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The field of behavioral genetics has enormous potential to uncover both genetic and environmental influences on normal and deviant behavior. Behavioral-genetic methods are based on a solid foundation of theories and methods that successfully have delineated components of complex traits in plants and animals. New resources are now available to dissect the genetic component of these complex traits. As specific genes are identified, we can begin to explore how these interact with environmental factors in development. How we interpret such findings, how we ask new questions, how we celebrate the knowledge, and how we use or misuse this knowledge are all important considerations. These issues are pervasive in all areas of human research, and they are especially salient in human behavioral genetics.
Human behavioral genetics has been characterized by both excitement and
controversy. Both historical and contemporary findings suggest that human
behavioral characteristics may be shaped by genetic as well as environmental
influences. These findings have aroused concerns about the implications for
social, political, and public policy.
Only a few decades ago, psychologists believed that characteristics of
human behavior were almost entirely the result of environmental influences.
These characteristics now are known to be genetically influenced, in many
cases to a substantial degree. Intelligence and memory, novelty seeking and
activity level, and shyness and sociability all show some degree of genetic
influence. Contributions from behavioral-genetic studies have required
developmental psychologists to revise two major tenets of their theories.
Traditional dogma asserted that genetic influences were important in infancy
and early childhood, only to be superseded by environmental influences as the
child matured. Recent behavioral-genetic findings have shown convincingly
that, for many traits, genetic effects increase throughout early childhood and
adolescence, rather than diminish (McCartney et al. 1990). Traditional dogma
also asserted that salient environmental influences on behavioral development
were shared by family members, rather than experienced uniquely by
individuals. In contrast, it appears that, for many traits, environmental
influences make family members different, rather than making them more similar
to one another (Plomin and Daniels 1987).
The preceding findings are largely a product of traditional methods of
behavioral-genetic analysis: twin, family, and adoption studies. In recent
years these have been greatly enhanced by the use of model-fitting techniques.
In addition, new possibilities from molecular genetics have emerged to
complement and extend the traditional methods.
The acknowledgment that genetic as well as environmental influences
underlie human behavior is consistent with Darwinian natural selection and
hence places human behavior within a broad evolutionary framework. Behavioral
genetics is distinct from fields such as sociobiology and evolutionary
psychology because it focuses on the role of genetic influences as
contributors to individual differences, rather than on their role in
accounting for shared species characteristics. Nevertheless, all of these
fields share an emphasis on the continuities between animal and human
behavior. This emphasis has important conceptual and methodological benefits
for behavioral genetics, the latter including studies of homologous regions of
the genome conserved across the evolution of species.
The potential social implications of behavioral-genetic findings often
have contributed both to excitement and controversy. Recommendations for new
social policies or for political change are not dictated by novel scientific
findings. In contrast, policy development results from interpreting these
findings within the context of a culture and set of values. As these differ,
so will the perceived social implications of scientific findings.
We present an overview of human behavioral-genetic research, with this
distinction between science and values in mind. Although later we discuss some
ethical and social issues that may be raised by such research, the main
purposes of this paper are to describe behavioral-genetic methods, to
highlight recent findings, to discuss new research avenues resulting from
burgeoning molecular-genetic techniques, and to suggest potentially fruitful
Throughout the paper, we will use two complex traits to illustrate the
application of behavioral-genetic methods and possible results and
interpretations. Emotional stability will provide an example of a trait based
on normal variation, and schizophrenia will provide an example of a trait
falling within the pathological range. Both have been studied extensively by
traditional behavioral-genetic methods and now have become the focus of the
newer molecular-genetic methods as well. For both traits, research advances
have depended on the genetic-linkage maps developed from the localization of
thousands of polymorphic genetic markers in humans as well as in other
animals. Prior to this extraordinary resource, only genes that played a major
role in the development of a trait could be identified; now identification of
genes that play only a minor role is technically feasible.
