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About racial differences - An excerpt from David Duke's book "My Awakening: A Path to Racial Understanding"
Ch. 8
It was easy for me to understand why the egalitarians were opposed to the
studies showing that IQ is mostly hereditary, for it turns out that Blacks
usually do very poorly on IQ tests. The natural inference is that if IQ is
primarily inherited, and Blacks have dramatically lower IQs, then the
differences between the races are likely to be genetic.
I found that there are hundreds of studies documenting the IQ differences
between Blacks and Whites. Dr. Audrey Shuey, in her comprehensive work The
Testing of Negro Intelligence, compiled more than 300 different IQ studies
comparing Black and White intelligence. They found that average Black IQ
scores are between 15 and 20 points lower than White averages -- in scientific
terms, they vary between one and one and one-half standard deviations [SD]
below Whites.
The fact that dramatic IQ differences exist between Blacks and Whites can
also be illustrated by the fact that Black activist groups have outlawed
ability grouping in many schools, claiming that it "resegregates the schools."
In California it is even forbidden to use IQ tests to aid in the selection of
students who would benefit from special classes for the educable mentally
retarded. A courageous Black mother sued the state in an attempt to overturn
the law so that her retarded child could get the remedial help she needed. In
the Larry P. v. Wilson Riles case, the judge ruled that the tests were biased
simply because more Blacks attained very low scores. Thus in the State of
California it became official policy that the tests, along with ability
grouping in education, are "racist" and forbidden merely because Black
performance is substantially lower than that of Whites. The case affords an
excellent example of how efforts to artificially "equalize" the races can harm
both Whites and Blacks.
I must stress that comparisons between White and Black scores are of
averages of the groups. Because Blacks as a group score lower in IQ than
Whites does not mean there are not some individual Blacks who score in the
highest category and some Whites who score in the lowest. However, when one
contrasts the overlapping bell-shaped curves of IQ performance by race and
looks at the Black-White difference at different levels, it becomes obvious
that the race difference becomes more pronounced at the high and low extremes
of the distribution. For instance, One-half of all Blacks score in the lowest
one-quarter of Whites.
On the high end of the scale, an IQ of at least 115 is considered necessary
for excellent college work or for the top managerial and professional jobs in
America. Only about 2.5 percent of Blacks score that high as compared to about
16 percent of Whites. About 20 times more Whites than Blacks per capita have
IQs over 130, and somewhere between 50 and 100 more Whites are in the above
140 IQ range. This is the IQ group that many psychologists believe is
responsible for most of the greatest achievements of civilization.
Black representation at the low-scoring end of the IQ scale has even
stronger implications for society. At least 25 percent of Blacks are below 75
in IQ, and an IQ in the 70-75 range is classified as "borderline retarded" by
most psychologists. Practically no one in that IQ range will graduate from
high school or even learn much of elementary school basics; none will qualify
for the armed forces, and few will be able to find good employment.
After learning the truth about racial differences in IQ and going public
with it, for years I faced media condemnation as a "racist" for daring to say
that 20 percent of Blacks had IQs below 75. In October 1994, many years after
my first statements on the matter, Newsweek magazine did a cover story on the
release of The Bell Curve, the groundbreaking book on IQ and racial
differences. Newsweek matter-of-factly stated that 25 percent (rather than 20
percent) of Blacks fell into that lowest category. It took 24 years, but I had
been eclipsed in my radical racial opinions by Newsweek.
(p. 62)
"At the undergraduate college level, the equation for white students has
usually been found to result either in predicted grades for blacks that tend
to be about equal to the grades they actually achieve or. . .somewhat better
than the grades they actually achieve. . . . The results do not support the
notion that the traditional use of scores in a prediction equation yields
predictions for blacks that systematically underestimate their actual
performance. If anything, there is some indication of the converse. . . ."
Finding that the tests are biased against Whites, albeit modestly,
illustrates once again that the truth of the matter is exactly opposite what
the popular mass media regularly tells Americans. The Black-White IQ
difference is not a result of the tests' cultural bias or discrimination, it
is real.
Black IQ Is Markedly Lower, But. . .
As the studies of marked IQ differences between races increasingly mounted
in the scientific community, racial egalitarians retreated to new ground. Many
of them abandoned the "IQ is meaningless" and "tests are biased" arguments.
They suggested that if Blacks had lower IQs than Whites (which had become
patently undeniable), that it was simply because they grew up in "deprived"
environments. The egalitarians blamed socioeconomic factors such as poverty
and low parental education levels for low Black IQ scores.
However, many studies of Blacks and Whites take socioeconomic factors into
account. They consistently find that even those Blacks who come from high
income and well-educated families still have markedly lower IQs than Whites.
SAT scores correlate very highly with IQ and the testing service has
gathered information on the parental income, education, and race of its
test-takers. It finds that Black students with a household income of more than
$70,000 a year and who have at least one parent who is a college graduate --
score lower on the SAT than Whites from households that make less than $20,000
annually and in which both parents are high-school dropouts. The most
environmentally disadvantaged group of Whites who take the SAT -- score higher
than the most environmentally advantaged group of Blacks.
