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Race and Crime: An International Dilemma
By Rushton, J. Philippe
Society, Jan-Feb 1995
In their magisterial Crime and Human Nature, J.Q. Wilson and R.J.
Herrnstein noted that the Asian underrepresentation in U.S. crime statistics
posed a theoretical problem. The solution proposed by criminologists as early
as the 1920s was that the Asian "ghetto" protected members from the disruptive
tendencies of the outside society. For blacks, however, the ghetto is said to
foster crime.
The overrepresentation of blacks in U.S. crime statistics has existed since
the turn of the twentieth century. The census of 1910 showed more blacks than
whites in jail, in the north as well as in the south. Official figures from
the 1930s through the 1950s showed that the number of blacks arrested for
crimes of violence in proportion to the number of whites ranged from 6:1 to
16:1. These statistics have not improved in the interim.
Breaching a long taboo, liberals from Bill Clinton to Jesse Jackson have
recently made it respectable to theorize about "black-on-black" crime.
Conservative magazines like the National Review have also begun to discuss
aspects of the race/crime link (see "Blacks... and Crime," May 16, 1994; "How
to Cut Crime," May 30, 1994). What is yet to be acknowledged, however, is the
international generalizability of the race/crime relationship. The matrix
found within the United States, with Asians being most law-abiding, Africans
least, and Europeans intermediate, is to be observed in other multiracial
countries like Britain, Brazil, and Canada. Moreover, the pattern is revealed
in China and the Pacific Rim, Europe and the Middle East, and Africa and the
Caribbean. Because the "American dilemma" is global in manifestation,
explanations must go well beyond U.S. particulars.
I emphasize at the outset that enormous variability exists within each of
the populations on many of the traits to be discussed. Because distributions
substantially overlap, with average differences amounting to between 4 and 34
percent, it is highly problematic to generalize from a group average to a
particvular individual. Nonetheless, as I hope to show, significant racial
variation exists, not only in crime but also in other traits that predispose
to crime, including testosterone, brain size, temperament, and cognitive
The global nature of the racial pattern in crime is shown in data collated
from INTERPOL using the 1984 and 1986 yearbooks. After analyzing information
on nearly 100 countries, I reported, in the 1990 issue of the Canadian Journal
of Criminology, that African and Caribbean countries had double the rate of
violent crime (an aggregate of murder, rape, and serious assault) than did
European countries, and three times more than did countries in the Pacific
Rim. Averaging over the three crimes and two time periods, the figures per
100,000 population were, respectively, 142, 74, and 43.
I have corroborated these results using the most recent INTERPOL yearbook
(1990). The rates of murder, rape, and serious assault per 100,000 population
reported for 23 predominantly African countries, 41 Caucasian countries, and
12 Asian countries were: for murder, 13, 5, and 3; for rape, 17, 6, and 3; and
for serious assault, 213, 63, and 27. Summing the crimes gave figures per
100,000, respectively, of 243, 74, and 33. The gradient remained robust over
contrasts of racially homogeneous countries in northeast Asia, central Europe,
and sub-Saharan Africa, or of racially mixed but predominantly black or
white/Amerindian countries in the Caribbean and Central America. In short, a
stubborn pattern exists worldwide that requires explanation. Testosterone and
the Family The breakdown of the black family and the strengths of the Asian
family are often used to explain the crime pattern within the United States.
Learning to follow rules is thought to depend on family socialization. Since
the 1965 Moynihan Report documented the high rates of marital dissolution,
frequent heading of families by women, and numerous illegitimate births, the
figures cited as evidence for the instability of the black family in America
have tripled.
A similarly constituted matrifocal black family exists in the Caribbean
with father-absent households, lack of paternal certainty, and separate
bookkeeping by spouses. The Caribbean pattern, like the American one, is
typically attributed to the long legacy of slavery. However, the slavery
hypothesis does not fit data from sub-Saharan Africa. After reviewing
long-standing African marriage systems in the 1989 issue of Ethology and
Sociobiology, anthropologist Patricia Draper of Pennsylvania State University
concluded: "coupled with low investment parenting is a mating pattern that
permits early sexual activity, loose economic and emotional ties between
spouses... and in many cases the expectation on the part of both spouses that
the marriage will end in divorce or separation, followed by the formation of
another union."
The African marriage system may partly depend on traits of temperament.
Biological variables such as the sex hormone testosterone are implicated in
the tendency toward multiple relationships as well as the tendency to commit
crime. One study, published in the 1993 issue of Criminology by Alan Booth and
D. Wayne Osgood, showed clear evidence of a testosterone-crime link based on
an analysis of 4,462 U.S. military personnel. Other studies have linked
testosterone to an aggressive and impulsive personality, to a lack of empathy,
and to sexual behavior. Testosterone levels explain why young men are
disproportionately represented in crime statistics relative to young women,
and why younger people are more trouble-prone than older people. Testosterone
reliably differentiates the sexes and is known to decline with age. Ethnic
differences exist in average level of testosterone. Studies show 3 to 19
percent more testosterone in black college students and military veterans than
in their white counterparts. Studies among the Japanese show a correspondingly
lower amount of testosterone than among white Americans. Medical research has
focused on cancer of the prostate, one determinant of which is testosterone.