Traditional Methods of Behavioral-Genetic Analysis: Family, Twin, and
Adoption Studies
Methods used in behavioral genetics are built on the theories of
quantitative genetics developed more than half a century ago by geneticists
concerned with the practical problems of improving economically important
characteristics of domestic plants and animals (Lush 1937; Mather 1949). These
methods have been applied to a wide variety of traits, including intelligence
and other cognitive abilities, facets of personality such as extraversion and
emotionality, and disorders such as schizophrenia and bipolar illness. Using
the methods described below, behavioral geneticists have explained why
individuals differ in these characteristics, in terms of both genetic and
environmental factors. For convenience, we will separate methods into
"raditional" and "new" approaches, although each will continue to complement
the other in behavioral-genetic research.
For behavioral traits, as for any human trait, we are interested in
understanding differences among individuals. Such differences may be caused by
environmental factors and/or by one or many genes. Environmental factors may
be prenatal or postnatal, biochemical or social. Some genetic factors may
cause small differences, and others may cause large differences (i.e., they
have varying effect sizes). The effects of some genes may be independent of
other genes and may have "additive" effects. Alternatively, the effects of
some genes may be "nonadditive" and depend on other genes, either at the same
locus (dominance) or at other loci (epistasis). Moreover, alleles can have
both additive and nonadditive effects (fig. 1).
The aggregate importance of genes for a trait can be assessed from their
contribution to the observed phenotypic variation in a population. The concept
of heritability refers to the ratio of the genetic variance to the overall
phenotypic variance. It is based on a specific situation involving a
particular phenotype in a population with some array of genetic and
environmental factors at a given time. It can differ from population to
population and from time to time. It can change with age during development.
It is important to keep in mind that heritability is a descriptive statistic
of a trait in a particular population, not of a trait in an individual.
Because individual differences in most behavioral characteristics are
defined on a continuous scale, traditional approaches in human behavioral
genetics primarily use the methodology of quantitative genetics. In this
framework, a categorical phenotype, such as schizophrenia, may indicate
individuals who lie above some threshold on an underlying liability continuum
to which both genetic and environmental influences contribute (fig. 2).
Three traditional methods have been employed to assess genetic and
environmental influences on complex human behavioral characteristics: family,
twin, and adoption studies. Each of these methods has been used to analyze the
cause of individual differences within the normal range of variation, as well
as the etiology of various psychopathologies. As will be discussed later, a
currently popular approach is to fit models jointly to data gathered by all
three methods. Family Studies
Resemblance among family members is a function of both genes and common
(shared or family) environmental influences. Thus, it is necessary, but not
sufficient, evidence for the presence of heritable variation. For emotional
stability, correlations between first-degree relatives tend to be low but
positive, averaging ~.15 (Loehlin 1992). Thus there is evidence of some
familial resemblance for this trait, although such resemblance is modest.
For schizophrenia, most family studies focus on relative risk. For
example, although there is variability in breadth of diagnosis, the lifetime
risk of schizophrenia in the general population is typically reported as ~1%.
However, siblings of schizophrenics are ~10 times more likely to suffer from
schizophrenia. The average risk for children of schizophrenics is ~13%. As
expected, the risks for second- and third-degree relatives are lower, ~3% and
~2%, respectively (Gottesman 1991). Thus, schizophrenia is clearly a familial
Twin and Adoption Studies
Twin and adoption studies can tell us the extent to which family
resemblance is due to shared genes and the extent to which it is due to shared
environments. For more than a century, behavioral scientists have been using
twin studies to assess hereditary and environmental influences on behavioral
development. Adoption studies of behavioral traits date back (equal or greater
than) 70 years.
Design issues in twin and adoption studies - The correlation between
identical twins reflects all of the genetic variance, both additive and
nonadditive, whereas that between fraternal twins reflects only one-half of
the additive genetic variance plus smaller fractions of nonadditive
components. If nonadditive effects are minimal, simply doubling the difference
between identical and fraternal-twin correlations provides an approximate
estimate of heritability. If nonadditive effects are substantial, this
comparison overestimates genetic influence. Additional assumptions of the
traditional twin method include little or no assortative mating and equal
shared-environmental influences for identical and fraternal-twin pairs. If the
parents of twins mated assortatively for the characteristic under
investigation, doubling the difference between the identical and
fraternal-twin correlations would underestimate genetic influence. Conversely,
if identical twins are treated more similarly than fraternal twins, and if
this treatment has influenced the characteristic under study, the genetic
effect would be overestimated. In cases in which the equal-environments
assumption has been tested empirically, the results suggest that the
assumption was not seriously violated (Plomin et al. 1990). Many estimates of
assortative mating have been made. For most behavioral traits it tends to be
slight, although for a few, such as intelligence and social attitudes,
assortative mating is substantial.