The psychological data for genetic explanations for poor Black performance
in IQ are extensive and powerful. IQ studies including Blacks, Whites, and
Asians have extensively correlated many socioeconomic factors, including
family income, parental education level and occupation status, and school
quality. Groups of low-income Whites with low parental education levels and
low parental occupation statuses consistently score higher in IQ than Blacks
from families of high income, high education levels and high occupation
The Harm of Ignoring Racial Differences
The argument that environmental conditions cause the difference in IQ
levels between the races, admits that a real difference exists. If there is a
real difference in the IQs of Black and White children --for whatever reason
--it certainly suggests the ending of school integration, for it is far better
for children to group them in line with their natural abilities.
A good example of the harm caused by ignoring IQ differences could be found
in a classroom that has very bright and very slow-learning children side by
side. The instruction is bound to be too challenging for the mentally slower
child, who cannot keep up and thus becomes utterly lost and frustrated. On the
other hand, the teaching will be too slow to challenge the bright child whose
potential goes untapped. If such mental differences in the classroom fall
along racial lines, one can imagine how tensions and ill-will can develop
between the diverse groups.
Even though the races are clearly different in learning ability, the
government operates on the false premise of equality. When California outlawed
affirmative action in its college entrance programs, there was a dramatic
decline in Black and Mexican acceptance in the best academic schools.
Egalitarians bewailed the results as unfair to Blacks and Mexicans. But what
the lower minority numbers actually prove is that better-qualified Whites had
been grievously discriminated against.
It has been more than 80 years since the first IQ studies were conducted
involving both Whites and Blacks. In the 1990s Blacks score the same IQ in
relation to Whites as they did in the 1920s, about 15 to 20 points lower. For
70 years, standards of living education, and employment opportunities have
dramatically improved for Blacks, and they have been accompanied by massive
school and social integration. Yet dramatic socioeconomic improvement has not
raised Black IQ scores in relation to those of Whites.
The evidence is also clear that the IQ gap has not been narrowed by
increasing educational stimulation in the Black child's early years, or by
publicly-integrated schooling. If there is any effect at all, it has only
widened the gap. The multibillion dollar Head Start preschool
environmental-enrichment program, maintained primarily to help Blacks compete
educationally, has resulted in no gains by Black students but a little gain by
Whites. An extensive and excellent study was done by j. Currie and D. Thomas
showing Head Start's abject failure. Head start is the most expensive and
widespread program to raise the educational performance of disadvantaged
The Scarr Study
Genetic origins of lower Black intelligence can also be seen in a number of
studies that chart proportional Black ancestry. One of the first major studies
was done as early as 1916 in Virginia. Large groups of Black school children
were divided in groups determined by the number of White and Black
grandparents. All the Black subjects, pure or partially Black, were raised in
the Black community's environment. The Blacks with four Black grandparents
scored the lowest in IQ. Blacks with three Black grandparents and one White
--a bit higher; Blacks with two White grandparents --higher still; and Blacks
with three White grandparents scored highest in IQ among the Black children.
The most recent studies of the 1990s show precisely the same results.
One of the most powerful direct studies of race and environment was
conducted by psychologists Sandra Scarr, Richard Weinberg and I. D. Waldman.
All three are quite well known for their environmentalist opinions. The study
analyzed White, Black and mixed-race adopted children in more than 100 White
families in Minnesota. The study was an egalitarian's dream, because the
children's adoptive parents had prestigious levels of income and education and
were antiracist enough to adopt a Black child into their own family. Scarr is
a strong defender of racial equality and maintained that environment played an
almost exclusive role in IQ differences between the races. Scarr supports the
importance of heredity in causing individual differences within a race, but
she has argued that the between-race differences are mostly environmental.
The children in the study included adopted Whites, Blacks, and Mulattos as
well as the biological children of the White adoptive couples. At the age of
7, the children were tested for IQ and all of the groups, including the Blacks
and Mulattos, scored above average in IQ. Scarr and Weinberg published a paper
claiming to have proven the almost exclusive power of environment over race in
IQ, even though they had to admit that the White children, whether adopted or
not, scored well above the Black and Mulatto children and that the Mulatto
children scored above the Blacks.
A decade later, when the children reached the average age 17, a follow-up
study was conducted that again included IQ measurements. As they matured,
Black children had dropped back to an average of 89 in IQ, which is the
average IQ for Blacks in the region of the United States where the study was
done. The White adopted children scored an average of 106 in IQ, 17 points
higher than the Black children, which is consistent with traditional studies
of Black and White IQ differences. In line with genetic theory, the
half-White, half-Black Mulatto adopted children scored almost exactly between
the adopted Whites and Blacks.
Scarr and Weinberg reluctantly published their data from the follow-up
survey, but they waited close to four years to do so, almost as if they were
embarrassed by what they had found. Through a tortured reasoning process, they
still argued that environment played a dominant role in IQ. But in their
follow-up survey, unlike their first paper, they also admitted that genes had
an important impact as well. Both Richard Lynn and Michael Levin effectively
showed in their reanalyses of Scarr's own data, that genes clearly comprise
the dominant role in intelligence levels of those adopted children.
African IQ Studies
Genetic tests indicate that almost all American Blacks have some White
genes, while only one percent of Whites have Black genes. This probably
occurred because American society classified every person with any degree of
Black blood as a Negro and strictly segregated them. IQ scores in Africa
(where they are presumably more purely Black) are even lower. As American
Blacks are one standard deviation below Whites in IQ (about 85), pure blacks
in Africa of equal schooling with Whites -- average about two standard
deviations below Whites (below 75) .
