz 1980) have examined the
distribution of many traits and found that clines existed in which they varied
with either climate (body size and shape, nose shape, hair type) or latitude
(skin color). The characteristics for which clines in skin color and other
external characteristics are argued to exist are the characteristics
traditionally used to delimit one race from another. Thus the existence of a
cline for intelligence such that intelligence increased with winter
temperature would explain the racial variations in intelligence.
These cold climate adopted races are the modern day Caucasians and
Mongoloids, with the Mongoloids usually considered to be the more cold
adaptated. This is another way of reaching the Lynn's conclusion that
adaptation to different climate requirements explains differences between
races in intelligence.
There is a general principle here. A theory to explain human intelligence
growth will normally imply that some populations were subject to more such
selection than other populations. Thus the theory will have testable
implications for the differences in intelligence between populations. One way
to test theories of the emergence of intelligence (or other characteristics
for that matter) is to see if their implications for the distribution of
intelligence among existing populations corresponds with observation.
Lynn discusses the intellectual demands of large animal hunting and keeping
warm in the cold as needs that led to intelligence being selected for. There
are two more climate related variations in hunter-gather strategies that may
have contributed to the growth in intelligence, the need to store food, and
the abandonment of a migratory way of life.
Binford (1980) has documented two empirical regularities in the behavior of
hunter- gathers which may be of evolutionary significance. One is that there
is a systematic relationship between the extent to which societies store food
and the effective temperatures where they live. Those in colder climates do
more food storage, presumedly due to the problem of "over-wintering." in
colder climates. He reports that food storage is practiced only (with
exceptions) in societies whose growing seasons are less than about 200 days.
Although Binford didn't deal with the intelligence required for the
different strategies, the intellectual requirements of strategies do appear to
differ. High intelligence has a greater benefit in climates where food storage
is useful. First of all, intelligence increases the likelihood that the
required storage techniques, such as drying, will be discovered. Secondly,
successful use of storage involves looking ahead to the period of shortage,
and postponing some consumption in order to store the food. Success with a
food storage strategy requires ability to delay the gratification of eating
available food. The ability to delay gratification appears to increase with
intelligence. In experiments where children were forced to choose between a
small candy bar now or a larger one later, the ability to delay the
gratification increased with chronological age (and presumably with
intelligence as measured by mental age) and also with IQ (Mischel and Metzer
1962). With intelligence contributing to the ability to delay gratification,
the genes for intelligence would be more strongly selected for in climates
where survival of cold winters necessitated food storage.
Once scarcity starts, it is necessary to ration the stored food. Mastery of
the arithmetic needed is facilitated by intelligence. More complex social
rules, such as eating only food stored by your family, may be required to
facilitate storage. Higher intelligence appears to be needed in a society
storing food than in one where hunter-gathers find sufficient food for the day
and eat it soon afterwards.
Another systematic difference found by Binford was between effective
temperature and the extent to which hunter-gatherers were nomadic or settled.
Fully nomadic cultures were most common near the equators and diminished into
the temperate regions, only to increase again as the arctic was approached. He
reports ( p. 14) that "'fully nomadic' strategies characterize 75% of the
hunter gatherer cases located in a fully equatorial environment. . . ; high
mobility is also found in 64.2% of the cases in semi-tropical settings. In
warm temperate settings we note a drastic reduction of hunter-gathers who are
'fully nomadic' (only 9.3%), and in cool temperate settings the number is
still further reduced (7.5%). Then as we move into boreal settings the number
of fully nomadic groups increases slightly (11.1%), and in full arctic
settings it increases drastically (reaching 41.6%)." None of the sedentary
hunter-gathers were reported from the tropical and semi-tropical regions.
Part of the relationship may derive from food storage. It is hard to
sustain a nomadic lifestyle if one has extensive food stores to be moved.
High intelligence appears less useful in a nomadic band that frequently
relocates. The burden of carrying artifacts from camp to camp prevents the
development of any but minimal handicrafts. A highly specialized tool used for
a single purpose may not be worth carrying (making the intelligence needed to
invent and use such a tool of little value). Any shelters built must be of a
simple form, since they will soon be abandoned.
In contrast, in a settled form of life, artifacts could be accumulated. The
basis would be set for the discovery (if intelligence permitted) of the
planting of specific food crops or the domestication of animals. With the
ability to store artifacts, more elaborate handicraft industries can emerge.
Intelligence is likely to be more of an asset in the production of such
handicrafts than in simple hunting and gathering.
Lynn, after drawing attention to Torrence's finding that people in Northern
latitudes make more tools and more complex tools than those in the tropical
and subtropical latitude, suggests that this may reflect the benefits of
carrying on more activities in northern latitudes. However, smaller tool
assortments in the tropics may also be due to the inconsistency of a large
tool assortment with a migratory lifestyle (i.e. a cost rather than a benefit
Colder temperatures increase the advantages of a well built permanent home
over a simple shelter, and are hence more likely to lead to permanent
settlement. In colder climates permanent houses and fancier clothing are
needed for protection from the cold. The construction of these require higher
spatial intelligence. It is necessary to visualize how different building
materials will fit together to provide a house, or to visualize how different
pieces of material will fit together to make a garment. Tests of the ability
to visualize how such pieces can be combined to make designated objects are
frequently used in intelligence tests, creating a presumption that
intelligence (and visual and spatial abilities in particular) would be an
asset in the construction of such artifacts.
