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Crime and IQ
Genes play a major role in virtually all behavior, including
alchoholism, smoking, autism, phobias, neuroses, insomnia,
consumption of coffee (but not tea),76 schizophrenia, marriage
and divorce, job satisfaction, hobbies, and fears. Curiously,
while one study shows no genetic role in singing ability,77 another
shows pitch perception to be highly heritable and estimates
the heritability of tone deafness at 0.8 – about as high
as it gets for genetically complex traits, rivaling features such
as height.78 Animal breeders and even pet owners have no
doubts about differences between and within species, and we
all know from everyday experience just much people differ
innately from each other. Genes evidently also play a role in
In the mid-nineteenth century, criminal justice systems
were still guided by the assumption of man’s free will, and
crime was viewed as a sin which had to be expiated. In the
late 1850s, the French physician B. A. Morel established the
field of criminal physical anthropology. Galton himself favored
compulsory means to limit the breeding not just of the
insane, the feebleminded, or confirmed criminals but also of
paupers.79 In 1876, just five years after the appearance of
Darwin’s Descent of Man, the Jewish-Italian criminologist
and physician Cesare Lombroso published The Criminal
Man, which attempted to demonstrate the biological nature
of criminality. Lombroso claimed to have established during
autopsies certain physical stigmata characteristic of the born
criminal, whom he saw as possessing a more primitive type of
brain structure. If one accepts such biological determinism,
punishment becomes meaningless.
Lombroso’s theories are now generally rejected as invalid,
but studies of the role of genes in crime have not been
confined to the nineteenth century. A 1982 Swedish study
found that the rate of criminality in adopted children was
2.9% when neither biological nor adoptive parents had been
convicted of criminal activity. When one of the natural parents
was criminal, the figure rose to 6.7%, but when both biological
parents were criminal, the figure was nearly twice as
high – 12.1%.
At first the left tended to sympathize with biological positivism,
but soon Marxists came to view crime as environmentally
determined. The anarchists even sympathized with
criminals, who were seen as rebels challenging social injustice.
Crime in a capitalist system came under the rubric of
justified revolution in miniature.
If the egalitarian Franz Boaz was the “father” of anthropology,
the paternal rights to criminology (sociology’s “stepchild”)
have been ceded to Edwin E. Sutherland, for whom
learning was entirely a social product disconnected from bio
logical structures. In 1914, he published Criminology, the
most influential book on the topic during the twentieth century.
Thanks in large measure to its resonance, and especially
that of later reworked editions, many textbooks in the
field never even mentioned IQ, and when they did the treatment
was largely dismissive.
At the same time, intelligence studies have consistently
demonstrated a lower IQ among those found to have committed
criminal acts than among the general population. The intelligence
ratings of 200 juvenile offenders consigned to training
schools in Iowa show a mean IQ of 90.4 for the boys and
94.1 for the girls. The mean IQ for nondelinquents was 103
for boys and 105.5 for girls.
The 1969 police records of over 3,600 boys in Contra Costa County,
California, show a relationship between IQ and delinquency of -0.31.
A group of a11 London boys was followed over a ten-year period so as to
compare delinquent and non-delinquent groups. While only
one in fifty boys with an IQ of 110 or more was a recidivist,
one in five of those with an IQ of 90 or less fell into this category.
Since the advent of the revised Stanford Binet and the
Wechsler-Bellevue scales in the late 1930s, it has been consistently
found that samples of delinquents differ from the
general population by about 8 IQ points – a significant but
not an overwhelming difference. One can only surmise that
perhaps the gap would be even narrower if it were possible to
control for a higher arrest record among juveniles less skillful
in the art of deception. The same general tendency exists
within the adult population. Criminal offenders have average
IQs of about 92 – that is, 8 points or one-half standard deviation
below the mean.
What is actually happening? Life itself is a cruel competition,
where the vanquished have ended up more than once
skewered and slowly roasting over the victor’s cooking fire.
Now civilization imposes rules (so-called middle-class values)
that allow some people more success at winning. Imagine a
situation where the fastest runner would be the only one to
get supper. After a time the slower competitors would be
sorely tempted simply to hit him on the head rather than futilely attempt to outdo him in speed.
The same is true with intelligence. The successful stockbroker, surgeon, and lawyer
do not need to commit crime to gain wealth, but further down
the professional scale are those individuals whose low intelligence
literally dooms them to a life of material slavery. Can
at least part of the explanation for criminal behavior be as
simple as that?
To what extent is inherited low altruism a factor in
crime? Before axing the old pawnbroker in Dostoevsky’s
Crime and Punishment, Raskolnikov first rationalizes away
his guilt. Clearly, the general population contains a vast pool
of individuals for whom guilt is, at best, an underdeveloped
Can we really entrust the awesome task of guiding human
evolution to the bureaucrats? Are we not still far from
understanding the nature of crime? Do we want passivity
bred into the population? Is not crime the statistical tail of
such desirable traits as adventuresomeness and the willingness
to take risks?