Professor Richard Lynn compiled studies in 1991 of IQ in Africa, where
there is far less White genetic addition to the Black gene pool than in the
United States. He found that sub-Saharan Africa Blacks have an IQ of below 75,
which is almost two Standard Deviations below the White norm. By European
standards, these figures mean that approximately 50 percent of Black Africans
would be classified as borderline mentally retarded or below (almost twice the
rate of Blacks in the United States). Since Lynn's review in 1991, three newer
studies have confirmed his work. They used Raven Progressive Matrices, a
noncultural-specific test that is an accurate measure of the nonverbal part of
general intelligence. A Black Zimbabwean, Fred Zindi, conducted one of the
studies which compared 204 Zimbabwean 12 to 14 year olds and matched them to
202 English students for sex, educational level, and class background.
Ch. 9: Roots of Racial Difference
(p. 73)
Thinking back on these things, I tried to reduce what I knew to the
simplest form. Why does a dog bark and a cat meow? I asked myself. I
answered my own inquiry: Because the dog's brain is constructed in a
way that makes him bark and behave like a dog, and a cat's brain is built
in a
form that makes it meow and behave like a cat.
Wanting to expand my theory, I called a friend of mine from school whose
family owned a dog kennel and had bred dogs for more than 30 years. He
explained to me that different breeds of dogs had distinctly different
personalities. Violence, aggression, passivity, loyalty, stoicism,
excitability, intelligence --all these things sharply varied in the many
breeds of dogs. For example, he explained that the Chihuahua is extremely
excitable and hyperactive by nature, whereas the Saint Bernard is stable and
stoic. He talked about the natural violent aggression of the pit bull as
compared to the naturally friendly disposition of the Golden Retriever. My
friend explained why parents of small children often chose a Golden Retriever
as their pet because the breed is exceptionally friendly and protective of
children. Even when children torment the Golden Retriever, he told me, the
breed will rarely respond violently toward them.
I also picked up an interesting little book on the history of dog breeding
and found that not only did dogs have distinct personalities according to
their breed, but that they were bred by man precisely for those personalities
as well as for physical characteristics such as size and color. Any dog
trainer would laugh if told that the only difference in breeds of dog is the
color of their coats. If a dog's distinct personality characteristics are not
created solely by its training, the tendencies must be carried in the
structure of its brain.
Armed with my newly gained knowledge, I asked my biology teacher how the
classifications of breeds of dogs compared to the classifications of the races
of mankind. Taken aback, she told me that she had never been asked that
question by any student before, but she said breed and race are essentially
two words for the same biological classification: subspecies. All dogs are
members of the species Canis familiaris, of which there are at least 140
different breeds (subspecies or races). She repeated what I already knew --
that the commonly accepted test for whether two groups were different species
or subspecies of the same species was whether they could interbreed. The
various breeds of dogs, just as the various races of humans, can interbreed in
spite of obvious inherent differences.
Even though she taught biology, which included human biology, she became
very uncomfortable equating differences in human races as compared with breeds
of horses or dogs. It was as though I had trespassed on forbidden ground, but
I saw nothing heretical about the inquiry. To understand those distinctions
that separated man from the other species, and to comprehend the differences
in mankind seemed important. How could we begin to understand the world around
us without having an understanding of what makes us the way we are?
By then I knew that no fewer than a thousand scientific studies had
demonstrated that there was a significant difference in IQ between the White
and Black races, that IQ differences have a major impact on individual
socioeconomic success, and that ample evidence showed that heredity rather
than environment was the major source of this difference.
Black and White Brains: The Facts
Books and articles on IQ led me to other studies revealing that significant
differences existed between the brains of Blacks and Whites. In fact, the data
on the racial differences in brain structure were even more cut and dried than
those based on psychological testing. I found that Negro and White brains have
been weighed, compared, and analyzed for decades, and the results have
consistently shown Black brains to be smaller than White and Asian brains. As
an illustration of the marked difference, even though Blacks are physically
far larger than Asians, the latter have physically larger brains.
In The Mismeasure of Man, a popular media-touted egalitarian book, Stephen
Jay Gould claimed that 19th century researchers used false methodology in
comparing White and Black brains, and implied there are no differences. Gould,
however, carefully left out many more recent studies that document intrinsic
brain differences between Blacks and Whites. In fact, ten years before the
publication of Gould's book, The Mind of Man in Africa by John C. Caruthers
showed that there had been five major studies using a modern methodological
basis on Black and White brain differences, by Todd, Pearl, Vint, Simmons, and
Connolly. Gould carefully avoided mentioning these more recent studies, except
for two brief sentences about Pearl, whom he praised for saying that nutrition
might explain the racial difference in brain sizes. Gould conveniently left
out Pearl's data on Brain differences. Caruthers points out that a number of
scientific studies show that Black brains are on average 2.6 percent to 7.9
percent smaller than White brains.
Simultaneous with Gould's work, a 1980 study of brain weight that included
data on Black and White brains showed that Black babies' brains were on
average 8 percent smaller and lighter than White brains. In the 1980s and '90s
additional studies by Broman, et al, and Osborne have consistently shown
significant differences between White and Black brain sizes.
In the 1950s, direct studies comparing White and Black brains came to an
end for a while, it being considered impolite, insensitive, and politically
incorrect to contemplate such differences. After a long hiatus, a number of
more recent studies of brain physiology show the same evidence of differences
in brain sizes between Blacks and Whites as was first reported in the last
Perhaps the most extensive research of all was done by the National
Collaborative Perinatal Project, which studied more than 14,000 mothers and
children. The project was national in scope and studied mothers and their
children from the time of conception through birth and early childhood. The
objective of the study was to discover the main correlates of infant
mortality, health, and intelligence and other aspects of child development.
