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Reflections on Stephen Jay Gould's "The Mismeasure of Man"
JOHN B. CARROLL, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill A
Retrospective Review in Intelligence 21, 121-134 (1995)
On its publication in 1981, The Mismeasure of Man (Gould, 1981) stirred in
the reading public an interest and a clamor almost equal to that evoked by the
recent appearance of Herrnstein and Murray's (1994) The Bell Curve. Although
it never made the New York Times best-seller list (as did the latter, for 14
weeks), it was much discussed among intellectual dilettantes, and it received
a National Book Critics Circle award, as well as, perhaps unexpectedly, the
1983 Outstanding Book Award from the American Educational Research
The biologist Bernard Davis (1983; see also Gould, 1984; Davis, 1984)
called attention to the fact that reviews in the popular and literary press,
such as The New York Times Book Review, The New Yorker, and The New York
Review of Books, were almost universally effusive in their approbation,
whereas most reviews in scientific journals, such as Science (Samelson, 1982),
Nature, and Science '82, tended to be critical on a number of counts. Davis
cited Jensen's (1982) review in Contemporary Education Review as "the most
extensive scientific analysis," but mentioned, as an exception, a generally
laudatory review by Morrison that appeared in Scientific American because that
joumal's editorial staff had "long seen the study of the genetics of
intelligence as a threat to social justice" (Davis, 1983, p. 45).
To Davis' list of generally critical reviews in scientific journals, I
would add those by Spuhler (1982) in Contemporary Psychology, and by Jones
(1983) and Humphreys (1983) in Applied Psychological Measurement (the latter
appearing also in the American Journal of Psychology, 1983).
Despite these critical reviews, however, The Mismeasure of Man continues to
be cited frequently in the social science literature, usually, but not always,
with what can be taken as agreement and approval. In the annual volumes of the
Social Science Citation Index, the numbers of citations listed for the years
1982 to 1993 were 18 (1982), 32 (1983), 32 (1984), 49 (1985), 46 (1986), 48
(1987, including a citation of a German translation), 61 (1988), 51 (1989), 53
(1990), 62 (1991), 58 (1992), and 56 (1993). It is evident that Gould's book
has had a powerful influence on public and professional thinking about mental
I do not wish to imply that all of this influence was unfortunate or
negative. Gould's research on the history of craniometry is interesting and
possibly valuable for historians of science. His account of the history of
mental testing, however, may be regarded as badly biased, and crafted in such
a way as to prejudice the general public and even some scientists against
almost any research concerning human cognitive abilities. In this account, he
indicts mental testing not only as racially motivated, at least in its
beginnings, but more importantly, as ethically and scientifically flawed
because it "reifies" the IQ as a single number that places a value on a test
result. This despite Gould's admonition that:
"The misuse of mental tests is not inherent in the idea of testing itself.
It arises primarily from two fallacies, eagerly (so it seems) endorsed by
those who wish to use tests for the maintenance of social ranks and
distinctions: reification and hereditarianism (p. 155)."
Gould's influence has come to the fore again in his recent review (Gould,
1994) of Herrnstein and Murray's (1994) The Bell Curve-a book that takes much
stock in the "g" factor of intelligence postulated by Spearman (1904, 1927)
and many others. Although I do not necessarily ally myself with any of
Herrnstein and Murray's analyses, views, and interpretations about the role of
g in American life, I feel it is important to correct the impressions about g
and factor analysis that Gould put forth in his review. There he wrote:
"Nothing in 'The Bell Curve' angered me more than the authors' failure to
supply any justification for their central claim, the sine qua non of their
entire argument: that the number known as g, the celebrated 'general factor'
of intelligence ... captures a real property in the head. Murray and
Herrnstein simply declare that the issue has been decided, as in this passage
from their New Republic article: 'Among the experts, it is by now beyond much
technical dispute that there is such a thing as a general factor of cognitive
ability on which human beings differ and that this general factor is measured
reasonably well by a variety of standardized tests, best of all by I.Q. tests
designed for that purpose.' Such a statement represents extraordinary
obfuscation, achievable only if one takes 'expert' to mean 'that group of
psychometricians working in the tradition of g and it s avatar I.Q.' The
authors even admit that there are no major schools of psychometric
interpretation and that only one supports their view of g and I.Q.
