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Race, Evolution, and Behavior Summary 2
Race, Evolution, and Behavior: A Life History Perspective
by Mark Snyderman
from National Review, Sept 12, 1994
WHAT MUST Pat Shipman think of Phillipe Rushton? Dr. Shipman describes how
the scientific study of racial difference has too often been polluted by
political forces; she proclaims her allegiance to science, and declares that
we are better off knowing the unaltered truth about racial differences. But
her rhetoric betrays great fear of what science may reveal.
Phillipe Rushton apparently has no such fear. Although his story is absent
from Dr. Shipman's book, it would fit neatly. Mr. Rushton, a professor of
psychology at the University of Western Ontario, has endured excoriation
because he has dared to posit an evolutionary/genetic explanation for racial
differences in a wide variety of physical and behavioral characteristics.
Undeterred, he has even appeared on Geraldo (though this episode may
demonstrate more an ignorance of American television than fortitude). Mr.
Rushton's new book -- a synthesis of a vast body of scientific research on
racial differences -- is his most ambitious, and fearless, work. Pat Shipman
should be happy. She probably won't be.
Dr. Shipman's book, The Evolution of Racism, is beautifully written, and
endlessly intriguing, but one is never quite sure what it is supposed to be
about. For starters, the title is misleading. The book is only marginally
about racism, as the word is commonly understood.
What Dr. Shipman does present is a series of case studies, told largely
through biographical accounts, of the politicization of scientific debate over
racial differences and genetic explanations of behavior. These are fascinating
stories, well told. But the stories have no clear moral.
The book begins with a wonderful portrayal of Darwin's insecurity about
his new theory, of Thomas Huxley's unabashed championing of Darwinism, and of
Huxley's famous debate with Bishop Wilberforce which put the theory of
evolution over the top. Dr. Shipman begins the real discussion of race with
the clash between the owlish Rudolf Virchow, perhaps the pre-eminent German
scientist of the mid nineteenth century, and the vigorous Aryan Ernst Haeckel.
Virchow opposed the theory of evolution because he thought it inconsistent
with his own scientific theories and a fundamental challenge to his view of
the social order, while Haeckel championed Darwinism and then used it to
further his theories of racial superiority and his political position. Dr.
Shipman decries the damage to science in the ensuing struggle.
There follows a discussion of the eugenics movement and of Hitler (who
sought justification in Haeckel's writings), and the post-war backlash against
the scientific study of race. Dr. Shipman gives us an enlightening account of
anthropologist Ashley Montagu [aka Israel Ehrenberg], a vehement anti-racist
and author of the 1950 UNESCO Statement on Race. The Ashley Montagu Statement,
as it has come to be known, denies the validity of any notion that human
groups differ in innate characteristics of intelligence or temperament, and
touts scientific support for "the ethic of universal brotherhood."
Montagu subsequently was among those who led the attack on Carleton Coon.
According to Dr. Shipman, Coon was "a man betrayed by history." An
anthropologist-explorer trained in the early twentieth century, Coon published
his life's work, The Origin of Races, in 1962. His thesis was that the various
races developed long ago--a half million years before we became Homo
sapiens--and that some races developed into modern humans more slowly than
others. Whatever its merits, Dr. Shipman explains, this was a work of science,
not of racial politics. Yet it is not difficult to imagine the reaction to
such a work in 1962, at the very moment that the civil-rights movement was
coming into full swing. What is remarkable is that so much of the criticism
from other scientists took the form of personal attack and political diatribe.
As the line between concerned scientist and social activist blurred, genetic
and evolutionary accounts of racial differences simply would not be tolerated
even by those whose job it was to search for the truth: "It was an
unresolvable conflict between the fervent social activist and the irascible
scientific purist. But the tenor of the times was such that it was the
scientific purist, Coon, who was disgraced and, to some extent, driven out of
his profession."
Dr. Shipman's final case study is the tale of an attorney and researcher
named David Wasserman. Mr. Wasserman had the idea to sponsor a conference on
the legal and social implications of behavioral genetic studies of
criminality. The story of how his innocent project became entangled in, and
eventually destroyed by, the racially charged reaction to a wholly independent
Bush Administration program is out of Kafka. Like many interested in biology
and behavior, Mr. Wasserman was defeated by those who believe that there are
some questions science simply should not ask.
