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The G Factor - The Book and the Controversy
by Prof. Edward Miller
from The Journal of Social, Political, and Economic Studies, (Summer 1996)
In late March a book by Christopher Brand titled The G Factor: General
Intelligence and its implications. appeared in UK bookstores. It was published
by Wiley UK. On April 17, the New York office announced in an unprecedented
action "After careful consideration of the statements made recently by author
Christopher Brand (as reported in the British press), as well as some of the
views presented in his work.. , we have decided to withdraw the book from
publication. (Wiley) does not want to support these views by disseminating
them or be associated with a book that makes assertions that we find
repellant." (Holden, 1996). It is very unusual for a publisher to break a
contract with an author and announce that the reason for the this action is to
prevent the dissemination of certain views. The question naturally arises as
to what are the views whose dissemination they wish to prevent, and what is
the evidence for these views? While Wiley has not been specific as to just
what views that were trying to prevent the dissemination of, one presumes they
have to do with racial differences in intelligence and the implications for
economics and educational policy. Wiley announced (McMillen 1996) that they
acted because of "deep ethical beliefs", but what these were was not revealed.
One suspects they were that racial differences and eugenics should not be
discussed, but that is merely a guess.
Fortunately, the author of this review article had seen the Wiley
prepublication publicity planned for the jacket and decided to review the book. He had obtained a copy, and started this
review when the book was withdrawn. The fact that this book was withdrawn in
an announced attempt to prevent the dissemination of certain ideas will modify
somewhat the nature of this review. It will be longer than the usual review so
that the reader will have the opportunity to know what Brand had to say. Also
references will be provided so that the reader will be able to find the
sources for what Brand claimed.
Incidentally, this will serve to make clear that the views that Wiley was
trying to avoid disseminating were based on well established science. Brands
book is not primarily about racial differences or eugenics (the major policy
recommendations relate to educational policy). But since much of the
controversy has dealt with these issues, and it appears that Wiley's goal was
to prevent dissemination of Brand's views of these issues, a disproportionate
part of this review will be devoted to these topics. This will serve both to
inform the reader of Brand's views on these issues, and to frustrate Wiley's
attempt to prevent dissemination of certain ideas.
There are several interesting features of Wiley's actions. In many
countries there has been concern about domination of the economy by companies
headquartered abroad. This concern has been especially strong with regard to
national culture, and the industries that directly affect it including
publishing, motion pictures, broadcasting, etc. Usually a multinational firm
tries to leave the impression that key decisions affecting the culture or
economy are made in the country affected.
Wiley's decision is unusual in that it was announced in New York and made
in the name of the chief executive, Mr. Ellis, even though the major effect
was to cause the withdrawal of a book from British bookstores and to hurt a
Scottish author. The very short period of time between the start of publicity
in Britain and the decision of Wiley's New York executives to withdraw the
book make it very unlikely that anyone in New York had read the book in
detail. An interesting aspect of the Brand case, is that the Scottish
Nationalist party, which is understood to believe that Scotland should not be
ruled in all details from London, might have been expected to take the lead in
preventing Scotland from being ruled from America. However, their Leader, Mr
Alex Salmond denounced Edinburgh and supported the decision of Wiley
headquarters in New York to break their contract with Brand, and to remove his
book from Scotland's booksellers That he made this decision shows the power of
the taboo against discussing racial differences in intelligence. The author's
royalties from books on intelligence will go not to Scotland, but to those
Americans, such as Herrenstein and Murray, Jensen, Seligman, Rushton, Itzkoff
(etc.) whose books say much the same as Brands, except with more emphasis on
race. Nor will a UK publisher get the revenue, or UK workers get the printing
jobs. That even a Scottish nationalist would support a NY decision to withdraw
a book by a Scottish author from ScotlandÃs bookstores shows the strength of
the taboo against discussing certain topics. As is well known, there is an
organized effort in the US and elsewhere to suppress any discussion of racial
differences in intelligence (Pearson, 1991).
In response to the furor caused by Brand, there were student protests on
his campus, apparently left wing students who were opposed to the discussion
of racial differences. They claimed that they were made uncomfortable by
lectures in which racial and sexual differences were discussed. These
complaints led to the announcement of an investigation of Mr. Brands teaching
by his University. One suspects this was a result of political correctness
since Brand had been lecturing at Edinburgh since 1970, apparently without
significant complaints. Thus the investigation on its face appears an effort
to penalize him for expressing controversial views. The withdrawal of the book
by Wiley meant that debate about Brand's view had to proceed with many having
actual access to the book in which his view were expressed. It is partially to
remedy this problem that this summary of the book is provided.
