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Genetic Illnesses
There is no such thing as immutability in biological stocks,
for with each new generation a species inherits new genes in
the form of mutations. On rare occasions a mutation can improve
the individual’s survivability chances, and the new
gene then becomes more widespread in the population as a
whole. Nevertheless, the vast majority of mutations end up
reducing the number of offspring. This is the classic balance
of mutation and death which is called “natural selection,” and
it is accepted by biologists as decisive in all species.
This book aims to pose certain broad philosophical questions
about the values and goals of human civilization and
the path which humankind will follow in consciously choosing
either to pursue or to reject artificial selection. It is not intended
as a discussion of the complexities of human genetic
disease. By way of analogy, one could compare this document
to a roadmap rather than to an automobile repair manual,
but a few particularly important nuts and bolts still need to
be mentioned.
We have made such advances in medicine that natural
selection has been reduced to almost zero. Already 98% of
Americans survive at least to their twenty-fifth birthday.20
Medicine is intended largely to benefit its creators – the currently
living. Thus, if we speak about illness, the emphasis is
on “horizontally transmitted” infectious diseases over “vertically
transmitted” genetic diseases. It is, after all, very difficult
for a doctor, a pharmaceutical company, or a hospital to
collect a fee from people who have yet to be born. Medicine is
a business that depends on paying clients, and the most motivated
clients – those who not only can but who are eager to
pay – are the ones who are hurting now.
The Encyclopedia Britannica succinctly presents some of
the salient facts related to the 3,500 autosomal dominant,
autosomal recessive, and sex-linked disorders that have already
been catalogued (the list is rapidly expanding):
Epidemiological surveys suggest that approximately 1
percent of all newborns have a single gene defect and that
0.5 percent have gross chromosomal anomalies severe
enough to produce serious physical defects and mental retardation.
Of the 3 to 4 percent of newborns with birth defects,
surveys indicate that at least half suffer a major genetic
contribution. A minimum of 5 percent of all conceptions
that evidence themselves have gross chromosomal
anomalies, and 40 to 50 percent of spontaneous abortions
involve chromosomally abnormal embryos. About 40 percent
of all infant mortality is due to genetic disease; 30
percent of pediatric and 10 percent of adult patients require
hospital admission because of genetic disorders.
Medical investigators estimate that genetic defects – albeit
often minor – are present in 10 percent of all adults….
About 20 percent of all stillbirths and infant deaths are
associated with severe anomalies, and about 7 percent of
all births show some mental or physical defect.
It gets scarier. Spontaneous mutation rates, genetic “typos,”
have been estimated at 200 per person,22 most of which
appear to be neutral, but an unknown percentage of which
are undesirable when expressed, their effects being cumulative.
Aside from genetic anomalies which are necessary and
sufficient to cause a specific illness, a much larger number of
multifactoral illnesses exist in which certain genes create a
disposition toward specific illnesses, for example, most cancers,
diabetes, and hypertension.
Early eugenicists had the naïve notion that simply to
prevent persons suffering from genetic illness from having
children was sufficient to produce a healthier population with
each generation; however, most genes which cause diseases
are both recessive and extremely rare. Thus, the number of
carriers greatly outnumbers the number of persons actually
affected, and the nonreproduction of actively ill individuals
could achieve only an extremely slow reduction of the disease
in subsequent generations. This means that if an undesirable
trait occurred in 1% of the population it would take 90 generations
to reduce the incidence to 0.01 and 900 generations
under conditions of random mating to achieve a reduction to
the level of one in a million.23 Even then, a natural spontaneous
mutation rate would remain, which would also have to be
countered on a never-ending basis.
Genetic engineering techniques are advancing rapidly. It
is already possible for carriers of genetic diseases to conceive
children in vitro, then perform embryo screening, known as
preimplantation genetic diagnosis, and select a healthy embryo
for implantation in the mother’s womb. This is a eugenic
technique which is already being implemented on a voluntary,
gradual basis. In the not so distant future it will be possible
to make changes in the germ cells (those involved in reproduction),
and not just in the somatic cells (those not involved
in reproduction). Germ-line therapy does not fit into
either positive or negative eugenics, both of which amount to
encouraging or discouraging an individual from entering into
the sequence of generations, but such therapy is unquestionably
eugenics. When the possibility first arose, the general
attitude was one of absolute condemnation; now the tendency
is to speak more in terms of a moratorium of this new
The bioethicist Fritz Mann at the Free University of
Brussels writes:
Aside from religious grounds, there exists no ethical justification
for not influencing the germ line. If one day a
cure is discovered for healing a hereditary disease in this
fashion, not only for its bearer, but for all his descendants,
what reason could there be for forbidding it?
what reason could there be for forbidding it?24
Such an achievement will represent a genetic breakthrough,
but the puzzle of genes and their interactions is only
beginning to be solved. Nevertheless, geneticists are already
altering the germ lines of plants and animals, and human
germ-line therapy is only a question of time. Meanwhile, genetic
counseling and treatment are on occasion helping those
alive today at the expense of future generations. A prospective
parent who knows that he or she is the carrier of a recessive
gene which can cause illness in subsequent generations,
can selectively abort fetuses in which the gene will be actively
expressed. Thus, the immediate children of the union
are free from the illness, but the number of carriers of the
recessive gene increases further down the generational chain.
The question is whether parents have a moral right to
bring children into the world who will be disadvantaged by
their heredity. To quote the philosopher Emmanuel Lévinas,
“my son is not simply my creation, like a poem or an object.
He is not my property. Can parental responsibility be
sloughed off, denied? Marcus Pembrey, a professor at the Institute
of Child Health at the University of London, in discussing
genetic counseling argues that
The aim should not be to reduce the birth incidence of genetic
diseases, because to make that the objective of the
services would be to by-pass the mother’s choice in the
matter of selective abortion… The view that reduction in
the birth incidence of genetic disorders is not an appropriate
objective for genetic services is finding wide acceptance.
This is the so-called “personal service model”27 of genetic
counseling, which subordinates children’s well-being to that
of their parents. Such a view could well be challenged in the
courts, perhaps in wrongful life legal suits (which first appeared in the United States in 1964,
claiming wrongful death
suits as a legal precedent) or even on a class-action basis.
Whereas we may have previously lacked the knowledge to
reduce genetic illnesses, the ignorance argument will have
less and less weight in the future. The parental appeasement
posture will not be comparable to the Thalidomide baby
scandal of 1957-1961, for this will be an act committed with
full knowledge and intent.
Germ-line interventions will encounter resistance from
people who feel, some on religious grounds, that such therapy
is “unnatural” and that we have no right to “play God.” Even
conventional care is rejected, for example, by certain religious
groups, and one occasionally comes across newspaper articles
describing a family whose child has died for lack of medical
treatment. There will also be nonreligious objections by people
who are wary of making mistakes. Indeed errors are a
real possibility. When we will have achieved a much better
understanding of human genetics, however, the nonreligious
objectors will have considerably less wind in their sails.
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