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The Suppression of Eugenics
Although the attack on eugenics had been launched in the
late 1920s, eugenics survived even the embrace of Nazi
Germany, and in 1963 the Ciba Foundation convened a conference
in London under the title “Man and His Future,” at
which three distinguished biologists and Nobel Prize laureates
(Herman Muller, Joshua Lederberg, and Francis Crick)
all spoke strongly in its favor. Despite this upbeat note,
eugenics was about to undergo a total rout.
Outraged by pictures of police dogs attacking civil rights
protesters in the South, the public found discussions of genetic
racial differences intolerable. In 1974, a large group of
black students descended upon the office of Professor Sandra
Scarr in the Institute of Child Development of the University
of Minnesota:
One graduate student in education said he was going to
kill us if we continued to do research on black children.
Another paced up and down in front of us calling, “honkie,
honkie, honkie.”
When Arthur Jensen of the University of California at
Berkeley visited the Institute in 1976, he and Scarr were spat
upon by a phalanx of radical students, some of whom physically
attacked the speakers and those who had invited him.
Not only were Jensen’s lectures regularly broken up, he also
received bomb threats, and he had to be put under constant
In March 1977, the National Academy of Sciences sponsored
a forum in Washington, D.C., on research with recombinant
DNA. As the first session began, protestors began
marching down the aisles waving placards and charts.144
Hans Eysenck at a lecture to have been delivered at the
London School of Economics was first prevented from speaking
by the chanting of “No Free Speech for Fascists!” and
then physically attacked and had to be rescued from the
stage, his eyeglasses broken and blood streaming from his
face. When his book The IQ Argument appeared in the United
States, wholesalers and booksellers were threatened with arson
and violence, and the book became almost impossible to
The above scenes, and many others like them, were triggered
by assertions of mean IQs differing between racial
groups, specifically between whites and blacks. No one
seemed to notice that the issue was essentially irrelevant to
the cause of a universalist eugenics advocated for all groups,
without exception.
The second chief factor in the suppression of eugenics
was the launching of the Holocaust memorial movement subsequent
to the 1967 Arab/Israeli war. So effective was the
campaign that polls show that many more Americans can
identify the Holocaust than Pearl Harbor or the atomic bombing
of Japan. Those who are familiar with the term “eugenics”
now associate it with “Holocaust” and “racism.” The general
public is totally unaware that on September 16, 1939,
the leaders of the eugenics movement in the United States
and England explicitly rejected the racist doctrines of the
Nazi government (see Appendix 1), as did many German eugenicists.
An enormous, albeit fully understandable, confusion
has taken place within the Jewish community, and this
confusion is fraught with significance for Jews today. According
to the National Jewish Population Survey, Jews in America
entered into a precipitous decline in numbers in the decade
1990-2000, reflecting a pattern typical of high-IQ
groups.147 Half of Jewish women aged 30-34 have no children,
and nearly half of American Jews are 45 or older.148 This is
literally a matter of survival.
Beginning in the early 1980s, publications on eugenics
enjoyed a considerable upswing, including a huge number of
articles in the published literature and later over the Internet,
but even so the majority of these publications are still
either hostile or, at best, guarded. One relatively recent example
is William H. Tucker’s The Science and Politics of Racial
Research (1994). While claiming to support freedom of
scientific inquiry, Tucker dismisses “the trivial scientific
value of IQ heritabilities,” maintains that scientific rights of
research “might be qualified by the rights of others,” muses
whether certain research topics should be pursued at all, advocates
denying government funding to racial research, proposes
applying the Nuremburg Code to researchers, states
that the subjects of psychological research “can be wronged
without being harmed” and that they should be informed of
the nature of the research in case they find the results of the
research unflattering. He goes on to quote the phrases “those
miserable 15 IQ points” and “Are you using such gifts as you
90 Future Human Evolution possess for or against the people?
Tucker can best be seen as a moderate in the egalitarian camp.
Missa and Susanne’s 1999 book De l’eugénisme d’État à
l’eugénisme privé (From State Eugenics to Private Eugenics)
is a collection of articles authored by a group of Belgian and
French scholars and scientists, some of whom are hostile to
eugenics while others are actually supportive. Even so,
eugenics in various places is described as “utopian” and “unrealistic.”
Its goals are “unachievable,” and it represents “a
collection of false ideas” which are “contradictory” and “disproven
by research.” The very mention of the term can call up
“unconditional condemnation for a shameful practice.” Other
phrases include “opprobrium,” “the horrors of classical eugenics,”
“the danger of a eugenic drift,” “American charlatans,” “a
dangerous trend,” “the threat of eugenics,” “fear,” “risk,”
“menace,” “peril,” “insidious,” “rampant,” “radical,” “immoral,”
“elitist,” “the demon of eugenics,” “the temptation of
eugenics,” “the worrisome Trojan horse of eugenics,” “the
specter of eugenics,” “Nazi atrocities,” “gas chambers,” “racism,”
“ethnic discrimination,” “the slippery slope of eugenics,”
“detestable reputation,” “barbaric,” “fear,” “warning,”
“fatal,” “vigilant resistance to this tendency,” “genetic discrimination,”
“sterilizations and lobotomies,” “creeping determinism,”
“genetic reductionism,” “reduces culture to nature,”
“the cult of the body,” “totalitarian,” “utilitarian drift,”
“inhumane,” “a mad idea,” “materialist reductionism,” “biologism,”
“geneticism,” “existential or metaphysical horror,” “vehement,
categorical, and definitive condemnation,” “universal
and absolute condemnation,” “absolutely evil,” “worse than
murder,” “Thou shalt not clone!,” “radical evil,” “absolutely
bad, absolutely contrary to good,” “perversion,” “intrinsically
evil,” “intrinsically and necessarily negative with regard to
the autonomy of others,” “instrumentalization and objectivization
of others,” “the genetic impoverishment of cloning.
The campaign has been remarkably effective in achieving
its goals. In 1969, Eugenics Quarterly, successor to Eugenic
News, was renamed the Annals of Human Genetics. The following
year, shortly after the first isolation of a DNA frag
ment which constituted a single identifiable gene, the young
scientists involved in the project decided they would not continue
their work on DNA. The reason, they reported, was that
such work would eventually be put to evil uses by the large
corporations and governments that control science.151 Borrowing
a phrase from the Soviet purges, egalitarians denounced
eugenics as a “pseudo-science,” so that the American
Eugenics Society was forced to change its name, in 1973, to
the Society for the Study of Social Biology. In 1990, the College
Board changed the name of the SAT from Scholastic Aptitude
Test to Scholastic Assessment Test. In 1996, it dropped
the words altogether and declared that the initials no longer
stood for anything whatsoever. The eugenicists themselves
all ran for cover, reclassifying themselves as “population scientists,”
“human geneticists,” “anthropologists,” “demographers,”
and “genetic counselors.”
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