What is really in this Controversial Book? Actually, The g Factor: General
Intelligence and its implications provides a good readable discussion of what
is known about intelligence that differs in most aspects little from what
other authors have said (Herrenstein and Murray,1994, Jensen, 1980, 1981,
Seligman, 1992, Rushton, 1995, Itzkoff ,1994, etc). The title of The g Factor
arises from the psychometricians' use of the letter g to stand for the general
factor which can be extracted from performance on a battery of mental
performance chapters. The book is relatively short consisting of only four
chapters and a postscript.
The first chapter is devoted to discussing what is intelligence, and what
do psychometricians mean by g. After a brief history of concepts of
intelligence and of mental testing, the remarkable fact is presented that
performance on most mental tests are correlated. Someone who does well on one
test tends to do well on other tests. While this is sometimes described as an
unsurprising finding, it is pointed out that the normal expectation is that
skills are learned, and time spent on one activity comes at the expense of
time spent on other activities. Thus, it is indeed surprizing that there is a
positive correlation between different skills. It is pointed out how many of
the psychologists working on mental abilities have desired to make their mark
by identifying a new mental ability that was uncorrelated with the already
known. abilities. So far such attempts have failed. For instance, the
Piagetian abilities that children master in the course of development were
shown to be abilities well correlated with intelligence.
There is a good discussion of how such a variety of abilities, all of which
are correlated, implies the existence of a common factor, g, which is useful
for predicting school and job performance. The book deals nicely with the
complaint that tests measure only "academic intelligence" pointing out that
they provide the only way of predicting success in most occupations, with even
noted critics admitting that lawyers, engineers, and chemists virtually never
have IQs below 100. Even the military, an organization that is not usually
considered to value academic aptitude, still finds tests useful. In one of
many great lines in the book (p. 32), "By definition, it cannot be 'narrow
academic skills' that boost efficiency ratings and remuneration across a wide
range of jobs types: grasping capitalist employers and crime-busting police
chiefs will surely not be taken in for long by mere scholasticism." The theory
that g is merely measuring the social class of the parents is refuted by
pointing out that parental social class has only a modest correlation with the
education attainments of the children by their early twenties. (p.35). White
(1982) reviewed 100 studies in the US and estimated the correlation at about
.22. As Brand puts it "Evidently parental socioeconomic status (SES) today
scarcely correlates with, so simply cannot be influencing, such a crucial
variable as educational attainment in young adults." This chapter has a useful
discussion of the lower performance of certain groups (notably blacks) on
tests, drawing the useful distinction between the claim that the tests are a
valid measure of ability but that some environmental disadvantage of the group
(such as racial prejudice) has actually harmed the group, and the claim that
the tests are actually biased against members of the group. Evidence is
presented that measures of intelligence predict school performance equally
well in both groups. (Scarr-Salapetek, 1971, 1972). Likewise, for adults IQ
tests correlated just as well with job performance in all racial groups.
"Actually, the tests slightly over-predict scholastic and workplace
performance by blacks and are to that extent unfair to whites and Asians in
competition for the same positions." (p. 37). The author of this review has
provided in this journal a simple graphical exposition of why this is (Miller,
The possibility that minority children lack motivation for test taking is
disproved by the fact that "black children do perfectly well at laboratory
tests that are not correlated with g-such as drawing a straight line,
threading beads, and recalling past events."(p. 37). It is pointed out that
when particular items are identified by sociologists and educationists as
appearing 'culturally unfair' to minorities, black children actually do a
little better on these tests (often requiring memory and learning) than on
items selected on the basis of being unbiased (and often requiring g).(p. 38).
It is pointed out that at every age and every level of family income, that
black children are no worse at the Weschler vocabulary than they are at block
design (Roberts 1971, but yet vocabulary is probably more culturally
influenced than the ability to copy block designs.
The second chapter of this short book deals with the bases for IQ
differences, and in particular, the extent to which they are genetic. There is
a nice simple discussion of factor analysis (with a numerical example for the
centroid method). There is then a fascinating discussion of the biological
correlates of intelligence. While there is a brief mention of Jensen's
decision time work, the emphasis is on the inspection time work which Brand
himself pioneered (Brand & Deary, 1982). In inspection time experiments the
subject is shown (often with a tachiscope) for a fraction of a second two
markedly different lines (2.5 inches versus three inches) and asked to say
which is longer.
The minimum time the subject must see the lines to determine which is
longer is determined. This task is simple, and has no obvious relationship to
intelligence. However, it does correlate with intelligence (as Brand
discovered), and the author argues (p. 73) that overall "results are
compatible with an estimate that the true IT/IQ r in the full population
(including representative proportions of the young, the elderly and the
retarded) would be .-75." The minus sign here indicates that that the time
required to tell which line is shorter is less for the more intelligent.