If one member of a twin pair has been ascertained because of extreme
scores for a continuous measure, a multiple-regression analysis of twin data
facilitates an alternative test of genetic etiology. It also provides an
analysis of individual differences within the selected sample (DeFries and
Fulker 1985, 1988). In samples of twin pairs selected in this manner, cotwins
of identical and fraternal probands are both expected to regress toward the
mean of the unselected population. However, regression to the mean should be
greater for fraternal cotwins to the extent that the extreme scores of the
probands are due to heritable influences. Multiple-regression analysis of such
data provides a general, statistically powerful, and versatile test.
For categorical traits, a comparison of concordance rates in identical and
fraternal-twin pairs can be used as a test of genetic etiology. A pair is
concordant if both members are affected, but it is discordant if only one
member is affected. Again, members of identical-twin pairs are genetically
identical (although there are exceptions that result from such processes as
somatic mutations), whereas fraternal twins share, on average, only one-half
of their segregating genes; thus, identical-twin pairs should more often be
concordant than fraternal twins if the condition is due, at least in part, to
heritable influences.
Several types of adoption designs have been used to study behavioral
characteristics. To assess genetic influences, adopted-apart relatives are
studied. These individuals include biological parents and their adopted-away
offspring, or twins separated early in life. To assess environmental
influences, genetically unrelated individuals living together are compared.
These relations include adoptive parents and their adopted children, or
genetically unrelated children reared in the same family. Measures of several
different family relationships, including spouse correlations, biological and
adoptive parent-offspring correlations, and sibling correlations, also can be
analyzed. For example, simultaneous analysis of these measures by use of the
statistical method of structural equation model fitting can test various
models of genetic and environmental transmission.
Thus, the adoption design, like the twin design, yields estimates of
various genetic and environmental components of variance. In addition, the
adoption design facilitates (1) identification of specific environmental
influences unconfounded by heredity (e.g., the effects of life stressors), (2)
analyses of the role of heredity in ostensibly environmental relationships,
and (3) assessment of genotype-environment interactions and correlations
(Plomin et al. 1988).
Example: twin studies of emotional stability - Several recent studies have
included moderate to large size populations (300-12,000 pairs) and have
obtained data on measures of emotional stability (or its opposite, emotional
instability or neuroticism), using valid and reliable questionnaires. In table
1, we present data from selected studies. Although differing in the measures
used and in the populations sampled, these studies have used common analytic
methods. In each study, state-of-the-art model-fitting approaches, discussed
in more detail below, were used to estimate phenotypic-variance components and
to test alternative hypotheses regarding the nature of individual differences.
Heritability estimates given in table 1 are derived under the best-fitting
model in each case. None of the best-fitting models suggested shared
environmental influences; thus, the environmental effects, although
substantial, are unique to individuals.
The heritability estimates were in the range of .27-.61 over the studies,
suggesting a moderate role of genetic influences in explaining individual
differences in emotional stability. Some general trends emerge across studies
when results are considered by age and gender. For example, taken together,
the studies of Loehlin and Nichols (1976), Floderus-Myrhed et al. (1980),
Pedersen et al. (1988), and Viken et al. (1994) suggest that emotional
stability is more heritable in younger than in older adults: genetic
differences explain (equal or greater than)50% of individual differences in
the late teens to mid 20s but only 30%-45% of the variance in middle adulthood
and older age. When the two genders have been examined separately, emotional
stability also appears to be more heritable in women than in men, particularly
in middle and older adulthood (Martin and Jardine 1986; Eaves et al. 1989;
Viken et al. 1994). In a later section we discuss the interpretation of such
differences among population subgroups.
