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Population Management
There are two basic views of humankind: a) that we have
been created in the image of God and thus are so perfect that
any improvement is unthinkable; and b) that, while our species
possesses great positive features as well as negative, enhancement
is essential, and – at the very least – prevention
of genetic decline is an absolute moral imperative.
In many ways eugenics prescribes for humankind the
same goals as for non-human species: a healthy population
probably limited in size so as not to upset nature’s intricate
balance of species and environment. Nevertheless, the specifics
of human population administration are not identical either
in goals or methodology to non-human population management
techniques. A “drain the pond and restock” methodology
is not only morally objectionable with regard to people,
its feasibility is also questionable. Blatantly coercive measures
can even be counter-productive when they engender resistance
to eugenic reform. For eugenics as a movement to
escape the temptation of utopian fantasy, it must be oriented
toward the realistically achievable.
In dealing with non-domesticated animal populations,
simple viability is the goal, health being defined as the capability
to survive and reproduce within an environment. By
contrast, human health criteria also include intelligence and
altruism. As for methodology, only relative minor impingements
on the wellbeing of the current human population can
be tolerated, since it they and only they who can implement
eugenic reform. For example, whereas wildlife managers take
for granted that a balance between prey and predators is a
“healthy” thing, no such Spencerian “survival of the fittest” is
appropriate for humans. Despite the grand continuity of belief
retained by modern eugenics from the earlier tradition,
on this point realistic modern eugenics departs radically from
that preached a hundred years ago.
Although individual eugenic efforts are already in full
swing, they are submerged in the great demographic currents,
and thus global eugenic reform is a task for society as a
whole. The strength of the government relative to that of the
governed population determines the limits to governmental
intervention (and abuse). The weaker the government, the
smaller the potential for rational population management.
There is also a role to be played by non-governmental organizations,
whose freedom can be less fettered than that of governments.
History is replete with instances of forced population
management, the most infamous method of which is genocide.
But other compulsory methods have also been employed.
For example, the government of Indira Ghandi implemented
a policy of compulsory sterilizations and vasectomies. And,
although India ultimately came to reject this policy, the nation’s
current population is many millions smaller than it
would have been without it. Nevertheless, China’s semicompulsory
one-child policy has proven far more efficacious,
and India with a Total Fertility Rate of 3.1 will soon surpass
China (TFR: 1.7) as the world’s most populous nation. It is
estimated that by 2000 the Chinese population was already a
quarter billion less than it would have been without the onechild
policy. On the other hand, there are situations where
emergency methods may well present the only means of
averting major catastrophe. Bangladesh and Haiti come to
mind, but the political will even to raise the topic is totally
absent. Global society is living a fatal lie.
Shifting our focus from quantitative to qualitative questions,
the debate over voluntary versus compulsory methods
has thus far amounted largely to pandering to the whims of
current generations. Indeed, the very phrase “reproductive
rights” itself represents a bias. Do people have the “right” to
give birth to babies who in all probability will grow up feeble
minded or who are likely to suffer from devastating genetic
illnesses? On the one side of the equation may be a single
person with a genetic IQ so low that simply coping in society
is well nigh impossible and, on the other, the millions of disadvantaged
offspring whom he and/or she may ultimately engender
over the generations. Forced sterilizations of persons
with genetically predetermined low IQ and major genetic illnesses
should be reinstituted. This is an unpopular statement,
but it has to be said. Our current refusal to take into
account the right of future generations to health and intelligence
is a cowardly betrayal of our own children. Can it be
that we are so selfish as to want to breed a genetically disadvantaged
class of servants to perform our menial tasks for us?
The grand demographic trend is toward belowreplacement
fertility rates, and while compulsion has its
place, the good news is that energetic voluntary measures
ought usually to be sufficient to permit women of reproductive
age to realize their goal of smaller families. Clearly, voluntary
methods are generally preferable to compulsory, although
the line between voluntarism and coercion can often
be vague.
One voluntary method involves the use of ultrasound to
determine the sex of the fetus. In developing countries the
desire for a male offspring is often strong enough to induce
parents to abort females. Ultimately the number of males in
a population is reproductively insignificant, since only females
can bear children, and a tiny male population is capable
of impregnating a huge female population. Thus, population
management has to be female-oriented.