Subjects were tested for IQ at ages 4 and 7. Extensive body and head
measurements were taken at birth and at 8 months, 1 year, 4 years, and 7
Dr. Arthur Jensen analyzed the massive data from the study and found some
startling things. Even within families, the higher-IQ sibling usually had the
largest head size. The study also bore out numerous previous studies that had
shown Blacks to have smaller heads, on average, than Whites, and corresponding
lower intelligence. As a striking confirmation of the correlation between head
size and intelligence, the study found that Black and White children who
matched closely for IQ had, on average, little difference in head size. 140 If
the size of the physical brain correlates with IQ, it makes good sense that
intelligence is based on the physical structure of the Brain itself and thus
has an inherited component.
Much earlier studies had shown differences in the Supra Granular Region of
the brain, differences in the amount of frontal lobe area, and differences in
the sulcification and fissuration of the brain between Blacks and Whites. In
1950 Connolly wrote: "The Negro brain is on the average relatively longer,
narrower, and flatter than the brain of Whites. The frontal region,. . .
larger in male Whites than in Negroes, while the parietal is larger in Negroes
than in Whites. . . It can be said that the pattern of the frontal lobes in
the White brains of our series is more regular, more uniform than in the Negro
brain . . .The White series is perhaps more fissurated and there is more
anastomosing of the sulci. . . ."
The importance of the brain's frontal lobes to its owner's personality was
highlighted in the films One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and also in Jessica
Lange's movie on Frances Farmer called Frances.
(p. 77)
The Retreat of Racial Egalitarianism
In the racial egalitarian line of defense they have argued that:
1) Blacks are really not less intelligent -- a common popular argument. But
when critics point out that hundreds of studies show a consistent and dramatic
lower IQ scores for Blacks they allege that:
2) Differences in IQ are the result of racially biased tests. But when
proven that they are not racially or culturally biased, they then argue that:
3) Lower average Black IQs are simply the result of socioeconomic factors.
But when the differences show up even when socioeconomic factors for Whites
and Blacks are matched, they retreat to saying that:
4) Environmental stimulation of young Blacks in programs such as Head Start
will bring up the Black children to the White IQ level. But when shown that
Head Start resulted in absolutely no increase in Black IQ, they postulate
5) IQ really does not mean anything anyway. But when shown that hundreds of
social scientists proved that IQ has a tremendous impact on educational and
socioeconomic success -- they finally retreat to an egalitarian defense that
accepts the biological determination of intelligence: they allege that poor
nutrition is responsible for the differences in mental development of Blacks
and Whites.
The final egalitarian defense is interesting in that it accepts that
intelligence is important and is rooted in the biology and formation of the
brain itself. Instead of trying to dispute the natural role of genes in the
architecture and development of the brain, the egalitarians simply argue that
nutrition and other biological factors of the mother and of the young child
dramatically affect the brain's development. They argue that Blacks, because
they are poorer than Whites, are nutritionally deprived and thus held back in
the development of their brains.
European children who grew up in the starvation of central Europe, during
the stress and starvation at the end and right after the Second World War,
show no ill effects in lower IQ. Their IQ average compares favorably with both
the period before and after the conflict.
The scientific studies of nutrition show that there is little difference
between the nutrition of Black and White children Robert Rector showed in a
survey by the U.S. Department of Agriculture that Black preschool children
actually consume more protein than do average White children. Children in
families 75 percent below the poverty line actually consume as much of the
major vitamins as children 300 percent above the poverty line.
The argument that the brains of young Blacks are malnourished is almost
laughable when one looks at the absolute Black domination of track and field,
basketball and football. It is hard to imagine that the same nutrition that
enables Blacks to develop nutritionally healthy bodies that help make them 15
times per capita more represented than Whites in these major sports, has
during the same time period--starved their brains!
Racial differences also are obvious in the physical realm. In the 1960s
Blacks dominated the male sprinting events of the Olympics and, with
integration of sports, they were rapidly increasing their numbers in
professional basketball and football. At this writing Blacks now make up
approximately 80 percent of the National Basketball Association, 66 percent of
the National Football League, and 100 percent of the top 50 male sprinters in
the world who compete in professional and Olympic 100- and 200-meter dashes.
This is true although well-organized track and field is much more prevalent in
White nations than Black ones and although there are far more White
high-school athletes.
Some have suggested that Black overrepresentation in basketball comes from
greater desire on the part of Blacks as compared to Whites. Certainly, there
are just as many young Whites who desire the multimillion-dollar income and
popularity of the professional basketball player, but a Black person is 29
times more likely to be in the NBA than is a White. It seems logical that the
differing performance of Whites and Blacks has an anatomical and physiological
basis. Scientists who have investigated the issue say precisely that.
There are numerous physical distinctions between the White and Black race.
Blacks have greater proportions of muscle types that favor quick bursts of
speed than Whites do. They also have less body fat, smaller body cavities,
longer arms in relation to their height, and numerous other differences that
contribute to their excelling in sports that favor quick bursts of speed as
well as jumping ability. They are favored in sports where those traits are the
most important and have a disadvantage where strength and other
characteristics are favored. Whites and Asians dominate the strength sports of
weightlifting and gymnastics and the higher density in Blacks' bones results
in less buoyancy and a distinct disadvantage in swimming and other water
Ch. 10: The Evolution of Race
(p. 83)
One interesting publication I read was the Psychological Bulletin I found a
couple of articles from the early '60s that discussed how Blacks tend to be
more impulsive and unrestrained than Whites. Dreger and Miller called some of
the Black personality traits "estrangement and impulse ridden fantasies."