But this issue cannot be decided, or even understood, without discussing
the key and only rationale that has maintained g since Spearman invented it:
factor analysis. The fact that Herrnstein and Murray barely mention the
factor-analytic argument forms a central indictment of 'The Bell Curve' and is
an illustration of its vacuousness. How can the authors base an eight-hundred
page book on a claim for the reality of I.Q. as measuring a genuine, and
largely genetic, general cognitive ability-and then hardly discuss, either pro
or con, the theoretical basis for their certainty? (p. 143)"
Following that are a couple of paragraphs in which Gould tries to explain
what "lay readers" might need to know about factor analysis. He briefly
repeats some of the same ideas that he offered in his 1981 book: how Spearman
identified g with an axis placed through the middle of a batch of vectors, and
how Thurstone made g "disappear" by rotating the axes, "giving rise to a
theory of multiple intelligences (verbal, mathematical, spatial, etc.), with
no overarching g." He continues: "In this perspective, g cannot have inherent
reality, for it emerges in one form of mathematical representation for
correlations among tests and disappears (or greatly attenuates) in other
forms, which are entirely equivalent in amount of information explained" (p.
It is indeed odd that Gould continues to place the burden of his critique
on factor analysis, the nature and purpose of which, I believe, he still fails
to understand. Even if factor analysis had never been invented, we would
nonetheless have IQ tests and many other kinds of aptitude tests measuring
various cognitive abilities. And there would still be "experts" dealing with
the construction, analysis, and interpretation of these tests, and behavioral
geneticists (Plomin & McClearn, 1993) concerned with the heritability of the
traits measured by these tests.
It is my intention here to focus on the defense of factor analysis as an
effective and scientifically justifiable method for the study of individual
differences in cognitive abilities and other psychological attributes, as well
as to make any necessary statements concerning the adequate measurement of
such attributes. This is partly because the available scientific reviews of
The Mismeasure of Man gave little attention to Gould's treatment of factor
analysis. If some of my arguments sound pedantic, it is only because a pedant
(as is implied by the derivation of the term) seeks to teach.
First, a general remark: I must raise cautions about two of Gould's basic
assumptions: (a) that the "urge to classify and rank people is strong" and
somehow wrong, and (b) that scientists cannot be objective, because their
findings reflect their surrounding culture and "the unconscious and very
personal prejudices of the scientists themselves" (quoted from the dust
Regarding the first assumption, why it is wrong to attempt to classify and
rank people is never made completely clear by Gould. Certainly classification
is a basic technique in all of science, including Gould's paleobiology. One
can hardly make progress in science without determining the attributes of the
things being studied; in many cases, assigning attributes to things "ranks"
them, for example, by length, weight, mass, frequency, an d so on. In
psychology and social science, we can assign attributes to people with respect
to age, social status, tolerance, and so on, to a whole host of entities that
can be "measured." Indeed, measurement is one of the basic techniques of
science. It may become obnoxious, in some circumstances, when the measurements
are assigned "values" of greater or lesser "worthiness" in terms of ethics,
social justice, or social/emotional attitudes. This is what Gould appears to
mean when he objects to "ranking." However, Gould confuses this kind of
ranking with pure measurement. Some may object to the imputation of ordinal,
interval, or even ratio scaling in t he assessment of ability, but in my view
there are adequate logical and scientific reasons to introduce such scaling,
for example in the use of Rasch scaling (Rasch, 1960) of items (or tasks) in
ability and achievement tests, or the more complex models developed by Lord
and Novick (1968) for what they call Item Response Theory (IRT). These models
take account of the fact that for any ability, it is possible to find tasks
that differ with respect to the number of people in any population that are
able to perform them correctly, and that there are definite (albeit
probabilistic) mathematical relations between such tasks that can be described
in terms of a quantitative scale of ability. To be more specific, IRT makes
mathematical sense of the fact that, if the tasks on a scale are graded in
difficulty, a person at a certain level of ability tends to be able to perform
successfully all tasks up to a certain point, after which the person tends to
fail the remaining tasks on the scale.
