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Race, Genetics, and Human Reproductive Strategies
by J. Philippe Rushton Genetic, Social & General Psychology
Monographs,Vol. 122 02-01-1996.
The international literature on racial differences is reviewed, novel data
are reported, and a distinct pattern is found. People of east Asian ancestry
and people of African ancestry average at opposite ends of a continuum, with
people of European ancestry averaging intermediately, albeit with much
variability within each major race. The racial matrix emerges from measures
taken of reproductive behavior, sex hormones, twinning rate, speed of physical
maturation, personality, family stability, brain size, intelligence, law
abidingness, and social organization. An evolutionary theory of human
reproduction is proposed, familiar to biologists as the r-K scale of
reproductive strategies. At one end of this scale are r-strategies, which
emphasize high reproductive rates; at the other end are K-strategies, which
emphasize high levels of parental investment. This scale is generally used to
compare the life histories of widely disparate species, but here it is used to
describe the immensely smaller variations among human races. It is
hypothesized that, again on average, Mongoloid people are more K-selected than
Caucasoids, who are more K-selected than Negroids. The r-K scale of
reproductive strategies is also mapped on to human evolution. Genetic
distances indicate that Africans emerged from the ancestral hominid line about
200,000 years ago, with an African/non-African split about 110,000 years ago,
and a Caucasoid/Mongoloid split about 41,000 years ago. Such an ordering fits
with and explains how and why the variables cluster.
DISCUSSION OF "RACE" shows little sign of diminishing, despite efforts to
debunk the concept. Downgrading the idea of race, however, not only conflicts
with people's tendency to classify and build histories according to putative
descent but also ignores the work of biologists studying other species (Mayr,
1970). In his 1758 work, Linnaeus classified four subspecies of Homo sapiens:
europaeus, afer, asiaticus, and americanus. Most subsequent classifications
recognize at least the three major subdivisions considered in this article:
Mongoloid, Caucasoid, and Negroid. This classification does not rule out
making finer distinctions within these major races.
Those objecting to the idea of race call definitions arbitrary and
subjective (Diamond, 1994; Lewontin, Rose, & Kamin, 1984; Yee, Fairchild,
Weizmann, & Wyatt, 1993). The main empirical reasons given for negating the
race concept are (a) the degree of variance within any one race, (b) the
disagreement as to exactly how many races there are, and (c) the blurring of
distinctions at category edges because of admixture. For example, with respect
to classification, Diamond (1994) surveyed half a dozen geographically
variable traits and formed very different races depending on which traits he
picked. Classifying people using anti-malaria genes, lactose tolerance,
fingerprint whorls, or skin color resulted in the Swedes of Europe being
placed in the same groupings as the Xhosa and Fulani of Africa, the Ainu of
Japan, or the Italians of Europe.
Many of Diamond's (1994) classifications, however, make no sense because
they have little, if any, predictive value beyond the initial classification.
In science, the validation of constructs such as race depends on a network of
predictive relationships, including item, subject, and sample aggregations. As
I show in this article, the construct validity of the three major
races--Mongoloid, Caucasoid, and Negroid--has been established at the
behavioral level across both time and national boundaries. If race were simply
arbitrary, consistent relationships of the type to be presented in this
article would not be found.
A race, it should be clear, is what zoologists term a geographic variety or
subdivision of a species, characterized by a more or less distinct combination
of traits (morphological, behavioral, physiological) that are heritable.
Zoologists have identified two or more races in many mammalian species. In
humans, the three major races--Mongoloids (commonly "Asians"), Caucasoids
(commonly "Whites"), and Negroids (commonly "Blacks")--can be distinguished on
the basis of obvious differences in skeletal morphology, hair and facial
features, and molecular genetic information. Forensic anthropologists
regularly classify skeletons of decomposed bodies by race. For example, narrow
nasal passages and a short distance between eye sockets mark a Caucasoid
person, distinct cheekbones characterize a Mongoloid person, and nasal
openings shaped like an upside down heart typify a Negroid person (Ubelaker &
Scammel, 1992). In certain criminal investigations, the race of a perpetrator
can be identified from blood, semen, and hair samples. To deny the predictive
validity of race at this level is nonsensical.
The currently accepted view of human origins, the "African Eve" theory,
posits a beginning in Africa some 200,000 years ago, an exodus through the
Middle East with an African/non-African split about 110,000 years ago, and a
Caucasoid/Mongoloid split about 41,000 years ago. Evolutionary selection
pressures in the hot savanna, where Negroids evolved, differ from pressures in
the cold Arctic, where Mongoloids evolved (Stringer & Andrews, 1988). in my
book Race, Evolution and Behavior (1995), I proposed that the farther north
the populations migrated from Africa, the more they encountered the
cognitively demanding problems of gathering and storing food, gaining shelter,
making clothes, and raising children successfully during prolonged winters. As
the original "out-of-Africa" populations evolved into present-day Caucasoids
and Mongoloids, they developed larger brains, slower rates of maturation, and
lower levels of sex hormone, and with these changes came reductions in sexual
potency, aggressiveness, and impulsivity and increases in family stability,
forward planning, self-control, rule-following, and longevity.
The prevailing social science paradigms are giving way to gene-culture
co-evolutionary perspectives. During the 1980s, there was an increased
acceptance of behavioral genetics and evolutionary theorizing. Discoveries in
medical genetics heralded what was to come with gene therapy becoming a
possibility for a variety of classic psychological disorders. A renewal of
interest in human origins also characterized the 1980s, with Africa identified
as the Garden of Eden. Eve was thought to be a long-armed, thick-boned,
well-muscled, dark-skinned woman who lived some 200,000 years ago on the East
African savanna. She appeared on the front cover of Newsweek (January 11,
1988) and served as the center of a debate on the evolution of modern
humanity. However, work on racial differences in behavior, though a necessary
concomitant of these revisionist viewpoints, was not included in them and
constituted an embarrassment. On the topic of race, a righteous conformity has
come to prevail.