In later years, numerous articles detailed other Black personality
differences. An extreme liberal, Thomas Kochman, noted clear racial
distinctions in personality between Blacks and Whites, and he expressed his
preference for black characteristics. He argued that Black males perceive
being ignored as the highest insult and recommends that White women should
react to Black sexual aggression with sassy rejoinders just as Black women do.
He even went so far as to suggest the typical non-black behavior style of
White women caused violent Black male attacks.
Kochman also noted that blacks have "intense and spontaneous emotional
behavior" and that the Black "rhythmic way of walking" is "a response to
impulses coming from within." He criticized White debating techniques as
'low-keyed, dispassionate, impersonal and non-challenging. . .cool, quiet, and
without affect," while he describes the Black approach to argument as
"animated, confrontational,. . ."heated [and] loud..." and that Blacks argue
not simply the idea but the "person debating the idea."
After personally experiencing the Black style of argument on many
occasions, I had to agree with Kochman's evaluation. However, I dispute his
notion that such primitive and emotional behavior enriches our culture. After
I read Kochman, I noticed the frequent news reports of Black males who argue
in precisely the way he described, "heated, confrontational and loud," leading
them to impulsively use their Saturday Night Specials. Our public hospitals
are full of the victims of such heated and unrestrained Black styles of
Many studies showed the greater levels of impulsiveness, aggression and
emotionalism in Blacks as compared to Whites. A study that took place in
Trinidad compared Blacks and Caucasian immigrants from India. Walter Mischel
conducted a study of children in Trinidad in which he gave White and Black
children the choice between a candy bar immediately or a larger one a week
later. Blacks almost always chose the immediate gratification while Whites
usually chose to wait for the bigger reward. The inability of the blacks to
delay gratification was so great in comparison with Whites, that Mischel
stated that measuring it seemed "superfluous." Mischel also tried to compare
the familial patterns of the blacks who almost always had female-headed
households to the East Indian households, but he could not find enough
East-Indian households with absent fathers to constitute a statistically
meaningful study.
Other books such as The Unheavenly City Revisited by Edward Ban-field noted
that inner cities' inhabitants, that include many Blacks, have less tendency
to defer gratification, and an extreme orientation to the present. 168 169
Most of the men who noted these psychological differences between the races
took for granted their cultural origins, but many new studies reveal that such
tendencies had hereditary implications.
One of the more interesting aspects of the study of criminal behavior I
learned about was its links with testosterone. Researchers have long noted
that males are about ten times more often found guilty of violent crimes than
are women, and high crime rates coincide with high levels of testosterone in
adolescence. Criminal youths are also found to have higher average levels of
testosterone than non-criminals of the same age. Interestingly enough, young
Negroes are found to have significantly higher levels of testosterone than do
young Whites. The Black crime rate is about 300 percent higher than that of
Whites on a world-wide basis.
Higher levels of testosterone could contribute to greater sexual aggression
as well, contributing both to rape and assault of women as well as instability
in relationships. It is also easy to see how it could damage the family. In my
reading, I learned that in Africa as well as in every New World Black society,
illegitimacy and promiscuity is far more common than in European societies. In
the United States, for instance, the African-American illegitimacy rate is
fast approaching 75 percent of all newborns.
The chronic social problem of absent Black fathers in America is found
repeated on a world-wide scale. In a research paper on African marriage
systems, Patricia Draper describes the parenting role of Negro fathers in
Africa and the Americas: "The psychological, social, and spatial distance of
husbands/fathers, together with their freedom from direct economic
responsibility relieves them of most aspects of the parental role as
Westerners understand the term."
I wanted to understand the reasons why the Black differences existed. That
meant a look into the evolutionary aspects of the formations of the major
races. But, before I did that, I had to answer a more pertinent question
Ashley Montagu maintained in his books and articles that Race is simply a
cultural myth. In recent times this view has been parroted frequently in the
media. Is race real, or is it a socially-contrived invention?
The Reality of Race
Ashley Montagu's, Man's Most Dangerous Myth: the Fallacy of Race had
impressed me before I began my look into the other side of the scientific
studies on race. The "myth of race" position is essentially that skin color,
hair type and other traits that influence racial classification are completely
arbitrary traits of mankind and are as unimportant as are different types of
fingerprint designs.
After almost thirty years of the media proclaiming the "myth of race,"
race-critic Jared Diamond refined the argument in the 1994 issue of the very
popular Discover magazine. Diamond chose a few traits such as lactose
intolerance and fingerprint patterns that varied geographically among human
populations and suggested by those traits alone, Swedes could be put in the
same "racial category as the Ainu of Japan or the Xhosa of Africa. He
asserted, therefore, that racial classification was nonsensical. Another
media-popular disclaimer of race is Cavalli-Sforza, who in the preface of his
major work, The History and Geography of Human Genes, gave lip-service to the
argument of Diamond and Montagu. Interestingly enough, when one looks at
Cavalli-Sforza's world gene-distribution maps in his book, they show the same
geographic boundaries that reflect the traditional racial groupings.