Concerning the second assumption, the idea that scientists cannot be
objective is an old one, pursued by many philosophers and sociologists of
science (e.g., Krasner & Houts, 1994; McMullin, 1988; Scheffler, 1967).
Obviously there are many factors in scientists' selection of the things and
issues they choose to study, and perhaps their personal wants, interests, and
prejudices constitute some of these factors. However, having made those
choices, there is no reason why they cannot be objective in their studies, in
reporting independently verifiable observations, analyses, and findings. In
particular, I object to Gould's tendency to visit the alleged sin s of early
investigators on present day investigators. If Goddard, Brigham, and others
once tended to view various human races as relatively superior or inferior in
intelligence and therefore relatively worthy or unworthy, this does not mean
that present-day investigators, like Jensen (1980) or Rushton (1995), are
necessarily guilty of such views. In fact, from my personal acquaintance with
Jensen and his publications, I can attest that he does not view the African
race (if one accepts that it is a race) as in any way less worthy than other
so-called races. Indeed, Jensen has been more interested and active than most
other scientists in trying to work through the problem of how to interpret,
and what to do about, the acknowledged lower mean measured intelligence of
Blacks. This fact has been almost totally ignored by most of Jensen's activist
Gould's remarks about scientific objectivity have at least impelled me to
consider my own motivations, over my career, in the study of cognitive
abilities. At a time when I was searching for a topic suitable for a doctoral
dissertation pertinent to my main interest in the psychology of language, I
became intrigued with Thurstone's (1938) finding of several so-called
"primary" abilities, "verbal ability" and "word fluency," that seemed relevant
to the study of language behaviors and possibly indicative of important mental
processes. It did not occur to me that mental testing might be relevant to
racial differences; in fact, I was unconvinced, by data available at the time,
that any important racial differences in mental abilities existed,
particularly because my linguistic studies had persuaded me that all races and
ethnic groups possess complex linguistic systems that betokened higher states
of mental processes among at least substantial portions of every population
that was able to acquire and use these systems. Whether factor analysis has in
fact led, or will lead, to better understanding of mental processes remains to
be seen, but in any event my motivation to study and use factor analysis has
always been associated with the scientific investigation of cognitive
processes. I cannot believe that such motivation is in any way associated with
pernicious social attitudes.
Gould (1981) starts his Chapter Six, "The real error of Cyril Burt: Factor
analysis and the reification of intelligence," with a consideration of "The
case of Sir Cyril Burt," recounting the "twice-told tale" of Burt's alleged
transgressions of scientific proprieties. For present purposes, this whole
story is irrelevant. For a discussion of factor analysis it does not matter
whether Burt claimed to have invented it (he did not) or fabricated data on
twins raised apart, although the debate as to whether he did still goes on
(Fletcher, 1991; Hearnshaw, 1979; Joynson, 1989; Samelson, 1992, 1995). It is
interesting, though, that Gould makes Burt a whipping boy for Spearman; if any
blame attaches to the supposed reification of intelligence, it should be
awarded to Spearman (as Gould eventually recognizes, pp. 250ff).