Example: twin and adoption studies of schizophrenia - Five twin studies of
schizophrenia that were initiated before World War II (Gottesman and Shields
1982) yielded results that are strikingly similar to those of six recent
studies (Gottesman 1993): concordance rates for identical twins are four or
more times greater than those for fraternal twins. Table 2 shows the
probandwise rates, without age correction, for the six studies using varied
but judicious definitions of schizophrenia. Overall, the median identical-twin
rate was 46%, whereas the same-sex fraternal-twin rate was 14%. The
consistency over all studies indicates substantial evidence for a genetic
component influencing the susceptibility to develop schizophrenia.
Several adoption studies focus on schizophrenia. Studies from Finland
(Tienari 1991), Denmark (Kety et al. 1994), and Oregon (Heston 1966) report
results similar to those published by Kendler et al. (1994). In the study by
Kendler and colleagues, Kety et al.'s (1994) Danish national sample of
adoptees who grew up to be schizophrenic and of their biological and adoptive
relatives were reanalyzed. DSM-III criteria were applied to the proband and
control adoptees, to their biological relatives (to whom the adoptees had no
exposure), and to the adoptive relatives who had reared or were reared with
the adoptees. Neither group of adoptive relatives had a rate of schizophrenia
greater than that of the general population (1%-2%). The prevalence of
schizophrenia and other schizophrenia-spectrum disorders among first-degree
relatives was 23.5%, compared with only 4.7% among those of normal control
adoptees. This study confirms the results of the smaller studies listed above
and excludes the hypothesis that only environmental factors are involved in
the transmission of schizophrenia.
New Approaches and Future Directions: Quantitative-Trait Loci (QTL)
Analysis and Biometric Model Fitting
In this section we discuss examples of recent approaches and some
promising future directions in behavioral-genetic research. First we discuss
the identification of specific loci involved in the development of behavioral
traits-QTL analysis-both in humans and in model systems. Then we discuss
methods in model fitting that can foster the integration of behavioral-and
molecular-genetic methods. In addition, these methods enhance the ability to
specify and generalize findings regarding genetic and environmental influences
on traits and their development over time.
QTL Analysis
The development of genetic linkage maps during the past decade has
permitted the mapping of single-locus Mendelian disorders to proceed at an
extremely rapid pace. Much attention now is focused on the identification of
susceptibility genes for common, complex disorders, by use of the so-called
QTL approach. Family, twin, and adoption studies have indicated a substantial
genetic component for many behavioral traits and disorders. In addition to
psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia and bipolar illness, other complex
medical disorders, including non---insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
(NIDDM), are under intense study to identify susceptibility genes. Thus,
large-scale QTL linkage studies are now underway for a variety of complex
Examples: schizophrenia and emotional stability - In 1995, for the first
time and after several earlier failures, several reports replicated findings
for a genetic region linked to one or more genes involved in the
susceptibility to develop schizophrenia (Antonarakis et al. 1995; Gurling et
al. 1995; Moises et al. 1995; Mowry et al. 1995; Schwab et al. 1995; Straub et
al. 1995). The work was characterized by international collaboration, careful
psychiatric diagnosis using standardized techniques, and the use of hundreds
of genetic markers to conduct linkage studies in families with schizophrenia.
Four research groups implicated the same region on the short arm of chromosome
6, whereas two groups did not find positive results. Some initial, and
probably appropriate, skepticism has greeted these new findings, partly
because of the checkered history of molecular studies in schizophrenia.
Nevertheless, additional linkage studies are continuing, and association and
physical-mapping efforts are underway to identify candidate genes. The
eventual goal of this work is identification of neurodevelopmental pathways
and interactions of the susceptibility genes with their internal and external
Recently, Flint et al. (1995) used a novel approach to identify specific
genes that may influence emotional stability. They used the mouse as a model
system and defined emotionality by the covariance of a set of four measures.
Using these measures, they conducted a genomewide linkage search and
identified three candidate regions that influence emotionality. Several lines
of evidence suggest that the genetic basis of emotionality in mice is similar
to that in other species and that it may underlie the psychological trait of
emotional instability in humans. The discovery of QTL in the mouse would
provide the first step toward molecular characterization and may lead to the
identification of genes influencing human emotional instability.