Most work on racial differences has focused on Blacks and Whites in the
United States, where the achievement of Whites is disproportionately higher
than that of Blacks. Ever since Jensen's (1969) monograph in the Harvard
Educational Review, a controversy has raged over whether the causes of this
disparity involve genetic as well as environmental factors (Eysenck & Kamin,
1981; Loehlin, Lindzey, & Spuhler, 1975). Extensive surveys show that a
plurality of experts believe that Jensen was correct in attributing a portion
of the racial variation to genetic differences (Snyderman & Rothman, 1987).
The debate was widened by data available on (a) Black samples in Africa, the
Caribbean, and elsewhere (most Black people live in postcolonial Africa); (b)
Asian samples in the Pacific Rim (one third of the world's population); and
(c) characteristics in addition to mental ability, showing the same worldwide
racial ordering in brain size, personality, speed of maturation, crime rates,
family structure, and sexual behavior (see Table 1).
The central theoretical questions are as follows. First, why should
Caucasoids average so consistently between Negroids and Mongoloids on so many
dimensions? Second, why is there an inverse relationship between brain size
and gamete production across the races? It is not simply differences in
cognitive ability that require explanation. A network of evidence, such as
that shown in Table 1, allows more chance of finding powerful theories than do
single dimensions drawn from the set. Nonetheless, it must be emphasized at
the outset that there are overlaps in most distributions. Because average
differences between races are typically only between 4% and 34%, it is
problematic to generalize from a group average to a particular individual.
Maturation, Personality, and Social Organization
In the United States, Black babies have long been known to have a shorter
gestation period than White babies. By week 39, 51% of Black children have
been born, whereas the figure for White children is 33% (Niswander & Gordon,
1972; Polednak, 1989). Similar results have been observed in Europe, where
women of European ancestry have been compared with women of African ancestry
(Papiernik, Cohen, Richard, de Oca, & Feingold, 1986). Papiernik et al. (1986)
reviewed other observations that, although Black babies are born earlier, they
are physiologically more mature than White babies, as measured by pulmonary
function and amniotic fluid. I am unaware of data on Asian babies.
Black precocity in physical maturation continues through life. On
well-standardized tests, scores indicate that Black babies from Africa, the
Caribbean, and the United States mature faster on measures made from birth to
12 months in coordination and head lifting, in muscular strength and turning
over, and in locomotion; at 15 to 20 months, Black babies are more advanced in
the ability to put on clothing (e.g., Bayley, 1965; Freedman, 1974; but see
Warren, 1972, for a critique of the early African data). In contrast, on
well-standardized measures, Asian children are more delayed than White
children. Asian children typically do not walk until 13 months, compared with
12 months for White children and 11 months for Black children (Freedman,
1979). Regarding dental development, African samples begin the first phase of
permanent tooth eruption at age 5.8 years and finish at 7.6 years; Caucasoids
begin at 6.1 years and finish at 7.7 years; and Mongoloids begin at 6.1 years
and finish at 7.8 years (Rushton, 1995, p. 149, with data from Eveleth &
Tanner, 1990).
Behavioral life-cycle traits show a similar set of differences among the
three populations. These include age at first intercourse and age at first
pregnancy, as well as longevity. For example, at all ages, Blacks have higher
mortality rates from numerous causes than Whites in the United States, and the
gap has widened over the last 30 years (Polednak, 1989). Asians have lower
mortality rates than Whites.
With respect to personality, data show that across ages, across traits, and
across methods, Blacks are more uninhibited in temperament than Whites, and
Whites are more uninhibited than Asians. For infants and young children,
observer ratings are the main method used, whereas for adults, the use of
standardized tests is more frequent (e.g., Vernon, 1982). For example,
researchers in a study carried out in French-language Quebec examined 825 4-
to 6-year-olds from 66 countries. These immigrant children were rated by 50
teachers in preschool French-language-immersion classes. The French-Canadian
teachers consistently reported (a) better social adjustment and less
hostility/aggression for the Mongoloid children than for the Caucasoid
children and (b) more social adjustment and less hostility for the Caucasoid
children than for the Negroid children (Tremblay & Baillargeon, 1984).
Rushton(1985) indexed behavioral restraint by low extraversion and high
neuroticism scores from the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire, using data
collected from 25 countries around the world. Averaging across these samples,
Rushton found 8 Mongoloid samples (N = 4,044) to be less extraverted and more
neurotic than 38 Caucasoid samples (N = 19,807), who were less extraverted and
more neurotic than 4 African samples (N = 1,906).
Social organization depends on following rules. Such behavior can be
indexed, for example, by marital functioning, mental durability, and law
abidingness. On all of these measures, the rank ordering within the United
States is Asian > White > Black (Jaynes & Williams, 1989). The 1.5 million
individuals of Asian descent in the United States are very rarely perceived as
a "social problem," for they have significantly fewer divorces, out-of-wedlock
births, or incidences of child abuse than do Whites, and, in fact, they are
very seldom studied. Black family structure, however, has been studied
intensively. Since the 1965 Moynihan report documented the high rates of
marital dissolution, high frequency of female heads of families, and numerous
illegitimate births, the figures cited as evidence for the instability of the
Black family have tripled (Jaynes & Williams).