Gould goes on to discuss factor analysis, which he says "is, to put it
bluntly, a bitch" (p. 238). (Some have called his exposition masterful, but I
would call it masterful only in the way one might use that word to describe
the performance of a magician in persuading an audience to believe in an
illusory phenomenon.) Gould cites his own use of factor analysis, early in his
"I was taught the technique as though it had developed from first
principles using pure logic. In fact, virtually all its procedures arose as
justifications for particular theories of intelligence. . . . [T]hough its
mathematical basis is unassailable, its persistent use as a device for
learning about the physical structure of intellect has been mired in deep
conceptual errors from the start. 'Me principal error, in fact, has involved a
major theme of this book: reification-in this case, the notion that such a
nebulous, socially defined concept as intelligence might be identified as a
'thing' with a locus in the brain and a definite degree of heritability-and
that it might be measured as a single number, thus permitting a unilinear
ranking of people according to the amount of it they possess. By identifying a
mathematical factor axis with a concept of "general intelligence," Spearman
and Burt provided a theoretical justification for the unilinear scale that
Binet had proposed as a rough empirical guide. (Gould, 1981, pp. 238-239)
This statement calls for comment. First, it is not the case that "virtually
all [factor-analytic] procedures arose as justifications for particular
theories of intelligence." Perhaps Spearman regarded his (at the time very
primitive) procedures as justifying his own theory of intelligence, but the
many procedures of factor analysis that have been developed over the
subsequent years cannot be regarded as "justifications" of any particular
theory of intelligence. Rather, factor-analytic procedures can be regarded as
devices to assist in developing different theories of intelligence and
choosing among them. Consider, for example, the different theories of
intelligence developed by Thurstone (1938), Guilford (1967), and Cattell
(1971). 1 regard myself as one of these theorists (Carrol, 1994) in the field
of intelligence, or "cognitive abilities," as I prefer to say, but I do not
regard factor analysis as such a justification for my theory. Justification of
my theory comes, at least in part, from the manner in which I use factor
analysis and other techniques (such as IRT) to analyze and interpret data.
Second, the wording "the physical structure of intelligence" is strange and
misleading. Factor analysts study what they call the structure of
intelligence, but they do not regard it as a physical thing in any way. It is
simply a statement of the varieties of cognitive ability and the degree to
which they occur or do not occur together, or subsume each other; often the
structure of intelligence is diagrammed as a hierarchical tree structure. It
is no more a physical thing than the structures that biologists employ to
depict the evolutionary relations of biological species.
Third, and most importantly, factor analysis implies no "deep conceptual
error" of "reification." One can agree with Gould that factors are not
properly regarded as "things" or physical entities. But factorists do not
regard them in this way (or if they do, they can be in error). Merely because
it is convenient to refer to a factor (like g) by use of a noun does not make
it a physical thing. At the most, factors should be regarded as sources of
variance, dimensions, intervening variables, or "latent traits" that are
useful in explaining manifest phenomena, much as abstractions such as
gravity,. mass, distance, and force are useful in describing physical events.
Gould's far-reaching condemnation of factor analysis as a device for producing
reifications is one of his own deepest conceptual errors; it stands factor
analysis on its head. Unfortunately, it has had wide and beguiling appeal
among some readers, even among some social scientists.
Fourth, although the concept of intelligence may be "nebulous" in Gould's
mind, the purpose of factor analysis (and associated techniques such as
psychological tests and other means of behavioral observation) is to make the
concept more tangible, spelled out, and scientifically respectable. In the
preceding statement, Gould seems to imply that intelligence is only a single
"unilinear" dimension. Actually, factor-analytic and other types of
investigations have revealed that the "socially defined" concept of
intelligence corresponds to a veritable plethora of different dimensions of
cognitive ability, varying in generality and import (Carroll, 1993). However,
persuading my reader that this is the case must await further consideration of
Gould's critique.
The next major section of Gould's chapter is devoted to the topic,
"Correlation, cause, and factor analysis." In it, Gould offers an elementary
exposition of various psychometric concepts, such as the Pearsonian
correlation coefficient, multiple dimensions of ability, matrices, vectors,
factor analysis, principal components, and rotation of axes. In the main, it
is correct as far as it goes. However, even when it was written, it was out
dated because it omitted mention of various techniques to circumvent the
problems that Gould cited, and it actually misrepresented some of those
problems. I can mention only a few.
One red herring to which Gould devotes much space is the role of cause in
interpreting correlations. After giving an explanation of what a Pearsonian
correlation coefficient is, he points out, correctly, that "[t]he vast
majority of correlations in our world are, without doubt, noncasual" (sic, p.