Methodological improvements - Methods used to locate genes involved in
complex traits are not straightforward, and many times findings are difficult
to replicate. In early studies, reports of linkage for schizophrenia on
chromosome 5, as well as linkage for bipolar illness on chromosome 11, were
not replicated by other investigators. Moreover, for both disorders, evidence
in the original sample became negative as additional family members and/or
marker information were obtained. This suggests that the lack of confirming
reports was due to the initial results being false positives, rather than to
population or clinical heterogeneity or to other systematic differences in
study design. This nonreplication has led to confusion in the literature and
to a general distrust of results reported in psychiatric genetics.
Early analyses of complex traits used parametric methods in which a
single-locus mode of inheritance was assumed and in which standard LOD-score
analysis was performed. The interpretation of evidence from this approach has
been controversial, especially in the context of a genome screen. Setting a
significance criterion that is too stringent will reduce the power to detect a
true linkage, whereas setting one that is too low may produce many
false-positive reports.
For genome scans of complex traits, false-positive reports of linkage are
likely to result from an individual study, and scientific principles of
replication and extension are necessary. The fact that the early claims of
linkage for behavioral phenotypes subsequently were rejected indicates that
the scientific process works as it should. Unfortunately, both the attention
to initial reports and the lack of cautious interpretation by the media, lay
public, and some scientists led to serious misperceptions of the scientific
process and research results.
Over the past few years, methods to identify candidate loci for complex
traits have undergone major improvements. For example, nonparametric
approaches based on haplotype sharing in affected sib pairs have proved to be
successful and are widely available. These methods do not require the
assumption of single-locus inheritance. Multipoint affected-sib-pair analyses
are now available (e.g., see Kruglyak and Lander 1995) and permit both
localization of disease genes and exclusion mapping for a complex trait. Such
methods have been used successfully to identify a susceptibility gene for
Crohn disease (Hugot et al. 1996) and susceptibility genes for NIDDM (Hanis et
al. 1996).
These methods necessarily have less resolution when applied to complex
disorders as opposed to simple genetic disorders. For many behavioral traits,
measurement of the phenotype is more complicated than it is for other complex
disorders such as NIDDM (Pennington 1997). However, behavioral-genetic methods
can be used to improve diagnoses and to increase the ability to detect true
linkage. Large sample sizes will be necessary to achieve adequate sensitivity.
Even so, the predictive value of such reports may be low, so that replication
studies are essential, even when the evidence appears to be strong by
standards of simple Mendelian disorders. With appropriate interpretation of
the results and implications of linkage studies for complex traits, genes will
be identified. The APO-E findings for late-onset Alzheimer disease is an
example of such a susceptibility gene. The initial reports of linkage gave
modest evidence, but subsequent studies have provided consistent evidence for
an elevated risk to those carrying an e4 allele (Li et al. 1996; Roses 1996).
Overall, the improvement of analytical methods, the refinement of the
genetic and physical maps, and results from QTL analyses in model systems have
led to the possibility of dissecting the genetic component of complex traits.
Large-scale national and international collaborations have been established to
study behavioral traits including schizophrenia, bipolar illness, alcoholism,
and autism. Such collaborations will assemble large, uniformly collected
samples that will increase the probability of identifying true linkages to
susceptibility genes.
Biometric Model Fitting
Another avenue that will improve the ability to delineate the genetic and
environmental aspects of complex behavioral traits is based on advances known
as "biometric model fitting." These techniques were developed mainly in the
1970s by a number of quantitative geneticists who relied heavily on the
statistical methods of path analysis and structural equation modeling (e.g.,
see Jinks and Fulker 1970; Martin and Eaves 1977). Biometric-model-fitting
analyses have a number of advantages over the simple inspection of familial
and twin correlations or regressions. Data from different familial
relationships can be combined in a comprehensive model that includes both
genetic and environmental influences and, in more complex versions,
genotype-environment correlation and interaction. In addition, a greater
variety of models of genetic and environmental transmission can be formally
contrasted, and more accurate parameter estimates can be obtained, than is the
case with the more conventional methods, which are based on piecemeal
examination of familial correlations. Results from studies of emotional
stability, which are shown in table 1, are based on such model fitting.