The race/crime relationship found within the United States, with Asians
being most law abiding, Africans least law abiding, and Europeans
intermediate, has been found within other multiracial countries, such as
Britain, Brazil, and Canada (Rushton, 1990). Moreover, the pattern has been
found in China and the Pacific Rim, Europe and the Middle East, and Africa and
the Caribbean. The global nature of the pattern is shown in data analyzed from
INTERPOL yearbooks, showing that African and Caribbean countries had double
the rate of violent crime (murder, rape, and serious assault) than did
European countries, which had three times the rate of violent crime than did
Asian countries (Rushton, 1990).
Hormones and Reproductive Potency
The average woman produces one egg every 28 days in the middle of the
menstrual cycle. Some women, however, have shorter cycles than others, and
some produce two eggs in a cycle. Both events translate into greater fecundity
because of the opportunities provided for conception. Occasionally, double
ovulation results in the birth of dizygotic (two-egg) twins. The races differ
in the rate at which they double ovulate. The frequency of dizygotic twins per
1,000 births is less than 4 for Mongoloids, 8 for Caucasoids, and 16 or
greater for Negroids (Bulmer, 1970). Subsequent reviews of twinning rates in
the United States (Allen, 1988) and Japan (Imaizumi, 1992) have confirmed
these data.
Gonadotropin levels differentiate the races in the predicted direction and
may underlie the difference in rates of multiple birthing. Testosterone levels
may underlie other behavior traits differentiating the races, for they have
been found to be 19% higher in a sample of Black U.S. college students than in
their White counterparts (Ross et al., 1986). In an older group of U.S.
military veterans, Blacks measured 3% higher in testosterone level than Whites
(Ellis & Nyborg, 1992). Another study, of testosterone metabolites, showed a
10% to 15% higher incidence in Black Americans than in White Americans and a
still lower incidence in the Japanese in Japan (Hixson, 1992).
Rushton and Bogaert (1987) reviewed the literature on frequency of sexual
intercourse. For example, Hofmann (1984) examined worldwide premarital coitus
rates among young people in high school and found that African adolescents
were more sexually active than Europeans, who were more sexually active than
Asians. The same pattern has emerged from surveys carried out within the
United States, where this pattern also holds for sexual activity after
marriage. For example, Rushton and Bogaert (1987) averaged data from a
representative cross-cultural review by Ford and Beach (1951) and found that
Oceanic and American Indian peoples' self-reported rates of sexual intercourse
per week ranged from 1 to 4, U.S. Whites' ranged from 2 to 4, and Africans'
ranged from 3 to 10. Subsequent surveys support these data. For married
couples in their 20s, the average frequency of intercourse per week for the
Japanese and Chinese in Asia is 2.5 (Asayama, 1975; Bo & Wenxiu, 1992, Table
7), whereas for American Whites it is 4, and for American Blacks, 5 (Fisher,
Racial differences also appear on measures of sexual permissiveness, amount
of thinking about sex, and sex guilt. Abramson and Imari-Marquez (1982)
observed that each of three generations of Japanese Americans showed more sex
guilt than matched Caucasian Americans. In studies carried out in Britain and
Japan, using a sex fantasy questionnaire, Iwawaki and Wilson (1983) found that
British men reported twice as many fantasies as Japanese men, and British
women admitted to four times as much sex fantasy as Japanese women did. By
contrast, Blacks reported not only having had intercourse with more casual
partners but also with fewer feelings of distaste than did Whites.
Rushton and Bogaert (1987, 1988) examined updated data from the Kinsey
Institute for Sex Research (Gebhard & Johnson, 1979) that eliminated sources
with known sexual bias, such as prostitutes. Black/White differences were
compared on 41 variables. For men and women, college-educated Whites were
found to be most sexually restrained, college-educated Blacks least, and
non-college-educated Whites intermediate. This pattern was found for early
onset of premarital, marital, and extramarital sexual experience; number of
sexual partners; and frequency of intercourse. For women, the races were also
differentiated on speed of onset and incidence of pregnancy, short duration of
the menstrual cycle, and number of orgasms per act of coitus (see Table 2).
Cognitive Abilities
The literature on the global distribution of intelligence test scores was
reviewed by Lynn (1991). Mongoloid populations, measured in North America and
the Pacific Rim, had average IQs in the 101 to 111 range. Caucasoid
populations in North America, Europe, and Australasia had average IQs ranging
from 85 to 115, with an overall mean of about 100. Negroid populations living
south of the Sahara, in North America, in the Caribbean, and in Britain had
average IQs in the 70 to 90 range. Lynn's (1991) estimate of 70 for the IQ of
African Blacks has been confirmed in two subsequent studies. In one study, the
Wechsler Test was administered to a representative sample of children in
Zimbabwe (Zindi, 1994), and in the other study, researchers examined Ethiopian
immigrants to Israel (Lynn, 1994). In both studies, the IQs of the Africans
were found to be just under 70.
Questions remain about the validity of using tests for racial comparisons.
However, because the tests show similar patterns of internal item consistency
and predictive validity for all groups, and the same differences are found on
relatively culture-free tests, many psychometricians think that the test
scores are valid measures of racial differences (Herrnstein & Murray, 1994;
Snyderman & Rothman, 1987). Also, novel data about speed of decision making
(reaction time) show the same racial pattern as do test scores. Investigations
have been done with 9- to 12-year-olds from six countries. In these studies,
the children had to decide which of several lights was on or stood out from
others, and then they had to move a hand to press a button. All children can
perform the tasks in less than one second, but children with higher IQ scores
perform these elementary tasks faster than do those with lower scores. Lynn
(1991) found that representative Asian schoolchildren from Hong Kong and Japan
were faster in reaction time than were similar White children from Britain and
Ireland, who, in turn, were faster than were similar Black children from South
Africa (see also Lynn & Shigehisa, 1991). Using the same decision-time tasks,
as well as those involving retrieval of well-learned facts from long-term
memory, researchers also found this same three-way pattern of racial
differences in California samples (Jensen, 1993; Jensen & Whang, 1993, 1994).