Black men have higher rates of prostate cancer than do white men who in turn
have higher rates than do Oriental men.
Sex hormones also influence reproductive physiology. Whereas the average
woman produces 1 egg every 28 days in the middle of the menstrual cycle, some
women have shorter cycles and others produce more than one egg; both events
translate into greater fecundity including the birth of dizygotic (two-egg)
twins. Black women average shorter menstrual cycles than white women and
produce a greater frequency of dizygotic twins. The rate per 1,000 births is
less than 4 among east Asians, 8 among whites, and 16 or greater among
Africans and African-Americans.
Racial differences exist in sexual behavior, as documented by numerous
surveys including those carried out by the World Health Organization.
Africans, African-Americans and blacks living in Britain are more sexually
active, at an earlier age, and with more sexual partners than are Europeans
and white Americans, who in turn are more sexually active, at an earlier age,
and with more sexual partners than are Asians, Asian-Americans, and Asians
living in Britain. Differences in sexual activity translate into consequences.
Teenage fertility rates around the world show the racial gradient, as does the
pattern of sexually transmitted diseases. World Health Organization Technical
Reports and other studies examining the worldwide prevalence of AIDS,
syphilis, gonorrhea, herpes, and chlamydia typically find low levels in China
and Japan and high levels in Africa, with European countries intermediate.
This is also the pattern found within the United States.
International data on personality and temperament show that blacks are
less restrained and less quiescent than whites and whites are less restrained
and less quiescent than Orientals. With infants and young children observer
ratings are the main method employed, whereas with adults the use of
standardized tests are more frequent. One study in French-language Quebec
examined 825 four- to six-year olds from 66 countries rated by 50 teachers.
All the children were in preschool French-language immersion classes for
immigrant children. Teachers consistently reported better social adjustment
and less hostility-aggression from east Asian than from white than from
African-Caribbean children. Another study based on twenty-five countries from
around the world showed that east Asians were less extraverted and more
anxiety-prone than Europeans who in turn were less outgoing and more
restrained than Africans.
Behavior Genetics
Differences between individuals in testosterone and its various
metabolites are about 50 percent heritable. More surprising to many are the
studies suggesting that criminal tendencies are also heritable. According to
American, Danish, and Swedish adoption studies, children who were adopted in
infancy were at greater risk for criminal convictions if their biological
parents had been convicted than if the adopting parents who raised them had
been convicted. In one study of all 14,427 nonfamilial adoptions in Denmark
from 1924 to 1947, it was found that siblings and half-siblings adopted
separately into different homes were concordant for convictions. Convergent
with this adoption work, twin studies find that identical twins are roughly
twice as much alike in their criminal behavior as fraternal twins. In 1986 I
reported the results of a study of 576 pairs of adult twins on dispositions to
altruism, empathy, nurturance, and aggressiveness, traits which parents are
expected to socialize heavily. Yet 50 percent of the variance in both men and
women was attributable to genetics. The well-known Minnesota Study of Twins
Raised Apart led by Thomas J. Bouchard, Jr., has confirmed the importance of
genetic factors to personality traits such as aggressiveness, dominance, and
impulsivity. David Rowe at the University of Arizona reviewed much of this
literature in his 1994 book Limits of Family Influence. He explains how
siblings raised together in the same family may differ genetically from each
other in delinquency.
Genes code for enzymes, which, under the influence of the environment, lay
down tracts in the brains and neurohormonal systems of individuals, thus
affecting people's minds and the choices they make about behavioral
alternatives. In regard to aggression, for example, people inherit nervous
systems that dispose them to anger, irritability, impulsivity, and a lack of
conditionability. In general, these factors influence self-control, a
psychological variable figuring prominently in theories of criminal behavior.
Behavior genetic studies provide information about environmental effects.
As described in Rowe's book, the important variables turn out to be within a
family, not between families. Factors such as social class, family religion,
parental values, and child-rearing styles are not found to have a strong
common effect on siblings. Because individual minds channel common
environments in separate ways siblings acquire alternative sets of
information. Although siblings resemble each other in their exposure to
violent television programs, it is the more aggressive one who identifies with
aggressive characters and who views aggressive consequences as positive.