The Chinese infant sex ratio was normal in the 1960s
and 1970s (roughly 106 boys for every 100 girls), but when
the one-child policy was introduced in the 1980s, the figure
became far more skewed in favor of boys; by 2002 China’s
fifth national census revealed a sex ratio at birth of approximately
116.86 males per 100 females, having increased to
108.5 in 1982 and 110.9 in 1987. (Admittedly, there is also a
question of underreporting of female births on the part of
couples eager to receive permission to have another child in
the hope that it will be a son.) As early as 2000 the number
of men in China was already estimated to exceed that of
women by sixty million.
The situation is much the same in India, where the 1991
census indicated approximately 35-45 million missing
women, when ultrasound was far less available than it is
now. In a ten-year study of babies born in Delhi hospitals in
the period 1993-2003, the number of female births was 542
per 1,000 boys if the first child was a girl. If the first two
children were girls, the ratio was only 219-1,000.
Unfortunately, although the desire for sons is greatest
among rural populations, high-IQ families possess greater
access to modern medicine, including ultrasound, so that this
practice appears to have been dysgenic thus far. But made
easily available to low-IQ families, or if such families were
even financially rewarded, it could become strongly eugenic
in nature, simultaneously attacking both quantitative and
qualitative demographic problems. (The historic link between
eugenics and Malthusian thought should be emphasized.) A
sea change is already underway; by 2005 many clinics offered
ultrasound for as little as 500 rupees ($11.50). It goes with
out saying that this is a tragic turn of events for those men
who do not find a mate for themselves, but it is a far lesser
evil than dysgenic overpopulation. Moreover, heightened
competition for females would disproportionately reward
high-IQ males. (For this same reason polygamy should be
universally decriminalized. The legal enforcement of monogamy
is a dysgenic intrusion into personal freedom. No scientific
breeder would even consider it.)
Another voluntary method is a vigorous promotion of
contraceptive methods among low-IQ families. While education
is not about to cancel out the sex drive of young people, it
can go a long way toward reducing the birth rate. Reversible
sterilization should be actively promoted.
The current debate between “pro-choice” and “pro-life”
fails utterly to take into account the consequences of abortion
for genetic selection. Abortion should be actively promoted,
since it often serves as the last and even only resort for many
low-IQ mothers who fail to practice contraception.
Welfare policies need to be radically reexamined. Rather
than simply pay low-IQ women more for each child, financial
support should be made dependent on consent to undergo
sterilization. Society should put more emphasis on greater
tax credits for families with children, nurseries, day-care centers,
etc. This would promote fertility among high-IQ women,
who otherwise are tempted either not to have children at all,
or to have too few, sacrificing their unborn children before
the altar of career advancement. The goals of the feminist
movement are in and of themselves legitimate and fair, but
wed to the anti-scientific worldview of radical egalitarianism,
they will devastate our species.
Eugenic family planning services are the greatest gift
that the advanced countries can offer the Third World. In a
global society, parochial fixation on any one country is a pathology
that human society can ill afford. What is needed is
tough love. Such a policy would promote the interests of any
ethnic group, all of which suffer when their least intelligent
members serve as the breeding pool while the most intelligent
encounter strong disincentives to fertility.
In different countries a different mix of governmental
and non-governmental activism is appropriate. Useful measures
would include paying low-IQ women to accept embryo
transfer. Sperm banks need to be encouraged to attach the
greatest importance to intelligence, and the promotion of
these institutions should be covered out of tax monies. And
the technology should be developed to create an artificial
womb or, alternatively, make inter-species embryo transplants
a reality, rapidly increasing the number of high-IQ individuals.
Religious belief will always be with us, and eugenics
must not be presented as scientific in an anti-religious sense.
At the same time there is a huge potential for excess if eugenics
were to become a core belief of the masses.
Genetic research needs to be promoted without regard to
cost. Who can say what enormous potential awaits us in the
future as a result of germ-line intervention?
On the immigration front, the importation of low-IQ
groups to perform unskilled labor at low wages must be recognized
as a threat to the host population’s long-term viability.
Panmixia also represents a loss in genetic diversity. All
populations represent unique entities, and the loss of such
uniqueness is everyone’s loss. Nevertheless, given the realities
of improved transportation and communication, outbreeding
can only increase in the future.
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