Brain Size
A small but robust relation has been firmly established between cognitive
ability measured by both educational attainment and IQ tests and brain size.
The correlation between test scores and brain size (estimated from magnetic
resonance imaging [MRI], which, in effect, constructs a three-dimensional
picture of the brain in vivo), averages at about .40 (Andreasen et al., 1993;
Egan et al., 1994; Raz et al., 1993; Wickett, Vernon, & Lee, 1994; Wilierman,
Schultz, Rut-ledge, & Bigler, 1991). The MRI measure of brain size, more
accurate than previous methods used, results in a substantial increment over
correlations of about .20 between head perimeter and measures of intelligence,
reported since the turn of the century (Broman, Nichols, Shaughnessy, &
Kennedy, 1987; Galton, 1888; Wickett et al., 1994). The head perimeter/IQ
relation has been found within samples of Asians as well as Whites (Rushton,
1992b). Jensen and Johnson (1994) found that head size is significantly
correlated with IQ within families (i.e., among same-sex full siblings, with
age partialed out), thus indicating a functional relation between brain size
and IQ.
Although racial differences in brain size were widely believed to exist by
researchers in the 19th and early 20th centuries, more recent researchers
suggested that differences disappear when corrections are made for body size
and other variables (Gould, 1981). Modern studies (described below), however,
have confirmed the earlier findings. Three main procedures have been used:
weighing wet brains after death, filling empty skulls with lead shot and then
measuring the volume of filler, and converting external head sizes into
cranial volume. Data from all three sources converge on the conclusion that,
after statistical corrections are made for body size, Mongoloids average about
17 cm3 (1 cubic inch) more than Caucasoids, who average about 80 cm3 (5 cubic
inches) more than Negroids.
For brain weight at autopsy, Ho, Roessmann, Straumfjord, and Monroe (1980a,
1980b) provided original data for 1,261 adults 25 to 80 years old from
Cleveland, Ohio. Ho et al. excluded those brains that were obviously damaged,
and they measured all brains using well-standardized procedures. Sex-combined
differences were found between 811 Whites (1,323 g, SD = 146) and 450 Blacks
(1,223 g, SD = 144). These sex-combined differences remained significant after
controlling for age, stature, weight, and body surface area. In the
introduction to their article, Ho et al. (1980a) briefly reviewed studies from
Japan and Korea, which Rushton(1988) averaged to find a sex-combined brain
weight of 1,351 g, higher than that of Caucasoids.
For endocranial volume, an international database of up to 20,000 skulls
for 122 ethnic groups was computerized and classified by climate and region by
Beals, Smith, and Dodd (1984). A 2.5-cm3 increase in brain volume was found
with each degree of latitude. Geographic differences emerged. Table 2 in Beals
et al. (1984, p. 306) contains data that show that sex-combined cranial
capacity from 26 Asian populations averaged 1,380 cm3 (SD = 83), from 10
European groups = 1,362 cm3 (SD = 35), and from 10 African groups = 1,276 cm3
(SD = 84). When Beals et al. (1984, Table 5) identified continental areas in
relation to the presence or absence of winter frost, the geographic
differences became even more pronounced (19 Asian groups = 1,415 cm3, SD = 51,
10 European groups = 1,362 cm3, SD = 35; 9 African groups = 1,268 cm3, SD =
As to external head measurements, several studies have been conducted, and
evidence has been found (including measurements from a data set compiled by
Herskovits, 1930) of a Mongoloid advantage, which is often cited as showing an
absence of racial differences. Yet the data actually show (Rushton, 1993) that
for 5 male Mongoloid samples, average external head measurement equals 1,451
cm3 (SD = 22); for 9 Caucasoid samples it is 1,421 cm3 (SD = 49); and for 12
Negroid samples it is 1,295 cm3 (SD = 44). In another study, Rushton(1991)
calculated cranial capacities for 24 (male only) international military
samples collated by the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
After adjusting for stature, weight, and body surface area, Rushtonfound that
cranial capacities of Mongoloids averaged 1,460 cm3 and of Caucasoids 1,446
cm3. For a stratified random sample of 6,325 U.S. Army personnel measured in
1988 for fitting helmets, Rushton (1992a) found that, after adjusting for
stature, weight, sex, and rank, 543 Asian Americans averaged 1,416 cm3 (SD =
104), 2,871 European Americans averaged 1,380 cm3 (SD = 92), and 1,387 African
Americans averaged 1,359 cm3 (SD = 95). Finally, Rushton(1994) examined 40
samples compiled in 1990 by the International Labour Office in Geneva from
tens of thousands of men and women 25 to 45 years old. After adjusting for the
effects of stature and sex, 6 east Asian groups = 1,308 cm3 (SD = 37), 18
European groups = 1,297 cm3 (SD = 38), and 4 African groups = 1,241 cm3 (SD =
After converting adult sex-combined brain weight data from grams to the
equivalent in cm3 (1 cm3 = 1.036 g) and averaging across all the studies,
Rush-ton (1995) found that, in brain size, Mongoloids = 1,364 cm[sup 3],
Caucasoids = 1,347 cm3, and Negroids = 1,267 cm3. Differences due to method of
estimation within a race are smaller than differences between the races.
Overall, Rushton(1995) calculated a world average brain size of 1,326 cm3;
Beals et al. (1984) calculated it at 1,349 cm[sup 3].
Racial differences in brain size and IQ are revealed early in life. Data
collapsed across social class from the National Collaborative Perinatal
Project show that, of the sample studied, the 19,000 Black infants had smaller
head perimeters at birth, were shorter in stature, were lighter in weight, and
had an earlier age of gestation than the 17,000 White infants (Broman et al.,
1987). By 7 years of age, catch-up growth favored the Black children in body
size but not in head perimeter. Head perimeter at birth correlated with IQ at
age 7 years from .10 to .20 for both the Black and the White children.