Analysis of consistency over populations. - Critics of findings from
behavioral-genetic studies sometimes have argued that estimates of
heritability are useless because they vary greatly across populations, whereas
advocates of behavioral-genetic methods have argued for the validity and
consistency of their findings across disparate groups. Biometric-model-fitting
methods can be used to determine whether genetic and environmental influences
can be generalized across different populations. For example, Loehlin (1992)
has used such methods to analyze correlations for extraversion from different
familial relationships compiled from many primary studies. Estimates of
heritability and of environmental influences were consistent across samples
from Australia, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States, differing
only for a sample from Finland--and not greatly there. The advantage of such
methods is that they simultaneously allow the examination of the consistency
of genetic and environmental influences across populations while testing
competing models.
Analysis of traits over time. - Biometric-model-fitting analyses have been
extended to investigate the effects of genes and environment on the
development of traits over time (e.g., see McArdle 1986; Boomsma and Molenaar
1987). In one such example, analyses of longitudinal twin-study data on
cognitive ability measured repeatedly from 3 mo to 15 years suggested that the
same genetic influences are involved in cognitive ability across this broad
age span (Eaves et al. 1986). Specifically, these genetic influences appeared
to underlie both continuities in cognitive ability and increases in
heritability with age.
Incorporation of specific genetic loci and environmental factors in model
fitting. - A recent trend in behavioral-genetic studies is to incorporate
specific genetic markers and environmental measures in biometric-model-fitting
analyses. The results of traditional behavioral-genetic analyses typically are
broad, abstract genetic and environmental variance components, rather than
specific genetic and environmental causal mechanisms. In studies of emotional
stability, for example, it would be useful to know how much of the overall
genetic variance--heritability--is accounted for by some small set of
candidate loci. For a trait for which shared environmental influences appear
to be important, such as adolescent-conduct problems, it would be informative
to determine how much of the overall shared environmental influence is due to
specific factors such as inconsistent parental supervision, antisocial peers,
or high neighborhood crime rates. For schizophrenia, specific environmental
factors, both pre- and postnatal, that result in discordance among identical
twins are already the subject of extensive investigation (Gottesman and
Bertelsen 1989; Torrey et al. 1994).
Analysis of multiple phenotypes. - One final direction being explored
involves the use of behavioral-genetic analyses to examine common genetic and
environmental influences among multiple phenotypes. Multivariate
behavioral-genetic models can be used to investigate the relations and
boundaries among different traits or disorders, as well as to elucidate the
complex causal pathways between genotype and phenotype. For example, common
genetic influences appear to underlie a substantial part of the overlap
between depression and anxiety disorders. Future applications of this sort
that include physiological and biochemical phenotypes will help bridge the gap
between distal causes and traits of interest. Multivariate behavioral-genetic
analyses of psychiatric disorders can be enhanced further by the inclusion of
particular genetic markers and specific environmental measures, as described
above. Demonstrating that two or more disorders are influenced by the same
candidate genes will bring a new type of evidence to bear on many problems in
psychiatric classification.
Ethical and Social Issues
Significant historical events in human genetics include the idealistic and elitist tenets of the early Eugenics movement in Great Britain and the United States and the infamous Nazi attempts to achieve racial purity in Germany. Behavioral geneticists conducting their research into the nature and diversity of human behaviors have an acute awareness of these historical events (Gottesman and Bertelsen 1996). In this section, we discuss two areas in which the study of genetic influences on human behaviors is especially likely to arouse social and ethical concerns--namely, genetic counseling and the study of group differences in behavioral traits. We end the section with a brief comment on professional responsibility of the scientific community.