242), and that "[t]he invalid assumption that correlation implies cause is
probably among the two or three most serious and common errors of human
reasoning." Further, "[i]n summary, most correlations are noncausal; when
correlations are causal, the fact and strength of the correlation rarely
specifies the nature of the cause" (P. 243). In point of fact, factor analysts
have not assumed that the correlations they deal with are causal. The usual
explanation of a statistically significant correlation is that it suggests
that two variables tend to measure something in common; the problem is to
determine what that common something is, and whether it can be interpreted as
in any way causal in its influence, or referred to still another variable that
is causal. That a "factor" discovered by factor analysis is causal is only a
hypothesis to be later confirmed or disconfirmed.
Gould proceeds to an exposition of "correlation in more than two
dimensions," winding up with inviting the reader to consider "20 dimensions,
or 100" (p. 245), and thus to appreciate "the heart of what factor analysis
attempts to do." In his words, "[f]actor analysis is a mathematical technique
for reducing a complex system of correlations into fewer dimensions" (p. 245),
as if this were the only purpose or definition of factor analysis. Factor
analysis is much more than merely a technique for reducing a system of
correlations to fewer dimensions; such reduction ("factor extraction") is only
the first step in determining what the reduced dimensions are and what they
mean, after any appropriate transformations.
Gould complains that Spearman reified g as an entity and "tried to give it
an unambiguous causal interpretation" (p. 25 1). Perhaps so, but any causal
explanation that Spearman attempted to give g was only a hypothesis; it is
only recently that investigators have been able to find at least some evidence
for a physical basis for g in neuropsychological phenomena (see, e.g., Duncan,
1995). It is incorrect to make a wholesale accusation that factor analysts
reify factors or make unjustified attributions of causal influence. Gould
wrote: "Spearman's g is particularly subject to ambiguity in interpretation,
if only because the two most contradictory causal hypotheses are both fully
consistent with it: 1) that it reflects an inherited level of mental activity
(some people do well on most tests because they are born smarter); or 2) that
it records environmental advantages and deficits (some people do well on most
tests because they are well schooled, grew up with enough to eat , books in
the home, and loving parents). (p. 252)"
He fails to make clear why these two hypotheses are "most contradictory"
(they would be only if it is assumed that only one of them applies) and in any
case shows his ignorance or neglect of the whole of behavioral genetic
science, which all along has emphasized that heredity and environment both
participate, in complementary degrees, in the determination of behavioral
outcomes. Actually, factor analysis says absolutely nothing about the extent
to which a "factor" or dimension identified in a set of data is affected more
by hereditary or environmental determinants. This is a problem for behavioral
genetics and for developmental and educational research into the effects of
environments or interventions, not for factor analysis.
Further on this page, Gould introduces his readers to one of his most
misleading and erroneous ideas about factor analysis. He wrote:
"Another, more technical argument clearly demonstrates why principal
components cannot be automatically reified as causal entities. If principal
components represented the only way to simplify a correlation matrix, then
some special status for them might be legitimately sought. But they represent
only one method among many for inserting axes into a multidimensional space.
(p. 252)"
"During the 1930s factorists developed methods to treat this dilemma [in
finding the correct location of axes] and to recognize clusters of vectors
that principal components often obscured. They did this by rotating fact or
axes from the principal components orientation to new positions. . . . [But in
doing this,) g has disappeared. We no longer find a "general factor" of
intelligence, nothing that can be reified as a single number expressing
overall ability. Yet we have lost no information. . . . How can we argue that
g has any claim to reified status as an entity if it represents but one of
numerous possible ways to position axes within a set of vectors? (p. 253)"
In all this, Gould seems to be claiming that factor analysis is a worthless
technique (somewhere he calls it "bankrupt" because it has no way of assuring
that its results are determinate). It is not until some pages late r (pp.
296ff) that he considers Thurstone's contributions to factor analysis, and
even here he makes mistakes. He calls Thurstone "the exterminating angel of
Spearman's g (p. 296).