Additional analyses show that Black/White differences in brain size are
correlated with Black/White differences in mental ability. In a sample of
adolescents, Jensen (1994) found that the greater the differences between
White and Black children on 17 cognitive tests, the higher were the
correlations of the test scores with head size, r = .533, p < .05; with
unreliability of measurement controlled, r = 0.715, p < .01. In a study of
14,000 4- and 7-year-olds, the White and Black samples differed by about I
standard deviation in IQ, and they differed significantly (p < .001) in head
size (White > Black), even with age, height, and weight statistically
controlled (Jensen & Johnson, 1994). It is noteworthy that there was no
difference in average head size between White and Black children who were
matched on IQ scores (and on age, height, and weight).
Heritability of Racial Differences
Theories of racial differences based on 100% cultural transmission have
formidable problems accounting for the physiological traits such as speed of
dental and physical maturation, brain size, gamete production, and
testosterone production as well as the data on within-race heritability and
the consistency of the racial rankings across time and cultures. Direct
evidence for between-group heritabilities also exists. For example, the racial
differences in multiple birthing are independently heritable through the race
of the mother and not through the race of the father, as found in
Mongoloid-Caucasoid crosses in Hawaii and Caucasoid-Negroid crosses in Brazil
(Bulmer, 1970).
Because higher heritabilities are stronger indicators of underlying genetic
substrates than lower heritabilities (which by definition imply environmental
influence), the heritabilities can themselves be used to test theories. If
genes are important, then racial differences should be most pronounced on
tests with high heritabilities. Jensen (1973, chapter 4) found that Blacks and
Whites were indeed most differentiated on genetically influenced tests and
least differentiated on environmentally influenced tests. In one study of 543
pairs of siblings, Jensen (1973) found a .67 correlation between the
heritability of 13 tests and the magnitude of the Black/White difference.
Subsequently, Black/White differences were found to be most pronounced on more
g-loaded tests, that is, the general factor common to diverse cognitive tests
(Jensen, 1985). The g loadings, the purest measures of cognitive ability, are
related to a number of biological variables, including brain-evoked
potentials, heritability coefficients determined from twin studies, and the
degree to which children's test scores are depressed by inbreeding and raised
by out breeding (Jensen, 1987).
Building on Jensen's work, Rushton(1989) carried out a study using as
genetic weights the amount of inbreeding depression found on 11 tests from the
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children. Inbreeding depression occurs when
harmful recessive genes combine, an event more likely in offspring of closely
related parents. Estimates of inbreeding depression had been calculated from
1,854 cousin marriages in Japan by Schull and Neel (1965) and shown to be
related to the g factor by Jensen (1983). As the g loadings (data from Jensen,
1985) and in-breeding depression scores (data from Rushton, 1989) increase,
the magnitude of the Black/White difference in scores on the same 11 Wechsler
tests becomes larger (see Figure l). The inbreeding prediction was
sufficiently strong to overcome generalization from the Japanese in Japan to
Blacks and Whites in the United States and so constituted a conservative test
of the genetic hypothesis. There really is no explanation for the inbreeding
effect and its ability to predict Black/White differences in scores on IQ
tests other than a genetic one.
Transracial adoption studies also reveal genetic influence. There have been
at least three studies of Korean and Vietnamese children adopted into White
American and White Belgian homes (Clark & Hanisee, 1982; Frydman & Lynn, 1989;
Winick, Meyer, & Harris, 1975). As babies, many of these children had been
hospitalized for malnutrition. Nonetheless, they excelled in academic ability
with IQs 10 or more points higher than national norms. In contrast, Weinberg,
Scarr, and Waldman (1992) found that at age 17, Black and mixed-race children
adopted into White middle-class families performed at a lower level than the
White siblings with whom they were raised. Adopted White children bad an
average IQ of 106, an aptitude based on national norms at the 59th percentile,
and a class rank at the 54th percentile; mixed-race children had an average IQ
of 99, an aptitude at the 53rd percentile, and a class rank at the 40th
percentile; and Black children had an average IQ of 89, an aptitude at the
42nd percentile, and a class rank at the 36th percentile.
Moderate to high heritabilities are well established for numerous traits
from adoption, twin, and family studies. Noteworthy are the 80% heritabilities
for IQ test scores found in adult twins reared apart (Bouchard, Lykken, McGue,
Segal, & Tellegen, 1990). Inherited genetic influence on mental ability has
also been found among non-Whites, including African Americans, Chinese
Americans, and the Japanese in Japan. Additional genetic research has built a
strong case for heritable factors in personality, psychopathology, violent
crime, and other social variables (Plomin, Owen, & McGuffin, 1994). Standard
inductive reasoning requires that these high within-group heritabilities be
generalized to the differences between groups in the same way that
environmental factors are. If poor nutrition has an effect within Whites and
Blacks, then it is likely to have an effect between Whites and Blacks. As we
have seen, the evidence indicates that genetic effects also operate on the
between-group differences.
Life-History Theory
The explanation proposed for the pattern of international evidence
summarized in Table 1 lies in primate life-history theory. A life-history is a
genetically organized suite of characters that evolved in a coordinated manner
so as to allocate energy to survival, growth, and reproduction. One
influential life-history theory is that of r-K selection, proposed by E. O.