In the end, one wonders where Dr. Shipman stands on this issue. She
bemoans the politicization of science and proclaims that we are better off
studying racial differences, yet she is afraid of what such research might
find. Her fear comes very close to overwhelming her defense of science. Thus,
the book ends with the following cryptic summation:
The trajectory begun with Darwin has run its course. No one has sought to provoke a bitter controversy, but the value of differences among humans has reached out its sticky pseudopods and engulfed the unwary over and over again. The monster cannot be outran; it threatens us all. There is a real danger here .... To date, we have feared to wrestle with it openly, we have turned our heads and shielded our eyes from the horror of the problem. Rather than face the monster, we have played, instead, at politicizing first evolutionary theory and then genetics, for we are intrinsically political animals and it is a game that comes naturally. We have fought each other--called each other names, accused each other of sinister intent, promulgated bitter insinuations--instead of fighting ignorance. In so doing, we have given the hate-mongers time to feed the monster. It has swelled on a steady diet of racial divisiveness, lies, and half-truths until it is strong enough to destroy us all.
What exactly is this "monster" to which Dr. Shipman refers? It is,
apparently, the truth about human differences. How are we to handle the truth,
if it "threatens us all"?
Dr. Shipman's unsatisfying answer is to trust in the power of the
environment. Should it turn out that there is a significant genetic component
to individual and racial differences in behavior, she concludes, "Our only
hope lies in the certainty that these attributes are subject to tremendous
environmental modification." For her, this is simply an article of faith.
Dr. Shipman's fear of the genetic is evident in her readiness to reject
biological explanations. In criticizing early behavioral genetics, for
example, she explains that "we have a different perspective on what traits are
heritable today." She takes as an example the perceived difference in
volubility between Italians and Finns. "Is it because Italians more commonly
carry genes for talkativeness than Finns? It is wildly improbable that this is
so, for how could such a gene work?" This is a naive response from a physical
anthropologist. Of course there is no single gene for talkativeness, yet there
plainly is some genetic mechanism that allows humans to talk (unless Dr.
Shipman postulates that the lack of speech in other species is entirely due to
a difference in environment). Why, then, is it difficult to imagine that this
genetic mechanism might differ in degree among individuals or groups?
Dr. Shipman's unease about any genetic explanation is particularly apparent
in her treatment of intelligence, which lies at the heart of the controversy
about racial differences. She follows unthinkingly the argument set forth by
Stephen Jay Gould in his 1981 book The Mismeasure of Man. The argument is that
the development of intelligence tests in the early part of this century was
driven largely by the eugenics movement and belief in the inferiority of
certain groups. The upshot of this argument is a form of guilt by association:
intelligence tests were born of racism; thus they must retain their racist
tint. Mr. Gould's conclusion, which Dr. Shipman parrots, is that intelligence
tests at best are extremely sensitive to environmental variation, and
therefore are of limited usefulness in measuring intelligence or establishing
any genetic component to differences in intellectual functioning.
Mr. Gould is wrong, and so is Dr. Shipman. While it is true that racists
found some support in early test results, the historical record reveals that
the majority of early mental testers were engaged in a legitimate scientific
enterprise. There were flaws in these tests to be sure, as there are flaws
today, but the large-scale problems with test development and administration
to which Mr. Gould points have been eliminated. Evidence of the validity of
modern intelligence and aptitude tests, and of the significant heritable
component to individual differences in intelligence, is beyond rational
refutation. (The genetic basis of group differences remains uncertain.) In
following Mr. Gould, Dr. Shipman has fallen prey to the same environmentalist
bias she condemns in the reaction to Coon and Wasserman.
WHAT IF she is wrong. What if scientific investigation reveals, for
example, that there are average differences in intelligence between members of
different races that cannot be accounted for by any known sources of
environmental variation? Faith in the power of the environment will not shield
us from that "monster."
Phillipe Rushton is willing to accept the results of his science. He
describes hundreds of studies worldwide that show a consistent pattern of
human racial differences. The three primary human racial groups--Mongoloids
(Orientals), Negroids (blacks), and Caucasoids (Caucasians)--show significant
average differences in such characteristics as intelligence, brain size,
genital size, strength of sex drive, reproductive potency, industriousness,
sociability, and rule following. On each of these variables, the groups are
aligned in the order: Orientals, Caucasians, blacks. On average, according to
the data Mr. Rushton reports, Orientals are more intelligent, have larger
brains for their body size, have smaller genitalia, have less sex drive, are
less fecund, work harder, and are more readily socialized than Caucasians; and
Caucasians on average bear the same relationship to blacks. There is, of
course, tremendous variation within each group on each of these variables, and
a great degree of overlap between groups. The group differences Mr. Rushton
reports are not large, but they are demonstrable.