Within-family studies show that intelligence and temperament separate
siblings in proneness to delinquency. It is not difficult to imagine how an
intellectually less able and temperamentally more impulsive sibling seeks out
a social environment different from his or her more able and less impulsive
sibling. Within the constraints allowed by the total spectrum of cultural
alternatives, people create environments maximally compatible with their
genotypes. Genetic similarity explains the tendency for trouble-prone
personalities to seek each other out for friendship and marriage. One
objection sometimes made to genetic theories of crime is the finding that
crime rates fluctuate with social conditions. Generational changes in crime,
however, are expected by genetic theories. As environments become less
impeding and more equal, the genetic contribution to individual difference
variation necessarily becomes larger. Over the last 50 years, for example,
there has been an increase in the genetic contribution to both academic
attainment and longevity as harmful environmental effects have been mitigated
and more equal opportunities created. Thus, easing social constraints on
underlying "at risk" genotypes leads to an increase in criminal behavior.
The role of low cognitive ability in disposing a child to delinquency is
established even within the same family where a less able sibling is observed
to engage in more deviant behavior than an advantaged sibling. Problem
behaviors begin early in life and manifest themselves as an unwillingness or
inability to follow family rules. Later, drug abuse, early onset of sexual
activity, and more clearly defined illegal acts make up the broad-based
syndrome predicted by low intelligence.
Racial differences exist in average IQ-test scores and again the pattern
extends well beyond the United States. The global literature on IQ was
reviewed by Richard Lynn in the 1991 issue of Mankind Quarterly. Caucasoids of
North America, Europe, and Australasia generally obtained mean IQs of around
100. Mongoloids from both North America and the Pacific Rim obtained slightly
higher means, in the range of 101 to 111. Africans from south of the Sahara,
African-Americans, and African-Caribbeans (including those living in Britain)
obtained mean IQs ranging from 70 to 90.
The question remains of whether test scores are valid measures of group
differences in mental ability. Basically, the answer hinges on whether the
tests are culture-bound. Doubts linger in many quarters, although a large body
of technical work has disposed of this problem among those with psychometric
expertise, as shown in the book of surveys by Snyderman and Rothman. This is
because the tests show similar patterns of internal item consistency and
predictive validity for all groups, and the same differences are to be found
on relatively culture-free tests.
Novel data about speed of decision making show that the racial differences
in mental ability are pervasive. Cross-cultural investigations of reaction
times have been done on nine- to twelve-year olds from six countries. In these
elementary tasks, children must decide which of several lights is on, or
stands out from others, and move a hand to press a button. All children can
perform the tasks in less than one second, but more intelligent children, as
measured by traditional IQ tests, perform the task faster than do less
intelligent children. Richard Lynn found Oriental children from Hong Kong and
Japan to be faster in decision time than white children from Britain and
Ireland who were faster than black children from Africa. Arthur Jensen has
reported the same three-way pattern in California.
Brain Size
The relation between mental ability and brain size has been established in
studies using magnetic resonance imaging, which, in vivo, construct
three-dimensional pictures of the brain and confirm correlations reported
since the turn of the century measuring head perimeter. The brain
size/cognitive ability correlations range from about 0.10 to 0.40. Moreover,
racial differences are found in brain size. It has often been held that racial
differences in brain size, established in the nineteenth century, disappear
when corrections are made for body size and other variables such as bias.
However, modern studies confirm nineteenth-century findings.
Three main procedures have been used to estimate brain size: (a) weighing
wet brains at autopsy; (b) measuring the volume of empty skulls using filler;
and (c) measuring external head size and estimating volume. Data from all
three sources triangulate on the conclusion that, after statistical
corrections are made for body size, east Asians average about 17 c[m.sup.3] (1
cubic inch) more cranial capacity than whites who average about 80 c[m.sup.3]
(5 cubic inches) more than blacks. Ho and colleagues at the Medical College of
Wisconsin analyzed brain autopsy data on 1,261 American subjects aged 25 to 80
after excluding obviously damaged brains and reported, in the 1980 issue of
Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, that, after controlling for age
and body size, white men averaged 100 grams more brain weight than black men,
and white women averaged 100 grams more brain weight than black women. With
endocranial volume, Beals and colleagues computerized the world database of up
to 20,000 crania and published their results in the 1984 issue of Current
Anthropology. Sex-combined brain cases differed by continental area with
populations from Asia averaging 1,415 c[m.sup.3], those from Europe averaging
1,362 c[m.sup.3], and those from Africa averaging 1,268 c[m.sup.3].
Using external head measurements I have found, after corrections are made
for body size, that east Asians consistently average a larger brain than do
Caucasians or Africans. Three of these studies were published in the journal
Intelligence. In a 1991 study, from data compiled by the U.S. space agency
NASA, military samples from Asia averaged 14 c[m.sup.3] more cranial capacity
than those from Europe. In a stratified random sample of 6,325 U.S. Army
personnel measured in 1988 for fitting helmets, I found that Asian-Americans
averaged 36 c[m.sup.3] more than European-Americans who averaged 21 c[m.sup.3]
more than African-Americans. Most recently, I analyzed data from tens of
thousands of men and women aged 25 to 45 collated by the International Labour
Office in Geneva and found that Asians averaged 10 c[m.sup.3] more than
Europeans and 66 c[m.sup.3] more than Africans.