Wilson (MacArthur & Wilson, 1967; Pianka, 1970; Wilson, 1975). At one extreme
are r-strategies, emphasizing gamete production, mating behavior, and high
reproductive rates, and at the other extreme are K-strategies, emphasizing
high levels of parental care, resource acquisition, kin provisioning, and
social complexity. As Johanson and Edey (1981, p. 326) succinctly summarized:
"More brains, fewer eggs, more 'K'." Table 3 contains a summary of the traits
thought to covary with r-K reproductive strategics. Each individual,
subspecies, and species has evolved a characteristic life cycle adapted to the
particular ecological problems encountered by its ancestors (Wilson, 1975).
Species are, of course, only relatively r and K. Thus rabbits are
K-strategists compared with fish but r-strategists compared with primates.
Primates are all relatively K-strategists, and humans may be the most K of
all. The life phases and gestation times of primates display a natural scale
of prolongation ranging from lemur, to macaque, to gibbon, to chimp, to early
humans, to modem humans with a consistent trend toward K (Lovejoy, 1981;
Schultz, 1960). Note the proportionality of the indicated phases in Figure 2.
With each step in the natural scale, populations devote a greater proportion
of their reproductive energy to subadult care, with increased investment in
the survival of offspring. The postreproductive phase of life is restricted to
Dental development (which I related to racial differences earlier in this
article) is a maturation variable that accurately reflects primate
life-histories. Smith (1989) correlated the age at eruption of first molar
with life-history factors. First molars are the earliest permanent teeth to
erupt in primates and are stable in many aspects of their growth. Smith found
that, across 21 primate species, age at eruption of first molar correlated
.89, .85, .93, .82, .86, and .85 with the body weight, length of gestation,
age at weaning, birth interval, sexual maturity, and life span. The highest
correlation was .98 with brain size. She interpreted her data in terms of the
r-K life-history model.
Brain size is the key factor acting as the biological constant determining
the rank order of many cross-species variables, including the number of
individuals comprising the group cohesively maintained through time (Dunbar,
1992), speed of maturation, degree of infant dependency, and longevity (Harvey
& Krebs, 1990; Holman, 1993). The hominid brain has tripled in size over the
last 4 million years. Australopithecenes' brain averaged about 500 cm3, the
size of a chimpanzee's. Homo habilis' brain averaged about 800 cm3, Homo
erectus' brain about 1,000 cm3, and modern Homo sapiens' brain about 1,350
cm3. If the en-cephalization quotient, the expected brain ratio given a
certain body size, is plotted over the same evolutionary time frame, the
increase is proportionately less, although still substantial. On the most
recent calculations, the figures go from 2.4 to 5.8 (McHenry, 1992).
Metabolically the brain is an expensive organ. Representing only 2% of body
mass, the brain uses about 5% of the body's basal metabolic rate in rats,
cats, and dogs, about 10% in rhesus monkeys and other primates, and about 20%
in human beings (Armstrong, 1990). Across primates, large brains are also
expensive in life-history tradeoffs, requiring a more stable environment, a
longer gestation, a slower rate of maturation, a higher offspring survival
rate, a lower reproductive output, and a longer life (Harvey & Krebs, 1990).
Unless large brains substantially contributed to fitness, therefore, they
would not have evolved.
A comparison of the pattern of racial differences summarized in Table I
with the attributes listed in Table 3 suggests that Mongoloids are more
K-selected than Caucasoids, who in turn are more K-selected than Negroids.
Out of Africa
Knowledge about racial differences in reproductive strategies may help in
choosing between alternative theories of racial origins. Africa, as Darwin
surmised, is "the cradle of mankind," with Australopithecus, Homo habilis, and
Homo erectus all making their first appearance there. However, two very
different theories are currently competing to explain how racial differences
evolved during the final stages of hominid evolution. These are the
single-origin and the multiregion-origin theories (see Figure 3).
Both models assume that, between 1 million and 2 million years ago, Homo
erectus emerged out of Africa to populate Eurasia. The models are divided on
whether the descendants of these erectus populations (the Neanderthals in
Europe, Beijing Man in China, and Java Man in Indonesia) gave rise to modern
ancestors, or whether the erectus groups were evolutionary dead ends
supplanted by a wave of anatomically modern people arising in Africa less than
200,000 years ago.
The single-origin, or "African Eve," theory proposes that fully modern
human beings emerged recently, about 200,000 years ago, from a primeval
African population. After a dispersal event in the Middle East about 100,000
years ago, they migrated into all corners of the world. In the process,
specific racial features developed, and existing Neanderthal and Homo erectus
populations were replaced. A strong version of this theory holds that no
genetic mixture took place between the modern and the older populations, and
that after the African/non-African split about 100,000 years ago, a
Caucasoid/Mongoloid split occurred about 40,000 years ago (Nei & Roychoudhury,
1993; Stringer & Andrews, 1988).
The multiregion-origin theory holds that, over a 1-million-year period,
modem races evolved in parallel in Africa, Europe, and Asia through
intermediate stages from Homo erectus. Thus, Europeans evolved from
Neanderthals, Chinese from Beijing Man, and Australian Aborigines from Java
Man. Unique morphological features are seen to persist from the archaic
populations to modem ones, including (a) the prominent noses of modern
Europeans and those of Neanderthals (200,000 to 35,000 years ago), (b) the
flat faces and shovel shaped incisor teeth of modern Chinese and those of
Beijing Man and the Zhoukoudian fossils (500,000 to 200,000 years ago), and
(c) the continuous brow ridge of modern aboriginal Australians and those of
Java Man and the Ngandong fossils (700,000 to 100,000 years ago). Necessary to
this view, much gene transfer must have occurred among the various groups to
keep them evolving in concert (indicated by arrows in Figure 3).
Although it is not crucial for the r-K thesis which of the two (or other)
approaches turns out to be correct, the single-origin model provides a more
parsimonious explanation for why Caucasoids average so consistently between
Mongoloids and Negroids. The racial-geographic succession fits with and
explains how and why the variables cluster. No consistent pattern of character
appearance is expected from multiregional models based on long periods of
separation with unknown amounts of gene flow. Because of the closeness of the
separation times, the single-origin model also explains why heritabilities are
predictive across races.
