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Welfare and Fertility
Is the goal of the so-called welfare state fundamentally dysgenic
in nature? In 1936, the famous biologist Julian Huxley
laid out a hard-hearted version of the hereditarian view in
his Galton lecture, delivered before the Eugenics Society:
The lowest strata…, allegedly less well endowed genetically…,
must not have too easy access to relief or
hospital treatment lest the removal of the last check on
natural selection should make it too easy for children
to be produced or to survive; long unemployment
should be a ground for sterilization, or at least relief
should be contingent upon no further children being
brought into the world.
We must remember that this was written at the depths
of the Great Depression, and that many of those on welfare
were simply victims of failed financial policies, not bad genes.
While the average welfare mother receives payments for
only two years, never-married mothers who have babies in
their teens average eight years or more of dependency.70
These are the so-called chronic welfare cases. On average the
mothers of illegitimate children score ten points lower in IQ
than mothers of legitimate children. These babies make an
incommensurate contribution to the future pool of rejected,
abandoned, and battered children.
The mechanism would appear to be economic. A young
woman of average or greater ability can look forward to life’s
many opportunities and finds little temptation in a modest
welfare payment, whereas a woman of low intelligence may
rationally see government assistance as a ticket to independence
and freedom from the hand-to-mouth realities of a
minimum-wage job. It would seem logical that the higher the
payments, the greater the temptation. Nonetheless, the link
between economics and fertility has been challenged as still
unproven. Demographer Daniel Vining, for example, has
pointed out that lower welfare payments in southern states
has not led to significantly reduced fertility patterns.
We are faced here with a terrible dilemma. Society has
an obligation to care for its weakest members, but the flip
side of the coin is that in doing so we have significantly increased
the fertility of low-IQ women (who generally tend to
marry low-IQ men in what is known as “assortative mating”).
And we pay them more for each child. Mothers on AFDC had
an average of 2.6 children each; non-AFDC mothers averaged
2.1.74 This is a major factor in American fertility patterns.
What to do? Deny poor women and their children financial
assistance? Bribe the upper classes into childbearing? Or
throw up our hands in dismay and allow society to be genetically
dumbed-down? Indeed, given political realities, what
can we do? Certainly, at the very least, it would behoove us to
increase family-planning services to the poor.
It is a simple fact that current state policies – both domestic
and foreign – already influence differential fertility
patterns, despite the fact that the current political climate
makes it virtually impossible even to discuss this factor.
Since future generations by definition represent a zero constituency,
the public sphere is largely defined horizontally,
whereas vertical or longitudinal effects are mostly relegated
to the private domain and thus ignored – that is, remain unregulated.
Eugenics opposes this horizontal/vertical opposition,
maintaining that, since the unborn constitute a vastly
greater potential population than do the currently living,
their rights take precedence. Politics is, by definition, a
struggle among the currently living, and what may well be a
victory for some faction in their midst may well be a disaster
for their children, just as the disasters of the parents may be
to the children’s good fortune.
We are now able to separate sex from procreation; either
may occur without the other. It is now even possible for
women to bypass the male’s sperm.75 Thus, while leaving the
right to sexuality within the private sphere, eugenicists argue
that procreational rights – inasmuch as they define the
very nature of future people – can be ignored by society only
to its own detriment.