I had realized back in the 1960s that the "myth of race" argument is
perfectly analogous to saying that the dozens of different breeds of dogs is a
myth because one can find some specific traits that exist in varying breeds. I
thought about the question long and hard, and I asked myself, "Because some
similar traits are found in different breeds of dogs, does that mean that
there are no St. Bernards or Chihuahuas?"
If Ashley Montagu were attacked by a dog, I think it might matter to him if
the dog were a Doberman Pinscher or a Toy Poodle. As the Doberman began to
chow down on him, would he still insist that the differences among the breeds
of the canines don't exist? Even Montagu could predict that a Doberman offers
a great deal more potential danger than a toy Poodle. If Diamond wants to be
technical about it, many human traits and sets of traits, can be found that
exist in other mammals. In fact, humans share 98.5 percent of their genes with
Chimpanzees. If one follows Diamond's rationale, there is no difference
between humans and Chimpanzees because we can find sets of selected genetic
traits we share.
(p. 96)
In Africa, although there could be advantages for a woman if the male
helped provide for her, it was not nearly as important to her survival.
Surveys of Blacks worldwide show that Black males and females begin sexual
relations earlier, have more sexual partners, more frequent sexual relations,
more absent fathers, more polygamy, higher testosterone levels in males, more
prominent secondary sexual characteristics, and much higher rates of sexually
transmitted diseases. For instance, even in the United States,
African-Americans are 50 times more likely to have syphilis, and in some
areas, an incredible 100 times greater likelihood of gonorrhea. Blacks are 14
times more likely to have AIDS than are non-Hispanic Whites. "I don't think
there is any question that the epidemic in this country is becoming
increasingly an epidemic of color," said Surgeon General David Satcher.
Physical Manifestations
In colder climates, strength and endurance became the deciding physical
factors for survival rather than speed. Men had to be strong enough to build
complex and heavy structures of wood or stone, or sometimes even of ice. It
made more evolutionary sense for the European to have a bit more insulating
body fat and a larger body cavity than Africans, as such helps protect the
body from times of intense cold. Africans having a lower percentage of body
fat, arms and legs proportionately larger to body size, smaller body cavities,
and smaller heads --helps make them more efficient in running, jumping and
In the modern world, Black domination of boxing illustrates the physical
differences created by the differing evolution of the races. Soon after Blacks
were permitted to participate freely in the organized sport, they quickly
asserted their superiority in it. Black athletes have muscle types that can
provide quick bursts of speed, while Whites tend to dominate sports that
require maximum strength and endurance. Weightlifting, for example, is
overwhelmingly dominated by Europeans and Asians.
When I was looking into the evolutionary questions, one of the most
heavily-promoted sporting events in history was the Mohammed Ali, Chuck Wepner
fight. I remember the statistical differences to this day. Wepner stood six
foot six inches in height, but interestingly, Ali, who stood three inches
shorter, had a reach that was six inches longer. Wepner however, was much
stronger and could lift dramatically heavier weights than Ali. It became
obvious in the fight that although Wepner had a tremendously powerful blow,
Ali's speed allowed him to simply strike, bob, weave and dance around his
slower European-American opponent. Despite Ali's evolutionary advantage, in a
courageous effort, Wepner lasted 15 rounds with Ali, and inspired the Rocky
movie series based on his character. I was probably the only one in the
neighborhood who thought about the evolutionary racial differences between Ali
and Wepner as the replay of the fight came on TV.
The Roots of Higher Intelligence
In an extremely cold and inhospitable natural environment higher human
intelligence is dramatically favored. Europe demanded a higher technology for
survival. If a society depends almost wholly on hunting, development of
advanced weapons, traps and sophisticated strategies can be critically
important when there is scarce game. Effective hunting, fishing and trapping
in such an environment can demand well-developed cognitive skills. The
invention and rigging of ingenious traps can demand high intelligence. The
skills and the tools necessary to make a fire, no easy task in a cold wet
environment, can mean the difference between life and death. If a heavy
shelter constructed to keep out winter collapses on its occupants because of
poor design, they could well die. In equatorial Africa, if the leaves or straw
huts blow away in a rainstorm, the occupants can just build another one
tomorrow. If a native gets lost in the rain forests of Africa, he can live on
the fauna and flora while he finds his way back, while if the European gets
lost in winter he could freeze to death.
A number of writers on European prehistory believe that navigating on long
winter hunts with nondescript landscapes, favored
(p. 94)
In Europe, the prehistoric economy found dependence on several primary
animals. Probably the most important were the mastodon and the various breeds
of deer and reindeer. Now extinct, the mastodon was the largest animal ever to
walk the Earth contemporaneous to man A great hairy beast adapted to the cold
temperatures of Europe and Northern Asia, it stood about twice the size of the
great African Elephant, had huge tusks and was easily strong enough to lift
weight equivalent to a small automobile. To hunt such creatures demanded
technologically-effective weapons, as well as effective teamwork and planning.
Much of the prehistoric economy of Europe found its base in products harvested
from the Mastodon Meat and fat, thick skins for clothing, shoes and shelter,
bone and sinew for weapons and tools, oil for their lamps, organs used for
thread and containers --the Mastodon provided all these products and more.
Obviously, it was hunted exclusively by males. The same was true for deer and
other game.