A multiregional model was once proposed to explain racial differences. Coon
(1962) postulated a separate but parallel evolution for several subspecies of
Homo erectus occurring simultaneously in various regions of the world over
about I million years. He proposed that each of these subspecies crossed the
critical threshold to sapient status at different times. To account for
observed differences in cranial capacities (see also Coon, 1982), he suggested
that African populations "lagged behind" the other races. His theory has been
rejected by other multiregionalists, who now hypothesize much gene flow
between the subspecies to keep them evolving in parallel (Frayer, Wolpoff,
Thorne, Smith, & Pope, 1993). In fact, both the behavioral-genetic and
molecular-genetic data suggest that substantially more relatedness exists
among human populations than is likely from either Coon's (1962) model or from
the modern alternatives. The generalizability of the heritabilities (e.g.,
Figure 1) shows that the variegated cognitive structures of the populations
are extremely similar.
Challenges and Rejoinders
Some critics have charged that the data I have presented on racial group
differences (Table 1) were misleadingly selected and, by implication, that if
a more representative sampling of the literature had been carried out, the
null hypothesis would have been supported (e.g., Cain & Vanderwolf, 1990;
Fairchild, 1991). However, if the racial differences were truly randomly
distributed around a mean of zero difference, then these critics should have
been able to point to just as much evidence occurring in the opposite pattern.
This they have been unable to do.
The principle of aggregation, a major methodological point, must be kept
firmly in mind when discussing racial differences. This principle states that
the sum of a set of multiple measurements is a more stable and unbiased
estimator than any single measurement from the set. One reason for this
principle is that there is always error associated with measurement, and
combining several measurements allows the errors to average out, thereby
providing a more accurate picture of relationships in. the population
(Rushton, Brainerd, & Pressley, 1983). Critics can always deconstruct a data
set to identify particular elements not conforming to the general pattern and
then conclude that the general pattern does not exist. This logical fallacy is
akin to finding that some women are taller than some men and so denying that
men are, on average, taller than women.
I have applied the aggregation technique to several published data sets
purporting to show racial rank orders contrary to those depicted by me
(Rushton, 1995). With respect to brain size, Zuckerman and Brody (1988) showed
that one sample of Black Americans had a larger cranial capacity than one
sample of Nordic Swedes; Cain and Vanderwolf (1990) showed that one 1986
Negroid series had a larger cranial capacity than one 1923 Caucasoid series;
and Groves (1991) showed that one sample of African Xhosa had the second
largest cranial capacity of 61 different populations. However, when these data
sets were aggregated, I found each time that the Mongoloid-Caucasoid-Negroid
average ordering held. For example, using the cranial capacity data given by
Groves (1991), the sex-combined averages for Mongoloids, Caucasoids, and
Negroids are, respectively, 1406, 1385, and 1331 cm3.
For crime figures, it can be shown that on some self-report measures the
racial differences become minimal or even nonexistent. But when the frequency
of offending or more serious offending is taken into consideration, the
expected racial differences re-emerge (e.g., Wilson & Herrnstein, 1985). Crime
differences are also shown to vary enormously from offense to offense, from
geographic area to geographic area, and from decade to decade (Roberts &
Gabor, 1990), but again, when the figures are aggregated, the typical racial
differences emerge. Critics are unable to explain why aggregation results in
predictable patterns.
Another error that critics make is to focus on highly salient minor points
and so obscure the larger picture. Thus, concerning reproductive behavior,
Weizmann, Wiener, Wiesenthal, and Ziegler, (1990, p. 8; 1991) ridiculed
references to the ethnographic record (e.g., French Army Surgeon, 1898/1972),
calling it "anthroporn" because it contained "a recipe for do-it-yourself
penis enlargement employing an eggplant and hot peppers." They thereby
sidestepped my global review of sexual behavior and AIDS.
Although extreme environmentalists used to suggest that within-race
heritabilities might be set at zero (e.g., Kamin, 1974), this position is no
longer credible. Instead, it is now argued that because genetic by environment
interactions are so ubiquitous, it is impossible to disentangle causality and
apportion variance (e.g., Lerner, 1992). Bouchard (1984) replied to this
general point by referring to the Minnesota study of monozygotic twins reared
apart. Bouchard asked: If context and interaction effects are so important,
how can it be that siblings raised apart grow to be significantly similar to
each other, with their degree of similarity being predicted by the number of
genes they share? The presence of genetically based stabilizing systems that
drive development into common channels is clearly implicated.
One critique of my application of r-K theory to human populations is that I
get wrong the climatic conditions most likely to produce K-selection
(Anderson, 1991; Weizmann et al., 1990, 1991). Some have followed Barash
(1982) and assumed that K-selection is greatest in the tropics, where Negroids
evolved, and r-selection greatest in temperate and Arctic conditions. This
premise, however, is incorrect. Predictability is the ecological necessity for
K-selection, and this can occur in either a stable environment or a
predictably variable one like the Arctic (Rushton & Ankney, 1993). What has
apparently been misunderstood is that sub-tropical savannas, because of sudden
droughts and devastating viral, bacterial, and parasitic diseases, are
especially less predictable for long-lived species than are temperate and
Arctic environments. Although the Arctic climate varies greatly over 1 year,
it is highly predictable, though harsh, over time (Calvin, 1991).
Many researchers hold that environmental explanations are sufficient to
explain racial difference. In the 1950s, a toilet-training variant of Freud's
theory held that African children, not trained to control their bowels until a
considerably later age than European children, developed an extraverted
culture with values of sensual self-expression and a relaxed heterosexual
attitude to sex. At the other end of the scale were Asians, who were toilet
trained at a very early age and thereby became puritanically self-disciplined.