Racial differences in brain size and IQ show up early in life. Data from
the National Collaborative Perinatal Project on 19,000 black children and
17,000 white children show that black children have a smaller head perimeter
at birth and, although they are born shorter in stature and lighter in weight,
by age seven "catch-up growth" leads them to be larger in body size than white
children, but still smaller in head perimeter. Head perimeter at birth
correlated with IQ at age seven in both the black and the white children.
Origins of Race Differences
Racial differences exist at a more profound level than is normally
considered. Why do Europeans average so consistently between Africans and
Asians in crime, family system, sexual behavior, testosterone level,
intelligence, and brain size? It is almost certain that genetics and evolution
have a role to play. Transracial adoption studies indicate genetic influence.
Studies of Korean and Vietnamese children adopted into white American and
white Belgian homes showed that, although as babies many had been hospitalized
for malnutrition, they grew to excel in academic ability with IQs ten points
higher than their adoptive national norms. By contrast, Sandra Scarr and her
colleagues at Minnesota found that at age 17, black and mixed-race children
adopted into white middle-class families performed at a lower level than the
white siblings with whom they were raised. Adopted white children had an
average IQ of 106, an average aptitude based on national norms at the 59th
percentile, and a class rank at the 54th percentile; mixed-race children had
an average IQ of 99, an aptitude at the 53rd percentile, and a class rank at
the 40th percentile; and black children had an average IQ of 89, an aptitude
at the 42nd percentile, and a class rank at the 36th percentile.
No known environmental variable can explain the inverse relation across the
three races between gamete production (two-egg twinning) and brain size. The
only known explanation for this trade-off is life-history theory. A
life-history is a genetically organized suite of characters that evolved in a
coordinated manner so as to allocate energy to survival, growth, and
reproduction. There is, in short, a trade-off between parental effort,
including paternal investment, and mating effort, a distinction Patricia
Draper referred to as one between "cads" and "dads."
Evolutionary hypotheses have been made for why Asians have the largest
brains and the most parenting investment strategy. The currently accepted view
of human origins, the "African Eve" theory, posits a beginning in Africa some
200,000 years ago, an exodus through the Middle East with an
African/non-African split about 110,000 years ago, and a Caucasoid/Mongoloid
split about 40,000 years ago. Evolutionary selection pressures are different
in the hot savanna where Africans evolved than in the cold arctic where Asians
The evidence shows that the further north the populations migrated out of
Africa, the more they encountered the cognitively demanding problems of
gathering and storing food, gaining shelter, making clothes, and raising
children successfully during prolonged winters. The evolutionary sequence fits
with and helps to explain how and why the variables cluster. As the original
African populations evolved into Caucasoids and Mongoloids, they did so in the
direction of larger brains and lower levels of sex hormone, with concomitant
reductions in aggression and sexual potency and increases in forward planning
and family stability.
Despite the vast body of evidence now accumulating for important genetic
and behavioral differences among the three great macro-races, there is much
reluctance to accept that the differences in crime are deeply rooted. Perhaps
one must sympathize with fears aroused by race research. But all theories of
human nature can be used to generate abusive policies. And a rejection of the
genetic basis for racial variation in behavior is not only poor scholarship,
it may be injurious to unique individuals and to complexly structured
societies. Moreover, it should be emphasized that probably no more than about
50 percent of the variance among races is genetic, with the remaining 50
percent due to the environment. Even genetic effects are necessarily mediated
by neuroendocrine and psychosocial mechanisms, thus allowing opportunity for
benign intervention and the alleviation of suffering.
Richard Lynn. "Race Differences in Intelligence: A Global Perspective."
Mankind Quarterly, 31 (1991), 255-296. <
Richard J. Herrstein and Charles Murray. The Bell Curve. New York: Free
Press, 1994.
David C. Rowe. The Limits of Family Influence. New York: Guilford, 1994.
J. Philippe Rushton. "Race and Crime." Canadian Journal of Criminology, 32
(1990), 315-334.
J. Philippe Rushton. "Cranial Capacity Related to Sex, Rank, and Race in a
Stratified Random Sample of 6,325 U.S. Military Personnel." Intelligence, 16
(1992), 401-413.
J. Philippe Rushton, David W. Fulker, Michael C. Neale, David K.B. Nias,
and Hans J. Eysenck. "Altruism and Aggression: The Heritability of Individual
Differences." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 50 (1986),
Mark Snyderman and Stanley Rothman. The IQ Controversy, the Media, and
Public Policy. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers, 1988.
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