The fact is that Thurstone later came to accept a higher order g, not only
in his monograph (Thurstone & Thurstone, 1941) on factors of intelligence in
eighth graders but also in his text (1947) on factor analysis methods. Indeed,
Gould acknowledges Thurstone's acceptance of a second-order g, but apparently
in order to make his story consistent he wrote:
"Thurstone wrestled with what he called this "second-order" g. I confess
that I do not understand why he wrestled so hard, unless the many years of
working with orthogonal solutions had set his mind and rendered the concept
too unfamiliar to accept at first. If anyone understood the geometrical
representation of vectors, it was Thurstone. This representation guarantees
that oblique axes will be positively correlated, and that a second-order
general factor must therefore exist. Second order g is merely a fancier way of
acknowledging what the raw correlation coefficients show-that nearly all
correlation coefficients between mental tests are positive. (p. 313)"
This is a gross misrepresentation of Thurstone's views and methods of
thinking. Almost from the start, Thurstone postulated that his "primary
factors" might be correlated, and was surprised to find that in the initial
sample he studied, they were generally uncorrelated. In his 1938 monograph, he
described them as uncorrelated mainly because at the time he had not developed
completely satisfactory techniques for making them conform to his criteria for
simple structure. (Gould failed to note Thurstone's statement in an
autobiographical essay [Thurstone, 1952] that the publication of orthogonal
results was due to a suggestion by Thorndike that his study's impact would be
reduced if too many innovations were introduced in one paper). Certainly in
his later years, Thurstone accepted the idea that the primary factors were
often correlated - he did not live to see the further techniques that were
later developed to depict relationships among factors.
It was these techniques developed later that Gould totally ignored.
Already, 27 years earlier, Schmid and Leiman (1957) presented a technique for
depicting the hierarchical structure of a group of variables and their
factors. By 1978, Hakstian and Cattell (1978) published an important paper on
"Higher-stratum ability structures on a basis of twenty primary abilities." In
the meantime, factorists had devoted much attention to methods of rotating
factor axes to simple structure (see Harman, 1976). Also, by 1978 the Swedish
statistician Joreskog (1978) published several important contributions to
factor analysis-contributions that have made it possible to confirm the role
of g in explaining factor correlations (see, e.g., Gustafsson, 1984). If Gould
had done his homework properly, he could have seen that his criticisms of
factor analysis could no longer be well supported . I do not use space
critiquing Gould's many assertions about Spearman, Burt, Jensen, and others,
because they only further illustrate Gould's many errors in interpreting
factor analysis.
Two final points of clarification: First, Gould claims that regardless of
how factorial axes are placed, there is "no loss of information." In a sense,
this is true; the situation is analogous to the fact that if you want two
numbers that when multiplied together produce a given product, there is an
infinity of solutions (e.g., two numbers that can be multiplied to give 48
include I and 48, -2 and -24, 3 and 16, .0208333 and 2304, etc., etc.) but
there is no "loss of information" in producing the product. In factor
analysis, however, the correct placement of axes to produce simple structure
in a sense adds information, in that it specifies more clearly how much each
test measures each factor, on the assumption that the measurements ("factor
loadings") are generally either zero or positive, and not negative-basically
the idea of "simple structure" that Thurstone (1938, 19 40) initiated as a
criterion for the "correct" placement of axes. Contrary to Gould's assertion
in the preceding quotation, the geometrical representation of vectors does not
guarantee that axes must be oblique, or that a g factor must exist. (Also,
obliqueness of axes does not guarantee that they represent positive
correlations; the correlations may be negative.) However, when the data
dictate that correctly placed axes are oblique, it is useful to specify a
higher-order factor (which may or may not be g) that accounts for their
correlation, and then to compute, by the Schmid and Leiman (1957) method, a
hierarchical orthogonal matrix to represent the positions of the tests in a
hyperspace that still retains their simple structure. In so doing there may be
a slight loss of parsimony, in that at least one more factor is required to
explain the correlations, but there is a gain of information in the sense of
specifying the factor loadings on a reasonable scale.