Genetic Counseling
Dilemmas for geneticists become especially acute in the myriad scenarios
in genetic counseling. As we learn more about the genetic components of
complex human traits, both behavioral and nonbehavioral, we can expect more
frequent inquiries from parents about the possibilities for manipulating the
genotypes of their offspring to ensure a desired outcome. The issues for
counseling become correspondingly more complex, largely because of the
perception that ethical issues concerning complex behavioral traits are more
controversial than those for single-gene "medical" disorders. Even if one or
more individual genes that contribute to a complex trait are identified, the
geneticist is obligated to convey the idea that knowledge of the genotype for
a single gene has limited predictive value, if any, with respect to the
ultimate phenotype. Furthermore, the geneticist acquires the obligation to
explain enough elementary statistics to help the parents or family appreciate
both the concept of the size of the effect of a particular single gene on a
complex trait and the possible futility of testing for individual genes in
some cases. For persons who are seeking firm answers to inquiries about
quantitative traits, the geneticist must explain that no such answers exist.
On the other hand, the geneticist has an obligation, based on the
fiduciary nature of the professional-patient relationship, first to provide
information that is as complete as possible and, second, to respect the choice
of patients who exercise their right of personal autonomy in making their own
decisions about their own families (Pelias 1991). At a time when knowledge is
changing, there is also a need to warn families to anticipate new information
and perspectives during their lifetime. These quandaries are far from settled,
because each genetic-counseling scenario creates a new set of questions
derived from a unique family with unique values. Perhaps the prudent path for
the geneticist is to provide complete, forthright information, with deference
to the personal, even if sometimes questionable, decisions of persons who seek
genetic information.
Studies of Group Differences
Differences among individual members within populations are a sine qua non
of Darwinian evolution and are often of intense social interest. These
differences include variations in body characteristics, physical skills,
intellectual and artistic abilities, personality, attitudes, and motivation.
Average differences of such traits also often are found between groups defined
by sex, ethnicity, age, interests, occupation, and many other criteria.
Group differences often have been a source of ideological distortion,
because people tend to exaggerate their significance. A modest average
difference between two groups on some characteristic is taken to mean that all
or nearly all the members of one group exceed all or nearly all the members of
the other. This is rarely the case for measured human traits.
The tendency of people to exaggerate group differences-and the injustices
that this tendency can cause-often has led well-intentioned members of the
public, the press, and, sometimes, even the scientific community to the
opposite extreme of denying that such differences exist at all--a posture of
recent "political correctness." A preferable strategy is to accurately assess
both the magnitude of group differences and the predictive power of such
differences--usually small--and to educate the public and press about these
Example: Emotional stability in men and women. - How predictive for
individuals are group differences? For example, men and women tend to differ,
on average, in their scores on typical measures of emotional stability, with
women having lower average scores. But, within either group, individuals range
widely. It is a mere stereotype that all men are emotionally stable and that
all women are emotionally unstable. For this trait--and for nearly all
behavioral traits--within-group variation vastly exceeds average between-group
As a practical example, suppose that, in emotional stability, men and
women differ, on average, by one-third of an SD, a representative empirical
finding (fig. 3). This is a difference that falls somewhere between small
(.20) and medium (.50) in Cohen's (1977) classification of effect sizes. The
correlation, between sex and emotional stability, implied by this average
difference is ~.16. Squaring this value tells us that we can reduce our
uncertainty about people's emotional stability by only ~3% by knowing what sex
they are. In short, even for a trait with an appreciable and dependable
average group difference, the group difference predicts almost nothing about
individuals; people are nearly as different from each other within each group
as they are within the total population. Only when variation within groups is
small relative to the average difference between the groups does knowledge of
group membership help predict what an individual will be like; but, for the
most part, this happens only in the realm of stereotypes, not for actual
measured traits. Why do people overestimate the power of prediction based on
average group differences? One reason is the fact that moderate differences
between group averages can lead to considerable disproportions at extreme
values of a trait--and stereotypes are greatly influenced by extreme cases
(fig. 3).