Somehow it appears that the brains of the more intelligent function
differently than the brains of the less intelligent, even on simple tasks
where there is no learning involved. This is of course consistent with there
being a genetic basis for many differences in intelligence. The third chapter
deals with issues of nature and nurture. There is now very little dispute
among the experts that a substantial fraction of intelligence differences
between people is for genetic reasons. Perhaps the most striking evidence
comes from studies of identical twins raised apart. Their IQ's correlated .78.
The other twin studies are reviewed, with mention of the study that involved
the largest number of monozygotic twins (Lynn & Hattori, 1990) where the
correlation for 543 pairs of monozygotic twins was .78 and for 161 pairs of
dizygotic twins .49. Like other authors that have reviewed the evidence, Brand
finds there is evidence for substantial heritability.
Brand does violate the taboo of drawing (even if weakly) the eugenic
implications the role of genetics in intelligence. He contrasts the
implications that might be drawn from a belief in "environmentalism" with
those that might result from a belief that genes play a role. He points out
that (p. 12) "If children of the future are to receive maximum intellectual
and education levels and to be more employable, there would need to be fewer
homes where parent and caretakers were un-stimulating, drug-addicted,
neglectful, and themselves of low IQ-even assuming large environmental origins
of g". He states, drawing on the Reed and Reed (1965) collected data on 80,000
descendants of the grandparents of 289 state colony patients having IQ's <70
(and without epilepsy), that the overall rate of retardation would have been
reduced by 50% if handicapped people themselves had not had children, even
though only 88 of the 289 patients were diagnosed has having retardation of
definitely genetic origins. What is happening here is that those suffering
from retardation of unknown origin are having children who are themselves
retarded, which suggests a genetic cause for most such cases. He points out
that (p. 120), "A eugenic policy focused on IQ must be attractive to any
would-be improvement of human happiness-whether hereditarian or
environmentalist." To those that fear that acknowledgement of genetic
influence might lead to state efforts to limit reproduction of certain
individuals, he points out (p. 121) that "Acceptance of others' rights is what
protects everyone from state manipulation of any kind; and such acceptance
follows perhaps a little more easily from a belief in biologically based
individual agency than from an environmentalism that stresses the power of
society to shape and even 'construct' the individual."
The final chapter of the book is titled "Intelligence in Society", and sets
out the policy implications. Since this section appears to be what got the
book withdrawn, it will be summarized here, even though doing so risks making
the book appear more social in nature than it really is. The discussion opens
with a discussion of Jensen's 1969 article on the failure of Head Start, and
his controversial suggestion that the problem was with the lower genetic IQ of
black children. Brand comments that (p. 131) "Most educational experts agreed
with Jensen and Eysenck that black IQ levels were low (for whatever reason)
and that this deficiency helped to explain poor education records and later
tendencies to crime and promiscuity. To recognize this deficiency (if not to
publicize it) had remained tolerable while the racial differences in IQ seemed
changeable." He suggested that recognizing this became intolerable once the
failure of early childhood intervention to correct the problem had become
apparent, and been documented by Jensen.
Brand points out (p. 134) how three events have blocked off lines of
dignified retreat for crusaders against the 'Jensenist heresy.' First evidence
was produced that the tests were as fair and valid for black children as for
anyone else (Jensen 1980). Secondly it had become apparent in America that low
IQ's were not generally characteristic of racial and ethnic groups that had
experienced discrimination, as shown by Jews and Orientals in America. In
Britain, Brand reports that Pakistani immigrants suffer from prejudice and
maintain a language, religion, and moral code that distance them from their
British hosts yet, their children have always tested as being of normal
intelligence once they have learned English, and they slightly outperform
English children educationally by mid-adolescence (Brand 1987c). Brand points
out that "almost the full Afro-American deficit, of some 15 IQ points, could
be detected in children as young as three years, born to black mothers who
were themselves college educated, married and had no pregnancy complication or
health problem. (Monte & Fagan, 1988). Medically and socially matched, these
young black children had a mean IQ of 91 and the white children tested at
104." As he points out, the matching for socioeconomic status and the use of
college educated mothers eliminated most of the environmental theories for
racial differences that are commonly proposed. At age three most children have
not been in school, or been exposed to much of the world outside of their own
family and community (i.e. any societal racial discrimination should not have
affected them).
Brand describes the experiments with adoption of black children into the
homes of white middle-class homes. This yielded (p. 135), "the usual 8 point
IQ gain plus some narrowing of the gap between black and white adoptees at age
7; but by age 17, the black youngsters lagged the white by the usual 12-15 IQ
points (Weinburg, Scarr & Waldman, 1992; Lynn, 1994)". He points out (p. 136)
evidence against the theory that blacks suffer from being in a white society
is provided by the failure of blacks to perform conspicuously better in any of
the countries or North American cities run by blacks themselves--indeed, they
usually performed much worse.