Second, Gould claims that Thurstone's analysis permitted Burt and Spearman
"at best, a weak second-order g" (p. 315). On the previous page he had
asserted that "[s]econd-order g (the correlation of oblique simple structure
axes) rarely accounts for more than a small percentage of the total
information in a matrix of tests" (p. 314). This is truly an egregious error
on Gould's part. The fact is that most of the time, g accounts for a quite
large proportion of the information in a matrix of correlations among
cognitive tests. Further, loadings of tests on a g factor often tend to be
fairly high, particularly if the tests are observed to be "highly g-loaded" in
terms of their content. The g factor can hardly be called "weak." I have
estimated (Carroll, 1993, p. 57) that typically, a higher-order factor such as
g constitutes about half of the common-factor variance in a cognitive test,
although the proportion may vary considerably.
Although statisticians (e.g., Goodall, 1990) occasionally express doubts
about the validity of factor analysis as a scientific methodology, it is
seldom clear whether such doubts are well founded or merely the result of
ignorance about recent developments in the technique. There is a large
community of social scientists (psychologists, sociologists, and others) who
have confidence in factor analysis and use it in analyzing different type s of
data. In the field of individual differences in cognitive abilities, it is
prized chiefly as a method for identifying the "linearly independent"
dimensions in a set of data that need to be examined and integrated with other
knowledge about the structure of abilities. (Linear independence means that
different dimensions can be distinguished even though they may be correlated.)
The method has now achieved a high degree of sophistication and reliability,
in that different investigators can obtain the same results in analyzing a
given set of data (Carroll, 1995). One indication of this is that exploratory
analysis procedures can correctly recover a hypothetical simple structure
matrix from a correlation matrix generated from that matrix. For example,
analysis can recover the structure of a matrix that contains a general factor
(g), or even several higher-order factors with an overarching g factor. If a
general factor is found in a set of empirical data, there is reason to believe
that such a factor exists in the data, however it may eventually be
interpreted. "Confirmatory" factor analysis, as embodied in procedures
developed by Bentler (1985), Joreskog and Sorbom (1989), and others, can add
weight to the finding of such a general factor.
In the meantime, the technology of constructing mental and achievement
tests has enormously improved over what was possible in Spearman's or
Thurstone's days. IRT makes it possible to examine the unidimensionality of a
mental test or other observational procedure. Although there is much work to
be done in providing adequate tests and measurement procedures, it is possible
to show that available procedures sample the kinds of mental processes and
knowledge that operate in the real world.
For this and other reasons, it is possible to endorse the proposition that
tests designed for the purpose can adequately measure a "general" or g factor
of intelligence.
At this point, I hope I have demonstrated that in the main, Gould's
statements and accusations about factor analysis are incorrect and
unjustified, and should not be regarded as constituting an authoritative guide
to evaluating this technique. However, I should add some cautions about the
present-day status of g in factor analysis.
First, although a higher-order g factor is often found in factorial
investigations, the precise nature of such a g factor often depends on the
types of measures analyzed in an assemblage of such measures-psychological
tests or other observational procedures. For example, a g factor based on a
series of highly verbal tests may be biased toward the verbal abilities
measured by such tests. A good measure of g must be based on a suitable
variety of test materials.
The g factor may also depend on the precise way in which the g factor is
calculated-whether, for example, it is calculated on the basis of a first
principal component, a first principal factor, or an orthogonalization of a
structure of oblique factor matrices by the Schmid and Leiman (1957)
technique. Results of these different procedures are generally different only
in small ways, but Jensen and Weng's (1994) work on ways of finding a " good
g" suggests that the Schmid-Leiman technique is generally preferable (contrary
to Jensen's [1980] previous opinion that the first principal factor is more
Second, psychometricians continue to be engaged in debate over the nature
of g. Some feel that g is a unitary, indivisible trait, although others (e.g.,
Detterman, 1982; Kranzler & Jensen, 1991) postulate that it is actually a
composite of a number of different traits. The reader may consult an edited
work by Detterman (1994) for discussions, by a number of authorities, of this
and related problems in the theory of intelligence.
Above all, it must be realized that the development of mental tests did not
stop with the work of Spearman, Burt, Thurstone, and others mentioned by
Gould. Current research in testing is much influenced by developments in
cognitive psychology and in the study of children's mental growth. It may be
hoped that at some time in the future, increased knowledge about the status of
g and other factors of cognitive ability will be available, leading to
positive ways in which testing can be of use in society.
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