(p. 90)
The Evolution of Races
To understand the evolution of the races, I found it instructive to
understand the genetic development of dogs. All dog breeds are members of the
same species, Canis familiaris, just as all humans are members of the same
species Homo sapiens. We call the different varieties of dogs breeds, and we
call the different varieties of humans, races, although breed can also
describe human varieties. The only difference in the two terms is that breed
usually denotes genetic selection by humans, while races denote genetic
selection by the forces of the geographic environment.
Selective breeding from a single species created the spectacular variety of
dog breeds over a relatively short period of time, perhaps only five or six
thousand years. Humans selected dogs for certain physical and personality
traits, segregated them from other dogs and created the vast differences in
dog breeds we see today. Before the c of the Black and White race as we know
it, mankind's remote ancestors fanned out around the globe. The populations
encountered vastly differing environments that selected for many
characteristics, the most readily recognizable being the physical traits of
skin color, hair texture and color, and eye color.
(p. 93)
In Africa, numerous kinds of edible vegetation existed, as well as small
rodents and insects and other varied and abundant food sources. By contrast,
the ground in Europe was a frozen sea of snow and ice for many months each
year and even many trees had no leaves. In the mildest of months, the
inhabitants had to prepare for the harsh periods by deferring gratification
and putting aside stores of food and supplies. In such cold climates, hunting
large game rather than gathering edibles became the chief source of food and
supplies. Because hunting provided most resources, females and children became
dependent on male provisioning, leading to a strong bond between men and their
immediate family. In both Europe and Asia men had to provide for their mates
and children if they were to survive.
(p. 102)
As the years passed, egalitarianism became the dogma of our times. Not only
did many of the evolutionary anthropologists become egalitarians, but so did
many creationists. Today, a common attitude among creationists is that God
made us all the same. In reality, though, the creationist viewpoint shows God
is the architect of race. For if one maintains that God made Nature and
humanity as it is, then it must be conceded that he created the distinct
races; gave them different features, behavioral tendencies and mental
abilities. Furthermore, he segregated them from each other on different
continents. From a thoughtful creationist viewpoint, to deny the reality of
race and racial difference is a denial of God's own handiwork.
The reality of race is also reinforced by the Holy Bible. If the
creationist uses the Old Testament as his guide to creation and as his guide
to God's view of race, it is quickly apparent that the Old Testament is in
fact a testament of race. It is a history of one people: the Israelites, in
continuous conflict with the differing racial groups of the Middle East region
It emphasizes their own genealogy and the repeated commands not to mix their
seed (an equivalent of the scientific concept of genes) with others. I have
much more on this in the Race and Christianity chapter, but whether one takes
the evolutionary or the creationist view, both support the reality of race.
I found it amazing to see how the mass media was able to convert both the
scientific community -- which espoused evolution and the fundamentally opposed
creationist community -- into spouting almost an identical egalitarian dogma.
Their victory was complete by the time I graduated from high school.
The intellectual, secular community branded anyone who dared to publicly
promote the idea of racial differences -- as unscientific. Anyone in the
religious community who dared to tell the truth of race was accused of being
against God himself. Egalitarianism had become a de facto religion,
incorporated under both the name of science and religion Simple recognition of
racial differences became a moral sin equivalent with adultery or perhaps even
murder. But the racial heretics have not gone away quietly, and with each
passing day more evidence emerges of the dramatic, genetically-borne, physical
and psychological differences between the races. The same is true of the
differences between the sexes. Today, the idea of ingrained psychological,
brain-originated differences between men and women has become widely accepted
among society. (See the Sex Differences chapter.) Tomorrow, the same will be
true of race.
(p. 106)
Aside from considerations of evolutionary fitness, it is natural for all
races to prefer the company and aesthetics of their own race. I love the look
and the spirit of my people, in our fair-skinned, light featured, esthetic
prop we find our own concept of beauty. Whether it is the Norse-like God and
Adam of the Sistine Chapel or the perennial blonde, angel-like prototype of
beauty revered the world over, our race needs no justification to seek its own
survival. For that matter, no race does.
The way that evolutionary fitness is ultimately decided is in evolutionary
success. Right now our people seem hell bent on letting their genotype be
extinguished from the planet, even in our own homelands. . . .Race suicide
could also be hastened when a race allows massive immigration of an alien race
into its society and the loss of genetic survival through racial intermixture.
In promoting the idea of my own racial survival, I understand that all races
share that same goal. If I were an African, I doubt that I would care about
evolutionary gradations and where my people would rank on the charts. I'd love
my own and everything that is unique about my own. An African can only be
inferior in things that he is not good at, and he can always be superior in
what he is born to do. If the destiny of the Black race is to live closer to
the natural world, so be it. Whatever fate he seeks, it would be a destiny he
would carve for himself by his own hand.
Fear if Extinction to Dreams of the Heavans
Once I had the idea that our race was vital to the evolutionary progress of
mankind, a whole new perspective dawned on me. The appreciation of ecology
that I gained as a very young man in the swamps and forests of south
Louisiana, now helped me to fully understand how mankind is an integral part
of that ecology. Understanding race is simply an understanding of what Garrett
Hardin calls, "human ecology."
Not only is it not immoral to recognize the realities of race, there is no
higher morality existing, than to work for the survival of your own kind. Is
it not ridiculous for some of our people to work hard to preserve the unique
breeds of Whales around the world while they denounce those who seek the
preservation of the unique breeds of humanity? Furthermore, I realized that
the high moral qualities that inspire the egalitarians were in fact created by
the same race that they are so intent on dissolving into interracial soup. Do
not the high morals that they tout come from the highest ideals of
civilization and culture, ideals created by the European people?
