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IQ Will Put You In Your Place
By Charles Murray
Imagine several hundred families which face few of the usual
problems that plague modern society. Unemployment is zero. Illegitimacy is zero.
Divorce is rare and occurs only after the children's most formative years.
Poverty is absent - indeed, none of the families is anywhere near the poverty
level. Many are affluent and all have enough income to live in decent
neighbourhoods with good schools and a low crime rate. If you have the good
fortune to come from such a background, you will expect a bright future for your
children. You will certainly have provided them with all the advantages society
has to offer. But suppose we follow the children of these families into
adulthood. How will they actually fare?
A few years ago the late Richard Herrnstein and I published a controversial
book about IQ, The Bell Curve, in which we said that much would depend on IQ. On
average, the bright children from such families will do well in life - and the
dull children will do poorly. Unemployment, poverty and illegitimacy will be
almost as great among the children from even these fortunate families as they
are in society at large - not quite as great, because a positive family
background does have some good effect, but almost, because IQ is such an
important factor.
"Nonsense!" said the critics. "Have the good luck to be born to the
privileged and the doors of life will open to you - including doors that will
let you get a good score in an IQ test. Have the bad luck to be born to a single
mother struggling on the dole and you will be held down in many ways - including
your IQ test score." The Bell Curve's purported relationships between IQ and
success are spurious, they insisted: nurture trumps nature; environment matters
more than upbringing.
An arcane debate about statistical methods ensued. Then several American
academics began using a powerful, simple way of testing who was right: instead
of comparing individual children from different households, they compared
sibling pairs with different IQs. How would brothers and sisters who were
nurtured by the same parents, grew up in the same household and lived in the
same neighbourhood, but had markedly different IQs, get on in life?
The research bears out what parents of children with unequal abilities
already know - that try as they might to make Johnny as bright as Sarah, it is
difficult, and even impossible, to close the gap between them.
A very large database in the United States contains information about several
thousand sibling pairs who have been followed since 1979. To make the analysis
as unambiguous as possible, I have limited my sample to brothers and sisters
whose parents are in the top 75 per cent of American earners, with a family
income in 1978 averaging £40,000 (in today's money).
Families living in poverty, or even close to it, have been excluded. The
parents in my sample also stayed together for at least the first seven years of
the younger sibling's life.
Each pair consists of one sibling with an IQ in the normal range of 90-110 ,a
range that includes 50% of the population. I will call this group the normals.
The second sibling in each pair had an IQ either higher than 110, putting him in
the top quartile of intelligence (the bright) or lower than 90, putting him in
the bottom quartile (the dull). These constraints produced a sample of 710
How much difference did IQ make? Earned income is a good place to begin. In
1993, when we took our most recent look at them, members of the sample were aged
28-36. That year, the bright siblings earned almost double the average of the
dull: £22,400 compared to £11,800. The normals were in the middle, averaging
These differences are sizeable in themselves. They translate into even more
drastic differences at the extremes. Suppose we take a salary of £50,000 or more
as a sign that someone is an economic success. A bright sibling was
six-and-a-half times more likely to have reached that level than one of the
dull. Or we may turn to the other extreme, poverty: the dull sibling was five
times more likely to fall below the American poverty line than one of the
bright. Equality of opportunity did not result in anything like equality of
outcome. Another poverty statistic should also give egalitarians food for
thought: despite being blessed by an abundance of opportunity, 16.3% of the dull
siblings were below the poverty line in 1993. This was slightly higher than
America's national poverty rate of 15.1%.
Opportunity, clearly, isn't everything. In modern America, and also, I
suspect, in modern Britain, it is better to be born smart and poor than rich and
stupid. Another way of making this point is to look at education. It is often
taken for granted that parents with money can make sure their children get a
college education. The young people in our selected sample came from families
that were overwhelmingly likely to support college enthusiastically and have the
financial means to help. Yet while 56% of the bright obtained university
degrees, this was achieved by only 21% of the normals and a minuscule 2% of the
dulls. Parents will have been uniformly supportive, but children are not
uniformly able.
The higher prevalence of college degrees partly explains why the bright
siblings made so much more money, but education is only part of the story. Even
when the analysis is restricted to siblings who left school without going to
college, the brights ended up in the more lucrative occupations that do not
require a degree, becoming technicians, skilled craftsmen, or starting their own
small businesses. The dull siblings were concentrated in menial jobs.
The differences among the siblings go far beyond income. Marriage and
children offer the most vivid example. Similar proportions of siblings married,
whether normal, bright or dull - but the divorce rate was markedly higher among
the dull than among the normal or bright, even after taking length of marriage
into account. Demographers will find it gloomily interesting that the average
age at which women had their first birth was almost four years younger for the
dull siblings than for the bright ones, while the number of children born to
dull women averaged 1.9, half a child more than for either the normal or the
bright. Most striking of all were the different illegitimacy rates. Of all the
first-born children of the normals, 21% were born out of wedlock , about a third
lower than the figure for the United States as a whole, presumably reflecting
the advantaged backgrounds from which the sibling sample was drawn. Their bright
siblings were much lower still, with less than 10% of their babies born
illegitimate. Meanwhile, 45% of the first-born of the dull siblings were born
outside of marriage.
The inequalities among siblings that I have described are from 1993 and are
going to become much wider in the years ahead. The income trajectory for
low-skill occupations usually peaks in a worker's twenties or thirties. The
income trajectory for managers and professionals usually peaks in their fifties.
The snapshot I have given you was taken for an age group of 28-36 when many of
the brights are still near the bottom of a steep rise into wealth and almost all
the dulls' incomes are stagnant or even falling. . . .
The inequalities I have presented are the kind you are used to seeing in
articles that compare inner-city children with suburban ones, black with white,
children of single parents with those from intact families. Yet they refer to
the children of a population more advantaged in jobs, income and marital
stability than even the most starry-eyed social reformer can hope to achieve.
You may be wondering whether the race, age or education of siblings affects
my figures. More extended analyses exist, but the short answer is that the
phenomena I have described survive such questions. Siblings who differ in IQ
also differ widely in important social outcomes, no matter how anyone tries to
explain away the results. Ambitious parents may be dismayed by this conclusion,
but it is none the less true for all that.
A final thought: I have outlined the inequalities that result from siblings
with different IQs. Add in a few other personal qualities: industry,
persistence, charm, and the differences among people will inevitably produce a
society of high inequalities, no matter how level the playing field has been
made. Indeed, the more level the playing field, and the less that accidents of
birth enter into it, the more influence personal qualities will have. I make
this point as an antidote to glib thinking on both sides of the Atlantic and
from both sides of the political spectrum. Inequality is too often seen as
something that results from defects in society that can be fixed by a more
robust economy, more active social programmes, or better schools. It is just not
The effects of inequality cannot be significantly reduced, let alone quelled,
unless the government embarks on a compulsory redistribution of wealth that
raises taxes astronomically and strictly controls personal enterprise. Some will
call this social justice. Others will call it tyranny. I side with the latter,
but whichever position one takes, it is time to stop pretending that, without
such massive compulsion, human beings in a fair and prosperous society will ever
be much more equal than they are now.
From the Sunday Times, UK, May 25 1997.
A longer version of this article appears in the summer issue of The Public
Interest. Dr. Murray is a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute (1150 17th
Street NW, Washington, DC, 20036)