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An excerpt from the Chapter 6 titled "Death--The Servant
of Life" of the book "Why Civilizations Self-Destruct
by Dr. Elmer Pendell.
How many ancestors have you had in the 100,000 generations of
man since the great days of Australopithecus ? Even a computer would be
incapable of answering, because many of our ancestral lines have merged.
Nevertheless, the number of your direct ancestors runs into
the millions. In your great-grandfather's generation, you had eight ancestors.
In the tenth generation before you, you had 1,024 direct ancestors, unless
there were some cousin marriages. Since each ancestor had two parents, just
try doubling the numbers for each generation. Allowing thirty years per
generation, in the last ten generations you had 2,046 ancestors. That many
forbears since New Amsterdam became New York !
In the 20th generation before you, you had more than a million
ancestors. In 100,000 generations the figures would be fantastic, if it were
not for the merging of ancestral lines. With all the genealogy in your family
tree, it is not surprising that favorable variations and mutations, together
with the elimination of the tribal members who did not share them, have given
you some special talents--most importantly, talents that have to do with
Unfortunately, a great deal of suffering took place as these
favorable mutations and variations were imprinted in your heredity. The
evolutionary process brought about the untimely death of countless individuals
who lacked favorable variations and mutations. Hunger, cold, accidents, germs
and carnivores also took a frightful toll. Yet, among the many millions of
your direct ancestors, not one was a victim of infant mortality. Every one of
your forebears had what it took to survive ! Otherwise, you would not be here.
As an example of evolutionary extremism, we can point to the Black Death.
What more conclusive proof do we need to show:
(1) That the benefits of civilization are not free;
(2) That evolution's wild, almost hit or miss, method makes evolution
awfully costly;
(3) That human reason has done a good job breeding domestic animals and
plants, and could also do a good job, given the chance, with humans.
The Black Death struck England in 1348. Within two years, says the
Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, "a loss of one-third of the population
appears to be indicated in many cases, and a much greater loss in a few
villages and towns."
Before the plague struck, the English people had been increasing for many
years and were outstripping the food production necessary to keep them alive.
Conditions were verging on famine when the Black Death arrived from China via
In London nine-tenths of the inhabitants were lost. Although "lost" seems
to imply harm, this is one of those instances in which a short-run minus can
be a long-run plus. As a consequence of so many deaths, labor was scarce and
land became plentiful. Wages shot up in spite of "controls." Enclosure of lands
for use as sheep pasture was profitable. All in all, Englishmen who survived
the plague were more secure and worth more per capita than the more numerous
Englishmen of the previous era.
There were also some genetic benefits. The Black Death was bubonic plague
in combination with primary pneumonic plague. Fleas transported on rats were
the main carrier. The Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences tells us
that the proportion of deaths among the "richer classes" was low.
We may safely assume that the "richer classes" included more than an
average proportion of capable people, and that the crowded slums held
more than their share of incapable people. Also, since intelligent
persons, whether rich or poor, are more careful about rats and insects than
unintelligent persons, a smaller percentage of the former would have been
bitten by the infectious fleas. In Scotland, "the meaner sort and common
people" comprised most of the plague victims.
The Black Death, a concentrated dose of evolution, helped to usher in a
society which was more efficient than the one that had preceded it, while it
also set the stage for the agricultural revolution. Because of the scarcity of
workers, more attention had to be paid to developing labor-saving devices for
the farm. Freed by necessity from the "web of custom," more analytical minds
went to work. A new wave of prosperity encouraged improvements in maritime
trade, which in turn was a stimulus for the industrial revolution.