Breeders of thoroughbred racehorses would be horrified to see the lines so
carefully matched for speed over centuries to be randomly interbred
out-of-existence with horses who could only run half as fast. Imagine if there
was only one last pair of thoroughbreds on Earth. Wouldn't people do
everything they could to preserve that magnificent breed of horse? Our people
have been the thoroughbreds of civilization; do we really want to destroy our
genetic distinctiveness, the unique heritage that has produced so much beauty
on the Earth?
The opponents of racial awareness constantly parrot the idea that it is
hateful and barbaric to be racially conscious, and for a White person it is
said to be downright evil to desire the preservation of our own racial
integrity. But, how morally supreme is the racially-mixed Black and Brown
world as compared to the European World. What areas of the globe have the most
brutal crime including rape, assault, robbery and murder? Which races have
more concern for human rights and justice? Which races more frequently have
political freedom, and among which races is despotism more prevalent? Which
have better medical care for the sick and afflicted and had more concern for
them? Which have more educational opportunity for their children? Which have
more opportunity and fairer treatment of women? Which race leads our
adventures into space? Where is the compelling evidence that the demise of the
White race is really going to produce more humanitarianism, more love,
brotherhood and all the catchwords of the egalitarians? Do the six thousand
murders a year in racially amorphous Rio De Janeiro somehow represent a moral
example to the rare murders in the more racially homogenous Tokyo, Japan or
Berlin, Germany?
The racial egalitarian arguments remind me of how I had learned the
Communists promised freedom and equality to the Russians and other Eastern
Europeans, but instead created great slave nations. I came to believe by the
tender age of 15 that if I truly wanted a society capable of the love and
decency that the egalitarians so value, that I had to preserve my genotype. It
also became apparent that our people's right to preserve our heritage and
people is perhaps the most basic right of all, the right to live.
Since I was a small boy, the media had pounded in my mind that the most
terrible act of the 20th century was said to be the attempted destruction of
the Jewish people during the Second World War. An attempt to wipe out a race
would be an execrable crime in anyone's mind. In fact, commentators said that
what made the atrocities against the Jews so terrible was not the murder of
such great numbers per se, because there had been bigger slaughters in Russia
and China, but the fact that there was an alleged attempt to wipe out the
Jewish people. Yet, why is not the eventual destruction of our European
genotype, the genocide of our race, any less terrible than that which was said
to be attempted against the Jews? The ultimate result is the same.
As I recognized the genetic crisis we faced, I also became inspired with
the possibilities for our people. If the genetic improvement of our race
created by the ice ages, produced such great achievements, then nurturing our
genetic quality offered great hope for the future. The environmentalists,
whether they be Capitalists or Communists, Democrats or Totalitarians say that
the way to better the world was through better mechanisms of society. In fact,
all of man's
history has been about man's progress through the tools he created. The
crucible of the ice ages created a genetically brilliant people that in spite
of having no written language, no schools, no domesticated animals, no complex
architecture, eventually created these things out of nothing. If the
behavioral environmentalists were right, prehistoric man could have never
built the first civilization, for his environment was far too primitive and
uneducated to have ever afforded such an opportunity. Our heritage created
civilization from nothing but the genetic powers carried inside of them. The
achievements of the European people can be contrasted to the centuries the
African race has not even been able to copy successfully what Europeans
originated. The great treasure our people possessed has always been in our
genes rather than our gold or our gadgets.
The Great Paradox
While still in high school I read Elmer Pendell's classic book Sex Versus
Civilization. Pendell was a population expert who had written many books on
the perils of overpopulation. He pointed out that you couldn't properly deal
with the human quantity problem without addressing the human quality issue. He
also made clear the strange interaction of human evolution with civilization,
which I call the Great Paradox. He said that the ice ages produced the
magnificent intellectual powers of what we call modern or "Cro-Magnon man,"
the prototype of the modern European. As the ice ages receded and the climate
became less harsh, those genetically accumulated abilities flowered in the
world's first great civilizations. Over time, intellect combined with
accumulated learning brought on the highest cultural and technological
achievements. Ironically, at the same time civilization makes advancements, it
fosters a dysgenic selection that in many ways is opposite to the eugenic
effect of the prehistoric period.
The same sharing and social justice that helped the small hunting bands of
high quality to survive, applied indiscriminately to a larger society, leads
to degeneration. The least intelligent and fit reproduce faster than the best.
As the most intelligent found their pleasure in their business, religious,
governmental activities, as well as the arts or the various pleasures that
could be purchased with affluence, they had smaller families. The poorest
continued to find their greatest pleasures in the sexual acts that also
increased their numbers.
The organization of civilization also meant a change in the conduct of
wars. In more primitive societies, warfare could wipe away the whole gene pool
and replace it with more intelligent and efficient groups. Civilization's wars
tended to leave the physical and mental defectives at home, while impressing
the healthiest, and fittest, who by virtue of their youth had often not yet
had children. Through a succession of wars, the best and bravest traditionally
led their troops and suffered the highest casualties.
As civilizations increased in power, they ranged in conquest far beyond the
original boundaries of the people who built them, they sometimes brought back
slaves of the conquered peoples, such as the Egyptian transport of Nubians
into the heart of Egypt. Often, the genes of those non-civilized populations
were slowly absorbed into the conqueror's gene pool.
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