From the 1960s through the 1980s, social learning theory dominated. This
approach emphasized the importance of role models and incentives through the
family, the mass media, and the educational system.
Most recently, an "environmental" r-K theory has been espoused (see Figure
4). Belsky, Steinberg, and Draper (1991, p. 647) succinctly described two
diverging pathways: One is characterized, in childhood, by a stressful rearing
environment and the development of insecure attachments to parents and
subsequent behavior problems; in adolescence, by early pubertal development
and precocious sexuality; and in adulthood, by unstable pair bonds and limited
investment in child rearing; the other is characterized by a stable and secure
childhood and longer lasting marital bonds in adulthood.
Several longitudinal studies have confirmed this expected pattern of
covariation (see Chisholm, 1993). These environmental variables add important
perspective to my genetic polymorphism viewpoint. Some theorists have gone
further, however, and insisted that the racial pattern can be explained
entirely from a life-history perspective "without necessitating any underlying
genetic variability" (Mealey, 1990, p. 387). However, there is no
environmental factor known to cause an inverse relation between brain size and
gamete production or to produce covariation across so multifarious a set of
variables. Postulating some genetic variance is indispensable to explaining
the consistency of the racial ordering. A mixed 50% evolutionary and 50%
environmental model fits the data better than either the 100% environmental or
the 100% genetic alternatives.
The r-K theory of racial group differences may help to explain other
individual and group differences, including those of social class,
law-abidingness, health, and longevity. One advantage of an evolutionary
perspective is the focus it brings to underlying physiology. A person's
position on the r-K dimension might be set by a hormonal switch mechanism.
Reproductive strategies need to be coherent and harmonized, not with some
traits going to one pole and other traits going to the opposite pole. Because
hormones go everywhere in the body, they are uniquely able to exert more or
less simultaneous effects and coordinate widespread development and
One simple switch mechanism to account for a person's position on the r-K
dimension is level of testosterone. A model based on one proposed by Nyborg
(1994) is shown in Figure 5. At the beginning of the inverted U-shaped curve,
the men with the most testosterone (T5) would be farthest from the zenith of
K, with intermediately androgenized men (T3) closer and men with the least
testosterone (T1) closest. With increasing degrees of estrogenization (E1 to
E5), women move away from optimum. Such a model can accommodate both genetic
and environmental effects. The initial setting is genetically based with
environmental factors then modifying and fine-tuning the system. In this
model, Mongoloids are T2/E2, Caucasoids are T3/E3, and Negroids are T4/E4.
Finally, r-K theory may help to explain the "fertility paradox." Fisher
(1958) asked why civilizations have declined. He showed that ruling groups
fail to reproduce themselves because of low fertility, and he hypothesized a
trade-off between the capacity for economic success and fertility. According
to r-K theory, this trade-off may be even more profound than Fisher realized,
being related to a whole complex of characteristics partly genetic in origin.
When there are abundant resources, selection pressures are off, and natural
selection favors r-genotypes so that that segment of the population expands.
Eventually, a saturation point is reached and, following Malthus, the
population crashes. With selection pressures back on, K-genotypes are again
favored. These cycles occur with rodents (Krebs, Gaines, Keller, Myers, &
Tamarin, 1973), and a direct parallel is suggested with human beings. Thus,
the r-K dimension may apply not only to demographic trends but, ultimately, to
the very sweep of history.
In conclusion, it is time to end the relative neglect of theorizing about
racial differences in behavior. International data show a distinct pattern.
Asians and Africans average at opposite ends of a continuum that ranges over
60 anatomical and social variables, including brain size and testosterone.
with Europeans intermediate. The pattern can be explained adequately only from
a gene-based evolutionary perspective. If all people were treated the same,
most racial differences would not disappear. This does not mean that
environmental factors are unimportant for individual development. But, to deny
or obfuscate the reality of a genetic basis for racial differences, as so many
critics of the race concept have done, does not change reality.
This research was supported by grants from The Pioneer Fund and draws on my
book Race, Evolution and Behavior (1995). I am grateful to C. D. Ankney, D. N.
Jackson, R. Lynn, and A. R. Jensen for valuable comments.
TABLE 1 Relative Ranking of Races on Diverse Variables
TABLE 2 Analysis of Kinsey Data on Race and Socioeconomic Status
Differences in Sexual Behavior
TABLE 3 Some Life-History Differences Between r and K Strategists
[Note: see original text for graphs and diagrams] GRAPHS: FIGURE 1.
Regression of Black/White differences on g loadings (Panel A) and on
inbreeding depression scores (Panel B). The numbers indicate subtests from the
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised: 1 coding, 2 arithmetic, 3
picture completion, 4 mazes, 5 picture arrangement, 6 similarities, 7
comprehension, 8 object assembly, 9 vocabulary, 10 information, 11 block
design. From Race, Evolution and Behavior (p. 188), by J.P. Rushton, 1995, New
Brunswick, NJ: Transaction. Copyright 1995 by Transaction Publishers.
Reprinted by permission.
GRAPH: FIGURE 2. Progressive prolongation of life phases and gestation in
DIAGRAM: FIGURE 3. Alternative models for the evolution of the human races:
Multiregional and single origin.
DIAGRAM: FIGURE 4. Developmental pathways of divergent reproductive
strategies. From Belsky, Steinberg, & Draper (1991, p. 651, Figure 1).
Copyright 1991 by the Society for Research in Child Development. Reprinted
with permission.
DIAGRAM: FIGURE 5. Sex hormone model for coordinating development across
body, brain, and behavioral traits.
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