Having dealt with the controversial topic of black white differences (this
rather mild discussion was apparently the reason that caused Wiley to withdraw
the book), the discussion moves on to the practical importance of
intelligence. It is pointed out that IQ at age five correlated strongly
(r=.50) with educational achievements when they were 15 (Brand did not provide
the reference for this in the book, but he privately supplied, Yule, Gold, &
Busch, 1981). It is pointed out that many studies in which IQ is unimportant
are ones where restriction of range is important. IQ has seldom correlated
better than .30 with college grades, but this is because of the restriction of
admission to the better students, and because students sort themselves by
ability into course of different difficulties.
The mental tests that correlated best among themselves (i.e. indexing g)
turned out to be the main predictors of occupational success and income
(Hunter & Hunter, 1984: Schmidt, Ones & Hunter, 1992). A statement in the text
that upward inter-generational mobility is strongly predicted only by IQ is
expanded on in a footnote where he points out that difference scores are
particularly unreliable (since they are affected by the unreliability from
both of the variables that contribute to them). Waller's (1971) finding of a
correlation of .29 between father-son IQ differences and father-son
socioeconomic differences would imply a "true" correlation of around .50. As
an illustration of the ability of IQ to explain outcomes better than
socioeconomic status, several results from the Bell Cure (Herrenstein &
Murray, 1994) relating to the probability of dropping out of high school,
probability of white males being unemployed for a month, and probability of
white out-of-wedlock mothers going on welfare) are graphed.
The discussion then moves to the implications for educational policy of
individual differences in intelligence. Brand points out how many students are
forced to study material in school they have already mastered. In Montreal,
45% of the children know 60% of the school curriculum (in French and math)
before the years work begins (Gagne, 1986), while in a study of 160 gifted
English school children, 60% were found to be doing classwork at a level more
than four years below their actual attainments (Painter, 1976). He points out
that the top 10% of 7 1/2 year-old-children are higher in g than the bottom
10% of 15 1/2-year-olds (Raven 1989). Brand thus pushes the apparently common
sense idea that students should be grouped in accordance with ability.
Brand points out that although modern educational ideology talks about
allowing children to progress at their own speed within mixed ability classes,
that as a practical matter this cannot be done since the teacher cannot teach
at two levels at the same time. The argument that smaller classes would permit
better mixed ability teaching is countered by pointing out that classes of
even six would still have virtually the full range of abilities, and that
empirical studies regularly show that educational outcomes are unrelated to
class size (Walsh, 1995).
He proposes that the problem of matching children's mental ages be solved
by putting the brighter eight-year-olds with the nine-year-olds, and the
slower eight-year-olds with the seven-year-olds. The usual objection to this
is that grade advanced children would not have sufficient maturity, emotional
age, or moral development to associate with older children. Brand has dug up
an impressive list of studies (p. 162) that the mental age predicts these
better than chronological age. On 11 out of 12 measures of social and
emotional adjustment, gifted children in Grade 3 were found to be more
advanced than average children in Grade 6 (Lehman & Erdwins, 1981). He claims
that there is no sound evidence that grade advancement will yield either
social or emotional maladjustment (Silverman, 1989, and Feldhusen, 1991).
Brand proposes that children and parents should be free to pick scholastic
programs that suit their abilities. It is surprizing that a book with such a
mild conclusion should have caused such a furor. How unconventional are the
views expressed by Brand, and summarized above. Actually, they differ little
from those of other specialists who study intelligence. A survey sent to 1020
experts (Snyderman and Rothman, 1988) showed that there were three times as
many who thought the racial differences were both genetic and environmental,
as thought it was solely environmental.
Amazing, there a few other fields where admitting that one believes what is
the mainstream wisdom will get one so soundly condemned.
Brand, C.R. & Deary, I.J.(1982). 'Intelligence and inspection time.' In H.
J. Eysenck, A Model for Intelligence. New York : Springer, pp.133-148.
Brand, C. R. (1987c) 'What can Britain's schools do to help Black
children?' Personality & Individual Differences 8, 3, 453-5.
Feldhusen, J. F. (1991) 'Effects of programs for the gifted: a search for
evidence.' in W. T. Southern & E. D. Jones, The Academic Acceleration of
Gifted Children. New York: Teachers College Press.
Gagne, F. (1986) Douance, talent et acceleration du prescolaire a
l'universite. Montreal: Centre Educatif et Culturel.
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Itzkoff, S. W. (1994). The Decline of Intelligence in America. Westport:
Jensen, A. R. (1980) Bias in Mental Testing. London: Methuen.
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Waller, J. H. (1971) 'Achievement and social mobility: the relationship
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18, 252-9.
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Psychology 51, 2, 237-240.
Edward M. Miller Department of Economics and Finance University of New
Orleans 504-286-6913 (work) 504-286-6397 (fax) emmef@uno.edu
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