Lynn devotes much attention to the benefits in cold climates of having
genes that lead to intelligence. He devotes no attention to the possible cost
of these genes. Yet an important question is why everyone doesn't have the
genes that lead to high intelligence, since high intelligence would appear
desirable to all.
For instance, after devoting much attention to demonstrating the
correlation between head size and intelligence, and also noting the Beals,
Smith, and Dodd (1984) finding that head size increased with latitude, he
interpreted the correlation as being due to greater benefits of intelligence
in northern areas. Another possibility exists. The brain, an organ which
consumes a disproportionate amount of the body's energy (about 20%) also
produces a disproportionate proportion of its heat. In warm climates disposal
of this heat could be a disadvantage of the genes that led to high
intelligence. In cold climates, this extra heat would be an advantage. In
effect, a secondary function of the brain is as heat production. Energy is
used to support a larger brain, rather than being wasted through shivering. A
byproduct of the larger brain is higher intelligence, a fitness increasing
characteristic. This implies that the optimal brain size would be larger in
cold climates even if the benefits of intelligence were equal in all
Intelligence and basal metabolism are correlated (for documentation see
Miller 1991). If this correlation arises because some genes both increase
basal metabolism and raise intelligence, these genes would have been
preferentially selected for in colder climates, creating a correlation between
other characteristics that reflect adaptation to high latitudes (such as skin
color) and intelligence.
Finally, it should be noted that because of the low (but clearly positive)
correlation between brain size and intelligence, the differences between races
in brain size can explain only a small portion of the observed differences in
intelligence. Thus, the genes that determine differences in intelligence
appear to be many more than those that determine brain size. However,
differences in the frequencies of the genes that determine brain size may be
good indicators of the extent to which populations have been selected for
Kenneth L. Beals, Courtland L. Smith, and Stephen M. Dodd, "Brain Size,
Cranial Morphology, Climate, and Time Machines," Current Anthropology, Vol. 25
(June 1984) No. 3, pp. 301-328.
Lewis R. Binford, " Yellow Smoke and Dogs' Tails: Hunter Gatherer
Settlement Systems and Archaeological Site Formation," American Antiquity,
Vol. 45 (January 1980) No. 1, pp. 4-20.
William H. Calvin, The Ascent of the Mind: Ice Age Climates and the
Evolution of Intelligence, (New York: Bantam, 1991).
Bernard G. Campbell, Humankind Emerging, (Boston: Little, Brown 1976).
Jun Hatazawa, Rodney A Brooks, Giovanni Di Chiro, and Stephen L. Bacharach,
"Glucose utilization rate versus brain size in humans," Neurology, Vol. 37
(1987) pp. 583-588.
Ellsworth Huntington, The Character of Races, (New York: Charles Scribner's
Sons, 1924).
Richard Lynn, "Ethnic and Racial Differences in Intelligence: International
Comparisons," in R. Travis Osborne, Clyde E. Noble, and Nathaniel Weyl,
(Editors) Human Variation: The Biopychology of Age, Race, and Sex, (New York:
Academic Press, 1978), pp. 261-283.
Edward M. Miller, "Climate, Basal Metabolism and Intelligence," Working
Paper, Department of Economics and Finance, University of New Orleans 1991.
Walter Mischel and Ralph Metzer, "Preference for Delayed Reward as a
Function of Age, Intelligence, and Length of Delay Interval," Journal of
Abnormal and Social Psychology, Vol 64 (June 1962) No. 6, pp. 425-431.
R. Torrence, "Time budgeting and hunter-gather technology," In G. Bailey
(ed) Hunter-Gatherer Economy in Prehistory: A European Perspective,
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983).
1This slightly simplifies Huntington's theory since he felt the extreme
cold of the Arctic regions or Siberia was not conducive to mental development
and he attached high weight to the selection that occurred as populations
migrated into the areas vacated by the retreating glaciers.
2 Although in the current paper Lynn argues that Caucasians have roughly
the same intelligence regardless of where they live, in an earlier paper (Lynn
1978), he reported that the Caucasoid people inhabiting the southerly
latitudes from Spain through the Middle East to India scored lower than those
with origins in Northwest Europe, evidence that clines in intelligence roughly
parallel those in climate.
3 Although it is plausible that larger brains consume more energy and
produce more heat than smaller brains, Hatazawa et al (1987), using positron
emission techniques, found a very strong negative correlation between brain
size and energy use per unit volume, sufficient to eliminate any positive
correlation between brain energy use and brain size.
4 Or the differences in brain size may reflect selection for factors that
have little to do with intelligence, such as ease of passing a birth canal in
a pelvis whose design is determined by considerations of locomotion.
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