Genetic and environmental contributions to group differences. - Even
though group differences tend to have limited predictive value at the level of
individuals, there still may be interest in their origins. This is reasonable
whether the desire is to celebrate existing group differences or to change
some aspect of them. Family, twin, and adoption studies have confirmed that
individual differences for many behavioral traits have a substantial genetic
component. However, demonstration of a substantial genetic component in
individual differences does not permit the conclusion that group differences
in such traits are due primarily to genes. Different variables may contribute
to differences among individuals and to differences between groups, or the
same variables may contribute to both but to different degrees. Indeed,
individual variation within groups might be largely genetic in origin, whereas
the difference between groups may be due wholly to environment. Speculating
that this is possible is not the same, of course, as proving that it is so.
Once more, the actual facts for any particular groups and any particular trait
are empirical questions to be tested rather than decided by fiat (see Rowe et
al. 1994).
Determination of genetic and environmental contributions to group
differences would be made more straightforward if particular genes and
environmental factors could be identified and measured. Identification of
specific QTL influences on quantitative traits will begin to resolve these
questions. If the causes of some group differences are in part genetic, it
will be important to be aware that average group differences tend to be weak
predictors for individuals. And we also must remember that genetic influences
on the development of traits are usually just that-influences-and not blind
and irrevocable determiners.
Responsibilities of the Scientist
With so many potential sources of confusion and misinterpretation of
information about complex traits, the geneticist is hard pressed to define the
scope of professional responsibilities. At the very least, the professional
must acknowledge both the issues and the obligation to address the issues. In
genetic counseling, the fundamental approach is a commitment to provide
thorough information to clients, in understandable language. In the case of
research on group differences and in the broader range of human
behavioral-genetic research, there is an important obligation to participate
in educating the public, in nontechnical language, about the complexity of
human traits, as well as about the simple facts of human variation. This
obligation entails participation in public education programs, whether through
the media, through classroom instruction, or through personal presentations to
public or private interest groups. The fact that such activities can be both
time-consuming and burdensome does not diminish the social importance or the
serious nature of the obligation.
There are many ethical dilemmas inherent in human genetics; some are
clearly unique to behavioral genetics. Some professionals have suggested
slowing the pace of research, specifically in the field of behavioral
genetics, until the ethical issues are resolved. This proposal fails to
acknowledge the fact that ethical issues continually are evolving in response
to innovations in genetic knowledge and technologies. Not only would such an
approach ignore the immediacy of present ethical questions, but it would
compound the problems that will unfold in the future: answers to present
ethical dilemmas do not necessarily solve or avoid any future questions. The
dynamism in research and ethics must be appreciated, as well as the basic
nature of the relationship between professionals in genetics and the people
who rely on geneticists for information and help. The ongoing responsibility
of geneticists is to confront the issues privately, professionally, and
A second challenge is, Why study behavioral-genetic traits at all, since
resulting findings are socially and politically sensitive and may be used to
rationalize discrimination or to dismantle social programs? One common
argument for studying behavioral traits is that understanding the basis for
normal variation may help us to understand better the extremes (i.e.,
pathology). Thus, as with blood pressure and hypertension or with glucose
metabolism and diabetes, studies of normal variation in personality and
cognitive abilities may inform us about personality disorders and mental
retardation. Perhaps an even more compelling argument is that individual
differences in behavioral traits, including personality and abilities, are of
wide public interest and of considerable social importance even when
differences fall within the nonpathological range. Public knowledge, program
design, and policy development should rest not on popular myths but on
findings from the best available science.
Reference http://www.faseb.org/genetics/ashg/policy/pol-28.htm
Am. J. Hum. Genet. 60:1265---1275, 1997
BEHAVIORAL GENETICS '97: ASHG STATEMENT Recent Developments in Human Behavioral Genetics: Past Accomplishments and Future Directions
Stephanie L. Sherman, John C. DeFries, Irving I. Gottesman, John C. Loehlin, Joanne M. Meyer, Mary Z. Pelias, John Rice, and Irwin Waldman
Departments of Genetics and Psychology, Emory University, Atlanta; Institute for Behavioral Genetics, University of Colorado, Boulder; Department of Psychology, University of Virginia, Charlottesville; Department of Psychology, University of Texas, Austin; 6Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Cambridge, MA; 7Department of Biometry and Genetics, Louisiana State University Medical Center, New Orleans; and Department of Psychiatry, Washington University, St. Louis
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