He proposes an evolutionary explanation based on "life history theory." The
theory assumes "that each species (or subspecies, such as a race) has evolved
a characteristic life history adapted to the particular ecological problems
encountered by its ancestors." These strategies are organized along a
continuum from "K-strategies" to "r-strategies." K-strategies "emphasize high
levels of parental care, resource acquisition, kin provisioning, and social
complexity," while r-strategies "emphasize gamete production, mating behavior,
and high reproductive rates." Compared to other species, humans are
K-strategists. Based on the data he reports, Mr. Rushton observes that
Orientals are the most K-strategizing of the human races, and blacks are the
most r-strategizing.
According to Mr. Rushton, r-strategies evolve in environments in which the
population is kept below the carrying capacity of the environment (that is,
where there are more resources for survival than there are members of the
population to use them) because of unpredictable factors such as weather or
predators. K-strategies are more adaptive in environments in which the
population is close to carrying capacity and competitive interactions among
individuals are important. Put simply, when there are abundant resources,
organisms are better off producing many offspring and letting them fend for
themselves; when the environment is difficult, organisms are better off
putting their resources into equipping each offspring to survive.
Mr. Rushton's thesis now falls into place. Blacks evolved in Africa in an
abundant but unpredictable environment that favored reproduction over
nurturance, relative to other human populations. The harsh environment of
northeast Asia in which Orientals evolved favored more nurturing,
socialization, and greater intellectual capacity. Caucasian evolution in
Eurasia imposed intermediate pressures.
Underlying Mr. Rushton's thesis is the contention that there is a genetic
basis for much of the observed between-race variation he reports. Here is
where he will meet the most resistance. Behavioral genetic studies of
between-race differences are notoriously difficult, as Mr. Rushton admits.
Nonetheless he strongly argues for a genetic component to average between-race
differences. He presents much behavioral genetic evidence on the question, but
his most compelling argument is intuitive. What possible environmental
variables could account for the systematic alignment of the races on such a
wide variety of characteristics, including behavioral traits evident soon
after birth, "the speed of dental and other maturational variables, the size
of the brain, the number of gametes produced, [and] the physiological
differences in testosterone?" The strictly environmental hypothesis also is
undermined by the various studies that demonstrate a significant genetic
component to within-race individual differences on each of the behavioral and
physical characteristics and the fact that these racial differences are
consistent across cultures. Mr. Rushton contends that only an
evolutionary/genetic explanation makes sense of these disparate data.
This is dynamite he fails to handle with sufficient care. Mr. Rushton tries
in the preface of his book to temper the impact of what follows. He notes that
he is dealing for the most part with relatively small group differences, and
that these differences are likely the result of environmental determination as
much as genetic. He explains also that the mechanisms that mediate genetic
effects offer "numerous ways for intervention and the alleviation of
suffering." His three-paragraph caveat is a tame cousin to the paean to the
environment with which Pat Shipman ends her book. As such, it is woefully
inadequate to head off any of the attack that is to come. Mr. Rushton must be
aware of this; he seems not to care. "There are no necessary policies that
flow from race research," he declares. His reliance on this single idea
indicates either a naivete about political reality or an unshakable faith in
Mr. Rushton is not naive. He begins his book with a discussion of the
difficulties of the scientific study of race:
The propensity to defend one's own group, to see it as special, and not to be susceptible to the laws of evolutionary biology makes the scientific study of ethnicity and race differences problematic. Theories and facts generated in race research may be used by ethnic nationalists to propagate political positions. Antiracists may also engage in rhetoric to deny differences and suppress discoveries. Findings based on the study of race can be threatening. Ideological mine fields abound in ways that do not pertain in other areas of inquiry.
This passage could serve as a summary of Pat Shipman's treatise. Mr.
Rushton adds a twist. He posits that the politicization of the scientific
study of race may itself have evolutionary origins. He devotes a chapter to
genetic similarity theory, the hypothesis that genetically similar people tend
to seek one another out and to provide mutually supportive environments." This
phenomenon, according to Mr. Rushton, "may represent a biological factor
underlying ethnocentrism." Thus, the reaction to work like Mr. Rushton's may
have deeper roots than in our present environment.
Phillipe Rushton has written his own epitaph. Any genetic predisposition
toward the defense of one's race only adds to the near impossibility of
rational response to the scientific study of race in a world that has seen the
Holocaust and racial subjugation. As he explains, "The evolutionary psychology
of race differences has become the most politically incorrect topic in the
world today." Mr. Rushton's work may be ignored by the fearful, damned by the
liberals, and misused by the racists. It is unlikely to be truly understood by
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